6:35pm May 27 2012
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Well I hadn't seen that coming. No wonder I hadn't heard one word come out of his mouth. Immediately following was a pang of guilt for adding him 'not talking' to the list of things I already didn't like about him.
That didn't mean I all of a sudden wanted to actually start talking to him. We'll blame it on the fact that I wasn't very good at conversation either.
I smiled, a real one, as I heard his accent. Okay, so the accent was kind of cute. I would never admit that to anyone. Ever.
"No wonder the girls are all over you..."
I mumbled it so faintly to myself I was sure even I couldn't hear it before looking back up at him.
"It's fine." I said, going back to my usual curt conduct with him. The last thing Markus needed was another girl to gush at him, so being more civil might be a breath of fresh air for him as well.
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8:42pm May 27 2012
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Her genuine smile caught him off guard. Oh sweet Hades she was beautiful when she did that. Her whisper-quiet murmur made him pause. He doubted that was the only reason the girls were all fawning over him and such. Maybe it was the "bad boy" thing they felt attracted to. Hades, he wore a lot of black and rarely wore anything else.
"It's fine."
Her voice had gone back to being curt and his head cocked to one side. He was slightly relieved by that since girls had been giggling when they talked to him.
"Good, good. Uh... Need find main office. Will help me?" he asked hesitantly as his brows furrowed as he struggled to get the words right.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:48pm May 27 2012
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No, I wasn't trying to act like the other girls with their giggling. But an actual laugh - no, not a giggle. I wasn't like those annoying girls. - escaped my throat as he spoke. I wasn't making fun of him for trying to speak English and failing miserably. I just found it hilarious how the one guy whom I didn't want to have a association/conversation with just happened to be adorable when he spoke. Oh the irony.
Maybe that was why all the girls were giggling. Whenever he tried to talk.
"Yeah. I'll show you." I said with a small nod of my head before leaving the class room to lead him to the office.
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9:24pm May 27 2012
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This time, her laugh made his ears burn with his own embarrassment. But it didn't last long since she agreed to take him to the main office. He stepped out of her way as she led him out of the classroom.
[[ Omg. Blarg-ness.... [[
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9:30pm May 27 2012 (last edited on 10:35pm May 27 2012)
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Coming up to the office doors, I turned around to face him. "Here it is. I'll see you around, Markus." I said, giving a small nod as a good bye before turning my back to him to head to my locker close by. No way was I going to make Jeff think I was talking to him - if Jeff so happened to come around this way. Who knows what Jeff would think.
Not that he'd really care. It's just... A girl could hope right?
With a frown on my face, I sighed sadly at the thought as I came to my locker to put my things away.
[Going off for the night~ ]]
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10:42pm May 27 2012
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Once stopping at the doors, Markus nodded a goodbye to Paradise. He watched her for a second before adjusting his backpack on his shoulders before entering. As he did, he saw a tall woman in black talking casually to the front-desk-woman -- he hadn't learn her name yet. He watched the two for a full minute before clearing his throat awkwardly.
The woman in black glanced at him with her own odd, hazing crimson eyes before breaking out into a huge grin. Though she still managed to hide her fangs in it. "Ah! Markus, I was just talking to the lady here. Sorry about that," she told him in Greek, making him bl ink.
He shrugged and replied in the same language; "Its all right. This school is so confusing. Though, it is my first day and all. Any luck finding my brothers?" As opposed from before when he spoke hesitantly in his halting English, Markus spoke Greek with fluently and confidence. His tone also almost an octave deeper.
The woman shook her head before cocking it. "Make sure to get that parking pass. I am sure you don't want to see my sorry face tomorrow," she reminded him as she took a step back away from the desk.
Markus nodded and quickly paid for his own pass before following the woman... Ariskye... out of the school and to the visitors lot were a very sleek, flamesque motorcycle was parked. Markus whistled despite himself and he glanced at Ariskye to see her smirk before she straddled the leather seat and started the bike so it was purring beneath her. She motioned for Markus to get on and the vampire did before the demonness's scent wreathed around him.
Shadows, firesmoke, and death.
He snorted. Those did not mix well with him. Resting his hands on his thighs, he waited patiently as she reversed the bike and sped out of the lot towards the house Markus shared with Ariskye and her older half-brother.
[[ Ariskye and Draek will have small appearance. As will Markus's brothers, Zaou and Sanctum :3 ]]
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7:02am May 28 2012 (last edited on 7:58am May 28 2012)
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[[That's fine. :DDDD Time skip to next school day? ]]
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9:54am May 28 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:02am May 28 2012
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Putting my hair in a pony tail, I trudged to the front doors of the school. Yesterday I had chosen to wear a yellow dress... Today was sweats and a random blue cami with a plaid shirt over it I found in my room. I was more then grateful that our school didn't have a really strict dress code, since I woke late once again and didn't have time to find something more appealing on me.
Coming through the front doors, I walked over to my locker to start putting my home work books away and getting out my books for English, my first class. Jeff was a couple lockers down, and did a small wave before looking for Jennifer. I waved back, though his back was already turned so didn't see it. Smiling in spite of myself, I grabbed my bag, Pride and Prejudice book, and headed to the English classroom.
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10:21am May 28 2012 (last edited on 10:22am May 28 2012)
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[[ Somebody just said a Maned Wolf is a fox, not a wolf. I want to shoot them because that statement is incorrect. >(
It was the next day and Markus had been a bit sad to see it come. He had enjoyed the previous night with the Siome siblings and their banter. Which had -- at some point -- involved a "I hope you step on a Lego!" and a "I hope you get radiation poisoning from a banana!" Though they were quickly followed by a "Take that back!"
All in all, it was a fairly funny night.
Markus pulled into the student lot on a sleek black chopper, that purred instead of growled beneath him, he quickly found a space and parked the bike. Though, he leaned back and stretched out his white fingers, easing the ache out of them since he had been clasping the handlegrips a bit to hard.
He dismounted the black machine and adjusted the straps for his backpack before heading inside the school.
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10:25am May 28 2012
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[[ I'd be scared to go on that thing. O_O Lol. I'm so... Sorry? ;-; I guess I'm on your good graces since I've never heard of a Maned Wolf or whatever. ]]
Finding my place in the back of the class room, I saw a couple of girls looking out the window. "Oh my gosh, a motorcycle!"
...What? I rolled my eyes. These girls really needed to get a life. I heard the name 'Markus' somewhere in their giggles and conversations, which only made a exasperated sigh come from my lips. Really, didn't they have something else to talk about?
The teacher came into the room, and started getting his things together. Warning the talking classmates that class was starting in 5 minutes.
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10:39am May 28 2012
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[[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maned_wolf
And I can't think, atm... ]]
Markus entered the school without too much of a problem and quickly made his way to first period. He had already memorized the route and quickly slipped inside the classroom before any of the females could notice him. He was in his seat within seconds.
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10:43am May 28 2012
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[[ Lol, oh I see. :) And, you're fine Dragon. O_O ]]
Miss Foxwell stood to the front of the class, and told the girls to sit back down. Giving Markus his individual Pride and Prejudice book, she went back to the front of the class to start teaching.
[[Wahhhh. Fail for me too. Didn't know what to put. xDD ]]
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1:55pm May 28 2012
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Markus ran his white digits over the cover of the Pride and Prejudice book, his crimson eyes flicking from the pages as he opened it slightly as he attempted to translate the pages. In the end, he closed the book and set it in the center of the desk while Miss Foxwell started with her teaching schedule for the day.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:58pm May 28 2012
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[[ Time skip to lunch or next period next? ]]
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2:03pm May 28 2012
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[[ Whichever.
Something interesting needs to happen... ]]
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2:06pm May 28 2012
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[[Ikr. Which way would get them to talk to each other?
You choose Dragon. :U ]]
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2:07pm May 28 2012
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2:14pm May 28 2012
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The classes leading up to lunch were uneventful. Putting my bangs behind my ear as best I could with their shorter length, I walked into the cafeteria and quickly got to the space where I sat before. Maybe Jeff would look for me, to talk about the project, or to sit next to me or...
I smiled at the thought, though it was an impossible dream. Sitting down, I looked over at the same ninth graders on the other end. With feeling a bit awkward by myself, I looked over at the other students in my grade. Then a thought hit me. Was Markus sitting with those annoying girls again?
To keep myself from looking stupid by myself, the idea came to ask him to sit here instead. I wasn't that abrasive or pushy right? And I wouldn't be all that upset if he said no.
Then I realized that was a crazy idea. If Jeff saw me sitting next to the guy every girl here was in love with, I wouldn't want him thinking I liked the new kid too. I sighed, completely torn. Choosing to actually eat today - or at least before the sight of Jeff, if he comes around me - I started eating my ham sandwich as I kept my nose in my book. The other girls can take Markus. I have my book and impossible hopes.
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6:38pm May 28 2012
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[[ Ya'gotta choose one, Paradise. The smexy and very Greek vampire named Markus or a boring mortal human named Jeff (who also shares the name with my cousin... Not that is weird or anything...)
:3 ]]
Lunch time again, and this time Markus respectfully declined an invitation to go sit with the girls for lunch, no matter how much they begged. So this time when he walked into the cafeteria, he hung back slightly in case he could see any empty tables. Unfortunately, he spotted none. But he did see Paradise sitting at the end of one table with three underclassmen sitting at the other side. Cocking his head, he moved closer to see her nose buried in a book. A grin curved his lips.
"Like company, maybe?" he asked a bit hesitantly as he came closer as he gestured to the spaces a bit kitty-cornered from her own spot.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.