7:40pm Jun 12 2012 (last edited on 7:41pm Jun 12 2012)
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Offering money just made the situation feel awkward. "Right. Sorry. I just..." Just like I said before, I couldn't walk away after knowing this was what she lived in. I frowned at the house, finding no other solution. "Alright. It was a pleasure, Isedon."
I said, planning to stay there until she went inside.
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7:56pm Jun 12 2012
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She smiled faintly and turned to walk inside. But she paused at the door and turned back towards Nick as a faint -- minuscule -- blush crept along her cheeks. "Uh, I'm not doing anything tomorrow... If you want to hang out or something..." she said softly, scratching one cheek as she kept her eyes glued to the floorboards.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:05pm Jun 12 2012
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When she came to the door, I wasn't expecting her to turn around. With a lifted eyebrow - and an eagerness on the inside - I crooked grin came across my face. "I'd be honored. Where would you want to meet?"
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8:10pm Jun 12 2012
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Her eyes snapped up with surprise in their russet depths. And the blush on her face deepened slightly. "There is a park a few blocks away..." she said, gesturing in the direction of the park. "Maybe there?"
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:19pm Jun 12 2012
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I smiled wide, before starting to back away. "I'll see you there, Isedon. Noon?"
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8:40pm Jun 12 2012
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Isedon nodded once before disappearing inside the house. Inside it was all quiet. No noises; except for the occasional snoring on the tattered couches in the living room. She sneered quietly at the adults supposed to be her parents and slipped up the stairs were she locked herself in her room, changing fast and climbing into bed.
Hopefully she could leave the house without too much of a fight when she had to go meet Nick. She set her phone next to her on the bed and set the alarm to nine. Placing her headphones in and turning on some Avenged Sevenfold, she soon fell asleep listening to A Little Piece of Heaven.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:45pm Jun 12 2012
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I smiled with excitement when she closed the door and as I walked home. Who knew that I would end up meeting with someone like Isedon tomorrow? We were so different, yet maybe she enjoyed my company too. I walked back to my one story home that, for a vampire, was pretty warm and homey. Closing the door, I found some ice cream from the fridge - one food humans have that I will never give up - and found a t.v. show on t.v. that I would watch while I ate half the carton. The joys of being a vampire - I didn't gain the weight.
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9:14pm Jun 12 2012
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[[ And they don't feel the affects of drugs. Hence why Markus's smokes~
And I am going to time-skip to morning, 'kay? ]]
Isedon woke to her alarm blaring in her ears. She sat up quickly, pulling out the headphones as she did and blinked her eyes sleepily as she checked the time on her phone. It was 9:10. She slept through her alarm for ten minutes.
She must've been tired. Though, she still had time to shower; assuming the city didn't turn off their water again. With a sigh, she rolled out of bed and gather some clean clothes before heading to the bathroom. Surprisingly, it was empty. Meaning her parents already nursed their hangovers and were done puking up their insides.
Setting the clothes down on the counter top, she pulled out a relatively clean towel and closed and locked the door. Turning on the water, she waited for it to heat up, only to realize that it would stay lukewarm. Fnck. The water heater was broken and with no money, she couldn't get anybody to fix the damn thing.
So she just stripped from her pajamas and stepped under the lukewarm stream, scrubbing as much as she could from her skin. Like the smell of alcohol. Her parents would freak if they caught that scent on her. But if it was on them...
She sighed and continued to wash her russet and black hair before rinsing out the suds. She also too the chance to shave her underarms and legs, even though the black hairs were so small. Isedon didn't want to take the chance. Finally, she turned off the water, toweled dry, and dressed into cloths similar to the ones she wore yesterday. Squeezing excess water from her hair, she walked silently back to her room, brushing out the tangles and knots.
Checking her phone again, she saw that she still had time before she was meeting with Nick. Her stomach grumbled in protest. Time to see what the kitchen had stocked. Sliding her phone and headphones into her pocket, she walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. There was some food and she quickly ate it up after a moment's hesitation.
Maybe she could sneak out now and enjoy a leisurely walk to the --
"Isedon, where do you think you're going?"
Damn. Nope. Isedon turned to face the speaker. Ah *censored*. Her mother. She put on a fake smile. "To meet a friend," she said. If she could count Nick as a friend... But her mother seemed to have trouble believing it.
"You are not leaving this house."
Isedon narrowed her eyes, pupils constricting into tighter slits. A low sound exited her throat. "You can't make me, mother. I am eighteen. Not five." She turned towards the door again, but was wrenched away when her fingers brushed the handle. A slap, full slap, made her see stars and pain in her cheek. That would bruise later. Tilting her head, she saw that it was her father that had slapped her.
"Listen to your mother."
"Ah fnck no! I will not! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU!" she roared as she backhanded him across the jaw. She felt his bone break under her knuckles before using her other hand to punch him in the throat. He staggered back, unable to breath, and collapsed. Her furious gaze turned towards her mother. The woman had enough sense to back away. But Isedon's eyes still narrowed into slits. "This is not your house. With all the money I had earned over the last eighteen years going into fixing this place. It is mine. You cannot control me."
And with that, she left. Slamming the door behind her.
She had made it to the park. The walk had made her calm down. Glancing at the time, she saw she had a good hour left. So she just sat sideways on a bench with her knees against her chest and her headphones in her ears; blasting music. Hugging her knees closer, she lost herself in the music of Five Finger Death Punch.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:28pm Jun 12 2012
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[[ Hehe, that's fine. xD ]]
I probably could have slept through the whole day if I wanted too. But my dog, Puddles, wouldn't allow that if that meant he wouldn't be able to get fed. Opening my eyes to see a black lab staring back at me, he started licking my face. Pushing him off, I laughed and wiped my face as I said, "Alright, fine boy..."
Getting up, I noticed that I had a huge stain from falling asleep while I was eating the ice cream, the carton had dripped all over my shirt. Frowning, I was more worried about the lack of ice cream I now had in the fridge then the noticeable stain. Picking up the ice cream carton, I threw the excess soupy ice cream away with the carton, disappointed I had none for tomorrow. Puddles barked, and I realized I hadn't fed him yet. After feeding him I let him outside. I've had Puddles for so long, he could easily run around the whole neighborhood and come back with no problem. So I opened the door and let him roam free. He'd come through the doggy door when he was ready and tired of running.
Finding a better shirt was the next issue. I wasn't the most organized person, so all of my dirty and clean clothes were piled together in my room. After smelling half a dozen shirts, I finally found one that smelled clean. Who knows if it actually was, but at least it smelled fine.
Slipping the T-shirt on, and finding a better pair of jeans, I walked outside and started for the park.
It wasn't hard to find Isedon. The second I came inside and started looking around the obvious places she'd stay to wait, I saw her lying on the bench. With a frown, I hoped she was alright as I came over. She had head phones in her ears so I doubt she'd notice me. Either that or she just didn't acknowledge me there. Getting on one knee, I leaned my head down to get in her line of sight and put a hand on her shoulder. "Isedon? Are you alright?"
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10:26pm Jun 12 2012
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With Nick's head suddenly in her field of vision, her eyes widened and she jerked to sit upright. Only causing her head to knock against his. With a groan, she rubbed at her forehead and pulled out one headphone. "Are you alright?" she asked instead, not hearing his question at all. She felt so bad for hurting him, but he did just appear out of nowhere.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:27pm Jun 13 2012
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[[ I won't be on tomorrow. If I do, it won't be for very long. I have that surgery tomorrow. -.- kill me now. ]]
The second her eyes hit on mine, I frowned. Her cheek was discolored, and my eyes couldn't tear away discreetly. Before I could ask what happened, her head banged against mine harshly. Rubbing my forehead, I lifted an eyebrow and worried more about her cheek then my head. "I should be asking you the same question - again."
I said, standing up from my knees, letting go of her arm, and sitting down next to her, my knuckles grazed her swollen cheek. "What happened there?"
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9:45pm Jun 13 2012
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[[ Surgery? D: What for? ]]
When his knuckles grazed against her bruise cheek, she shifted her head away. Her eyes focusing on something else instead of his concerned face. "Its nothing," she said, playing with the headphone wire.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:50pm Jun 13 2012
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[[ Oh goodness, I thought I told everyone when I found out. Sorry. o-o I have a cyst on my forehead that has to be removed. It's not as big of a deal as the word 'Surgery' makes you think. Bahahaha. I'll be awake and everything. O_O_O It is kind of scary though, bahaha. D| ]]
I hadn't meant to push her away or make her feel uncomfortable when I touched her cheek. I just had a feeling that this had something to do with her 'parents', and if your parents don't treat you right... Someone needed to show her some kind of gentle touch. But, then again, she might get the wrong idea.
I put my hand down and put both arms back on the bench in a relaxed position. "Really? It almost looks like someone hit you. Ironic, I guess." I said in a dry tone as I leaned my legs out to cross my ankles.
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10:19pm Jun 13 2012
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[[ I had a cyst on my tailbone. It hurt like crap and I had to miss a week of school and work. ;~; I hated it... ]]
Isedon gave him a glare, hugging her knees close to her chest. "Why do you care?" she growled. If she knew her parents were going to do this, she wouldn't have gone home last night. She would've spent the night in the park, sleeping in the playground tunnel. Or in the main offices in the library since she was on friendly terms with the librarians. She's done it before.
But last night, she needed a bed to sleep in and neither place had those except for that ram-shackled place called home.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:29pm Jun 13 2012
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[[ Thanks for making me scared now...
But seriously, it better not hurt or someone's gunna' die.]
I lifted an eyebrow in her direction. Society really has changed. It wasn't such a surprise for kindness to be given to strangers back in my day. Or, maybe it was just the way my environment was back then. I had loving parents that didn't spoil me, but still knew how to surprise me with random candies from the store at age 11. And all through out my life, I'd see my mother always giving people extra tips at stores or money out to random people on the street who didn't have a home. She taught me how to love humanity, even if they didn't know what love really was. We were that 'light' in the darkness, I guess.
Then again, the second I became a vampire, my father kicked me out. So maybe love wasn't all it was cracked up to be at all. Realizing this, I shrugged.
"I honestly don't know..." It sounded harsh but it was the truth. If my father was a hypocrite, then did caring about strangers even matter? "I don't know why, but I do." I said, saying the words carefully so she understood better. "So tell me what happened. Because I do care."
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10:41pm Jun 13 2012
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[[ It only hurt when they numbed it. I hate needles so.... ]]
She stayed silent. She didn't really want to tell him. She didn't want some stranger who she just met worrying about her. If she told him, he'd worry. If she didn't, he'd still worry. Narrowing her eyes a little more, she tilted her head to one side and finally said, "My father hit me."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:48pm Jun 13 2012
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[[When I was younger, two nurses had to hold me down for needles. So I feel ya. D: i'm not that much of a wimp now though D: ]]
I wished I could show some kind of surprised reaction, but I think we both knew that I was already sure of why she had the mark on her cheek. "Why?" I asked as I clenched my jaw. How dare a father hit his daughter? I couldn't even fathom... My hands balled into fists and quivered. No excuse was a good one in my opinion to hit your child. She's his flesh and blood. How could he...
"Why would he hit you?" I said, trying to keep my tone more 'nice' this time, but it came out with more of a low growl type voice.
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11:23pm Jun 13 2012
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[[ I still hate needles. But whenever I -- or one of my brothers -- get a shot, my mom treats us to ice cream~ :3 ]]
Isedon gave him a look. "I refused to listen to my b!tch of a mother, that's why. And they were both still high anyways," she said. And they still smelled like alcohol. Maybe they decided to get back on the bottle after they puked back up everything they drank yesterday.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:25pm Jun 13 2012
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[[... Awh. <333333 My mom better do that... ]]
My anger simmered and a look of sympathy crossed my eyes as I looked back at Isedon. I didn't really know how to comfort her. She didn't seem to like me touching her at all, so a awkward hug wouldn't do the trick.
"I'm sorry, Isedon. I can't imagine being hit by my father."
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11:44pm Jun 13 2012
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[[ But I think I might be too old now... -ish 18- So... ]]
Nobody could. And that was the problem. Nobody knew how to comfort a small child when they had been beat by their father -- or their mother in some cases -- when they were either high off their @ss or drunk. She didn't respond to him either. She just continued to hug her knees.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.