11:50am Jun 22 2012
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"Well at least you still won. Adam probably isn't going to come back to school for a while from the humiliation."
I said with a chuckle. Then the thought crossed my mind that I had wondered before.
"You won, when it was 7 big muscle guys against you." Not that he wasn't big muscled or anything...
"Were you trained to fight or something?"
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11:55am Jun 22 2012
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[[ Andrew not Adam~ ]]
Markus snorted somewhat. "Elbow broken. Be in... hospital... for while," he said as he spoke of Andrew. Her question made him pause. "Was." If you counted the training for Athens then all the other wars he had been in since then before getting captured by the French and made into a slave.
The Fleur de Lis brand on his right shoulder blade burned slightly at that memory.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:58am Jun 22 2012
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[[ ... -shot- ]]
I said, my green eyes probably showing how I was intrigued.
"That's probably why you were sure you would beat them. You should of told me before. What did you do? Like... Kick boxing? Karate?"
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12:04pm Jun 22 2012
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The vampire could see that her interest had been pique. At least a litter bit since her eyes sparkled with it. But he frowned at the stuff she mentioned. No...
"Military," he said. Which was the truth.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:10pm Jun 22 2012
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My eyes widened as my palms rested on my chin.
"You went to military school? Did your parents send you there?"
Great. First I didn't like his clothes, and now I get to add to my list of bad things about him that he was so bad to his parents that he was put in military school. I hid my disgust, because at the same time, I thought it was cool.
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12:16pm Jun 22 2012
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Uh... How could he answer this without sound like a total fool. He was half-tempted just to pull out his phone and translate his exact thoughts. In fact, that is what he did. Giving Paradise a 'one moment please' gestured, he pulled out his iPhone, punched in the code and opened Google Translate.
After a few moments of typing in the Greek words, he pressed the translate button before showing the screen to Paradise.
"It wasn't exactly a school like a high school. More of an academy. And my parent's didn't send me. We started at an extremely young age and grew into our roles of being in an army and such," the screen shown with black letters on a white background.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:20pm Jun 22 2012
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I tilted my head as I read the words - finding it kind of cute that he couldn't say them. Though I did imagine his adorable accent saying it as I read. I looked back at him with a lifted brow, "Then why aren't you in the army now? Why aren't you still at the academy?"
Wow, I knew I was probing. But Markus was so hidden most of the time - part of it probably because he couldn't say what he wanted all the time in English - I was taking in what I could when he was in the mood to open up.
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12:25pm Jun 22 2012
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With a frown, he pulled back the device and started over. After a few moments of typing something, he scowled at the reply and deleted all of it before typing in a few words this time. Just as he hit the Translate button, he turned it towards Paradise.
"I was honorably discharged."
He refused to say anything about the academy.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:28pm Jun 22 2012
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Now I felt like the nagging friend that no one actually wanted around. Why couldn't I just let my curiosities stay in my brain? "...Oh."
I said, my cheeks reddening. "Sorry, I didn't know."
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12:30pm Jun 22 2012
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He shrugged to say "Don't worry about it," before placing the phone back where he pulled it out from.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:31pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ Shall I make the bell ring now? -writers block - ]]
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12:33pm Jun 22 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:35pm Jun 22 2012
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When he shrugged, I gave him a empathetic smile that reached my eyes. Before I could change the subject to something less depressing - no matter how much I wanted to know why he was discharged - the bell rang. Grabbing my things, I looked back at him and said, "I'll see you in class."
Before walking up to the doors.
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12:47pm Jun 22 2012
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Markus nodded somewhat and watched her exit the cafeteria before slowly doing the same.
[[ x_x ]]
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12:52pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ Something should happen after schooooooooooool. Or during school. Or sumtin. C: -Has no ideas- ]]
I walked to our next class, avoiding the eyes of Jennifer. What did I have to do with this? Just because me and Markus sat with each other during lunch didn't mean she should hate me. The words of the guy back at the old theater came to my mind. My cheeks turned a bright red. A crush? We seemed pretty chill with each other. Nothing serious. But I liked to imagine...
Shaking the thoughts from my mind, I found my seat in the back of the classroom, not wanting to know if the other pretty girls were looking at me the same as Jennifer.
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1:00pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ Like what?
-has no ideas either- ]]
Markus slid into the next class. All the girl's attention in some way, shape, or form was on Paradise, making the vampire sigh. Yep. These girls were just like she-wolves. Moving down the side of the classroom, he slipped into his chair and wait for class to begin.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:09pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ I dunno... Just something. xD But doing class is pointless, I will time skip to after school and make her car break down or something so Markus can save the day. xD ]]
The rest of the day went by uneventful, though I was kind of hoping the center of attention for the girls wouldn't be around Markus tomorrow. If he truly didn't like it, he needed a break.
I walked out to my car, unlocked it, and ignored Jeff's car as him and Jennifer drove out. I didn't need their drama right now. Going in, I put the key in the ignition and turned it. It made a odd sound but wouldn't start. Biting my lip nervously, I tried again, only to have the same result. A curse came from my lips in a whisper as I tried turning it on again. Nothing. I wasn't surprised this thing wasn't going to break down soon, but this was the worst possible time to do so. "Ugh!" I groaned, putting my forehead against the steering wheel.
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9:25pm Jun 22 2012
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With the day over and him already starving for some blood, Markus strode toward where he last parked his bike. His mood had already turned sour for one reason or another and both his hands were in his pant's pockets. He looked like he didn't want to interact with anybody. But, when an engine sputter and a whispered curse caught his attention, his gaze shifted from his boots to where it came from.
It sounded like Paradise.
Cocking his head to one side, he walked over to her and to the driver's side window before lightly tapping on the class with one finger. After he pulled it out of his pocket.
"Car trouble?" he asked.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:31pm Jun 22 2012
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Hearing someone knock on the window lightly, I jumped. Turning my head, Markus's face came to my line of sight and I immediately turned red. I probably looked like a complete loser right now, not checking my car properly for problems like this. With a sigh, instead of rolling down the window, I opened the car door and slammed it once I came outside.
"Big trouble."
I muttered, running a hand through my brown hair. It wasn't just big trouble because of the car. If my dad found out that I didn't have it checked out when it first started acting funny, he'd freak. I gulped, not wanting to think about it.
"You got room in your car to give me a ride?"
That's when I remembered what the girls at school said on his second day. He had a motorcycle, not a car. Ohhh noo, I was not doing that. Maybe this could turn out to be my lucky day, and he would say that he brought his car today instead. If he even had one.
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9:50pm Jun 22 2012
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Markus took a step back towards the nose of her car when she stepped out and slammed the door closed. Cocking his head to one side, he glanced at the engine only to remember that he didn't know a lick about cars. With a faint frown, he turned his attention back towards Paradise just as she asked if he had room in his car.
A smirk twitched his lips.
He didn't have a car. He had a motorcycle.
"No car. Motorcycle," he said gesturing with a thumb to where he parked his bike a dozen spots or so away. "But I go slow." He slipped his hand back into his pocket. Hopefully she would accept it without too much of a fuss or he would have to give him a call.
And frankly, Markus didn't want to subject Paradise to questions that his guardian would ask.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.