7:11pm Jul 11 2012
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Markus blinked when the bell rang. His head cocked to one side and he slid his things back into his backpack before he stood up. He slung one of the straps across his uninjured shoulder and headed toward the door when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Scowling, he shifted to one side so he was out of the way and pulled the small device out.
On the lock screen, inside a translucent blue box read "Zaou is home," from Bane. His brother was at their house... Which was now his home. Just as he was about to put the phone away, it buzzed again. He growled faintly and pulled it back up. The text was too long so he had to unlock the phone and read it from there. "School called. Tomorrow all the men have to wear tuxedos. I know you don't have one so get home fast so we can go shopping for one~" It was sighed Shadowspawn.
Markus groaned and slid his phone back into his pocket. Why do all the guys have to were tuxedos? It made no sense in the mind of the vampire as he exited the class room.
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7:23pm Jul 11 2012
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Gladly, I had my dad pick up my car when I came home yesterday, so he had fixed it last night. So, fortunately, I didn't have to ride on the motorcycle again. Though I do wish I had seen Jennifer's face when she saw me yesterday.
The thought of her brought me back to the present, and I watched as Markus left the classroom. Chewing my lip, I walked down the hall and to my locker, carelessly throwing the books in there. Once done, I closed it, and headed for the exit. Jennifer ran into me on my way to the car, in the middle of the parking lot. She frowned at me, this time not giving me some rude remark. Instead, she came closer to me as if she had a secret.
"He was wearing fake ones, right?"
She whispered, and I had no idea what she was talking about. Lifting an eyebrow, I said in a voice louder then hers, "Excuse me?"
She sighed, as if annoyed that I wasn't as secretive as she was. "Markus. They were fake, right?"
I stared at her with unblinking eyes for a moment before rolling my eyes. She wasn't worth this nonsense. "I have no idea what you're saying. Ask him yourself." She gave me a desperate look, as if she didn't want to talk to him. I walked passed her and to my car, not giving her a glance before driving away. It was when I pulled up in the drive way that I realized I might have missed my chance on finding out what it was that Markus did this morning that made Jennifer so surprised.
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7:34pm Jul 11 2012
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Markus stopped at his locker for a moment to switch things out of his backpack. Once closing the metal box, he walked out towards his motorcycle. He did notice Jennifer walk towards her vehicle, but otherwise ignored the she-wolf. And since his back still hurt, he stuffed his backpack in one of the saddle bags before straddling the leather seat and starting the engine. It purred to life beneath him. Flicking up the kickstand, he walked the bike out of the parking spot before he pushed off. Once he was on the road from the lot, he revved the engine. The purr turned into a throaty roar as he shot down the roads towards home.
He couldn't wait to see Zaou.
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7:44pm Jul 11 2012
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[[ Shallll I time skip to next day? ]]
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7:46pm Jul 11 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:57pm Jul 11 2012
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The first thing I noticed when I came into school today was that Andrew was back. He wasn't bullying kids down the other end of the hallway, nor was he blatantly checking out every girl that walked by him. He seemed to be in his own little world, refusing to make eye contact with anyone. My heart went out to him. From what I remember of that night, it was pretty weird. Some of the members of the foot ball team were still recovering.
The second thing I noticed was that every guy was wearing a tux, which was a surprise to all girls. Obviously, every guy added their own style to the idea. The goth group had their skulls with pure black suits, the nerds had striped colored suits with matching ties, the sports clique had tennis shoes instead of dressy ones, and then there was people like Jeff, who was just mingled with every group, had a bright yellow suit. I guess he liked to stand out.
Either way, the anticipation to see Markus in a suit was extremely over whelming. If I found him tempting with his normal attire, which I didn't find appealing in the least, I don't know how I'll handle him in a tuxedo, which is every bit appealing. I smirked as I walked down the hall way to English class. That boy better not be late this time.
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8:13pm Jul 11 2012
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Markus had come to school early that day to help his brother enroll in school. Both their motorcycles were parked discreetly somewhere else in the school parking lot. The albino also felt extremely awkward standing in the office with a tux on. Granted it was almost all white despite the pitch black undershirt, he also missed the piercings in his ears and his white hair was pinned back.
Zaou was seated. Looking extremely comfortable about the entire thing. He wore a pure black suit with a white undershirt. Completely opposite of his younger brother. His silver eyes watched the albino as he started to pace across the room. A grin quirked his lips. "Calm, Silver Fang," the male said with a distinct Native American accent. He got a scowl and a snarl in the same look, causing the Native American to sigh quite loudly.
Then, a woman came up, holding a schedule out for Zaou. "Here ya go. You have all the same classes as Markus here," she said kindly before fluttering back behind the desk.
Zaou stood, leaving the jacket open and his schedule in hand before bringing up his backpack to his shoulder. "Ready, Markus?" he asked and the Greek nodded. The two exited the office and walked towards first period.
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8:22pm Jul 11 2012
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Once again, girls were whispering quietly. The way they had when Markus first came to school. The guys weren't as interested this time, mostly because they were too busy frowning down at their tuxedos. I don't think any guy realized how good they looked in a tux. Finally, a pretty red head came to me, freckles dotting her cheek bones. Her long hair coming to her waist in a thick braid, her green eyes looking hopeful as she gave me a shy smile.
"Hey Paradise. Is it true that Markus has a brother that's coming today?"
Surprise came to my features and the girl from the group of girls stepped back while the others were waiting for my reaction. I shrugged, a look that showed my confusion. "I didn't hear about it. Maybe."
The girls went on, saying how they imagined the brother to look like. Hoping he was just as attractive as Markus would be in a tux. I rolled my eyes. Honestly, when I hear that Markus has a brother, the first thing I think of is not if he's attractive or not.
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11:22pm Jul 11 2012
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Markus entered the classroom first before turning back to say something in his more ancient tongue to the person still standing outside. He smirked and shifted back as Zaou entered the room. The Native American cocked his head his silver eyes darting around before landing back on Markus. He spoke something in Cherokee and the albino shrugged one shoulder before going over to his seat and sitting down. Relaxing into the metal chair as he did so.
Zaou just stood up at the front a bit awkwardly before he quickly joined his brother. But only sitting in the seat before the Greek since it was empty. Then, he turned to face Greek. "So... The teacher comes in when class starts I presume?" he asked, normally. His voice still carrying that unique Native American accent. Markus only nodded.
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12:04pm Jul 12 2012
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I liked Markus even if I was absolutely horrified by his outfits every day. The fact that he was wearing a tuxedo made me forget about his brother, made me ignore the gawking from the girls at all the guys in their tuxedos. My neck, cheeks, and ears turned a bright red, and I was so glad I had chosen to sit in my normal seat again. I don't know how I'd act nonchalant with him right next to me, looking so...
I smirked, turning my head to stare straight ahead as to not show just how much he a(e?sp?)ffected me. The teacher came into the classroom, complimenting all of the guys in the class before starting the class. I didn't hear a word until I saw the teacher do a double take at Markus's brother. Apologizing for not noticing, she introduced him to the class. The guys still too irritated by their tuxedos, the girls too busy checking him out in the tuxedo to even respond. I took that opportunity of everyone looking in the brother's general direction to get a glance at Markus. Giving him a smile, I turned my head as the teacher kept going.
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10:48am Jul 13 2012
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[[ ^^ D|]]
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3:58pm Jul 13 2012
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At the introduction, Zaou just smiled. His silver eyes warmed considerably from their cold calculations beforehand. Markus, however, had noticed the smile Paradise gave him and grinned back. He was glad his brother was here. Maybe Paradise would like to meet him during lunch. Zaou was certainly interested in meeting her when the Greek mentioned it before.
The two vampires ended up zoning off as the teacher continued talking.
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4:05pm Jul 13 2012
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4:14pm Jul 13 2012
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7:16pm Jul 13 2012
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Markus and his brother were in every class I was in. So, let's just say any time my eyes would meet his, my cheeks burned. I didn't like the way he was starting to make me feel. Like, self conscious of how I looked if he was around. I hoped it was just some weird phase.
I sat down in my usual seat for lunch, awaiting Markus. I had been wanting to meet his brother, but I wasn't as obnoxious as the other classmates were, so I had chosen to wait for lunch for that.
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9:14pm Jul 13 2012
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Markus walked into the cafeteria deep in conversation with his brother. Of course, they were talking two completely different languages. Yet they could understand each other. As they drew closer to the table Paradise sat at, Markus shushed his brother with a snort and a shake of his head. They sat down across from her.
"Paradise... Zaou. Zaou, Paradise," Markus said. His way of introducing them in whatever English he knew.
Zaou cracked a smile, his silver eyes sparkling. "Hello, Paradise. Markus has already told me a great deal about you," he said.
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9:17pm Jul 13 2012 (last edited on 9:18pm Jul 13 2012)
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I was so caught up in avoiding seeing Markus today so I wouldn't embarrass myself that I hadn't even noticed the difference between the two brothers. Other then the fact that Markus was albino, Zaou actually knew English, at least that was my guess.
I lifted an eyebrow, my eyes darting to Markus. Why was he talking about me to everyone?
"Really? Oh. That's... Good, I guess."
I hoped. I truly hoped they were good things.
"Anyways, it's nice to meet you Zaou."
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9:31pm Jul 13 2012
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Zaou chuckled. "It is good. He doesn't like to slander people that much. But that Jennifer girl really has set some slow burn in him. He really hates her. In more ways than he can actually say it," the Cherokee said. Markus growled something out in Greek, causing Zaou to lightly punch the albino's shoulder.
"Oh, hush up, Greek."
Markus snorted a "Cherokee," before leaning on the table with his crossed arms.
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9:34pm Jul 13 2012
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I gave the brothers an amused ex pression. I couldn't help but enjoy the information I was being given.
"So why is it you're just now coming to school?"
It did seem a bit odd that Markus came a couple weeks ( give or take. o-o) ago and his brother is just now coming with him.
And, are they twins, or was one of the brothers backed up a grade as a kid?
I didn't mean to pry, so my questions stayed in my head, not counting the one I said aloud. But some things didn't match up.
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9:46pm Jul 13 2012 (last edited on 9:46pm Jul 13 2012)
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[[ Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff--
I hate that link in your signature!
I'll post later. Maybe. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.