9:30am Jun 12 2012
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4:39pm Jun 12 2012
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Markus felt the looks of the football team, but he ignored them as he kept his eyes on the page he was working on decoding into Greek... Or into much simpler English words and sentences. He did let out a sigh when the bell finally rang. Closing the book and sliding it back into his backpack, he stood up and slung the strap over his shoulder as he saw Paradise rush out the room.
It was probably for the best though. Since Jennifer still looked like she had things to say. But, the vampire didn't say anything. He just walked past the girl with predatory grace -- ignoring her very existence -- before walking out of the classroom towards his next subject.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:23pm Jun 12 2012
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Walking into the science lab, I found my seat in the back. By the time I had gotten my science books and found my way to the science room, I came to the conclusion that maybe I should talk to Markus so that I wasn't so worried about the football guys. Maybe he didn't notice there glares. Or maybe they were all just messing around...
Goodness, just thinking about it made me feel worse. I sat down at my lab seat and waited for the door to open, and waiting for Markus to come. He would help me feel better. He'd say they're just kidding, or that they don't really plan to do anything.
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5:54pm Jun 12 2012
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Markus slid into the science room and spotted Paradise. She smelled really anxious. Cocking his head to one side, he moved up to her. "You alright?" he asked, managing to make the simple question sound non-slaughtered, but his accent was still in the words.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:21pm Jun 12 2012
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I smiled slightly when Markus came in, but didn't respond to his question. Just talk about it now before the others came in. "Hey. Have you noticed the... Football team, lately?"
I tried to sound nonchalant about it, but I needed to know if he was aware of what the football team did to people they didn't like. The last person was still in the hospital. If that happened to Markus...
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6:29pm Jun 12 2012
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Football team?
Did she mean the soccer team or the American football team? 'Cause the way he saw Football was kicking it around a field and such. So a pretty confused look blossomed on his face.
"Who?" he asked.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:57pm Jun 12 2012
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Oh, he didn't notice them!
"You know, all the guys that hang out with Jeff now? The ones from yesterday after school? The foot ball team? They're staring you down like they want to rip your insides out, and I wouldn't be surprised if they would."
I said, my tone turning more desperate. Technically I was. Someone had to warn Markus before they beat him to a pulp.
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7:06pm Jun 12 2012
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"The jocks?" he asked. So that was the football team. "I noticed. Not worried." He tilted his head, letting his silver hair fall into his eyes as he watched other students file into the classroom. He was a trained soldier. And a vampire. He could easily take a bunch of punks.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:10pm Jun 12 2012
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I frowned at him. Obviously, he doesn't know who he was messing with.
"Markus, they're... Big. Like huge. And this isn't the first time I've seen those looks. If I don't see you in school tomorrow, I'd guess you were in the hospital. Just... Maybe you shouldn't come for a while, okay? They'll hurt you real bad."
Now I felt like some nagging mom. But, if I knew what they were going to do, why would I not try to keep him away from that?
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7:19pm Jun 12 2012
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Markus gave her a frown. She obviously underestimated him in terms of ability to defend himself. Hades, he fought against the Spartans and with the Ottoman empire. And with all the other empires rising and falling over the centuries. He picked up moves and techniques will adding his own speed and strength into the mix.
"I be fine. No worries," he said as he shifted his weight before moving off to his seat.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:22pm Jun 12 2012
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I lifted my eyebrow in shock. "Are you kidding me?!" I drew some eyes from class mates on the other side of the room. "They're gunna' beat you, Markus. You get that, right?"
He didn't even seem nervous. What, was he all of a sudden some big tough guy? It was one against a whole foot ball team. I don't think he has much of a chance. "Yes. Worries."
I mumbled, leaning back in my seat.
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7:40pm Jun 12 2012
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Markus would be fine. He just couldn't convince her other wise. And he wish he could. But he didn't want to compromise their waning friendship with the news that he is a two thousand year old vampire with solider training and a mastery over wind.
She wouldn't talk to him then...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:43pm Jun 12 2012
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He didn't respond. Irritation burned in the pit of my stomach, and I was going to keep the conversation going to convince him that there was something to be worried about, but the rest of the class was here, now the foot ball team as well. The teacher came in, starting class, and I couldn't help the glare in my eyes as one of the jocks passed by me. What was Markus thinking, not being scared of these guys? They were twice - some three - times the size Markus was. I shivered, not wanting to know what was going to happen to the poor new kid.
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7:56pm Jun 12 2012
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Markus watched as the jocks came in. He sized them up. Sure they were big. Looked intimidating. But he'd seen it all before. So he just scoffed and pulled out the things he needed for science.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:02pm Jun 12 2012 (last edited on 8:03pm Jun 12 2012)
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Today was lab day. And I've never thought I'd do this before in my life, but I needed to get Markus to put his head on straight. I grabbed my things as the teacher said to find a partner and went over to Markus. "You're my partner today."
I whispered stubbornly, as the teacher started to explain what we were going to do for lab. "So what do you plan on doing when they gang up on you?"
I asked, as we were given beakers and the teacher went to her seat to wait for us to finish. "They won't walk away after a fight, especially after what happened yesterday with Jennifer." I warned as I started pouring chemicals in other beakers. I already knew how to do this lab. I guessed he would start realizing that's the only reason why I had come over here. To talk him out of coming to school.
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8:16pm Jun 12 2012
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He watched as she attempted to dissuade him. But it wasn't going to work. He wasn't scared of these guys. Besides if they were going to be all cocky, then they needed to be brought down a few rungs. His crimson eyes blinked as he yawned.
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8:21pm Jun 12 2012
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Why wasn't he responding to me? I think he wanted my blood to boil.
I frowned, and said, "Do you actually think you'd beat those guys in a fight?" He wouldn't even get out of it alive, let alone win.
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8:41pm Jun 12 2012
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Markus rolled his crimson eyes and nodded. He might be able to see if he could enlist the help of Ariskye and Draek. They were pretty bad-ass considering they were the spawn of the most oldest demon in the cosmos.
"Course. I hurt you don't think same," he said, placing one white hand on his chest.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:47pm Jun 12 2012
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I rolled my eyes back at him. He was actually serious. I didn't see an ounce of joking in his ex pression. "I don't 'think same' because I'm not oblivious to that the fact that their giant, and angry, and mean..." I went on and on until I finally took a breath to look back at Markus. "You could die."
I finally said, as serious as I could, no matter how stupid I felt saying it.
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9:16pm Jun 12 2012
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No he couldn't. Unless they miraculously used their pea-sized brains to figure out he was a vampire. Which was highly unlikely. He didn't show fang, except that one time when Jennifer was harassing Paradise. So he just shook his head in a negative for that.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.