10:01pm Jun 16 2012
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Isedon glowered at him. "I've dealt with worse. Believe me. And I had no ice for those. I can deal with a bruised cheek," she stated simply, ignoring the teasing glint she saw. Then, she sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "I don't have a job so I don't get paychecks. I do odd jobs around the neighborhood. I'll mow a few lawns, walk a couple dogs, take out the trash a dozen times and still not have enough for food or such.
"Then go ahead! Call the cops. They don't do a damn thing anyways. They say they do, but they don't."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:08pm Jun 16 2012
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"Well I can't just act like there isn't a problem, Isedon. Will you let me help?" She couldn't possibly think I could act like nothing was wrong. Like her father hadn't hit her. Like she was paying for her own house. Like she didn't eat half the time - she didn't admit that, but I could tell. Like her parents weren't alcoholics. She needed help, and sometimes help wasn't a bad thing. I hoped she realized that.
"I'm not saying I am hugely rich, but I do have money that I don't even need. I haven't used in years, and it's a whole lot that will do you a whole lot of good."
I felt like saying that last stuff made the idea backfire.
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11:24am Jun 17 2012
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[[ He should totally kidnap her one night... Or adultnap since she is eighteen~ |3
And I can't think, atm... ]]
Isedon shook her head. While she was thankful for the hot dog, she didn't like taking charity from others. To her, it meant she couldn't do things on her own.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:38pm Jun 17 2012
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[[ I was actually thinking of him just saying 'move in with me' bluntly in this post but then I was like... O_O That'll make him look like a creeper. I like the idea of him kidnapping her. xDDD ]]
"So what do you plan to do with your life, Isedon? Spend the rest of your young days - when you can be enjoying youth - doing odd jobs just to get an apple? You need some kind of game plan to move forward, and not stay in this current situation."
She was frustrating me more then anything now. Mostly because she was being stubborn. I hoped she didn't notice how I spoke of youth - like maybe I didn't spend my younger days the way I wished.
"There's nothing wrong with help."
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8:38pm Jun 17 2012
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Isedon pinned him a glare. "I do have a plan. I'm getting out of this godforsaken town and this state and going somewhere far away for college. Somewhere where they will never touch me again," she said forcefully. But it wouldn't go into effect until August sometime. She didn't even notice when he spoke of being young and "youth," her thoughts were too scrambled to do anything else.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:45pm Jun 17 2012
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"So you technically do have money, but you've been saving it for college somewhere else."
I said, becoming more understanding on her plan.
[[ Shortie. :c ]]
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8:54pm Jun 17 2012
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Isedon snorted. That was stupid. No matter how she hid money, her lame excusses of her parents always found it and spent it on drugs or alcohol. "Nope. I've got a full ride. Other people are paying for it. I just had to get the grades they wanted during school. I graduated at the top of my class," she said, crossing her arms against her chest. She knew that she would, but her classmates were totally stunned. Though in the end, they realized that she deserved it. She worked her @ss of harder than anybody.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:58pm Jun 17 2012
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I was at a loss. I couldn't leave her stranded with no money by the end of the day, but I couldn't give her money. Or she wouldn't take it willingly. I had to do something, especially since I felt like such a waste with all the money I had from over the years.
"That's very impressive."
I said softly. Gosh, she seemed so... Bitter. She needed at least one person to notice what she's done. Even my mood wasn't this bad as a human, though life wasn't gracious to me either back then or now.
"Do you have any other family around?"
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9:52pm Jun 17 2012
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Isedon shook her head. "Materal and Paternal are both out of the picture. They say they will not talk to my family again until my parents 'Get their act together and start acting like parents instead of druggies and alcoholics.' Which will be never," she said, putting air quotes around what both sides of her extended family said.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:04pm Jun 17 2012
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I shook my head. I hated how life has changed in just 200 years. "Why didn't they take you out then, if it was your parents with the issues and not you?"
As far as I knew of, anyway.
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8:30am Jun 18 2012
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Isedon shrugged. She honestly had no idea why they did what they did and did not take her out of the picture with her parents. Unless they thought she was the same as her parents. High on drugs and alcohol...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:53am Jun 18 2012
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"That's crazy."
I said before taking another bite of the pretzel.
[[ Lala~ fail. ]]
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10:28am Jun 18 2012
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[[ Something extremely interesting needs to happen... ]]
"Yes. It is," Isedon replied as she joined him on the bench. She was getting a little tired of standing and leaning.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:58am Jun 18 2012
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[[ I know right... Obviously something that has to do with vampires. Maybe something along the lines of a vampire - or like a coven of them- take Isedon as bait to get to Nich? Maybe something happened, and they just want him dead or something. I dunno'. I'm not good at thinking up non - cliche things. xDD ]]
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12:35pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ Sounds good. I don't care if it sounds cliche. It sounds interesting as well~ ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:52pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ Oh... Okay! C:
Should we finish them hanging out and just talking or should we just have him take her home? bahahahahaahahaha. ]]
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12:56pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ Have them finish talking~ ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:59pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ What should Nich say? D| Now it's me who -can't think.- xD ]]
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1:13pm Jun 18 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:21pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ 100th post! |D
UGH. Oh fine. -.- ]]
"Well then it sounds like you need someone to cheer you up."
I said, getting up just as she sat down. With a smirk on my face, I said, "Let's do something. Forgetting for a little while won't hurt anything. And I'd like to see a happy smile from you before the end of the day. Let's go."
I said, not giving her a option as I started walking down the path.
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