9:57pm May 25 2012
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[[Sure, I don't care. :) ]]
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10:13pm May 25 2012
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[[ Sweet~
Time to torture Paradise some more Markus~
Markus; Oh. Fates....
XD ]]
Eventually, the vampire found the next room and had figured out what the class was called. Anatomy. He figured it had something to do with the mortal body. Something he was very familiar with. For reasons he probably could not explain without people thinking he was some psychotic nut-job. Which he wasn't.
Shaking his head slightly, Markus entered the classroom. Slightly surprised to see that Paradise-girl sitting in the back. He could also see that he attracted the attention of some of the girls that had walked into the class, and not wanting to attract any more attention to himself, he shuffled to the back were he promptly sat down at a corner desk, a little bit away from Paradise.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:23pm May 25 2012
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[[Bahahahahaha. xDDD ]]
I rolled my eyes. So typical. The second this Markus guy comes in, all the girls decide to check him out like he has no privacy? I shook my head. In his head, he's probably enjoying this. All guys like it when girls notice them this way.
The Anatomy teacher, Miss Foxwell, started class with a welcome to Markus in the back and then started a continuation of what we were speaking of yesterday. My eyes found Jeff as he sat in the middle of the class room; and his head turned slightly and caught my eyes. My cheeks, neck, even ears turned a light red as I smiled sheepishly and looked back down.
How. Embarrassing.
Too keep from looking back at him again, I turned my head slightly to see Markus from the corner of my eye. Ugh. I just... Didn't like him, for some reason. I was always way to judgemental; but people ask for it when they dress like that.
Shaking the thoughts from my mind, I looked back to the teacher and tried concentrating on strategies on how to memorize all the bones of the body.
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11:01pm May 25 2012
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Markus nodded his head once when the teacher introduced him and leaned back in his chair as he kept his crimson eyes on the teacher. Watching as she went over the different bones. He committed them to memory. As much as he could. He knew that some of the bones hurt like a b!tch if broken. And some could even kill a person.
His crimson eyes flashed and he cocked his head to one side before he quickly pulling out a small sketch book and roughly drew the skeletal system before labeling all the bones. The ones he didn't get, he could get elsewhere.
Tapping the eraser on the paper, he cocked his head to one side as he wondered if he had forgotten anything. Exhaling out of his nose, he scrawled something at the bottom in his ancient tongue.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:12am May 26 2012
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[[Time skip to somewhere? ]]
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9:23am May 26 2012
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[[ Only if you want. I just woke up and am still a little sleepy. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:10am May 26 2012
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[[Okay well I dunno' what to put, so I'll do to lunch. xDDDD ]]
After Psychology class was lunch, and the whole period its as if everyone is staring at the clock. Whoever made the schedules needed to think of a better class before lunch. Just as I leaned my head back in boredom, the bell rang. And, like everyone else, I dashed out of the room.
I turned my head back once to see Jeff but instead of seeing if he was going to the cafeteria I saw a couple girls going up to Markus in a flirty welcome and asking if he wanted to sit with them at lunch. Rolling my eyes, I left him to deal with it. After going to my locker to put my books away, I got my novel from the back of the locker just in case I could find a quiet spot in the cafeteria to read and started for the cafeteria.
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9:12pm May 26 2012
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Lunch time.
Apparently, since everybody made a mad-dash for the door as soon as the bell rang. He rose slowly to follow them, slipping his backpack over one shoulder. But he was soon surrounded by a few girls, asking in their sweet feminine voices if he would sit with them during lunch.
His crimson eyes blinked slowly as he cocked his head to one side, thinking about it. Eventually, he nodded and they gave into squeals of delight. His brows furrowed at the noise. They sounded like five-year-olds, to be completely honest. Though, his eyes widened somewhat as they dragged him off to the cafeteria; a protest rising in his throat.
But he bit it back, not wanting to sound like a complete fool.
As the girls -- and himself -- entered the cafeteria, they sat down at one of the tables. Feeling slightly claustrophobic, he quietly excused himself from the table to head up to get some food to keep the "human" façade. Once it was paid for, he slowly made his way back to the table of chattering females.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:23am May 27 2012
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Though I didn't like the appearance of the kid very much, I watched him with humor as he sat next to the girls at another table. This is what happens when you don't get new kids often. Chuckling, I came deeper inside the cafeteria, and found a half empty table. The other half had three students in ninth grade, so I didn't know them. Keeping to myself, I opened my book and waited for Jeff. No, he wasn't willingly coming to sit next to me. We ended up being partners for one of our classes since we were both absent on the day you got to choose.
I was going to throw up the second he sat down. Swallowing nervously, I gave him a sheepish grin. Couldn't those brown eyes take a break from making me feel so suffocated? Just as I was about to ask him about what his ideas were for this project, he said, "So, what do you think of the new kid?" I frowned. Why did we have to talk about him? "Uh... He's fine. I guess. " "Well Jennifer is sitting over there with him and hasn't talked to me once since the guy came around. I don't like him." Right. Jennifer. Clenching my jaw, I shrugged and said, "It's impossible not to like him. He doesn't even talk." Jeff shrugged back at me, though kept on looking over at Markus with more of a jealous look then an angry one. He wasn't like the jocks who actually wanted to get in a fight with a new kid like Markus, he probably just wanted his girl back.
Way to ruin my day.
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9:07am May 27 2012
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[[ He talks, just not in any language you might now, Paradise~ ]]
Markus strained to follow the girl's conversations. Sadly, he couldn't because they were talking too fast. With a faint sigh, he took a bite out of the french fries. He had already made somewhat of a dent in them even though he wasn't all that hungry, per say. He did have that bottle of blood in his backpack though...
Reaching down to get the metallic bottle from his backpack, he saw a few of the girl's snatch some of his fries. He just smirked and when he came back up with the bottle in his hands, he glanced at the fries and feigned confusion as he glanced around to attempt to see what had happened to them.
The girl's giggled somewhat hysterically.
Markus gave them a sly grin before tipping the opening of the water bottle to his lips and letting the blood run down his throat.
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9:12am May 27 2012
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[[ Lol I know right. c: ]]
Once finishing talking about the project, Jeff disappeared from the table. I should have known he wouldn't have stayed. With a frown on my face, I was just about to start reading once again but the bell rang. Lunch was over.
I hadn't even been able to eat anything, since I was talking to Jeff. If he didn't look back at me often, I wouldn't take the time when he did to eat and possibly embarrass myself. My stomach growled in protest of me not eating as I grabbed my full lunch paper bag and threw it in the trash with a disappointed frown before grabbing my bag and book and heading off to next class. Math.
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9:53am May 27 2012
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When the bell rang, the group of girls he was sitting with sighed and waved goodbyes to him as they headed off to their next class. Markus stood, slinging his backpack over one shoulder as he placed the metal bottle in one of the side mesh pockets. He dumped what remained of his fries.
After a quick glance at his schedule, he managed to see that Math was his next class. He smiled somewhat. Math he could get. All it dealt with was numbers.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:23pm May 27 2012 (last edited on 12:23pm May 27 2012)
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Putting some of my bangs out of my face and behind my ear, I concentrated on the home work that was due today. I purposely came to the math classroom a bit earlier - as I am the first in every classroom, so it wasn't a surprise to the teacher when she saw me come in - to finish it. This 'Jennifer' and Jeff came into the classroom next with a couple of girls that were next to Markus in the cafeteria. My stomach dropped seeing Jeff and Jennifer hand in hand but I looked back down at my homework and frantically finished the rest of it; trying to take my mind off the sight. I doubt I got any of the home work right. This had to be my worst subject. Sighing, I put the pencil gingerly on the desk, choosing not to try the pointless math home work any more.
[Sorry I poofed. Had to go offline for a bit. ]]
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12:48pm May 27 2012
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[[ That's fine. And if I seem to poof, I am probably working on something else on my computer. I just finished one of my newer chars and I am working on posting her on deviantART. :3 ]]
Markus entered the classroom and quickly to a seat in the back just as the bell rang to start the next period. Since he wasn't here yesterday, he knew he wouldn't have gotten the homework or anything of that sort. But as he glanced around, he saw that Paradise was attempting to finish her homework, but gave up. He smelled hopelessness in her scent and he wondered why that was so.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:54pm May 27 2012
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[[ Hehe, Kay. :) ]]
I clenched my jaw as Jennifer and Jeff decided to sit in front of me. Oh, the irony. Turning my head slightly, my eyes found Markus. Him. I wasn't a jerk, no matter how much I didn't enjoy his presence. He could always be the nicest person you'll ever meet...
So, because of that impossible thought, I gave him a small smile that didn't quite reach my hazel eyes. At least it was something. Turning my head back to the teacher, she started coming around the class room to collect the home work. She passed Markus with a small welcome and took mine. "Paradise, you only did one problem." I shrugged, not knowing any way to respond without sounding disrespectful. Maybe like, 'You should teach better so I actually get this stuff'. The last thing I needed was to be sent to the office. As any time you hear drama going on between a class mate and a student, Jeff and some other students watched the exchange. My cheeks burned as I could see Jeff's eyes on me and back on the teacher. Miss Wratchford moved on with a small shake of her head.
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3:06pm May 27 2012
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[[ DX
Something ate my reply...
Stupid Chrome being stupid... ]]
Markus was very surprised when he saw Paradise's smile. Though, he knew better to get his hopes up when he also saw that it didn't quite reach her hazel eyes. In responce, he lifted his hand and gave her a small, two-fingered salute. And when Miss Wratchford welcomed him to her class, he shifted his crimson gaze off Paradise and nodded to the teacher as she moved off, collecting the homework from last night.
"Paradise, you only did one problem."
The albino switched his gaze from his twiddling thumbs to Paradise just as she shrugged her response. His head tilted somewhat as he could smell the embarrassment that rolled off her. He also saw that it was a direct cause of another boy looking over his shoulder to glance at her.
Her crush? Maybe. But then again, he didn't care about it that much and switched his attentions back to his thumbs.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:14pm May 27 2012
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[[Wahhh. I hate when that happens. -.-
Wanna' time skip? ]]
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3:43pm May 27 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:53pm May 27 2012
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My last class for the day was finished. Just as I got up from my desk and started packing my books away, Jeff was in front of me. I blushed, and kept my eyes on my books as I picked them up one at a time to stall. All he wanted to know was what time to meet tomorrow again about the project. With a disappointed frown, I held my books tightly to my chest and was just about to turn to the door when my breath got caught in my throat, my body slam quite hard against another. Only one book fell out of my hands, and as I bent down to pick it up I tried to register what just happened. I realized I just wasn't paying attention and probably walking fast from being so frustrated about Jeff. I was about to apologize to whoever I bumped in to when I looked up to see the one and only Markus Taen.
"Sorry Markus." I said, giving him another one of those fake smiles. "I... I wasn't paying attention." I added, my eyes not fully meeting his as I discreetly watched Jeff leave the room.
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6:27pm May 27 2012
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With the school day officially over, Markus breathed a faint sigh of relief. Time to go back home... But home was in Greece... No, he'd be going home with that man's daughter. What was her name again? Oh yea, Ariskye. That was it. And he also had to stop by the main office to get one of those parking passes for his motorcycle. He stood and moved to exit the classroom, only to pause.
Where was the main office again?
But just as he was about to leave and pull out the map that woman had given him at the beginning of the day, he felt a body that was very feminine run into his backside. It caused the albino to lurch forward slightly, but he quickly caught himself and blinked as he turned back towards the female that had done it.
But as he did so, her scent flowed around him.
She smelled of the sweetest female, strawberries and ambrosia. The combination made his mouth water.
Snapping back to the present when he heard her speak, he realized it was Paradise looking up at him with a smile that did not reach her hazel eyes. Why was she like this? He hadn't said one off thing to her. In fact, he had hardly spoken at all throughout the entire day! So why was she like this?
Then, he just shook his head in an attempt to get his thoughts together so he could make a semi-decent reply. "No... Fault mine. Was... thinking something else," he replied his voice laced with a thick Greek accent that made some words near impossible to make out.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.