5:32pm Jun 20 2012
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I leaned against the bricks as I waited for Isedon's call. She was right, she took about thirty minutes. Hearing her voice, I turned and looked up at the window with a small wave for acknowledgement.
"Can you come down, or you need help?"
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5:43pm Jun 20 2012
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"I need to you catch two things. I might a slight error in my clothing calculations," she responded. She withdrew from the window as she gathered the duffle and her backpack before poking her head back out.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:49pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Wait. What did she say? D: -typo-]]
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6:00pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ She needs him to catch two things since she made a slight error when calculating how much space her clothes take up. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:05pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Oh gosh. I could have gotten that meaning, sorry. I didn't have my afternoon coffee, plus role playing all day, means my brain isn't working right. xD ]]
I said, my hands out and ready to catch the belongings. At least she had more clothes then she thought.
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6:39pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Its fine. Don't worry. ]]
Isedon nodded and shifted her arms slightly so that the duffle and the backpack hung outside the house only an arms-length away. Then, she dropped them unceremoniously.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:47pm Jun 20 2012
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Grabbing the bags, I kept them in my hand as I waited for Isedon to finish.
[[ Fail. ]]
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7:04pm Jun 20 2012
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Isedon turned back to look at her room. Nothing else remained that she wanted to take with her. The bed sheets were an unappealing tan and she had nothing else in a hidey hole. With a faint sigh, she climbed back out of the window and slowly -- but gently -- closed the window and made sure it was shut all the way before climbing the rest of the way down.
With her feet back on the grass, she slipped them back into her boots. "That's everything," she said.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:38am Jun 21 2012
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"Great. Let's get out of here before they notice."
I said, keeping the bags in my hands as I started walking to the side walk.
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9:50am Jun 21 2012
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Isedon nodded and followed him back onto the sidewalk. The living room light was still on, but that could mean just about anything.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:52am Jun 21 2012
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When we came back to my one story home, I unlocked the door, and brought her bags to her room. Thinking it was really late by now, I gave her a small smile. "Need anything else? You must be exhausted by now."
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10:08am Jun 21 2012
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Isedon shook her head. Nope. She had everything she needed. Except for sleep. She felt like she would pass out at any moment.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:27am Jun 21 2012
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"Sleep tight then."
I said with a smile before going out of the room and closing the door behind me. It was then that I remembered the picture under the mattress in that bedroom. Pictures, actually. Ones of my mother, father, and me individual; and then one group shot. I was only 7 - and a human - so she couldn't possibly think it was me - hopefully. They weren't colored, and the photo was crinkled and orange from it being so old, but I've kept them safe under the mattress for... Forever, it felt like. Ever since I first came to this home.
It would be impossible for her to see them, of course. Not everyone puts their hand in the mattress before sleeping at night. Letting the worries appease, I went to the kitchen fridge - remembering I had no more ice cream. With a frown, I came to the living room and sat down on the sofa - to see the dog beside me. I had forgotten to show Isedon him. Petting his ears, I leaned my head back, choosing to let her notice him tomorrow.
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12:05pm Jun 21 2012
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Isedon watched as he left and closed the door behind him before she moved her duffle to rest on the bed. Unzipping it, she pulled out her pajamas. Ratty sweats and a faded red tank. Either way, they were comfortable. Stripping out of her clothes, she stood barefoot in her underwear a full few seconds before slipping on the sweats and tank.
Deciding just to pile her dirty clothes in one corner of the room, she hid the bra underneath the shirt and set the duffle back besides the backpack. But she did open the pack to pull out the stuffed orange tabby. Fondling its worn ears, she pulled back the covers of the bed and slid between the sheets. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was asleep with Tiger snuggled against her chin.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:56pm Jun 21 2012
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It was at least 3 hours after I left Isedon in my bedroom. She had to be asleep by now, right? 2:00 AM in the morning, she'd have to be out of it. Getting up from the sofa, I walked with quiet foot steps into the hallway. I wasn't wearing shoes, just socks, and the floors didn't creak, so I knew I was quiet enough. Walking to the door, I slowly opened it to see her sleeping with a tiger stuffed animal. I smirked at the image before creeping in. Going on my knees on the other side of the bed, I quietly lifted up the mattress, just enough for my hand to squeeze through to find the pictures. When I felt one against my finger tips, I found all of their locations and grabbed the four pictures from under the mattress. Once getting them out, I went to the door, holding back a chuckle at her stuffed animal before closing the door behind me.
Walking quietly back to my living room, I decided I'd find a new place for the pictures to hide tomorrow. Sticking them in my pocket carefully, I sat back down on the sofa, and let myself fall asleep to the sound of Wheel of Fortune playing quietly from the t.v.
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4:09pm Jun 21 2012
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[[ OMG Nick you creaper!
But your still awesome~
And Imma timeskip to morning. ]]
Isedon was still asleep by 2 in the morning. She didn't feel him lift the mattress or retrieve the pictures that lay between that and the box spring. She just curled closer around herself as she clutched Tiger tightly against her chest, a faint murmur leaving her lips as she dreamt.
Faintly, she could hear the morning songs of the birds and scowled in her sleep. Pulling the covers over her head in an attempt to block out the noise and to fall back into her slumber, she realized she couldn't since the birdsong was being a persistent pain in the @ss.
With a grumble, she kicked off the covers and slowly stood as she stretched out her sleepy muscles. Running a hand through her bedhead hair, she left Tiger on the bed as she moved to the door so she could inspect the kitchen to see if it had any food.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:33am Jun 22 2012
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[[ Paradise in the bushes? Nicholas sneaking into Isedon's room? I'm starting to think your role plays are making my character's creepers... ]]
"Puddles, this is starting to get really annoying..."
I mumbled as Puddles licked my face enough that I was afraid my face would be gone. I pushed him away and sat up on the sofa. The t.v. was still, so I turned it off and got up just in time to see Isedon coming out of her room. "Good morning." I gave her a tired smile, running a hand through my blonde hair before searching the kitchen counter for my glasses. Once sticking my black rimmed glasses on, I walked to the kitchen as though I was hungry for human food and searched for something to eat.
"I have cheerios and milk. But that's as creative as I get. You want some tea?"
I wasn't into this centuries way of having caffeine - coffee. "Tea tastes better and won't stain your teeth, unlike coffee."
I said with a scrunched up nose before putting a pot on the stove to already start making tea for myself.
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11:43am Jun 22 2012
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[[ 8D ]]
Isedon paused a bit when he spoke to her. Her head tilted to one side, but she didn't hear the rest of what he had said. She only heard "cheerios and milk" before everything else became a low buzz in her ears.
"Uh... No tea, please. I don't drink coffee anyway," she said as she inched a bit more into the kitchen. "Can I have some cheerios?"
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:47am Jun 22 2012
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I shrugged my shoulders at her declining the tea. While boiling the water, I went to get bowls and spoons from the cabinets and drawers. Putting two spoons and two bowls on the island next to the fridge, I then grabbed the milk. With a smile, I gave her the cheerios. Without my tea in the morning, I wasn't much of a gentleman. She could pour it herself...
I said before going back to the boiling pot to stick the tea bags in.
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12:03pm Jun 22 2012
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[[ Gentleman Nick - No morning Tea = Cranky Nick
|3 ]]
Isedon accepted the cheerios as she slid in towards the counter where the bowls rested. Stopping in front of one, she poured out the amount she wanted before setting the box down and pouring out the milk.
Setting the carton back down, she picked up the bowl and spoon before turning around to lean against the counter-top as she slowly ate the cereal. It took all her strength not to just inhale it since she was basically starving.
After a few minutes, she balanced the bowl in one hand and slid one finger under the black leather, elbow-length gloves she always way to scratch away an itch.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.