9:55pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ 300th post! ^^^^^ ]]
I frowned as my eyes glazed over the motorcycle. My flaming cheeks from before become more pale. But home was too far of a walk, especially since I was extra tired today. Clenching my jaw, I grabbed my bag from the car, and looked back at him with a scowl as the back pack was readjusted on my shoulder.
"You better go slow. You're just asking to die by risking your life on that every day." I said before softening my features and walking to the motorcycle. I'd be praying the whole ride home that I wouldn't hyperventilate as I came closer.
"Thanks though, Markus."
I said more quietly with a weak smile.
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9:59pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ 8D
I want the 666th post like last time.
I'm obsessed with that number. |3 ]]
Markus followed Paradise over to his motorcycle before moving around to one side as he slid his backpack into one of the black saddle bags, relieve some of the pressure on his upper back. He straddled the leather seat and started up the bike. It purred to live beneath him.
Hearing her quiet thanks, he offered a small smile before gesturing for her to get on behind him.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:07pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ That still creeps me out... ]]
Putting both shoulder straps through my arm to keep the back pack with me, I hesitantly came behind him. "I don't like this..." I murmured to myself. I think I'd make sure my car was checked from now on. Now this next part would be hard to explain. Saying that I was dying to hold on tighter to Markus's solid torso would be an understatement. I let my arms dangle close, though I knew the second this giant death machine moved, I'd be holding on for dear life. He was so tall compared to me, my nose reaching the middle of his back, and so I felt a bit more secure when my nose was pressed against his jacket, my eyes being closed. And yeah, I liked the scent that enveloped me every time I took a breath through my nose. If any of the other girls were in this position, they wouldn't be able to control themselves. I knew, because if he did any small movement, I could just imagine the way his muscles would ripple like a rock disturbing a pond. I gulped, hoping I'd be able to make it to my house without doing something embarrassing like feel him up without realizing it.
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10:16pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ |D
I sorry. But I can't help that I like the Devil's number. ]]
Once Paradise was behind him and her arms around his waist, he shifted the bike and slapped back the kickstand. He walked the bike backwards out the spot, tilting the front tire to the right so the back end curve in that direction. Several remaining girls glared daggers at Paradise, though the vampire could feel them too.
All of them.
Well, maybe not Paradise.
Revving the engine slightly, he pushed off and the bike jumped forward. But not at an extremely fast speed. He went the speed limit before stopping where the lot met the road. Though, he paused and glanced back towards Paradise who had her nose buried in the middle of her back.
"Direct me," he stated simple. "Like horse."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:22pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O ]]
I could have gotten lost, forgotten where I was, who I was with, and what was doing just by closing my eyes and focusing on the smell of his jacket. But the guy just had to go talking. I rolled my eyes but lifted my head. He wasn't a speeder - which was good. But I didn't have a helmet, roof over top me, or any seat belt to protect me from danger. So I still wasn't fond of these things.
"Uhm...." Was he speaking correct English, or did he mean something else by horse? "Just turn left here."
I said, resting my cheek on his back so that I'd be able to see where he was going so I could direct him.
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10:27pm Jun 22 2012
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Markus nodded and pushed off after checking to make sure there was no oncoming traffic before easing the bike into a left-turn. The engine purred into a soft growl as he sped down the road at the faster speed limit.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:35pm Jun 22 2012
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My arms wound even tighter around his torso, and I smiled to myself. If this was going to be a one time thing - going on a motorcycle- I was going to try and enjoy it. The turn to the road to my house was coming soon, but with the engine and wind would make him hard to hear me. Goosebumps already ran up and down my spine and arms before I even leaned up. Just the idea got me embarrassed. Swallowing, I lifted myself up and had my lips close enough to his ear that the faintest touch of my them teased his white skin. "Right turn here."
I put myself back down, feeling like I had just done something scandalous.
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2:53pm Jun 23 2012
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Markus felt slight chills when her lips and breath teased his ear. Oooooooh. He almost whimpered when she moved back down his back again. The fainest twinge followed from his shoulders, but he otherwise ignored that. Though, he dutifully turned right onto a new street.
His mind was elsewhere than just getting her home. Like the fact that her arms were wrapped tightly around his stomach and making his belly flutter in the most unusual way. It was most strange, but he welcomed the sensation.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:45pm Jun 30 2012
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I didn't want to do it again. Let myself whisper in his ear. It would bring awkward tension - at least on my part. He was probably so used to girls getting that close by now, he probably didn't like it any more then he liked it when Jennifer did it before at lunch. So, instead, I tapped the shoulder that wasn't wounded and pointed to a house one house down from the one we passed.
[I'm backkkkkk~ ]]
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8:20pm Jun 30 2012
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Markus glanced towards her when she tapped his un-wounded shoulder before pointing out the house. With a nod, he came closer and slowed down before pulling up into the driveway. Setting both feet down on either side of the bike, he killed the engine.
"Home?" he asked, tilting his head slightly as he attempted to ask if he had gotten in right.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:23pm Jun 30 2012
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I smirked, happily getting off the motorcycle. "Yup."
I said, readjusting the straps on my back pack before looking back at him with a smile and letting my fingers graze his shoulder slightly. "Thanks Markus." Before walking up to the sidewalk and giving him another glance. I couldn't help it. Waving slightly I turned my head and walked to the front door.
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10:59pm Jul 1 2012
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Markus felt her fingers through the leather of his jacket as they grazed against his shoulder. His crimson eyes followed her and were filled with a sort-of longing. He wanted to feel more of those gentle fingers on his skin. When she waved, he offered back a Greek salute before starting up his motorcycle and backpedaling to get the machine back on the road.
Once he was sure she made it inside alright, he sped off. Back towards the house he was staying in.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:57am Jul 2 2012
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[ Time skip? School, I'm guessing? :) ]]
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10:07am Jul 2 2012
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[[ Sure. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:29am Jul 2 2012
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The glances from the girls were not only growing worse, but I heard them talking about Markus and I. They thought we were 'dating'. The idea made my cheeks burn, but the only reason why they thought that was because some girls might have noticed us on the motorcycle. The rumors will die down soon enough.
Still, I kind of got goosebumps when Jennifer gave me a glare when she walked into the English classroom. Good goosebumps. Like I kind of wished I truly was dating Markus so that she had a true reason to be jealous. I sat in the back of the English room, in my normal seat. Though I kind of wish I was brave enough to sit in the seat next to where Markus sits. That would make Jennifers blood boil. I smirked at the thought.
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9:12pm Jul 2 2012
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[[ I had something. Then accidentally clicked on the link in your signature... And lost it all...
-headdesk- ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:16pm Jul 2 2012
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[[ I'm so sorry. ;-; Take your time. I hate when that happens! ]]
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9:44pm Jul 2 2012
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[[ Paradise should so totally sit in Markus's seat just to piss the other girls off~ |3
And when will the random tux day come in? I am rather curious to see how Markus clean up and stuff. ]]
"We found Zaou, Markus."
Those words echoed in his head as the vampire drove to school on his motorcycle. He couldn't believe it. They found his older brother. The speed in which they found things -- or people -- was astounding. They tracked down and found Markus in two months and Zaou is a little less than six. Sanctum, they had found, was living with his pack and as long as they looked after his youngest brother's well-being, there would be no need for the shadow demons to intervene.
They trusted the Alpha.
Markus blinked slightly, realizing he was coming up to the school and slowed down before pulling into the parking lot. He parked and turned off his bike before walking up to the front doors. The Greek was vaguely aware of the bell ringing in the back ground.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:36pm Jul 2 2012
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[[ Paradise is going to love him in a tux, seeing as she hates his attire now. |D Whenever you want too. Surprise me~
He found his older brother, but he's less than six? Whaaaaa?D: -is slow-
Post coming. I'll have her move. :) ]]
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12:30am Jul 3 2012
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[[ They found his brother in a little less than two months. That is what I meant to put... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.