12:10pm Jun 20 2012
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I looked over, I couldn't help but watch though I only felt more jealous as I watched him whisper something in her ear. My pulse surged as her face expressed her shock and she walked away.
Was that shock because of something nice he said? Or did he offend her? My eyes stayed on Markus for a moment, before my cheeks paled. What had he said? I shouldn't be so worried about it.
Finally the teacher came in so I didn't have to think about it anymore.
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2:55pm Jun 20 2012
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Markus grinned when she left with a shocked ex pression on her face. Placing one elbow on the table, he leaned on that hand and watched the teacher walked it.
[[ DX
Short post is short... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:00pm Jun 20 2012
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The girls seemed to focus on Markus as discreetly as possible all through out the lessons. I felt like I was the only girl not sneaking glances, or trying to talk to him. Okay, so he beat the whole foot ball team, so what? Did that make him bachelor of the year?
I sighed, hating the idea of him actually liking the attention as the bell rang, signalling class was over. I slipped out hurriedly so I wouldn't be tempted to ask Markus how the fight went.
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3:18pm Jun 20 2012
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Markus could see that Paradise looked like she was freaking over what he said to that one girl to get her to go away. Frankly, it was just something along the lines of the blue-eyed girl being a slnt. But when the bell rang, he watched her scurry rather hurriedly out of the room.
With a faint frown, Markus stood up and slipped his backpack. Ever mindful of his shoulder. At least the spot where that hunter had kicked him had stopped throbbing by the time he actually fell asleep last night. He exited the room ignoring the girls that were still trying to catch his attention.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:45pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Time skip to lunch or next class? xD ]]
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3:46pm Jun 20 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:46pm Jun 20 2012
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3:48pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ -looks back-
Forgot you had two choices. ^^; ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:51pm Jun 20 2012
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[ Bahahaa, it's fine. :D ]]
The rest of the classes involved seeing passed notes about different rumors about what went on last night at the fight. Either, Andrew died last night, or Markus never showed up... So many different ideas on what happened. The foot ball members didn't try and straighten them out on what happened, because they were too embarrassed that they lost in the first place.
My thoughts changed as I walked down to the cafeteria. Maybe Markus had saw me walk to the woods. Maybe he knew why I ended up there. I looked for Markus with my eyes and didn't see him anywhere, so I sat where I usually did; hoping him sitting where he did yesterday would be a normal habit now.
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4:13pm Jun 20 2012
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That meant facing more people. And the pain in his shoulder spread to the rest of his upper back. And on top of that... He already drained the contents of he water bottle.
He swore violently in Ancient Greek under his breath as he stalked into the loud room. He tried to ignore the conversations that buzzed around him as he moved towards where he usually sat with Paradise. Most of it was about the rumors surrounding the fight.
And he dismissed most of them.
But when he sat down, the pain in his back flared slightly and he winced before rubbing his fingers against his temple. He would have to ask him about this. The pain should've been gone by now.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:17pm Jun 20 2012
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I smiled softly when Markus sat down, but when he winced, I frowned. "Markus? What's wrong?"
I asked, my eyes showing my worry. Was it about the fight last night? Did he hurt himself to? Remembering how he had to have that women's help on the motorcycle, obviously he was hurt.
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4:23pm Jun 20 2012
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Markus cocked his head. How could he answer this without revealing he'd been shot? "Back hurts," he managed to say. Extremely, extremely bad. Like somebody shot him. Which somebody did. But he didn't say that because he couldn't find the exact words in English.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:27pm Jun 20 2012
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I frowned, now my eyes full of empathy. "Was it because of the fight last night?"
Just say it. 'I was there'. It wouldn't be so hard. My cheeks flushed and I looked down at my twiddling fingers. "I heard you won it, so I guess I owe you a apology."
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4:30pm Jun 20 2012
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Markus nodded slightly to the question. Yea. Let's just go with that. Since Ariskye had erased all memories of the hunters and him going vamp, he knew better than to undermine it.
But this mention of an apology made the Greek bl ink. What? Oh yea. She'd thought he'd get all beat up since the football team housed some pretty hefty boys. But then again. That's all they were. Boys.
He shrugged slightly and managed not to wince from it.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:35pm Jun 20 2012
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No matter how humiliating, I had to admit I was there. It was the only way I could figure out how I ended up in the woods. "I was kind of... There."
I said, my cheeks turning hot.
"I remember seeing you win, and then I... Kind of woke up in the woods. I'm trying to remember how I ended up there, but the guy that you live with that was there said he wasn't sure. He guessed I slept walk. I never fell asleep though..."
My cheeks were only more red by now. How stupid I must sound! But I didn't care. No, I didn't care what Markus thought of me...
"Did you see me walk in the woods?"
I said, finally able to meet his eyes.
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4:39pm Jun 20 2012
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Markus cocked his head. He knew. But he didn't say anything. He watched as her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Then, he shook his head, which in itself was a lie. He had seen her bolt after that nameless hunter joined Chief.
"Maybe mind protect you from... something... harmful?" he asked, still trying to get a grip on this language.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:45pm Jun 20 2012
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"But nothing harmful happened during the fight. I remember seeing you win. Then... In the woods. The only harmful thing I can imagine is the ghos-"
I stopped. Now I probably really did sound crazy. Believing in those ghost stories. Feeling flustered, I finally just admitted it.
"Alright, fine. I believe in the ghosts there, alright? I coulda' sworn I heard one when I was little, so I just kind of believe in the stories about the old theater."
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4:49pm Jun 20 2012
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The ghosts at the theater were real though. But only the truly bored and dangerous ones ever bothered mortals. They got kicks out of that. Vampires and other supernaturals weren't bothered too much.
He just shook his head. "I too. Ghosts, means," he said, trying to say he also believes in ghosts because of his religion. "Maybe ran into one? Mind might protect then."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:53pm Jun 20 2012
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"You think that's possible? Can your mind really protect you from stuff?"
I said, my hazel eyes widening.
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4:54pm Jun 20 2012
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Markus nodded. Sometimes really traumatizing events were blocked from being remembered because the person didn't want to remember them. In turn, resulted it the memory being completely blank.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.