10:52pm Jul 16 2012
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[[ What did we decide for the date for Halloween? ]]
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10:54pm Jul 16 2012
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[[ Its October 31st... Same as always. Zaou is just asking how close is Halloween. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:33am Jul 17 2012
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[[ -facepalm- I worded that question wrong, I knew what date Halloween was. |D Did we decide that Oct. 31st will be the next day in the role play or...? ]]
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2:25pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ How about a few days after. ]]
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2:29pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ Sounds good. Lol. Sorry for the confusion. ]]
I bit my lip, glancing behind me once where Markus had disappeared before looking back at Zaou. I lifted an eyebrow at his change of subject. "In three days, actually. Why?"
I couldn't help but ask the question with everything this guy said. Lately I've just been feeling suspicious with everything about Markus.
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8:14pm Jul 17 2012
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Zaou shook his head and waved off her question. Just wanted to know really since Halloween was the only time when Supes were allowed to act like themselves as the mortals went costume-crazy.
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8:17pm Jul 17 2012
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I shrugged back at his wave, letting it go. If it was Markus, I'd probably pester and pester. But I didn't want Zaou getting the wrong idea.
[[ Time skip? ]]
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8:19pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ Sure.
But I can't think worth crap right now. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:01pm Jul 17 2012 (last edited on 9:01pm Jul 17 2012)
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[[ Then I'll time skip. :) ]]
The bell rang, signaling lunch was over. Curiosity kept me from running to next class. Looking at Zaou, I lifted an eyebrow.
"Do you think Markus is alright now?"
I asked, meaing : could I talk to him about why the heck he just walked away, leaving me with his brother? I got up from the seat and started picking up my things.
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9:05pm Jul 17 2012
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The Cherokee blinked slightly when the bell rang, causing him to cock his head. He glanced briefly at the clock before returning his attentions to Paradise. "He should be fine now. But if you plan on asking him why he left me with you, just be prepared for silence," Zaou said as he stood, waiting for her to collect her things before the two of them walked out of the cafeteria.
[[ That's not powerplaying is it? >.< ]]
Outside, Markus was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed against his chest. He still looked rather dashing in his white suit even if he had an angry, brooding look to his features.
"Halloween is soon."
Markus perked up considerably when he heard his brother say that. A slight smile twisted his lips and his eyes brightened.
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9:19pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ I don't care. :P ]]
I frowned at Markus's brother. Why wouldn't he talk to me? Now I felt like I really did something wrong. I walked to my locker, grabbed my books and walked to next class. Hoping I'd somehow muster up some boldness to talk to Markus about what happened.
I sat in the back as I usually did, ready for the teacher to come in with notepaper already out for notes. But my mind was still on Markus, on what was it he could be jealous about. I concluded that it wasn't about me. That maybe his brother had said something that irritated him.
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9:53pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ Oooo~
On Halloween, Paradise should totally kiss Markus~
|D ]]
The two walked towards their next class, talking in their native tongues again, yet still able to understand what each other was saying. If anybody in the entire school knew a bit of Cherokee or Greek, then it could be understood that the two were talking about who the most bad-ass was out of the Greek Gods and the Cherokee Deities.
Markus was all for Hades.
Zaou leaning more towards Apotamkin or Coyote.
They walked into the classroom and their discussion... or debate... hushed slightly as the vampires moved to the back of the room and sat down. After a few seconds, the Greek was smirking and the Cherokee was rubbing his temples.
Apparently, Hades won against a native american vampire-like demon and a trickster god.
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9:57pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ Omg. |D Let's do it.
I'm going to time skip to after school. ]]
I kind of avoided Markus for the rest of the class periods, wanting to make sure he was completely cooled down before I even tried getting something out of him. After the last bell rang for the day, I took my things and put them in my locker. I usually saw Markus at the parking lot by the time school ended, so I'd wait, no matter how awkward I'd feel, by my car until he walked by. Leaning against my car, I looked at the time before crossed my arms against my chest.
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9:30pm Jul 18 2012
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Markus and Zaou swung by their lockers in rapid succession as they only had to switch some stuff out before they headed out towards their motorcycles at the other end of the parking lot. The route to get there took them passed Paradise's car.
[[ Blarg... -_-; ]]
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9:46pm Jul 18 2012
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I smirked when I saw Markus, walking over to the boys and lightly tugging on the sleeve of Markus's shirt to keep him from walking.
I started, now realizing that I was going to have to look like a nag to ask. Oh well.
"What happened to you today during lunch?"
I asked, crossing my arms and not completely acknowledging Zaou. The last thing I needed was him telling me this wasn't a good time, because I wanted to know what was up with Markus's all the time mysterious behavior.
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12:17pm Jul 19 2012
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Markus stopped when he felt the tugging on his jacket and turned towards Paradise. He cocked his head at her "Hey" before she launched straight into her question. Blinking once, he turned towards Zaou and motioned for his brother to go on. He'd catch up in a bit. The Cherokee nodded once and continued walking towards their bikes.
Turning his attention back to Paradise, he pulled out his iPhone and opened the Google Translation app again before typing something out in Greek. As soon as it was translated into English, he showed it to her.
"I don't know, really. I think I got a bit jealous..."
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1:08pm Jul 19 2012
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I lifted an eyebrow at his response - on the google translate. I rolled my eyes, remembering Zaou had said the same thing. "Jealous of what?"
I asked, uncrossing my arms in impatience at waiting all day for wanting to know exactly that. What he was jealous of.
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10:07pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ -pokes signature-
Once Upon A Time Quote? :3 ]]
Markus shrugged. He was truly at a loss for words. Both Greek and English seemed to have fled him. His crimson eyes seemed a little troubled. Its been forever since he had last been jealous. Since he felt this strange burning feeling within him. So long, that he could barely match the emotion with the word.
But as he thought about it more, the more he realized who he was jealous of.
"Of Zaou," he said. His Greek accent thick as he cast a glance in the direction his brother went. The Cherokee knew English a whole lot better than the albino and had made an easy conversation with Paradise...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:15pm Jul 19 2012
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[[... Don't tell me you watch it and I'm just now finding out! |D ]]
I frowned at Markus. At first I had thought this a bit silly. Markus had nothing to be jealous of. But, the look in his eyes pulled me in.
"What does Zaou have that you don't?"
I asked, wishing he would just come out with it. I was getting antsy with the anticipation.
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10:20pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ I love that show~
But I won't spill anything. I hate it when people spoil things for me, so I won't do it for you. ]]
The vampire tapped his phone for a second before turning the screen towards him and typing out something in Greek. After a few seconds, he turned it back to her.
"More knowledge and understanding of the English language than I."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.