6:48pm May 28 2012
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[[ OooOOoooooOoOoooOohhhhh, we both know who she'll choose ;)))))) Bahaha really? I just chose a random name, since he's not really a actual character. Just a NPC type thing. :O
Sorry. What's kitty - cornered? ]]
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7:40pm May 28 2012
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[[ -nodsnods-
http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/kitty-corner ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:44pm May 28 2012
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[[ -facepalm- Duhhhhh. I get it. lol. Sorry. I'll get a post up soon. ]]
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7:45pm May 28 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:50pm May 28 2012
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Just as I was forgetting where I was, and completely in my book, a familiar voice brought me back to the present. Jumping from being so into the book, I blinked and looked back at Markus in surprise.
... Markus?
"Uh..." No. Jeff'll see you... I couldn't say no to that sexy grin though, so with a slight nod of my head, I gestured that he could sit. I could feel the other girls in my class glaring at me, making my cheeks and ears hot as I clenched my jaw. Running a quivering hand nervously through my bangs, I discreetly looked to the place where Jeff usually sits. Please don't see Markus here, PLEASE don't see Markus here!
Giving Markus one of those 'fake' smiles so that he didn't feel like he needed to move somewhere else I chose to start a conversation. "So, how do you like it here?"
What a stupid question. No one likes school. Or, he might like it. With all the girls probably jumping him afterwards. This was probably just the start to looking stupid.
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4:15pm May 29 2012
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4:22pm May 29 2012
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[[ I'll get a reply up shortly. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:26pm May 29 2012
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[[ Whenever you can <3434322 ]]
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3:40pm May 30 2012
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[[ Upupupupupupupupup. ]]
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11:59am Jun 1 2012
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[[ Awh, not again. D: BUMP. ]
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12:24pm Jun 1 2012
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[[ Sorry! I promise I will get something up by the end of the day. If I don't, feel free to kick me. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:41pm Jun 1 2012
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11:50pm Jun 1 2012
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At her gesture, Markus sat and pulled out the metallic water bottle before taking a sip of the nutrient enriched blood he needed. He could also smell a mixture of emotions rolling off her with her usual scent as he sat a few seats away from her. And he could feel the eyes of every jealous girl aim their sights on Paradise.
Though he was a bit surprised at that fake smile that curved her lips. He liked the genuine one from yesterday. Then, he shrugged at her question.
"Confusing... Hard... Different," Markus mumbled like a small child as he replaced the water bottle. Placing his empty hands on the chair between his legs, he arched his back over the table so he could simply stare at it. His whole demeanor changed to that of the small child in which he spoke. Though his accent made the words almost indecipherable.
"Females like she-wolves," he said, referring to the way they just seemed to flock around him as if he was just some slab of meat they could drool over. Then, he glanced at her with an alarmed look in his eyes, thinking he might've offended her personal. With an embarrassed cough, he quickly amended added, "But you not!"
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:01pm Jun 4 2012
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Surprisingly, my mind went away from the thoughts of Jeff noticing the new kid next to me as he leaned over the table. Lifting my eyebrow, I was just about to ask what it was he was doing, but stopped when he spoke.
I smiled at Markus with a light laugh, trying to cover up the blush in my cheeks. That accent was just so... Cute. Maybe I was just like those 'she - wolves' on the inside.
"It's fine." I said with a shrug. Pursing my lips, I thought of what I should ask next. How do you keep an - unwanted - conversation with a kid that didn't know more then half of your language?
"So those girls are annoying you?"
I couldn't help the surprise in my eyes as I looked back at him. I wouldn't have guessed that they would be a bother to a guy.
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4:03pm Jun 4 2012
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Her light laugh caught him off-guard. His crimson eyes flicked to her face where he could see a slight blush upon her cheeks. At her next question though, he cocked his head before nodding.
"Yes," he said. Those girls were starting to annoy him with all their persistent little giggles and such. He had entertained them yesterday because he was new, but now it was starting to grate on his nerves.
Then, he noticed the surprise in her eyes. It confused him. "You... Surprised?" he asked, cocking his head to one side.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:16pm Jun 4 2012
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Could he go back to being a mute? Because, honestly, he was making me redder then a tomato while he tried talking. With that accent... Clenching my teeth, I looked down at my fingers to get my mind back on what we were talking about. The last thing I needed was Markus thinking I liked him. That would be... Humiliating. "Well guys usually like stuff like that. You know, girls all over them."
That was probably why Jeff was dating Jennifer and not me. Because I didn't giggle at every stupid thing he said. And I didn't touch him any time I could. I didn't ask him to sit next to me everywhere I went. And I wasn't... Annoying. Outwardly, I guess. I did every single one of those things in my head.
"So... Do you only know how to speak Greek and English?"
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4:40pm Jun 4 2012
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[[ Whaa? Paradise what you talking 'bout! Liking Markus wouldn't be humiliating! -kicks floor- ]]
The albino tilted his head as he considered her question. He could mainly speak Greek; both the ancient and the modern version. His English sucked most terribly. But his older brother Zaou was teaching him Cherokee whenever the older vampire had a chance. Though, he still only spoke that... rarely.
He shrugged leather-clad shoulders. "Some... Cherokee. Elder brother teaching... not often..." he trailed off with a slight apologetic smile. He could only say a few words, but at least his understanding of his brother's language was equivalent to his knowledge of Greek.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:48pm Jun 4 2012
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[[Hahahahaha! I know right. xD She's so... Weird. xD ]]
I was finally reacting normally to Markus speaking to me, as I leaned my elbow on the edge of the table to keep myself from looking at my fingers under the table. But I couldn't help the words 'He's so cute...' to keep coming to my head. Who wouldn't with that accent?
"Wow, that's so cool. I always wished I could speak another language - other then Spanish." Spanish wasn't something really anyone wanted to learn, since every student is forced to learn it in school.
"Say something in Greek."
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5:07pm Jun 4 2012
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She wanted him to say something in Greek? On the spot, no less. With a faint scowl, he cocked his head to one side as he slide his gaze around the cafeteria. Most of the females had pinned their gazes on Paradise, still, and were steaming with jealousy. The vampire cracked a grin.
"Nomízo̱ óti ta ypóloipa korítsia eínai lígo zi̱liári̱s apó esás af̱tí̱ ti̱ stigmí̱. Óloi faínetai na théloun éna kommáti tou eaf̱toú mou. Tha koitáxoume píso̱ mou, an í̱moun sti̱ thési̱ sou," he said in the modern Greek tongue. His tone was deeper and way more confidant. And his crimson eyes gleamed slightly.
[[ He is saying; I think the other girls are a bit jealous of you at the moment. They all seem to want a piece of me. I'd look behind me if I were you. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:12pm Jun 4 2012 (last edited on 5:49pm Jun 4 2012)
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Oh dear Lord, if I were standing I would have fainted. If the other girls heard him speak like this, I would be less shocked that they were so in love with the guy. I couldn't help but let a smile stretch my lips as I said, "Wow. That's so cool." I felt like an idiot, looking at him in admiration just because he could speak fluent Greek. Smiling, I looked away, just when my eyes met a couple of girls at the other tables. My cheeks burned from embarrassment. Why was I being the hated one right now? Markus chose to sit here. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, I looked back at Markus. I gave him a tight smile so he wasn't suspicious of my thoughts about him around me as I said, "I'm guessing you haven't known much English for very long. You speak much better in Greek."
[ Better? ]]
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