9:30pm Jun 12 2012
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"What makes you think you can beat them? It's one against a ton of big scary guys that want to hurt you."
I sounded like I was on the foot ball teams side, but I was really on no ones. Markus would be an idiot to not be scared.
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9:32pm Jun 12 2012
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Markus gave her a small glare. How long was she going to go in circles about this? "Other experience..." he said. When was she just going to drop it? He could take care of himself. Been doing it for two thousand twenty-eight years.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:38pm Jun 12 2012
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I frowned. Markus didn't seem like the type to have 'other experiences' with this sort of thing. But then again... my eyes glazed over his attire and then his appearance all together. I frowned. Yeah. He did seem like that kind of guy.
"You know what? Fine. You'll find this amazing strength when those guys want to gang up, and we'll see how it ends."
I said, already sure of how it'll end. Finishing with the lab experiment, I called the teacher over so she could grade.
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9:45pm Jun 12 2012
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Markus just shrugged and slid out of the way so the teacher could grade the stuff he barely helped with. His crimson eyes flickered to the chemicals, wondering what they had used anyways.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:48pm Jun 12 2012 (last edited on 9:48pm Jun 12 2012)
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He didn't do a thing to me, yet knew how to raise my temperature. I don't know why I was getting angry at him. I guess it was because he was acting as though he'd be some super hero and beat them all to pulps with a snap. It wasn't going to work that way and he'd see that.
I smiled as the teacher said we got an A before going back to my original seat. I don't think it was safe to sit next to Markus for a bit. Seeing as he was some "big tough guy" now and I wanted to sock him in that pretty mouth of his.
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10:25pm Jun 12 2012
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[[ Markus has a "pretty mouth"? Does that mean Paradise fantasizes about kissing him now? :D ]]
Hearing they got a good grade -- even if he didn't help whatsoever -- he slid back in his seat and glanced at the time before blowing out a breath of boredom. Gods... He pulled out a Greek book and opened it to a bookmarked page and continued to read. Sometimes reading helped with boredom. Especially if the book was in a tongue one could understand.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:29pm Jun 13 2012
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[[She doesn't know how badly she wants to kiss him just yet... ;)
Time skip to lunch or do you have any ideas? I don't, bahahaahhaa. xDDD ]]
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9:31pm Jun 13 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:41pm Jun 13 2012
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[[ No it's fine. xD I just don't like time skipping without asking that. But you already know this. Anyways ~ ]]
My anger had decreased by the end of the science class, only because it wasn't true anger I was feeling. It was worry that Markus's big ego about how he'll beat them all easily will get him killed. I shivered at the thought as I headed to the cafeteria.
Was Markus really serious? Was he seriously stupid enough to think he could beat the whole foot ball team? All by himself? I didn't want to ruin whatever friendship we had here by annoying him with these questions, but couldn't he just hear me out? I think that's what was really bothering me. He wasn't even being rational and listening to me.
I sat down in my usual seat and caught Jeff's eyes as he sat at another table. He immediately looked back at Jennifer when she tugged on his sleeve, searching for his attention. I frowned. What was so amazing about Jennifer? Men were all the same. Just looking for girls that lacked any self respect. I tore my eyes away, and looked down at my lunch. Another day that I lost my appetite.
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5:01pm Jun 15 2012
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1:02pm Jun 16 2012
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1:02pm Jun 16 2012 (last edited on 1:02pm Jun 16 2012)
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3:17pm Jun 16 2012
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[[ Ack! Sorry... ^^;
And Markus is being extremely rational. Its called he is a vampire~ But you don't know that. :D
And I can't think... x_x ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:30pm Jun 16 2012
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[ Lolololololol. It's fine. Just have him walk in and sit down. o-o ]]
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8:29pm Jun 16 2012
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[[ Its not that simple... ]]
At the end of the period, Markus slid his book into the backpack and slung one of the straps onto his shoulder before he headed off to lunch. Not that he was hungry or anything. Just to keep up with the usual human facade. Though he was almost empty of blood in the water bottle he carried around with him.
As he entered the cafeteria, he glanced around momentarily. Jeff and Paradise shared some briefest eye connection before he turned his gaze to his *censored* of a girlfriend, Jennifer. The vampire snorted under his breath before he went to go join Paradise.
Though, he kept his distance from her as he did. The Greek didn't want to hear anymore about the football team and how they could beat the living daylights out of him. Well, first off. He wasn't alive. Just undead. But not a zombie. Second, there was this thing called superhuman speed and strength which all vampires had. Third. He could control the wind.
Though he hadn't used it lately. But it brought him useful little tidbits of information of the past couple days, whispering his ancient tongue in his ear.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:36pm Jun 16 2012
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[[ Right. xDDD ]]
I looked up when Markus joined me at the cafeteria table. I inwardly felt kind of happy. Was this a normal thing now? Were we now being friends? I could still feel the hot gazes of jealous girls at other tables, but I didn't feel as intimidated anymore.
Seeing as the big bad boy here can beat up a whole foot ball team.
The thought brought me back to the present. Why would I be happy if we were friends? He seemed cocky now, thinking he could win this. I wouldn't want someone to be around that.
I said, my voice more clipped then I had meant it to be. My eyes averted to my intertwined fingers on the table, my lips pursed as I thought of something else to say without bringing up the forbidden topic.
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8:47pm Jun 16 2012
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[[ The entire football team should gang up on him and challenge him to a fight~
:3 ]]
Markus glanced over at her wearily when she spoke. He could tell the way her lips pursed that she wanted to continue that topic again. His crimson eyes narrowed slightly and he shook his head. He wanted nothing more of that. Besides, he knew how to fight and he fought well.
The vampire didn't need a mortal girl -- though as pretty as she was -- to worry about him. Though the thought that someone worried was slightly heartening. It meant that he had made a friend instead of a pack of she-wolves wanting a bite out of him.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:07pm Jun 16 2012 (last edited on 9:08pm Jun 16 2012)
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[[ That's what I was thinking! I'll do it now. :) ]]
He didn't respond. It wasn't like I had meant to make my tone sound like that. Maybe we weren't friends. Maybe he was just liking to be around me because I didn't flirt with him. Maybe he wanted the challenge. And the second I started liking his attention he'd leave.
Or maybe we were friends, but he just was annoyed. Oh gosh, I annoyed him? Why wouldn't he want me to worry? Unless he thought that I thought that we weren't friends... But we were. Right?
I clenched my jaw. Markus irritated me worse then before now that he had me wondering. What were we? Maybe he was just around me because he had no where else to be. Seeing as all the guys hated him. I was just the rebound, since maybe the girls got annoyed of him after a while. He probably didn't care. Not that I cared about him or anything. I was just worried that he'd get killed. What was so wrong with that? I wasn't that nagging, was I? I was just a concerned friend. If I was a friend.
I lifted my eyes to scowl at Markus, but my cheeks turned a bright shade of red instead. He was even more cute when I was mad at him for some reason. Maybe that was the point. He wanted to kill me with these questions, and the second I wanted to show my anger, he'd turn on the charm. I noticed movement behind his shoulder and looked over to see the captain of the foot ball team coming over. My green eyes widened as Andrew came over with a cocky ex pression on his face.
I mumbled, my eyes turning from fear to worry. Andrew came over and shoved Markus's shoulder. My lips turned to a frown but I didn't say anything. Though it killed me inside. I wanted to stand up for this - friend? convenient acquaintance? Andrew was stupid. He just liked asking for a fight since he was the giant in the school.
"What's the matter, boy? Can't fight me back?"
I heard Andrew say before shoving at Markus once more.
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9:19pm Jun 16 2012
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Markus felt the hand shove at his shoulder and the vampire almost spilled his water bottle. But he didn't! Thank Zeus. Screwing the cap back on and placing it on the table, he heard the male speak just before that same hand shoved at him again. With a tired sigh, Markus moved quicker than lightning.
Hooking his leg around the football jock's knee, he jerked back, sending the male sprawling on his back. The vampire lounged on the table bench with one ankle resting on his knee with his arms on the table and hands hanging lightly off. He looked bored as anything before glanced down at the male.
"Oh? I thought fight you wanted," he said in his broken, Greek accented, English. "But... You on ground and I not hurting." He tilted his head and smiled broadly, crimson eyes glinting strangely. "Odd, no?"
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:32pm Jun 16 2012
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The second students saw Andrew, there biggest guy on the foot ball team and in the school, fall to the ground from the new kid, every eye was watching. I watched with my eyes wide. Markus did it all so fast, I wondered if he was trained.
Maybe that was why he was so confident. Maybe he was trained.
Students were giggling all around the cafeteria. Andrew's face was blood red in anger as he stood up. "No one tries to make a fool out of me, Markus Taen."
He growled, but you couldn't not see how he had a hesitation in his steps as he walked closer. Was he really going to try and shove him again?
"My girl friend broke up with me last night because of you."
I don't know why he said that out loud. It only made him look like a loser. Andrew spit in Markus's face before saying, "You think you're so tough? I do wanna' fight, Markus. The whole foot ball team is gunna' beat you until you're blue in the face. I'll show you not to mess with me or my girls."
Yeah. Girls. I think every one caught on that one. It was a forever silence as the whole student body - it felt like. Some weren't watching - waited to see if Markus would accept this challenge against the whole football team. I closed my eyes, hoping and praying with all of my being he'd come to his senses and say no.
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