8:34am Jun 19 2012
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[[ That's fine. ]]
Markus watched as Paradise made a run for it. Inside he was glad. Now she wouldn't get killed like that nameless man had suggested before Chief shot it down before the question was finished. Now all he had to do was wait. And he hated waiting. He wanted out of his situation right now.
"Ah fnck! She escaped!" shouted the nameless man as he started going after her. He reached the tree line when a shadow wrapped around him, restricting him from moving any farther. He struggled against the shadowbonds. But he couldn't not escape.
"Good thing we got here when we did," a female voice said as she appeared from the shadows. Her crimson eyes shone in the moonlight, but they did not glow like Markus's crimson orbs. She glanced at the male she captured in her shadows and pouted. "Your not at all good-looking. Why must all the hunters be ugly as hell?"
"Because they are not meant to be your playthings. They hunt us for rather good reasons," replied another male voice as he came up from behind Chief. "Markus. What have you gotten yourself into this time?"
The albino grinned faintly. "School fight," he said sheepishly. "Jock jealous." He shifted his eyes to Andrew laying a few yards away.
The male sighed and moved over to him, crouching at his neck. "Damn, Markus. You sure did a number on this kid's throat. Hungry, much?" he asked with a shake of his head. Pulling back his sleeve, he exposed his own fangs and sliced into his wrist. Bright red blood welled along the slices before he had it drip along the puncture wounds. They hissed softly before closing up slowly. Then, he stood and licked up any excess blood before the fang marks on his own wrist faded. Scarless.
"Bane," Chief said, stumbling backwards now that he realized who he was facing. He turned towards the woman. "Shadowspawn. Ah hell. Release my comrade and we'll leave." He sounded close to begging and the woman named Shadowspawn shrugged for a bit before the shadows fell away from the man, who backpedaled up towards his boss. Then, the two bolted and vanished.
Bane sighed. "Risky. Go find that girl and erase any memories of what happened. I'll do the same with this boy. Markus..." Bane trailed off as he watched his sister disappear after the girl. "Just hang tight, 'kay?"
Markus nodded. There was not much else he could do. He hurt all over and he was still hungry.
Bane then moved over to Andrew and crouched by the boy's head. Placing his hands on either side, the demon closed his own crimson eyes and concentrated something fierce.
It had taken very little time for Shadowspawn to find the girl. She appeared right in front of her and clasped her hands over Paradise's ears, cornering her against the tree. Shadowspawn's dull, pupilless crimson eyes stared straight into Paradise's hazel ones as the demonness searched for the memory she needed.
Then, she erased the memory entirely and replaced it with something new. A new ending on how Markus won the fight instead of going all vamp and the hunter's interruption. She could sense Bane doing roughly the same thing to Andrew.
The whole process had briefly rendered Paradise in a semi-conscious state and when it was done, Shadowspawn disappeared in a shadow before the younger girl came to.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:04am Jun 19 2012
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My hand lay on the bark of the tree for support as my eyes opened. What was I doing out here? How long have I been out here? My eyebrows scrunched together as my heart rate sped up. Why was I in the woods?
The crazy thing was, for a minute I had actually thought the ghosts had taken me away while I was watching the fight... I blinked. The fight! That's the last thing I remembered. Markus won. I guess he had a reason to be so confident after all.
I heard a sound, and I gasped. To only see a rabbit run and hide in the bushes. Right, I was hiding in the bushes during the fight.
...So how did I end up here?
I blinked again, and once I heard another sound, I bolted. If I saw Markus by the old theater still, I'd just hide and walk around to get home. I turned my head behind my shoulder, still wondering how I ended up over there. With shivers, I kept going.
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1:42pm Jun 19 2012
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[[ Ghosts~ <3 ]]
Markus felt himself shift as Draek had now moved to him to look at the bullet wound on his shoulder. The vampire winced slightly when he felt the demon's fingers prod at the outside rim before he whistled. "Bullet's still stuck in your shoulder. We'll have to take it out back at the house," he said, rubbing the bridge of his nose before glancing up when Ariskye returned.
"Can you get Markus's jacket?" he asked, gesturing with a thumb towards the vampire's bike. Ariskye nodded once and retrieved it quickly before handing it off to her older brother. While she had been doing that, Draek managed to get Markus into a sitting position before draping the leather around the Greek's shoulders.
"Just put your right arm through the sleeve. Besides, I've seen you handle that bike of yours with one hand," Draek said, causing the vampire to smile briefly. His fangs flashed slightly before he hid them behind his lips.
"Got any blood?" he asked, begging slightly. He needed some. Or we was going snacking again.
Ariskye shook her head. As did Draek and the vampire snarled out a foul curse.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:41pm Jun 19 2012
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[[ Yes. :D ]]
As I came closer to where the back of the old theater was, I slowed. My heart was racing from my running - but more from my fear. It was crazy how you didn't believe in the scary stories in the daylight, but the second you're by yourself in the dark, every ghost story you've ever heard has come back to haunt you.
I shivered, and went to a walk to catch my breath. When the old theater was in sight, I saw Markus there. With two other people. I didn't want Markus knowing I was there, how humiliating it would be... So I went down to my hands and knees and crawled the rest of the way. The branches that had fallen from trees dug into my palms, but I ignored the sting as I kept myself hidden.
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9:08pm Jun 19 2012
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Markus managed to stand with some help of Draek and was know leaning heavily against the demon. It felt like his blood was on fire, thanks to that cursed silver. He just smiled weakly in graditude when the other male lead him back over to his black machine.
Two other motorcycles flanked Markus's. A flaming red one with rimless tires, making the vampire whistle despite his pain. "You've been hiding," he said, turning slightly to pin a glare on Ariskye. Then, he smiled slightly to show he wasn't angry or anything. Ariskye just laughed and flipped him off good-naturally.
Markus just shook his head and glanced to the other one. A black Yamaha with crimson stripes. He glanced questionably at Draek and the male nodded. Yea. That bike was his.
The demon helped Markus onto his bike and once the vampire was on, he turned it on and felt it purr to life under him. He felt better then. Turning towards the two demon siblings, he cocked his head before glancing pointedly towards the still unconscious Andrew.
"I'll call the cops," offered Draek. "Risky, escort our poor Greek back home." He smiled slightly and Ariskye grinned broadly before bounding over to her own chopper and starting it up. After turning around -- which proved a little difficult for Markus -- the two soon sped off towards the home.
Draek shook his head before stopping it and cocking his head. "I know you're there. You can come out know," he said loud enough for the girl in hiding to hear.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:15pm Jun 19 2012
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I watched as someone helped Markus onto the motor cycle. So he won the fight, but was still a bit bruised and hurt by it. I guess I can still say he was right after all. He didn't get beat up the way Andrew seemed to have. A pang of empathy came from my heart as I saw Andrew, I could see his deformed elbow all the way from over here. And he seemed passed out still.
Just as I was at the end of the bushes, I heard the other male that I didn't know say he knew I was there. I guess I was too close to the bushes, making them move.
I got up, and ran a hand through my hair. I couldn't help the question come before I knew what I was doing. "How do you know Markus?"
I should have been more embarrassed about being caught watching, but I didn't even know the guy, and probably would never see him again.
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9:22pm Jun 19 2012
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Draek looked upon her when she stood up. He could see why Markus had been vying for her affections since he got home on the first day. She was a pretty little thing. Though, the vampire didn't have a way with words considering his accent and the part that he still didn't know very much English.
"How do you know Markus?"
He cocked his head to one side. "He is staying with my father, my sister, and me for the time being. Exchange student type of thing, I guess you could call it. While he is staying with us, we take care of him and help him with his English."
His crimson eyes narrowed thoughtfully as he tilted his head to the other side. "You must be Paradise. Markus had said a lot of good things about you these past couple days."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:27pm Jun 19 2012
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My hazel eyes widened in surprise. "I am Paradise but I think you're talking about someone else. We're not very close. He won't be able to say very much."
I said, though I couldn't help the redness in my cheeks. My eyes went to Andrew, and then I remembered the fight. And me hiding in the bushes. And somehow ending up in the woods.
"Did you see me walk in the woods?"
I asked with a soft voice, trying not to sound crazy. I laughed, my cheeks only burning more as I looked to where I came from.
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9:33pm Jun 19 2012
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Draek laughed light-heartedly when he saw Paradise's surprise. "You do forget that he can speak Greek fluently," he said. "And believe me when I say that our Greek as developed a small crush on you. Just don't tell him I told you. It'll be our secret~"
At her question, he shook his head. "No. I didn't see you walk in the woods. Why do you ask?" he replied with another question.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:40pm Jun 19 2012
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I swallowed nervously at this guy's boldness. Markus can't have a crush on me. He couldn't. He never even made it noticeable. "Again, wrong person."
I said with a sheepish grin. I wasn't likeable with guys like Markus. Guys that every girl would die for. I usually attracted all the creeps. Not hot guys that beat up foot ball teams and still able to ride a motorcycle.
"Well... I kind of woke up there. I was watching the fight, Markus won, and then I woke up in the woods. How crazy is that?" I said, crossing my head and tilting my head to the side in confusion before looking away from the woods and back at the guy.
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10:03pm Jun 19 2012
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Draek shrugged. If she said so.
He narrowed his eyes in thought and rubbed his chin slightly with his fingers. "Maybe you blacked out and slept-walked into the woods?" he asked.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:08pm Jun 19 2012
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I shook my head, feeling like I was looking crazy to this guy. "How could I fall asleep during a fight?"
I rolled my eyes, and rubbed my temples. "I guess I'll remember in the morning. Just tired."
Starting to walk away, I did a small wave and said,
"I better go. Uh... Bye." I said with a shrug before turning and heading on to the side walk that led to my house.
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11:06am Jun 20 2012
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[[Take your time on the post. Just bumping. <: ]]
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11:18am Jun 20 2012
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Draek nodded his goodbyes to the girl as she walked off towards her home and when she was gone, he pulled out his phone and quickly called the hospital about finding the jock behind the old theater. The dispatch said an ambulance would be there within ten minutes.
And soon, enough. One arrived and loaded Andrew into it. One of the men asked Draek a few questions. Such as name and age of the patient. And his relation. Draek responded that he didn't know either of the first to. And his relation to this male was nonexistent.
"Honestly, sir, I just found him. I guess he was in a fight or something, 'cause his elbow is broken," Draek said at the man's persistence.
With a final nod, the man climbed inside the ambulance as his colleague closed the doors and soon the vehicle was off towards the hospital. With a faint sigh, Draek rubbed his head and swung up onto his motorcycle before starting it up and heading home.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:20am Jun 20 2012
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[[ Time skip? School next day? ]]
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11:22am Jun 20 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:29am Jun 20 2012
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I still couldn't wrap my mind around the idea that I didn't know how I ended up in the woods. If Markus had won, why had I run? Maybe, I thought he saw me after the fight, so I ran away before he could notice it was me. Maybe I hit my head.
I pressed my forehead against my locker. I couldn't help but let my sleep be lost by the thought. And I felt like an idiot for following Markus in the first place. He really won! I guess he deserves a apology...
But if I apologized, he'd know I was there. I'd just bring the conversation up discreetly when I see him. Walking to my first class, English, I found my spot in the back. I couldn't help but notice how Adam was absent. And people were giggling at the other football team members at their black eyes and other injuries.
Great. Now I'd see the girls love Markus more. Why did it bother me to know that? Maybe because that guy said something about him liking me yesterday. Maybe it was true...
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11:37am Jun 20 2012
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[[ I thought the dude's name was Andrew...
Adam was the jerk in the other one... ]]
Markus entered the class favouring his left shoulder a little. It still hurt, but at least those two had gotten the silver bullet out before it messed him up any more. His blood was still tingling as small remnants of the silver coursed along in his veins. He also went through like ten of those blood bags the demon family kept on hand for him. But it still wasn't the same as drinking straight from the source.
With a sigh, he half-collapsed in his chair, ignoring everybody else. Including how the girl's kept trying to get his attention. Besides, there was only one girl he wanted to keep his eyes on. But... With another sigh, he rested his forehead against the cool desk. It felt really good considering it was unnatural for a vampire to physically get a fever or anything.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:47am Jun 20 2012
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[[ OMG! - blushes- Sorry. ;-; ]]
The second Markus came in, I watched how girls stood a little straighter, jutting out their goodies and whatever else they had. What were they doing, thinking that would impress Markus? One stood up and put her elbows on his desk, having her butt stick out in a seductive pose.
"I hear you beat down the whole foot ball team. That's pretty impressive."
I rolled my eyes, my cheeks paling. Was I seriously getting jealous? My heart raced, as the envy only got worse as she put her fingers through Markus's white hair and ran her fingers through it. All the while purposely having her shirt lower, her blue eyes longing, and red lips sensual. If I looked like that, I'd be sure Markus liked me. I rolled my eyes and forced myself to look away.
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12:02pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Its fine! We all make mistakes~
And you can make up whatever for whatever Markus says to her~ ]]
"I hear you beat down the whole foot ball team. That's pretty impressive."
At first, Markus thought it was Paradise. Then he felt fingers combing through his silver hair and instantly knew it was not her. She didn't even touch him... Ever. Tilting his head, his crimson eyes spotted those longing blue eyes.
Nope. Definitely not Paradise.
Picking his head off the desk, he leaned closer and whispered something extremely nasty with his broken and accented English. He just wanted her to go away. He hurt. His blood was on fire... Kind of. And he was still rather... hungry.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.