3:12pm Jul 11 2012
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[[ Bahaha good idea >D ]]
I walked across aisle's, following Isedon's scent. She was at the aisle beside this one. I held three cartons of French Vanilla ice cream, the only kind I like. Setting them down at the end of the aisle, a sly smile made it's way to my lips. Her back was facing me. Might as well do something to clear the air. Maybe see a laughing smile, that might look very foreign on her face.
Or I could see how her reflexes would react. Either way...
I came up behind her as quiet as a mouse. Isedon seemed intent on whatever she was thinking about. Slowly, my hands came to her shoulders, pouncing on them once to make her jump. "Boo!" would have come out of my mouth, but it seemed so... Corny.
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5:02pm Jul 11 2012
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Feeling hands pounce on her shoulders, Isedon jumped and let out a very uncharacteristic squeak. Spinning around she caught sight of Nick's smirking lips and she frowned. Punching him lightly on the arm.
"What was that for?" she asked, a blush colouring her cheeks.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:18pm Jul 11 2012
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I was hoping she'd at least laugh at herself for getting surprised, or for that odd squeak that didn't fit her usual conduct. I laughed, leaning against a shelf with my forearm. "I wasn't planning to hear that come out of you."
I said, chuckling a bit more before walking away abruptly, grabbing the three cartons of ice cream, and coming back with a chuckle still on my lips as I made my way to the cart.
"You need to smile a bit more, kiddo. It'll do you some good. Wouldn't you rather have laugh lines then frown lines?"
I gave her a crooked grin, still able to laugh about what just happened for hours if I could. Looking back at the cart, I lifted an eyebrow. "You got everything you think you need?"
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6:31pm Jul 11 2012
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Isedon snorted when he saw she needed to smile some more. "Whenever I smile, it looks like a snarl. Either that or I look like I've been possessed by something evil. I'd rather have the frown lines," she said, crossing her arms against her chest. The blush was still on her cheeks.
"Of course I do," she retorted.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:39pm Jul 11 2012
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"Aaaannnd, you need to learn how to joke around. No reason to be mad at me." I said, though the sly smile was still on my lips. I wondered why she was blushing. Had I embarrassed her? That would be something.
"Well, then I guess we're done here."
I said, turning to lead the way to the cashier.
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7:04pm Jul 11 2012
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"I'm not mad," she mumbled as she followed Nick to the cashier. The weight of the cart did not bother her at all. Though the muscles in her arms strained slightly as she pushed it.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:13pm Jul 11 2012
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"Either way, you'd look nice with a smile." I said as I came to the first cashier and started putting the food on the counter for the cashier to scan. I inwardly winced at realizing I had her push the cart. If my father were around, and I was just a young boy still learning what a gentleman was, he'd be back handing me for doing that to a lady. Giving her an apologetic smile, though I don't know if she'd realize why, I started getting cash out to give to the cashier. I had no credit card. I avoid as much personal information as I could to go out.
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7:23pm Jul 11 2012
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She shrugged and pulled up the foodstuffs from the bottom and set them on that moving belt she couldn't remember the name of before leaning on the handle on the cart. When Nick gave her an apoligetic smile, she felt confusion in her. What was that for anyways? Shrugging one shoulder she leaned back slightly to let her eyes gaze over the tabloids. Her scars tingled faintly.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:26pm Jul 11 2012
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Once giving the cashier the money, I grabbed all of the bags to dangle from my fingers and started towards the exit.
[[... Epic fail. Sorry.]]
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7:30pm Jul 11 2012
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Isedon followed after with the empty cart. She slammed it back in with the others of its ilk before following Nick out the doors. "I can hold some if you want," she said, moving to take something from his hands.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:33pm Jul 11 2012
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I lifted an eyebrow at Isedon's offer. With a shake of my head, I said, "I got it."
As we walked, I kept silent, discreetly looked back at her, before another chuckle bubbled up my throat. "So did I really scare you back there?"
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7:56pm Jul 11 2012
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Isedon frowned when he said that he got it. With a shrug, she grasped her hands behind her back. At his chuckle, her eyes narrowed into a soft glare. "A little," she admitted.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:59pm Jul 11 2012
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I laughed again as I made a turn that was towards the house. I could see Puddles in the distance, watching guard over the home once again. "I was expecting you to punch me in the face or something." I said, giving her teasing grin before looking ahead again.
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8:06pm Jul 11 2012
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Now she scowled, looking at him as if he was some crazy person. "Why would I punch you in the face?" she asked.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:07pm Jul 11 2012
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"... Because I scared you. Since you got trained to fight and all. I just thought you'd get mad."
I lifted an eyebrow at her scowl. I wasn't much of a comedian, but I had to think of a way to wipe that frown off of her face.
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1:55pm Jul 12 2012
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2:44pm Jul 12 2012
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[[ D:
I soooo missed this! Post coming soon. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:52pm Jul 12 2012
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8:04pm Jul 12 2012
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Isedon stuck her tongue out at him in a very childish manor. "I was taught to use it when I feel threatened," she said.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:40pm Jul 12 2012
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I smirked when she stuck her tongue out at me. I think this was one of those rare moments where I saw another ex pression then a scowl.
"I see."
I said with a nod just as we came to the porch. Opening the door, I went inside and set all of the groceries on the counter. Finding the 3 cartons of ice cream first, I found a space for them in the freezer before unloading the rest of the things Isedon had chosen.
[[ I'm just waiting for those vampires of yours. Don't kill me for all of these posts I just realized are really lame. ;-; ]]
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