2:49pm Jun 9 2012
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Drunk, wild, and crazy.
That defined most of the girls now that school was over for the summer. Most. Isedon didn't liked to partake in any of the celebrations. She knew such alcohol and drugs would only make her parents even more violent. That is if they found out she had been the one to do them. They were so messed up it wasn't even funny. Though, it was a good thing that she was going away a couple states over for college.
On a full ride too.
After that, good bye family ties and hello new life!
But... That reality was a few years away.
Now, she was sitting in a club, bobbing her head to the beat of the deafening music as she took a sip of the Pepsi she had in her hands. She had made the mistake of putting one earlier cup down for a few minutes and spotted one drunk boy slip something in it, hoping to get lucky now that he was a "college dude". So she had to order another one.
Leaning back on the cushioned C-shaped couch, she had one arm slung across the back with her legs crossed at the knees, and her russet eyes watched the gyrating movement of bodies on the dance floor. Some of the girl's looked like they had their shirts missing... and their pants... Isedon grunted in distaste. Now doubt a few couples were having sex tonight. Either on the dance floor. Or somewhere else.
Either way, they were both still drunk and going to wake up with hangovers and regrets a plenty.
Finishing her Pepsi, she set the glass down on the small circled table at her feet and stood, stretching slightly. Time to call it a night, she decided as she glanced at the clock on her iPhone. Damn, it was nearly two in the morning. Scowling, she slipped her phone back into her pocket and weaved around the sea of bodies to get towards the door.
Thankfully, once she was out, the cool night air made her skin feel so much better. With a faint sigh, she slipped her hands into her pockets and started to walk home.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:34pm Jun 9 2012 (last edited on 5:34pm Jun 9 2012)
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My green eyes glazed over every person that came my way. They were all the same, nothing left in their lives but the addictions they faced each day and a different person in their bed each night. I wasn't saying every drunken person passing me by was like that - but I could say at least half of them were.
It was getting hotter out with the summer weather here, so I shredded my light jacket and put it in the crook of my elbow to show a plain gray T-shirt. (And of course to show his hot body and all... ;) ) The music blasted in my ears as I passed by a popular club in town. Running my hand through my hair, I was just about to turn left when a girl came out and was just a couple feet farther from me. She seemed like the only girl on this side of the street sober. I could tell mostly because she had no trace of beer in her scent.
"Not much of a party person, I'm guessing?"
I asked, as I came by her side, though kept my distance so she didn't think I was trying to make a move. It was obvious I wasn't much of a shy person, but I usually did avoid confrontation with humans. They were so... Different from me now. I didn't feel comfortable talking with them. But, you couldn't blame me for finding someone to talk to. I was feeling pretty lonely lately. It's not every day a vampire comes down this street that I could talk to.
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5:43pm Jun 9 2012
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Isedon turned her russet gaze towards the person who spoke. She shifted her weight to one heel and tilting her head back as she thought about that. Parties where okay, but she was mostly there for the driving beat of the music that drove away all other worries and distractions from her life.
In the end, she just shrugged; still keeping her hands in her pockets. "Mostly there for the music anyways. Drives everything else out the window," she said. It was true. Music helped distract herself from life. The pain it always causes.
She knew she should just turn her back on this male and head home, but she grew curious. It was, in fact, the day after Graduation and here he was walking around the one street that held the most clubs in the entire city.
"What about you? You a party person?" she asked.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:52pm Jun 9 2012
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When she stopped, I smiled. Even if this was a pointless conversation that won't get me anywhere in life, I was content. I haven't had a conversation with someone in a long time. I laughed at her question. Of course I was a party person. With tea, and ball room dancing, with ball room music, and woman that had normal, ball room dresses on. Oh, how I'd love to go back to my era again.
But, I knew what she meant. The type of partying that was going on behind me at the club. "Not really. I don't even enjoy that type of music. I'm surprised you're not deaf from being in there."
I said, the friendly smile still on my face.
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7:57pm Jun 9 2012
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Isedon shrugged. That is just the kind of music she likes. Screamy and techno and dubstep, and all that other rock stuff that made her want to do a head-bang. She pulled out black ear-buds from her denim jacket pocket.
"I listen to that kind of music all the time. So I just get used to it," she said with another shrug as she replaced the buds. "It help downs out the units." Isedon wasn't going to go into much detail about her parents in front of a stranger.
"And that smile is starting to creep me out."
Her russet eyes narrowed into slight slits. Nobody ever had a friendly and easy going smile this time of night. Unless they were some kind of serial killer.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:03pm Jun 9 2012
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I shrugged back at her slightly at her response, though I was quite surprised she enjoyed that kind of music. Honestly, it could probably vibrate my insides if I went in that club.
I lifted an eyebrow at her statement. "My smile? You'd think people around here would need a smile now and then."
I said, though deliberately kept my lips down.
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8:27pm Jun 9 2012
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Isedon snorted. Was this dude for real? Honestly.
"Not at this time of night. And speaking of time, it is now ten past two, and I need to get home before the units call me and yell at me for not being home," she said as she turned her back to him and walked down the street.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:34pm Jun 9 2012
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[[ <3333 It's fine. O_O_O_O_O_O ]]
I lifted my eyebrow at her as she turned her back and kept walking. Giving her a small wave though she most likely couldn't see it since her back was toward me, I was just about to turn when I realized that my house was in the same direction as her. That's how I came across her, so I should have known this would be awkward.
"Well, seeing as my home is on the same street as yours, would you like me to walk you home?"
I said, catching up to her. It was then that I realized that this could be kind of... Creepy to her, me knowing where she lived.
"Never mind."
I muttered with a frown, looking at my shoes sheepishly as I realized that if you asked to walk a girl home back in my day, it wouldn't be so much of a startling question. Now, the only men that usually asked to walk women home at this hour, were the ones that wanted to get in the house later on.
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8:50pm Jun 10 2012
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"Well, seeing as my home is on the same street as yours, would you like me to walk you home?"
Isedon cocked her head to one side, pausing in the process of placing one ear bud in her ear when she heard Mr. Stranger Hotness start to follow after her. She had only realized that he was a bit sexy after turning her back to him. No way was she going to admit to that facing him with a blush creeping along her cheeks.
Though, at "Never mind" she turned and gave him a half-glare.
"You may," she stated. "Just as long as we exchange names since we are technically neighbors. I am Isedon Miashimi."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:21pm Jun 10 2012
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I hid my eagerness at her permission for me to walk her home with a smile spreading across my lips. When I was human, I was definitely the one you'd find walking around to every person at a party, never being able to sit down to take a breath. After months of keeping to myself, I don't think anyone would understand how good it felt to talk to someone again. Though, I must admit, talking to someone who would understand me a little better might have been a better blessing. This was good enough though.
"Wonderful. It's truly a pleasure meeting you. I am Nicholas Dawson."
I said, a crooked grin stretching across my face. I walked in step with her, my hazel eyes glazing over the blush of her cheeks. With a lifted eyebrow, I inwardly scolded myself. What did I say? I seemed to always have my foot in my mouth when I was human. Though, I was so sure I was careful with everything I said this time. I even had let my old English accent creep in a little bit, just for kicks.
"How long have you lived here, Isedon?"
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9:30am Jun 12 2012
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4:47pm Jun 12 2012
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Nicholas Dawson.
Such a hot name. Still, Isedon cocked her head to one side as she considered his question. "Since I can remember, really. But... I don't count this place as home. Just a prison and my parents are my wardens." She sighed, and glanced sidelong at him. Her cheeks now devoid of a blush.
"Can I call you Nick for short?" she asked.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:29pm Jun 12 2012
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I lifted my eyebrows at her response. My father had been the parent who was more of a friend to me when I was human. But, the second he found out how I had got bitten and all the... Changes, he didn't help me. No, he rejected me. Sent me off to America to fend for myself, saying I was a disgrace the whole way.
So, I guess I could understand her a little with the hatred toward parents, even if the circumstances were nothing close to the same.
"I don't mind."
I said with a shrug, though couldn't think of a nick name back for her. "You're not a big fan of your parents, I presume?
I said with a small smirk, coming back to the subject.
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5:52pm Jun 12 2012
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Isedon's russet eyes sparkled when he said that he didn't mind the nickname, though they narrowed soon after he asked about her parents again. She snorted. "They are alcoholics. And druggies. And bad influences." And abusive. Both mentally and physically.
But she didn't say that out loud.
It was also why she was so happy to be heading off to college.
Just to get away from them and their constant abuse.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:09pm Jun 12 2012
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I frowned. Parents are supposed to be those people that love you unconditionally. That would do anything to take away your hurt, and stay up all night next to you just to have you feel safe. At least that was the maternal instinct. Maybe she spoke more about her father.
"Well you seem to turn out pretty good with bad influences for parents."
I said softly, hoping she didn't think I was just saying that to get in her pants or something.
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6:31pm Jun 12 2012
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Isedon shrugged her shoulders. "I spent as much time as I could away from them and with my teachers at school getting extra help. Well, only on certain subjects. Other times... I just didn't go home for the night." She didn't know why she was telling him this. Maybe just to let somebody know in case something extreme happened to her.
Or her acting against her parents in a way that would get her sent to jail.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:55pm Jun 12 2012
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"They're that bad, huh? Why don't you just move out, then?"
I asked with a lift of my brow.
[[Faillllllllllll. >.< ]]
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7:08pm Jun 12 2012
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"Don't have money," she said kicking at the sidewalk. "The only reason I am going to college is that I am getting it all paid for by somebody else. An Acedemic Scholarship and a government grant." With a sigh, she stopped in front of a ramshackle house.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:14pm Jun 12 2012
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I stopped when she did, and looked at the house we stood by. "This is it?"
I asked, trying to hide my sympathy. She didn't seem like the type to search for empathy for her issues. It wasn't a surprise they lived in something like this, seeing as her parents were druggies and alcoholics. That's how they all ended up.
"I'm sorry. I can't just leave, knowing you're living in these conditions. Maybe I can give you some money or something."
I said, already calculating how much I needed for my necessities, before realizing I had close to no necessities at all. She could take all the money I had gotten through out these long years. I'd give it all, too.
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7:38pm Jun 12 2012
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Isedon nodded at his question. This was home. Or as close it came to the actual word. Just as she started to head towards the front door, she stopped when Nick offered to give her money. She sighed and shifted her weight to her other heel before looking back to him. Her slitted pupils shining silver in the moonlight.
"They'd only take it by some more drugs, get high, and get more alcohol," she said before shaking her head. "I don't live off charity anyways... But thanks for offering."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.