7:24pm Jul 9 2012
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Markus nodded his hello. He wasn't exactly hungry for human food at the moment. Though, his head cocked to one side. So... She wanted to know what he did. The corners of his eyes crinkled somewhat as a sly smile curved his lips. He shook his head slightly. The whole gesture was conveying, "Se-cr-et~"
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:29pm Jul 9 2012
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I frowned at his smile. So he did do something. How would I get it out of him? "Come on, Markus. Tell me. I've been dying to know what makes her that scared all day." The idea of seducing it out of him sounded a whole lot more fun, but this could possibly work too.
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7:34pm Jul 9 2012
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His smile only grew as he shook his head again. Nope. He wasn't going to tell her.
[[ Blarg... -_-; ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:46pm Jul 9 2012
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"Why not?"
I said, crossing my arms, my ex pression turning to a pout.
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5:15pm Jul 10 2012
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'Cause it wasn't supposed to be known that he was an ancient vampire. In the end, he just shook his head a bit more. He couldn't tell her just yet. Not until he could tell her in safe confidence that he was a vampire.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:18pm Jul 10 2012
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Alright, fine. I wouldn't argue about that subject this time. Replacing the suspicious look, I gave him a smile.
"I didn't think you'd play along this morning about those rumors."
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5:39pm Jul 10 2012
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The suspicious look changed into a smile and he cocked his head to one side. He shrugged. "Not heard. Hate her," he said with a faint scowl on his lips.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:08pm Jul 10 2012
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I shook my head. I don't think I'll ever believe those words. No guy hates Jennifer. She's practically everything a guy wants in a girl, appearance wise.
I said, obviously not buying it.
[[ What does he mean by 'not heard'? D| ]]
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6:27pm Jul 10 2012
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[[ He hasn't heard the rumors about them "dating" until the moment when Jennifer asked about it. ]]
Markus wrinkled his nose. "Truth!" he growled.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:36pm Jul 11 2012
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[ So missed this. >.> ]]
I smirked. Okay so it was kind of cute when he did that. "Oh come on. No guy hates Jennifer. Admit it. I won't tell."
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12:41pm Jul 11 2012
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Markus crossed his arms against his chest and mumbled something along the lines of "Hope dies, burn in Hades," before glaring off in the direction that Jennifer had gone when she so pointedly moved around them.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:51pm Jul 11 2012
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I shook my head. Markus was too stubborn for his own good. "Fine." I still wanted to know what he did. My teasing smile disappeared, trying to imagine what could be so bad, that would make a pretty face turn from blood red to pale in mere seconds. What did she see?
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3:00pm Jul 11 2012
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[[ I can't think of anything at the moment...
I also had an idea for when Halloween rolls around in the roleplay~ ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:02pm Jul 11 2012
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[[ We can bring Halloween, seeing as we have no other ideas other then the tuxedooossss. |DDD What's the idea? ]
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3:05pm Jul 11 2012
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[[ The school allows the students to dress up for Halloween since it is on a school day. So basically, the kids can go to school looking like a faerie or other things~ ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:18pm Jul 11 2012
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[[ Ohhh I see I see. |DD I like it. That should be tomorrow or something, because I have no ideas on what should happen now. D: ]]
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5:00pm Jul 11 2012
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[[ But I was thinking tux day could be tomorrow... ;~; ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:14pm Jul 11 2012
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[[ Lol. Alright. Tux day tomorrow, it is. |D but I had wanted you to surprise me. -.-If you can't think of anything else for the lunch scene, you can time skip to whenever. ]]
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6:29pm Jul 11 2012
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[[ Sorry!
And I think I'll do that~ ]]
Lunch had ended on a rather weird note for Markus and the rest of the day seemed to pass in a blur until he found himself sitting in the last class of the day with very little recollection about how he got there. Cocking his head, he glanced at the time. Ten minutes remained in the class period. And he still had no clue what the teacher was talking about.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:37pm Jul 11 2012
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Jennifer didn't make one move at me nor Markus all day, after the morning incident. It was like she all of a sudden didn't have it out for me and didn't have the hots for him. It was creeping me out because I knew it was because of whatever Markus did.
I stared at the back of Markus's head in our last class with a scowl. I couldn't help but be curious. And he just had to keep it to himself, which made me irritated. I didn't hear a thing the teacher said, my eyes staying on the albino right in front of me. I tore my gaze away and looked at Jennifer, who ignored the other girls around her who kept passing notes. She kept looking at Markus discreetly. From my angle, it looked like she was looking at his mouth. I rolled my eyes. The girl doesn't stop.
The bell rings, making me jump out of my daze. Standing up, I grabbed my bag and books. Turning around, Jennifer had already left the classroom. Something was seriously up.
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