9:48pm Jun 22 2012 (last edited on 9:56pm Jun 22 2012)
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[[Just making sure. xD
D: That was what I was going to put in my next post...
200th post! ^^^^ ]]
When Isedon followed the path of the dog to the door, I watched with amusement and confusion. Once explaining, I nodded my head understandingly, about to say something about how this mut might be different, seeing as Julia and I found him skinny and beaten. So, something might be a little wrong in the head.
But, instead, I heard her say something about her scars. I got up from the sofa - I didn't like having to turn my head to talk to her - and came to face her.
"What scars?"
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9:56pm Jun 22 2012
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"What scars?"
He asked when he came to face her. Isedon wordlessly removed the leather, fingerless gloves. Slipping them under her right upper arm, she showed him her forearms. Knife wounds marred her flesh the most. Slashes and stabs. One scar even had a twin on the other side of her right arm to show that a blade had made it through her arm.
Muscle and all. Her nervous system was also very spotty there.
"These scars. Defense scars," she said.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:58pm Jun 22 2012
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My once soft ex pression turned to a scowl at imagining this had something to do with her parents. Clenching my jaw as my hand came to her forearm - the opposite side of the scarred side - before looking back at her. "What happened?"
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10:03pm Jun 22 2012
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Her eyes hardened slightly. The russet of her eyes darkening. "My father. On a drunken rage," she said as she shifted her arms away from his fingers. Other people touching them made her extremely edgy. And they had started their tingling again. Except it was sharper and she sucked in a breath only to have it stuck in her throat.
Her slitted pupils dilated to a small sliver before her eyes closed tightly.
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10:09pm Jun 22 2012
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I let my hands go to my sides, though the worry was still etched in my features. "Why didn't you tell me about this before? I would've..."
Killed the man. Drained him out without a second thought. But I couldn't say that. Hearing her take a sharp breath, I lifted an eyebrow as she closed her eyes. "Isedon... What's wrong?"
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10:23pm Jun 22 2012
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She shook her head. She couldn't explain since there were no words too explain this. It just happened. Like instinct and intuition. There are no explanations for that. This thing came and it went, but this was the first time it had been this sharp.
This painful.
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10:26pm Jun 22 2012
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My hands came gently to her either side of her forearms squeezing comfortingly. "Isedon?" She hadn't responded other then a shake of her head nor opened her eyes. "Tell me what's happening." I was out of the loop and confused, and I didn't know how else to react. I shook her slightly with my hands still on her forearms. "Isedon, tell me."
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10:54am Jun 23 2012
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She heard his voice. Felt his hands on her scarred forearms. Eyes snapping open when he shook her slightly, she jumped back until her back smacked against the door. Then, the tingling stopped. Just like that.
Breathing in shakily, she glanced up at Nick. "Sometimes.... Sometimes these scars tingle. Its like a warning system." She paused, unsure what to say next. "And whenever that happens... Something bad always... always happens."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:25am Jun 23 2012
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I let go of her as she jumped back, but my worry didn't diminish when her eyes finally opened. What she said would have been hard to believe by any ordinary human. But, I was a vampire. I knew there were werewolves. All imagination to others is reality to me. The fact that something bad will happen through the way she is warned isn't freaking me out. What was making me worry now was the fact that something bad was going to happen.
"That's... Weird."
I said, my eyes looking out the window to still see Puddles's ears up, staying by our house like a guard dog. "I guess he gets little warning signs too. What do you do when you feel them tingle?"
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2:44pm Jun 23 2012
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Whats weird is the fact that the tingling happened twice in the span of ten minutes all in the same morning. But, she nodded nonetheless. "I hide in the best spot I can find," she said in response to his question as she followed his gaze to see Puddles on high alert. Ears up and all.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:50pm Jun 30 2012
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I swallowed, looking back at Puddles as well.
"It's better to face it head on." I said, a fake grin tugging on my lips to take away the worried air around us. "Just stay by me." I said with a shrug, she'd be fine if a vampire were around anyways, before calling Puddles back inside so he could forget about this 'danger'. Instead he ran with vigilance with his ears still up, disappearing out of my sight down a turn in the street. As if trying to find the source. I came back in the house and closed the door.
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8:17pm Jun 30 2012
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Isedon cocked her head as she watched the dog disappear in the bend of a corner. Her russet eyes switched back to Nick. "Can I change first? I don't like facing danger in pajamas," she asked.
[[ Blarg... -_-; ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:26pm Jun 30 2012
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I gave her a crooked grin.
"Go ahead. I'll keep look out." I said with a wink of my eye to show my teasing.
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11:03pm Jul 1 2012
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She nodded once. Russet eyes rolling slightly at his teasing wink before padding back to the only bedroom in the house. Once she had firmly shut the door, she stripped out of her ratty pajamas and changed into day clothes. Which were camouflage, baggy shorts, and fish-net top with a black tank covering it. Her leather gloves stayed on her arms as she sat down on the edge of the bed to slip on black socks.
Her fingers ran over a knotted scar running along the bottom of her foot. She followed the fused skin to its ending along the base of her toes towards the beginning at the back of her knee. The entire scar swirled around her leg. Isedon shook her head slightly. Now was not the time to remember bad scar stories.
Slipping the socks on her feet, she slid them into her boots and tightened the laces so her feet were snug inside the shoes. Standing back up, she went to go rejoin Nick.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:55am Jul 2 2012
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I had stayed in the hallway, a little away's from my old bedroom so that she could have some space. Though, as I waited, my curiosity only rose, along with anticipation. When was this 'bad thing' going to come? I wasn't afraid, it couldn't be that bad compared to me. But Puddles had never reacted like that before, at least around me. It must be pretty bad.
Hearing the door open, I turned my head and gave her a smile.
"Are your scars still tingling?"
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10:13am Jul 2 2012
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Isedon frowned and turned her gaze down towards her lower arms. "Not now. They stopped a little bit ago. But that feeling that something bad is going to happen is still in my head," she said.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:32am Jul 2 2012
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"I guess we'll just have to stick around here and wait for this bad thing to appear? Or should we risk going out and finding something to do?"
All I had was cereal and milk to have for food - for her. Was it worth risking leaving the place when we got hungry? We had no ice cream...
"That might be a stupid idea. Never mind."
I said with a shrug, turning and walking to the living room. Puddles wasn't here to watch t.v. with me, but I guess Isedon was fine too. I don't think she was the type to snuggle though.
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12:23pm Jul 2 2012
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[[ D:
Can't think of something... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:32pm Jul 2 2012 (last edited on 12:33pm Jul 2 2012)
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[[ I thought you were wanting to play the vampires... I was waiting for you to start. D:]]
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12:51pm Jul 2 2012
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[[ I do, but I seriously can't think. I had a very busy weekend and all creativity seems to have been shot down and killed. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.