3:33pm May 23 2012
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[[ Reply whenever. C: ]]
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7:50pm May 23 2012
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Markus sat rather impatiently in the main office of the high school he would be going too. One foot tapped lightly on the carpet while his fingers drummed lightly on his thighs as he watched a woman flutter around behind the desk so she could get his schedule and stuff. With a faint sigh of annoyance, he ran his white fingers through silvery hair and closed his crimson eyes somewhat.
By the Gods, this was taking forever.
He had been in this office for around an hour and the woman had been fluttering around like a hummingbird with its wings aflame. Though, he smirked at the mental image it created in his skull. Fire-bird from Hades. Finally, the woman came over to him and handed him a few sheets of paper. He took them. One was his schedule and the other was a map of the entire school.
The albino scowled and stood up, slinging a backpack over one leather-clad shoulder.
"The bell for homeroom to end will ring shortly, I'm sure. Why not head over to your first period class?" she said before returning to her previous engagement behind the desk.
Markus nodded slowly, understanding very little of what the woman said. Looking at the schedule and the map, he cocked his head as he attempted to trace a route from the office to his first period... Without any luck.
His crimson eyes narrowed and his lips curled up into a fangless snarl.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:23pm May 23 2012
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It had taken me longer then usual to get a late - slip from the office because the woman behind the counter was also helping out the new student here. Some of my classmates were talking about it the other day and I just so happened to over hear them. I was guessing this was the kid everyone was mulling about.
When I got the slip, I turned around to get a good glimpse of him. Well, take away the fact that he was albino - which may not matter with his looks anyways - and the girls might very well be jumping him in the hallway. I blushed at the thought before thinking about giving him a smile, some help, or something.
He didn't seem very happy so I decided against that. At least that was my excuse not to talk to him. I wasn't the best with guys, and the last thing this guy needed was me acting like an idiot around him. Leaving the office before I changed my mind, I went to my homeroom to give the late slip. Just when I reached the teacher, the bell rang for first period. Leaving the classroom, I already heard the classmates whispering to each other, wondering where he was.
It will be noticeable soon enough for the new kid that we didn't get newbies often.
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9:21pm May 23 2012
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Soon after the bell rang to dismiss homeroom, Markus finally figured out where to go. With an impatient huff, he left the office and slipped through the maze of bodies in the halls to find his first period class. He couldn't exactly read the English letters written on the sheet, he had enough information rolling about in his head to figure out that the letters probably meant 'English' first period.
What a sickly ironic way to start off the day. Maybe he could get the teacher to let him read some Greek books for the assignments instead of the English ones. He could always use Google Translate to get his Greek to English.
He stopped when he felt something vibrate in his pocket. Then, he moved to the side of the hall - so he didn't get jostled by the students - before taking out the newest version of the iPhone. Which was a gift from the "man" helping him out with this school business by "acting" as his guardian.
Unlocking and entering in the pass-code, Markus read the text.
<< Markus, my daughter will be picking you up after school. Be sure to pick up a parking pass so you can bring your motorcycle tomorrow. I have already given you the money you need. I also put in a bottle of blood disguised in a metal water bottle. The bottle is made of iron anyways. I know that silver hurts your kind. We are also taking precautions to locate your other two brothers. We have a lead on one, but the other is proving to be quite elusive. Best of luck on your first day of school, Silver Fang. >>
The entire text was typed in Ancient Greek. And Markus was appalled that his man knew the language enough to hack into the wiring of the phone and get the language. He did feel slightly better that the man was looking for his brothers. Gods, he missed Zaou and Sanctum.
With a quick shake of his head, he slipped the phone back into his pocket and rounded a corner to hesitate in front of the door that was his first period.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:45pm May 24 2012
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The whispers were still going around the classmates about where this new kid is. Apparently they were blind and didn't see the pure white kid with red eyes in the hallway. Or it was normal for people to walk around like that nowadays.
Sitting in one of the back seats, I took out my necessities for English and waited for the teacher to start teaching. Jeff, the one who was friends with everyone and anyone in school, came into the room. He wasn't really a jock, but did play sports. Wasn't a nerd, but was good in school. Wasn't shy, but didn't go to every party around.
Was the heartthrob of the school. At least in my mind of course...
Clearing my throat, I shook the thought from my mind as I a blush came to my cheeks. The stupid crush on this guy has lasted since I first came here in 9th grade; and I haven't even had one real conversation with the guy. It was juvenile, really; but I couldn't help the small smirk that brightened my face as he glanced around the room to find his friends. Just one glance at me of course, but it was still something...
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10:28pm May 24 2012
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Okay Markus, its now...
Ah! screw never!
Before the albino could psyche himself out, the walked into the room. The whispering he had heard when he was out in the halls faded when the students caught sight of him. Yea, so he was a new student. Big deal. But he did feel the tips of his ears burn slightly and tilted his head slightly so his silvery hair fell in both crimson eyes as he moved over to the teacher with the grace of a predator.
"Dáskalos?" he asked softly in his native Greek (modern Greek, not the ancient version). He paused slightly, looking for the right words he could use. Damn it! English was hard. In the end of all his searching, he just shrugged his leather clad shoulders; at a loss for words.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:39pm May 25 2012
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[[ Wahhh. D| My google translate won't tell me what that means. What did he say? :) ]]
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6:22pm May 25 2012
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[[ 'Teacher' That is what it means. Sorry I didn't put in the translations earlier. ^^; ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:58pm May 25 2012
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As the classmates quieted, I lifted my head to see the kid. No, no. The new kid. Though some of the guys chuckled - I guessed because he was albino - most of the girls looked passed it with a flirty glance his way.
To be completely honest, the guy scared me. I mean, who felt calm and safe around someone with red eyes? I cringed inwardly, wondering why he hasn't worn some type of contacts to make the color change. Not that I would ever be rude to him for being different; but it was definitely... Freaking me out.
The teacher gave the guy a odd glance at not comprehending what he said before smiling at the class and saying, "Class, this is a new student here, Markus Taen. Please make him feel welcome..." As the teacher droned on, I looked over at the desperate girls in need of attention, and the guys that probably hated him for taking the girls away. This was how high school worked.
"... You can take a seat, Markus."
I heard the teacher say before turning my head slightly to get a discreet glimpse of Jeff.
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8:27pm May 25 2012
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Markus glanced at the class from the veil of his silvery hair. The girls, he saw, were vying for his attention and he blatantly ignored them. He wasn't that interested in them... Unless he was ready to feed. And at the moment, he was quite satisfied and had a water bottle filled with blood. So those vying females were just an annoyance.
The teacher introduced him though and he dipped his head in slight acknowledgement so the other students didn't think he was too high and mighty to actually be humble. Though he was over two thousand years old, he spent most of his live trying to avoid being in the public eye too long and quickly thought of someways to get out of the current one.
"... You can take a seat, Markus."
The vampire cocked his head, attempting to understand. When he finally did, he nodded slowly and moved to take an empty desk in the back of the class.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:43pm May 25 2012
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It was as if all eyes were on him for those few drawn out seconds as he found a seat in the back. I kept my gaze away from him; not wanting to feel guilty for being so creep-ed out by his look. Black wasn't the only option to wear, you know... Maybe there is trouble at home.
I sighed, keeping the thoughts to myself as I looked back down at my textbook. I was hoping I could some how get away with falling asleep this first period, but before that could happen I heard:
"Oh... Markus, until I get a book for you to have for yourself, could you share with Paradise?"
My cheeks turned a bright red. Why, me? All the other girls in the class would probably kill to take this position, and I had no desire too. Don't judge a book by it's cover? You kind of have too when he's dressed like a goth-
"Uh, Paradise? Could you move next to Markus?"
Clenching my jaw, I mumbled a, "Yes." before grabbing my things and silently moving next to the new kid.
"Here." I said, moving the book Pride and Prejudice in between us so he could follow along; but I made sure to keep my distance too.
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9:00pm May 25 2012
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Markus cocked his head when this new female hesitantly came to sit next to him. At the teacher's request of course. She was strange since she was probably the only female in this class that wasn't vying for his attention. And a quick glanced around the classroom showed that the female were livid with jealousy. Their scents were rank with it. He allowed a faint smirk to quirk his lips before he turned his attention to the book she - Paradise - had placed between them.
It took him a few seconds, but he figured it out soon enough. A scowl transformed the smirk.
Gods, why? It was in English. A language he still didn't know. And since he spoke it haltingly, he was more afraid he'd kill somebody if they made fun of him.
With a faint sigh, Markus picked up the book and flipped over to the back so he could attempt to glean what it was about. Maybe he could find some spark notes about it in Greek.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:05pm May 25 2012
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I watched quietly with a lifted brow as he looked at the back of the book. What was he doing? He's never heard of Pride and Prejudice before? "What are you doing?" I whispered faintly, so much so that I wouldn't be surprised if he hadn't heard. "Pride and Prejudice is a classic. You've never heard of it before?" I asked, referring to him looking at the back of the book at the summary.
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9:10pm May 25 2012
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Markus glanced at her slightly when he heard her speak. It was obvious from her tone that she was curious as to why he was doing what he was. He understood some words, others not at all. Furrowing his silver brows, he shook his head.
No, he has never heard of this book before.
It may be a classic, but he knew other books that could rival this one. And a few were in his own language.
Setting the book back down, cover up, he glanced at Paradise with a bemused ex pression, using his eyes to ask, "Should I have?" since he didn't trust his own voice to make the words.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:17pm May 25 2012
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I only looked at him for a few moments before averting them back to the book as he turned it to the front cover. "You've really never heard of it before? It's been my favorite since middle school." Maybe Pride and Prejudice was just a classic in America. "Have you lived in America all your life?"
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9:30pm May 25 2012
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Markus shook his head at her question after recognizing one word. No. He lived in Greece up until recently. He had been forced to move to America because of hunters after his immortal life. Then he motioned for her to do whatever it was she would normal do. He would just have to follow along.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:35pm May 25 2012
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First, his being albino all together. Then, his attire just... Repelled me. Now, he's a mute?
This kid was some character.
I whispered, more to myself in confusion as I opened the book back to the page the teacher was on as he kept reading along and telling us important information we should memorize. As he told the information, I wrote it down on my notes as neatly as I could with his going so fast. Before I knew it, the bell rang. The girls giggling and sneaking a peak at this Markus kid. The guys probably wanting to punch him in the face. I glanced up to see Jeff already gone. With a frown, I grabbed all my things, left the room, and refused to look back at Markus like everyone else.
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9:47pm May 25 2012
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Since the teacher had began talking, Markus had pulled out his phone to record the teacher's voice so he could translate it for future reference. Maybe he could get that man's daughter to help him. What was her name again? Shadowspawn? No. That was just one of her nicknames.
He knew it started with an 'A' and that it ended with an 'e'.
He snorted softly. Some help that memory was. He stopped the recording when the bell rang and slid the phone back into his pocket before standing up. The girl Paradise had already upped and left. It appeared that she was somewhat disappointed with something.
But he didn't care at the moment.
Pulling out his schedule again, he exited the room as he made his way to the next. At least numbers were easier to read than letters.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:52pm May 25 2012
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I walked over to my locker once leaving the English room. Anatomy was next, so I got the books needed for that class and started walking toward the room. Once there, I went to my seat in the back - the joys of being in the class room first was to get the back seats first - and settled in. Jeff and some other of my class mates came in as well, and my heart raced. Swallowing nervously, I started turning in the text book to where we left off yesterday and waited for the teacher to start class.
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9:56pm May 25 2012
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[[ Should Markus be in all Paradise's classes as last time? Or no? ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.