11:51pm Jun 13 2012
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[[ Well I'm fifteen so I have more of an excuse to get her to buy me something. ;)) ]]
I pursed my lips and leaned my head up to look at the sky. I couldn't completely understand her situation, but would it be so wrong if I helped her forget? Just to see her smile once in a while. I wasn't the comedian, so I can't crack a joke. And I had no idea what she actually liked to do, so this was more difficult than I had thought.
"Hey, you hungry? They have a stand with all kinds of food in this park close by."
That wasn't to help her to forget really. It was to relieve this awkward tension. "Come on, lets go."
I said, not really giving her a choice as I stood up and put my hands in my pockets as I started walking in the direction of the stand that I saw. If she didn't come, I'd buy something and force it down her throat...
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12:33pm Jun 14 2012
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Isedon perked a little at that. Food? The something she ate earlier wasn't enough to make her full. And her stomach still growled with hunger. Without much thought, she followed after Nick. Her hands curled around her phone and headphones before she slid them into a pocket on her pants.
She usually starved some days -- literally too -- because their wasn't enough food in the house and her... parents... were too high off their @sses to go get some more food.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:12pm Jun 14 2012
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I glanced behind my shoulder once the food stand came into view to see if she followed. With a smile, I waited until she was next to me to walk in step with her. Coming up to the stand, there was a whole list of things to get with the price next to it. Taking my wallet out, I smiled down at her. "Pick anything you want, Isedon."
I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't treat herself once in a while, so giving her the freedom of getting whatever she wanted might be a better way to break some walls down. I told the guy inside the stand that I wanted a soft pretzel, the best thing to eat other then ice cream, gave the money for that, then waited for Isedon.
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3:56pm Jun 14 2012
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Isedon's russet eyes looked over the menu. Everything looked so good! She felt a longing in her she hadn't felt in some time. Without another word, she pointed to the picture of the hot dog. Afraid her voice would say that she wanted everything.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:35pm Jun 14 2012
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I got out the money for the hot dog and said, "And a hot dog for the lady."
Giving the money and grabbing the soft pretzel. The man gave several packs of mustard and ketchup to me while he handed the hot dog to Isedon. With a nonchalant tone I asked the man if he could also give me a bag with ice. He gave me a funny ex pression but I didn't feel the need to justify myself. After being given the ice, I put it in Isedon's free hand. "It'll help the swelling on your cheek."
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9:49pm Jun 14 2012
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Isedon's russet eyes brightened when she took the offered hotdog. Its been forever since she had one of these! Just as she was going to ask Nick for a packet or two of ketchup, he placed a small bag of ice in her hand, saying it was for her cheek. With a deeply exhaled breath, she gave him her hotdog.
"Then put ketchup on this," she said.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:26am Jun 15 2012
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I smirked at her cooperation since I thought she might give the ice back. Putting the soft pretzel on a plastic plate the man had given me, I put it on the counter before opening the packs of ketchup and putting it on the hot dog.
I said as I took the pretzel from the counter.
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12:07pm Jun 15 2012
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Isedon nodded. Though, it would be a bit awkward to eat with the ice bag against her face, she decided to devour the hot dog. Devour might not be the right word... More like inhaled. She was hungry. When there was no more hot dog left, she frowned and crumpled the remaining wad of paper in her hands before tossing it into the closest trashcan.
Then, she put the ice to her cheek.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:00pm Jun 15 2012
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Before I even finished my first bite of the pretzel, the hot dog had disappeared. I looked at the side walk, thinking she could have dropped it, and looked up at her with a lifted eyebrow. "I'm guessing you were hungry?"
I asked, more concerned the amused. If she ate it that fast, obviously she was hungry. I took another bite of my pretzel as I started back for the bench.
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7:57pm Jun 15 2012
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Isedon shrugged. "I didn't have much for breakfast," she admitted. An overripe apple was the only they had in their house and she had eaten it. Her stomach rumbled faintly. She was still mighty hungry.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:06pm Jun 15 2012
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I frowned. She could say whatever she wanted, but hearing her stomach growl even after that hot dog spoke for itself. "Just let me know if you want anything else."
I said, concern in my eyes. How was I supposed to be with her today without asking a thing about her personal life? Or offering to somehow get her out of there? My protective nature was already piqued, I didn't know how to hide my worry.
"Anything. Just say so." I repeated, as I took another bite of the pretzel.
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1:01pm Jun 16 2012
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3:17pm Jun 16 2012
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Isedon glanced back at the stand. She still wanted more, but she didn't want to use his money for it. Slipping her free hand into her pant's pocket, she kept her other one against her face to cool the bruise her father had left there.
But, she broke his jaw. So it was worth it.
Glancing away from the stand she watched as several kids bounded into the park. Their happy-go-lucky attitude made her slightly jealous. She could never be that happy even if she tried.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:36pm Jun 16 2012
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I sat down on the bench close by after she didn't respond. Hopefully she'd tell me if she did want something. I looked back as some kids came in, and noticed how Isedon watched. I didn't want to think of it as any more then curiosity in her ex pression, but I couldn't help but ask. "You have any friends you go out with once in a while, like that?"
Not too personal. Right? I sighed. This girl was harder with conversation then I had thought.
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8:24pm Jun 16 2012
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Isedon glanced back towards Nick. "What? Uh... No. Parents didn't let their kids hang out with me. Thought I might be like them," she said as she leaned her hip against the bench. If she had spent more time around people her own age then she might've been more open with people. But no. People were stupid.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:32pm Jun 16 2012
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I lifted an eyebrow. "Then what do you do with your free time?"
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8:44pm Jun 16 2012
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Free time? What was this nonsense? Something new? A confused look crossed her face. "I don't get much free time. Even during the summer months. I spend most of my time looking for odd jobs that can pay for the damned house we live in since they don't to sh!t," she said.
The side of her face she held the ice against was starting to get numb and cold. Lowering the arm, she set the ice on the bench.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:18pm Jun 16 2012
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"You have to make sure you have that on 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off. And so on."
I said as I grabbed her wrist and forced her hand with the ice to go back to her cheek. Through my cold finger tips, I could feel her pulse on her wrist and it made hand linger. My mouth watered with a desire to get a taste. Oh, just a small taste of that blood that pulsed through the veins I could feel.
I jerked my hand away and averted my eyes.
"Wait. So your parents don't pay for the house? You do?" I said, trying to get my mind back on the conversation and off the desire for her blood.
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9:26pm Jun 16 2012
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Isedon blinked as he forced her hand with the ice back to her cheek. She hissed and slapped his hand away when he didn't jerk it back fast enough. "Dude. My cheek is numb. I can't feel sh!t. Any more of his ice and I'll get frostbite. Then where will my charming looks go? Down the fncking drain because of a permanent scar," she growled as she pulled the ice away from her face. Tempted to shove it down his shirt.
"And yea. I pay so we don't get evicted again. Me. Not them. Their names are just on the deed. I am the one that attempts to keep everything from breaking and all the fncking bills that come with it," she said, holding the bag of ice by the top to keep her hand from freezing any more.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:35pm Jun 16 2012
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"You'd rather have a red and blue mark on your cheek, then deal with a little bit of numbness for the swelling to come down? I thought you were tougher then that, Isedon."
I said, though I had a teasing glint in my eyes.
"So why don't you just leave then, Isedon? Save a little of money every week from the pay check to save up. Then find a reliable job you can keep so you can get a better pay check once you move out. It's not healthy for you to be there. I have every right to call authorities for your father hitting you."
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