5:07pm Jun 20 2012 (last edited on 5:08pm Jun 20 2012)
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"That's really brilliant, Markus."
I said with a smile. But what could be so bad that my mind would want to keep me from knowing it? I looked back at Markus, taking the thoughts from my mind. His previous words came back to my mind.
"Wait... You really believe in ghosts too?"
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5:42pm Jun 20 2012
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Markus nodded. That he did. But he was still caught off-guard with her smile.
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5:48pm Jun 20 2012
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I asked, putting my elbow on the table, my chin in my palms.
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6:01pm Jun 20 2012
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"Uh..." he said as he attempted to put the words together before hand. "My... religion."
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6:06pm Jun 20 2012
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My head tilted much like his does once in a while. "What is your religion that has to do with ghosts?"
Oh God. He's a devil worshiper. My cheeks paled.
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6:38pm Jun 20 2012
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"Greek," Markus replied simply. He was polytheistic. Even in this day and age with that One God that created everything in seven days. All the other multiple god religions were pushed aside when this one came up. Oh, you have to believe in the One true God or you'll go to Hell! It made Markus chuckle mentally.
Personally, he'd rather be chillin' with Hades and Persephone in Hades.
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6:46pm Jun 20 2012
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I think the relief was noticeable. "Oh. That's obvious."
I said, seeing as he spoke Greek and all.
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7:06pm Jun 20 2012
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Markus smirked somewhat when he saw the relief etched on her face. She probably thought of something else. Probably something drastic like him being in a Satanic Cult. And he had some trouble with those guys over the years and he didn't want to repeat the experience.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:44pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Lalalalala. What should happen now? o_o]
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8:27pm Jun 20 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:37am Jun 21 2012
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[[When in doubt, bring a girl for awkwardness... ]]
It was silent for a moment, but not silent enough. Before I knew it, the daggers of eyes were on my back and the one and only Jennifer came around to our table. I thought the bimbos were over Markus by now?
Obviously the fight only made this thing worse.
"Hey Markus."
Jennifers voice sweet as honey came to my ears, and I looked down at my fingers as my cheeks paled. Jennifer sat down next to him, just an inch or two from his face as she said in his ear, but I still heard it,
"Everyone has been talking about that fight last night."
Her voice was like a seductress, and I didn't know how he could ever resist something like that. Jennifer's came around his shoulders, one hand playing with his hair, while another touched his wounded shoulder, gently.
"I couldn't help but notice how you hurt your shoulder. What can I do to make it feel better?"
Her words held too much meaning, and I was already ready to grab my things and high tail it out of here. If anyone was in my situation, they would feel just as awkward, watching this girl feel all up on the guy you were having lunch with. It was just... Awkward. I gulped, grabbing my bag.
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10:07am Jun 21 2012
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[[ -chuckles- ]]
Markus heard her voice. Felt his fingers in his hair and her other hand on his injured shoulder. The the touch was gentle, though he still wanted it off him. Her voice reminded him of a succubus. Though not part of Greek mythology, he still found it fighting.
He noticed Paradise grab her back and gave her a miniscule shake of his head. No. Don't leave just yet, the gesture was saying.
Then, he turned back to Jennifer. What could she do to help him? Well... Leave was the first option that came to mind. But she would probably come back. With an inwards sigh, he shook his head at this girl.
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10:21am Jun 21 2012
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At Markus's reaction, Jennifer only came closer, leaning against him with a smile. "There has to be something, Markussss..."
She whispered, letting her minty breath go to his white skin. My cheeks were red now, feeling like I was listening to her asking him to sleep with her or something. I only stayed when my gaze met Markus's. No wonder every girl wanted him, I haven't had a good look of him in a while. But his clothes were still a turn off for me...
I looked away when Jennifer's lips met the end of his jaw closest to his ear as her fingers rubbed his wounded shoulder.
"Oh gosh, would you get a room or something?"
I mumbled, my cheeks flaming. Her fingers stopped twirling his hair lovingly and she looked at me with fire in her eyes. "Shut up, Paradise."
She said, like I was a burden in this situation - though me and Markus were clearly here first. I clenched my jaw but chose not to say anything else, seeing as my comments only made her get closer to him.
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12:12pm Jun 21 2012
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[[ Idea~
There has to be about one day during the school year that all the dudes have to where a tux. Just for no reason.
They'll all be so snazzy~ |3 ]]
Markus stiffened when she fingered his shoulder and when he felt her lips along his lower jaw. Normally, these types of advances would get to him, but this was neither the time nor the place. Or the right girl. Though, he did inch away slightly as his eyes tightened and his lips curled down in the beginnings of a scowl.
There had to be something he could do to get Jennifer away from him.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:20pm Jun 21 2012
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[[ :O That is such a random idea, Dragon. But I can't resist a man in a tux, so we'll do it. xD ]]
Markus's reaction only made Jennifer want more of him, which made me want to vomit. "Jennifer, he obviously isn't enjoying-"
Jennifer rolled her eyes and gave me a scowl much like Markus's. "You think he'd like it if you did it? I don't think so. So why don't you just leave."
I lifted an eyebrow, getting my things and about to 'do as she commanded' when Jeff came by with a ex pression of anger. Jeff wasn't one to fight, but that didn't mean he wouldn't get mad, I guess. It was still surprising, the look on his face at Markus.
"What do you think your doing? What, you plan on getting every guy's girl this week?"
Jeff never was mean before. Jennifer has really changed him...
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12:34pm Jun 21 2012
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[[ Inorite? Men in tuxes are soooo hawt~ -drools- ]]
Markus glanced up at Jeff and raised his hands in a sign of peace as he shook his head slightly. Honestly? No. There was only one girl he wanted, but she seemed dead set against that. Besides, Jennifer had come over to him. Not the other way around.
Screw Aphrodite and her twisted version of "love". The Greek Goddess didn't even deserve to be an Olympian in his opinion. She wh0red herself to other Gods and humans when her husband Ares did nothing to stop her.
Whatever, God of War.
[[ Aaaand, I rambled... :I ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:47pm Jun 21 2012
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[[ :DDDDD I officially can't be on as much for role plays. Apparently, it's hurting my posture. -kills self- So don't think I left Res or anything. D: ]]
I didn't like Jeff's face. Is was as if he was actually wanting to fight. What happened to the old Jeff? The one that would walk away when someone else wanted the fight. I frowned, feeling almost ashamed for ever liking him at all.
"Come on, Jenn."
He said, and Jennifer complied, and acted as though it was Markus bringing on the 'charm' with her first. I rolled my eyes as she walked away, telling Jeff something about how Markus 'called her over'.
"That was awkward."
I said, with slight amusement in my voice
"Ever since that fight, girls seemed to want to be all over you."
Was that jealousy in my voice? I clenched my jaw and put my bag back down. Hopefully he wouldn't notice.
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4:02pm Jun 21 2012
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Markus muttered something under his breath in Greek. His crimson eyes narrowing as he watched the two walk off. She-wolf. She-wolf, she-wolf, she-wolf. Growling slightly, he turned his attention back towards Paradise when she spoke, his eyes widening somewhat before digesting what she said.
"Also before fight," he rumbled slightly. "New kid still."
He noted at the jealous in her voice since it was also in her scent. But he made no comment about it.
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11:41am Jun 22 2012
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I nodded my head at Markus. He was right. The girls wanted him still because he was new. "I bet it gets annoying."
He's just acting. Attention like that from girls like Jennifer? He enjoyed it. Just being a liar.
"So... How's your shoulder? She said you hurt it in the fight?"
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11:46am Jun 22 2012
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Markus nodded faintly. "Does," he murmured to the first question. Cocking his head slightly at her next two, he attempted to get the right words together.
"Hurts. A lot," he said slowly and he just nodded in affirmative to the next one. Yea. He had hurt it in the fight, but he wasn't going to say that it was a bullet wound.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.