9:22pm Jun 4 2012
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I frowned as he apologized to me. How did this all come to me having to make amends with Markus? Jennifer was just messed up. "No, it's fine. Markus." I said, thankful that my voice was more even then before. Now that no eyes were staring at me, and it was just Markus here, I felt a little better. But not by much. I bit my lip to keep it from quivering, as I held my books tighter. "They... They're always like that. Not to me, though. Which was weird. But I guess they were just jealous because you sat next to me-"
I stopped. There was no use, seeing as he probably didn't understand half of what I was saying. And I wouldn't want to boost his ego. And, the more I talked, the more I wanted to cry for some weird reason. "Never mind. Just... Thanks." I said, sighing to try and control my fast heart beat. Why did Jennifer choose at that moment to confront me? And right in front of Jeff. Oh goodness, that thought only make me more mad. Upset. Embarrassed. I tried to do it as discreetly as I could as I wiped my cheek. If one tear came out, I better go before I let Markus see me start wailing on the floor.
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8:56pm Jun 5 2012
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[[;-; Bump. ]]
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9:58pm Jun 5 2012
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[[ I'll get a reply up soon, I hope... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:11pm Jun 5 2012
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11:52am Jun 6 2012
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His crimson eyes fell back on her as she apologized to him. Kind of. It was more gratitude though. With a sigh, the albino stopped and turned back towards her and listened as she rambled. Half the stuff, he could make out. In the end, he just shrugged.
"Let them. If nothing better," he said. "Jealousy not attractive, anyway."
Then, something vibrated in his pocket and a puzzled look overcame his features before he realized it was his phone. Pulling it out and unlocking it, he quickly read the message and sighed. The search for his brothers was still slow going and he hoped that they were found soon before the... thing... hunting them found and killed them.
Replacing the phone, he returned his attention to Paradise. "Want ride home? I go slow..."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:06pm Jun 6 2012
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I smiled at his response, waiting for someone to tell me this was all a joke and the new kid seriously wasn't on my side on this. When he looked down at his phone and sighed, my curiosity piqued, but I kept to myself. He didn't seem like he was the type to be public about his issues anyways.
"Thanks Markus. But I drove home here and if I leave my car here for a night, my parents might not be the happiest."
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12:17pm Jun 6 2012
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His brows furrowed together and he nodded slowly. Then, he asked instead; "Walk to car, then?"
[[ Sorry for the extreme shortness... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:26pm Jun 6 2012
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[ It happens. CCCC: ]]
I smiled. No one's ever offered to walk me to the car before. Especially a guy. A cute guy. I felt like a immature teenage school girl - which, technically I am - because of the unintentional redness in my cheeks sat his question. Maybe if he would stop talking...
"Sure. I'd like that."
I said, walking to the front doors.
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12:33pm Jun 6 2012
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Markus cracked a smile. Small though, since his fangs had just started to retract. Though, as he followed Paradise towards the front doors, he spotted blush on her cheeks, wondering the source. Though he wisely kept his mouth shut.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:38pm Jun 6 2012
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Leading him out of the front doors and to my car at the end of the parking lot, I halted slightly so that we'd walk side by side. "So... Do you have any brothers or sisters, or are you an only child?" I was an only child, but sometimes I did wish I had a sibling there that I could be next to when we'd hear our parents fight downstairs. Sometimes it gets really intense and having someone there would make it better. But then I think of how little privacy I'd probably get with one, which makes me change my mind.
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12:44pm Jun 6 2012
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Markus thought about that. Zaou and Sanctum weren't exactly blood-related... But their souls were brothers. "Two brothers," he finally said after a full minute of debating. "One older. One younger."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:47pm Jun 6 2012
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I wondered if he even understood what I said when he never responded to my question. After a minute passed, we were at my car, when he finally responded. I unlocked my car and said, "You're lucky." I would have said more to keep the conversation going, but I was trying to keep my sentences simple so that he comprehended what I said. "Thanks Markus. I'll see you tomorrow."
I said with a small wave and smile before going in the car.
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10:16am Jun 7 2012
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He shrugged slightly when she he said he was lucky. Define luck. He rarely got to see them because Zaou was always elsewhere and Sanctum was with his pack. At her thanks, he bobbed his head and backed up slightly, giving return wave, before he headed off towards his own motorcycle.
Once he had straddled the leather seat, he dug out his keys from his pockets and started the sleek machine as it purred to life beneath him.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:27am Jun 8 2012
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[[Should I time skip to somewhere now? :))) ]]
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11:28am Jun 8 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:35am Jun 8 2012
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Jennifer had chosen to sit all the way on the other side of the room today for English. Great. I wouldn't have to look at her getting all up on Jeff while the teacher wasn't looking. Jeff had purposely sat over there too, so maybe my hopes shouldn't have gotten up so high. He had avoided my eyes today when he walked into the room. He usually wasn't so... Embarrassed at things like that. Obviously every girl in school had a crush on the kid and he probably knew it.
Class was going to start soon, and I needed a distraction so I wasn't reminded of yesterday. I was never close with kids at school, but I've never felt like such a loser in my life. Rubbing my eyes, I quietly moaned in irritation as my foot throbbed. This morning, my dad had to take my car so I had to walk to school, in my white flats. It wasn't a fun walk.
Running a hand through my brown hair, I played with my pencil after looking at the clock. 4 more minutes...
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2:39pm Jun 9 2012
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Just as Markus entered the school, he heard the bell ring. His crimson eyes narrowed with slight anger since he usually arrived ahead or right on time. With a faint tch, he ran his white fingers through silver hair before he jogged to first period.
When he entered, he saw that Jennifer and Jeff were sitting as far as they possibly could from Paradise. He still didn't like Jennifer and gave her a rather cold stare before heading back to his seat.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:37pm Jun 9 2012
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As I saw Markus from the corner of my eye enter the room, I, for the first time, didn't feel any negative feelings toward him. I actually liked his company now that I'd gotten to know him. Not that I all of a sudden enjoyed his attire and all...
I smiled at him instead of saying 'Hi' in front of the whole class. The last thing I needed was them thinking I had a crush on the new kid now. Though, that would be better then anyone knowing that I had this thing for Jeff.
The teacher started class, and I eagerly took the Pride and Prejudice book out. I noticed the look he had given Jennifer, and it made my smile to myself, in spite of everything.
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8:53pm Jun 10 2012
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Markus was faintly surprised to see Paradise smile at him and he inclined his head in acknowledgement of the gesture before pulling out his own Pride and Prejudice book. Though he had somehow made it half-way through the second chapter with some help from Ariskye and her older brother Draek, he still didn't get half of what was going on in the book.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:09pm Jun 10 2012
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The class went by the same way it always did. Uneventful, with the teachers monotonous voice creeping into my own thoughts as I avoided the stares from my class mates. The guys on the football team kept giving Markus a look, almost as if they wanted to take him outside.
Goodness, if they hurt him, it would be all my fault. I wouldn't now how to live with myself for getting him in this weird situation.
The bell didn't ring soon enough, but when it did, I rushed from the room before Jennifer got any ideas.
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