12:07pm Jun 22 2012 (last edited on 12:08pm Jun 22 2012)
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[[ So true. ;-;
Yay~ 10th page. ]]
As silent yet comfortable moments went by, the tea was ready, and I poured some in a mug for myself. "Puddles is in the living room. I hope you don't have a fear of dogs or anything."
I said before walking to the living room to set the mug of tea down before filling his bowl with food. Petting my black lab, I realized she possibly could be scared of dogs. Giving her a worried look, I said,
"Do you have a problem with dogs? He usually runs around the neighborhood and comes right back through the doggy door when he's done. He won't bother you. Promise."
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12:11pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ Like my dad! He is always cranky before his morning coffee. ]]
Isedon cocked her head to one side before shaking it a negative. She liked dogs. They, like cats, often comforted her when she was alone in a hidey hole.
But... "Puddles?" she asked. "You named your dog Puddles?"
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:17pm Jun 22 2012
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I would have blushed. "That wasn't my decision. I wanted to name him Ashes, for being all black."
My voice probably portrayed how I didn't want to talk about it. Just because I was a vampire, didn't mean I couldn't talk to people. I probably talked to humans too much as a result of my personality - the proof was the girl living in my bedroom now. But, sometimes, I truly wished I wasn't that type of person. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have gotten close to that little girl that reminded me so much of Julia, my little sister back when I was human. She helped me find Puddles. She named him that and when she died, I couldn't just change his name. I clenched my jaw at not wanting to keep the memory alive in my brain, before walking to the living room, sitting on the sofa, and feeling comfortable with the soft cushions against my back as I took my mug of tea in my hand.
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12:22pm Jun 22 2012
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Isedon nodded slowly. But that was still a strange name for a dog. Unless he actually left puddles places were he shouldn't. Frowning faintly, she continued to eat before she felt her lower arms tingle faintly. Scowling, she set down the bowl and stripped off both gloves to scratch at the old defense scars that marred her skin.
They were seriously tingling something fierce. And the last time that happened, something bad went down.
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12:24pm Jun 22 2012
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"What do you think your parents are doing about your disappearance right now?" I asked as I took a sip of my tea.
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12:27pm Jun 22 2012
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She scoffed. "They could hardly care less. All they care about is getting their fix," she half-snarled. But it was more towards the scars. The tingling didn't go away yet.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:30pm Jun 22 2012 (last edited on 12:31pm Jun 22 2012)
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I sighed at her response. How did she end up so pleasant, when she grew up with people like that?
"So you don't think they'll look for you? I mean, if you pay for the house, and food, they probably will notice soon."
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12:33pm Jun 22 2012
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"I might do that, but in the past I didn't come home for a week and they barely noticed," she said as she pulled on the black gloves. The tingling had finally subsided. But instinct told her to stay alert. Then, she picked up her bowl and finished the last couple bites.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:37pm Jun 22 2012
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"You know you're welcome to stay here as long as you need, but just out of curiosity, how long do you think you will?"
A part of me wanted her to say forever. Not because I was caught up in romantic notions, but I liked the idea of waking up to see a pretty face each morning. She made me realize how lonely I've been, even with my ice cream nights and Puddles.
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12:43pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ But ice cream is awesome... ]]
"School starts back up again in the middle of August. So maybe until then?" she said, cocking her head to one side as she set the dishes in the sink.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:45pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ Yes it is. ;-; ]]
My stomach dropped. I'd enjoy her company while it lasted, but she'd be gone way to soon. "And then you'll go to that college in another state?"
I asked, finishing my tea and petting Puddles's ears as he came up on the sofa to rest his head on my thigh.
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12:57pm Jun 22 2012
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Isedon nodded. Then realized he couldn't see it before saying, "Yep." Then as an after thought, she added, "I'll be living on campus. But hopefully I can earn enough money by the end of my second year to rent an apartment since they allow that."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:01pm Jun 22 2012
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And then I'd never see her. Then I'd go back to my normal life - or as normal as a vampire could make it. "I bet you're excited." I bet she was. She had no friends here to have to say good bye too. She can start a whole new life with more pleasant people to be around. The poor girl left her alcoholic and abusing parents to live with a vampirefor goodness sake, she couldn't win. She deserved to go.
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1:14pm Jun 22 2012
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"Hell would have to freeze over to prevent me from leaving," she said. It was meant to say she was very excited and nothing was going to get in her way of going off to college.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:15pm Jun 22 2012
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I smiled before letting my hand fall of Puddles's ears. He gave me a sad look and I rolled my eyes before petting him again. "No one your age ever seems so excited to go."
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9:18pm Jun 22 2012
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"I am not like other kids. I don't have what they have," she said quietly. She didn't. They had close knit families and she had druggie parents and extended families that wanted nothing to do with her.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:24pm Jun 22 2012
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"Very true."
I said back with a nod of my head. Puddles ears shot up, like he heard something, and I lifted an eyebrow. I would have heard something with my more heightened senses too but I didn't, so I guessed it wasn't that big of a deal. Puddles jumped off the sofa, rudely climbing over me, and disappeared out the doggy door in the front door. I shrugged before looking over my shoulder at Isedon in the kitchen still. "Kind of odd, he doesn't really do that. But it's most likely nothing."
I said with a shrug, running a hand through my blonde hair.
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9:37pm Jun 22 2012
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Isedon turned when she heard Puddles shift on the couch and watch as the canine climbed over Nick to slip out the front doggy door. However, she doubted what Nick spoke. Narrowing her russet eyes slightly, she stalked over to the front door with practiced, measured strides that made no noise with each step.
As she reached the front door, she placed her back against the cool wood before leaning over slightly to glance out the window beside the door knob. Her eyes gazed carefully around the front yard, but she saw nothing unusual.
"When an animal acts out of the norm, they know something is going to happen and remove themselves from the danger," Isedon said as she turned her head back towards Nick. "That's what happened with the earthquake-tsunami in the Indian Ocean. They felt something bad and escaped to higher ground."
He head tilted down slightly as she stepped away from the door a good two feet. "And when my scars tingle something fierce, something bad always happens," she murmured.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:41pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ Are we both starting the whole 'vampires taking Isedon' now without even saying anything? Bahaha. That would be funny. If not, then that kind of was my hint with the dog. I was going to have him start noticing the vampires around to take her. :D That alright? DDD: ]]
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9:42pm Jun 22 2012
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I was working my way up to that.
And Nick needs to question her scars. o3o
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.