11:06am Jun 20 2012
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[[ Just bumping.:) ]]
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11:13am Jun 20 2012
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Isedon made a small strangled-noise as he said that last thing. She honestly didn't pin him as the type to just use girls and throw them out, but it was still a surprise to hear him say that. Glancing down at her feet, she shuffled them slightly as she cocked her head. She honestly didn't want to deal with her parents at the moment. No doubt her father would still beat her just for breaking his jaw and her mother would do nothing to stop it.
Finally, she acquiesced with a nod.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:19am Jun 20 2012
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I couldn't help the surprise on my face. She trusted me? No matter how good it felt, I realized maybe I shouldn't trust myself. What if I lost control? I'd have to make sure to never be hungry around her.
"Oh... Okay."
I said with a smile, grabbing her hand, and leading her the opposite way of her house, but it was still on the same road, before letting go. "It's not the best house, but it has air conditioning, and I'll have a room for you too." I said with a shrug. Technically, she'd be taking my room.
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11:53am Jun 20 2012
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Isedon felt the faintest of surprisement when he grabbed a hold of one of her hands and lead her off towards his place. Which was the opposite direction of her's. When the stopped in front of his house, she breathed a small sigh of relief.
It wasn't ramshackled or anything. It actually looked kind of cozy.
"If it has AC, it must be heaven. Our air conditioner broke a couple days ago," she said, smiling at the first part before muttering out the second.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:05pm Jun 20 2012
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I led her up to the front door. "Then I'll make sure it's on."
I said with a smile in her direction, before getting my key and opening the door. "We can get you your own key tomorrow if you'll be staying a while."
I said before the lock unlatched and I opened the door. I was greeted with a sweet vanilla scent - I was a sucker for candles, a part of my days was still in me. It was a one story building, fit for one person, but two people will be fine. "Let me show you around."
I said, before pointing to the obvious area that was right next to the small foyer. "That's the kitchen. Feel free to take whatever food is there, but I might need to go to the grocery store soon."
Seeing as I only had a couple things in the fridge. I'd have to get used to bringing more food in for a human. In front of the foyer was the living room, with a sofa and t.v. "This is the living room."
I said, before leading her down a hallway. "And here's your bedroom."
I said, opening the door. I was quite neat, and the bedroom was plain since I didn't use it. (Vampires do not sleep? o_e ) "Will it be fine for now? We can always change it up to your liking."
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3:20pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Markus does... 'Cause he is ooold~ ;D ]]
Isedon followed him into the house. It was surprisingly quite homey and such. But as she was shown the only bedroom in the house as she could tell, she cocked her head to one side and glanced back at Nick.
"But where will you sleep?" she asked.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:36pm Jun 20 2012
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[ Ohhh. Okay. I'll have him sleep then. xD ]]
"As you can see this bedroom looks barely touched. I usually fall asleep on the sofa, so I'm fine with having that as my official bedroom." I said with a shrug.
"Did you want to go to your house and get any clothes and such or...?"
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3:44pm Jun 20 2012
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She did see that. But she felt a smig guilty that she was taking the only bed in the house. Though, that thought quickly vanished. "I can always sneak through my window to get the things I need," she said. But she didn't have a lot of stuff to begin with.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:46pm Jun 20 2012
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"Wanna' go now? I can go with you. Just in case your caught or anything."
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3:47pm Jun 20 2012
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Isedon nodded. "Yes and I'd welcome the company."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:48pm Jun 20 2012
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I smirked, inwardly hoping they'd get caught. Just itching for a fight these days... I walked to the front of the door, and opened it for her. "How much do you think you'll have to bring back? I might have a bin if it's a lot."
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3:51pm Jun 20 2012
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Isedon cocked her head. "A backpack full maybe. I don't have a lot," she said as she slid past him when he opened the door for her.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:01pm Jun 20 2012
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"Alright." I said, inwardly surprised she didn't have that much. "But what about clothes? Girls like a lot of clothes."
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4:06pm Jun 20 2012
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Isedon scoffed. "Not this girl. I'm not one of those prissy 'I have to have the latest fashion so I can rub it your face, pleb!' girls," she half-sneered. Personally, she wouldn't bat an eye if God or whoever suddenly woke up and smited them all.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:08pm Jun 20 2012
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I smirked and locked the door behind me before walking with her. "I see. But still, you need more then two pairs of clothes. Do you have enough?"
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4:15pm Jun 20 2012
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"Of course I have enough," she replied as they walked back to her house. There was a light on where the living room was roughly. Probably her parents waiting for her to come back.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:18pm Jun 20 2012
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Her house came close by and I lifted an eyebrow at Isedon. "Alright. Just asking." I said, putting my hands up in a surrendering motion before stopping and looking at Isedon. "Want me to stay by the window while you're in, or wait here?"
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4:24pm Jun 20 2012
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"You might attract unwanted attention," she said as she moved towards the back of the house. Her room was in that direction. "Just follow me and keep a look out, 'kay?"
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:28pm Jun 20 2012
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I said, sticking my hands in my pockets and following her up.
[[ Shortie. :< ]]
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4:53pm Jun 20 2012
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Once they reached the back of the house, Isedon glanced up slightly. Her window was screenless so this should be relatively easy. Glancing back towards her eye-level with the house, she backed up slightly and took off her boots. Right now, she just needed her socks since the shoes would make too much noise against the house.
"I'll be back in thirty minutes tops," she said before bolting at the house and running up the wall slightly. She grabbed at an outlying piece of brick and climbed up the rest of the way. Reaching her window, she pushed it open since it had no lock and rolled inside. Landing quietly on the wooden floor.
Moving quickly she snatched up her empty backpack from her open closet and swiftly removed everything piece of clothing she owned in her closet and stuffed it in her backpack. All her clothes were in her closet. She had no dresser or anything. But, she did have a small night stand that housed her undergarments and socks. Quickly opening those draws, she realized her backpack might not be enough.
Mouthing a curse, she pulled her duffle bag from under her bed and quickly shifted all her clothes into the black canvas. Once all her clothes were in that, she zipped it closed and set it next to her window. For the backpack, she stuffed her brush, deodorant, and (and after a quick trip to the bathroom) shampoo and conditioner. Going to a hidden part of the wall in the back of her closet, she removed a few of the wooden boards and removed a small wad of money. It was only around $100, and she had been saving it up since Christmas. Flipping through it, she set it in a small pocket inside the main one.
Gathering up her charging cord and wall dock and dumping that in the backpack, she zipped it closed before she remembered something. She had two stuffed animals. One resembled a grey wolf and the other was a small orange tabby that she named Tiger when she was around four. Quickly grabbing those from that same hidden place in which the wad of cash had been, she placed them in the backpack before walking over to the open window.
"Nick!" she whisper-shouted.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.