5:14pm Jun 4 2012 (last edited on 5:15pm Jun 4 2012)
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5:20pm Jun 4 2012
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[[ It be for you and the other people who are stalking; if any. And Markus can't translate that into proper English... He'd botch it and make himself look like a complete fool. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:33pm Jun 4 2012
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[[Lol, Oh I see. xD
Then what should I have Paradise say instead? :)
Or Markus could just change the conversation, if he didn't know how to say it. ]]
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5:40pm Jun 4 2012
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[[ -shrugs-
Dunno for either... ]]
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5:41pm Jun 4 2012
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[[... Well...
Which one would be better? lol. ]]
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5:44pm Jun 4 2012
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[[ Paradise realizes he probably couldn't translate it or something like that. ]]
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5:49pm Jun 4 2012
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6:04pm Jun 4 2012
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[[ Much. Thankies~ ]]
At her smile, he felt the tips of his ears burn and he offered her a small grin in return. Her tone held an admiration he hadn't heard since his maker was killed all those centuries ago. He shifted slightly and used one hand to rub the back of his neck. When she spoke again, she gave him a tight smile he couldn't help but frown at.
"Known English... month maybe," he said. Of course he spoke Greek much better. He was born and raised in Greece.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:13pm Jun 4 2012
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Well he was doing pretty good for just a month of learning English. "Wow. That's so..."
I frowned, stopping myself from finishing. I didn't want to act like those other girls, and acting like he was a god was not the way to achieve that goal. "Right. So, uh, how long have you been in America then?"
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6:35pm Jun 4 2012
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Now, he had to think about that. His silver brows furrowed slightly as he cocked his head in such a manor that made his hair fall in one brooding, crimson eye. "Not long," he managed to say since he wasn't really keeping track... At all. Besides, he was psyched he had a brother when he first arrived. Even if they were more soul-brothers than bloodkin.
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6:40pm Jun 4 2012
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[[ Dunno' what else she can say. xD Can I have the bell ring now or did you have anything else in mind? C: ]]
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6:50pm Jun 4 2012
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[[ Nope. The bell can ring.
But something interesting needs to happen that gets Markus all fang-y. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:52pm Jun 4 2012
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[[ Hhhhhmmmmmm. Would the girls being mean to Paradise do something? ]]
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6:55pm Jun 4 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:27pm Jun 4 2012
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[[ I'll try it after school. xD ]]
Before I could respond to Markus, the bell rang. I couldn't help my sigh of relief as I realized I could leave now. Those girls could stop giving me the death stare. I got up before smiling at Markus and saying, "Well good luck with... Being here."
I shrugged, giving a small wave and walking out of the cafeteria to head to my class.
Closing my locker, the relief could probably be seen in my ex pression as I started walking down the hall way. The girls in my class were pretty normal after lunch. Maybe they weren't so weird about me sitting with Markus after all...
"He probably was just pitying her..."
I heard Jennifer's voice - I couldn't mistake it from anywhere, I've practically memorized hers and Jeff's voice unintentionally - from the other end of the hallway. Turning around, I saw the whole crew of girls, with their 'boyfriend for a week'. Plus, Jeff. The only normal one there. What was he doing with those... Low life's? My eyes went to Jennifer for a moment, living proof of why Jeff spent his time with them now. Jennifer's eyes narrowed as she noticed me. Putting her hand on her hip, she said, "I thought you'd be out with Markus by now."
I swallowed. "All I had was a couple minutes at lunch to get to know him. It wasn't like..." I glared as I stopped that sentence and said, "Why do you even care? You're dating Jeff."
Jennifer rolled her eyes and looked back at the girls who were laughing. "So you've noticed?" I heard Jennifer's voice asked as she looked back at Jeff. "Of course you have. It's no wonder you're talking to Markus, seeing as you need to get over your fantasy of Jeff ever giving you the time of day."
My cheeks burned as my jaw clenched. How did they know? I could have sworn I kept everything to myself... Jeff looked at me with what seemed to be a horrified look before he covered it too look nice. I guess he was just finding out. "Jenn, stop it..." "It's pitiful really, that you would ever think Jeff would even think about you..." She droned on while the other girls laughed. By now, my eyes were stinging but I held back anything that would just make me look more stupid. "And you want to know the most hilarious part, girls? To get over Jeff, she goes with Markus. Like he'd ever care about someone like you." To be completely honest, this all felt so immature, I'm surprised I actually felt hurt. "I mean, come on. Why would the hot new kid want to look at... You? And actually sit next to you at the lunch table? Obviously he felt sorry for you." The girls droned on with insults in my direction, but my eyes went over to Jeff. He looked... Humiliated. I swallowed as he wouldn't look me in the eye and walked away from the group. He wasn't the only one that felt humiliated right now.
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7:50pm Jun 4 2012
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With the last period of the day over and done with -- and with Markus's mind feeling like it would explode at any moment -- he walked towards the entrance of the school to get on his bike and leave. But he froze in the hall when he heard Paradise's voice talking to another girl. Curious as a cat, he peeked around the corner to find her confronted with a gaggle of other girls and their men.
A scowl curved his lips and without a second though he stalked down the hall to meet them. His gait already moving like a predator hunting its prey. When he got close enough he could hear the other female say; "Obviously he felt sorry for you."
An extremely low, extremely dangerous growl exited him as his crimson eyes narrowed and glowed faintly. His lips half-curled away from his teeth as he felt his fangs elongate in his mouth. Stopping just behind the group of girls, he crossed his arms against his chest. His entire demeanor saying "Mess with me, I'll feed you your own heart." And he only had to do that once. On an over-cocky Spartan with his friends.
"Don't know me. Don't assume," he snarled, his glowing crimson orbs fixating on Jennifer.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:09pm Jun 4 2012
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As Jeff disappeared down the hall, Jennifer only made things worse. My lower lip was quivering violently no matter how much I tried to make it stop. My eyes widened in surprise to see Markus appearing behind the crowd, just as the guys were starting to chime in. Great, this was just what I needed. My cheeks, neck, and ears were red with embarrassment. This was not a good ti-
Hearing him growl made me take a step back. Was this all some kind of sick joke? "Markus, it's fine. They're just... Playing around." I lied, my voice shaking from trying to hold myself together and giving him a smile that didn't reach my eyes. Gosh, I never knew Markus could actually be... Intimidating.
Jennifer hadn't looked back at Markus just yet, but did that odd flirty laugh they've been doing for the past two days at his response. "Oh don't be silly, Markus. You can't possibly be serious for wanting to be around her. She's a loser."
Well I sure felt like one right now, with Markus witnessing this. I, obviously, was never popular, but something like this has never happened to me before. Were they seriously ganging up on me because of Markus?
"Would you look at that, Paradise? Jeff left. Seems like your fairy tale ending won't be happening."
Jennifer finally looked back with a laugh at her lame insult to see Markus. Probably expecting him to laugh as well. But frowned when she saw his demeanor. "Look Paradise! Your Prince is here to save you." The other girls laughed, saying quiet comments like 'Poor guy...' as some of the jocks nudged at his side like he was a puppet. I clutched my books for homework as tight as I could against my chest, and couldn't watch this scene play out anymore. Any moment now, Markus was going to start laughing with the rest of them. I could see it. I squeezed my eyes shut, feeling stupid for even wanting to cry for something like this, as I looked down at my books.
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8:45pm Jun 4 2012
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Markus gave the jocks a really nasty look out of the corner of his eyes. A look that only vampires could pull off since they had the fangs to do so. Once they had backed off, he returned his attentions to Jennifer who was still laughing at whatever lame joke she had cracked. He took a two menacing steps towards her, lips curling up in a snarl.
"Jackal," he spat. "Not she-wolf. Worse than that." Letting his arms fall to his side, he turned towards Paradise and moved to wrap one arm around her back. But he let it hover a few inches away in case she didn't want him to touch her.
"Ignore them," he muttered to her, but still keeping his eyes on the group. Pinning them with a glare.
If looks could kill... They'd all be dead.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:58pm Jun 4 2012
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This was so humiliating, I couldn't even put words to describe how bad I felt. The idea that Jeff and Markus witnessed all of this was worse then Jennifer's low insults that really weren't all that funny.
But, I must say, the look on Jennifer's face when Markus came next to me did bring me some satisfaction. For only a moment before I was reminded that Markus was watching and hearing everything they were saying.
Jennifer stared at Markus in shock. The guys had stepped away from being intimidated by his ex pression.
"Markus, are you serious? You're actually..."
Jennifer laughed even more, finding something humorous in this situation. "How adorable! The loser and the new kid..." Could she take anything seriously? Now I officially felt like the nerdy girl that every class happens to have. Swallowing, I pushed Markus's arm away from me in disgust. It was just a reminder that he was there.
"I'll make sure to tell Jeff, Paradise, that you're taken. He'll be so heartbroken." The other girls were already running out of the hallway - though I think it had something to do with Markus - to go to Jeff. Jennifer gave me a smug grin, and more of a seductive one in Markus's direction. I'm guessing she wasn't the type that got scared easily, because even I was frightened by the way he was acting. And with that, Jennifer turned around, and led the boys - though some seemed to want to say and have it out with Markus - down the hallway with a walk that had every boy's eye on her.
[We can get the boys on Markus later, to have more of a reaction out of him. xDD ]]
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9:12pm Jun 4 2012
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Markus let out a tch as the rest of the gang walked -- or ran -- down the halls to meet with Jeff. Such idiots. Girls didn't really change. No matter how long one has been alive. Though, he still felt a little hurt when Paradise shoved his arm away. He slid both hands into the pockets on his pants.
"Sorry," he murmured, letting his crimson eyes drop to the floor so she didn't see their bio-luminescence. He also kept his mouth relatively closed. Didn't want his fangs poking out since they hadn't retracted yet.
"Wanted help you only. Guess was wrong." He shrugged his shoulders, his eyes flicking up to her hazel ones before dropping as she slowly made his way towards the front of the school.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.