11:57am Jun 6 2012
Normal User
Posts: 2,895
They came from another world/dimension (different ways and at different
times so they don't know each other) and know nothing of the modern
world. They try to survive and some humans find them roaming on their
own. They take them in (the same or different family). They now try to
survive life as a normal human while trying to find a way back to their
own families.
I'll post my bio below
12:03pm Jun 6 2012 (last edited on 12:25pm Jun 6 2012)
Normal User
Posts: 2,895
Name: Ayase Gender: Male Age: Forms: Earth: panther, fox Air: dove, drongo Water: dolphin, sea horse Personality: Ayase is apathetic,
emotionless, and empty. He can't remember the last time he laughed, let
alone smiled. His ex pression is always blank, as if he is just observing
the world than living in it. He stays by himself and has no friends. He
hates when people mistake him for a girl, however he sometimes uses it
to his advantage. Because of his looks, normal boys and girls are
hypnotized by him, when he acts weak and defenseless.
ta:image/jpeg;base64,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style="width:282px;height:178px" data-height="178" data-width="282" class="rg_hi uh_hi" id="rg_hi" alt="" height="178" width="282"> Other
12:24pm Jun 6 2012
Normal User
Posts: 5,310
Name: |Acheron Styxx|
Nickname(s) : |Ash|
Age: |Eighteen|
Gender: |Male|
Species: |Shapeshifter|
Powers: |Acheron can shapeshift into six animals. Two land; Clouded Leopard and Maned Wolf. Two air; Harpy Eagle and Barn Owl. Two water; Thresher Shark and Saltwater Crocodile. Because of the colour of his hair, all his forms have a crimson tint to their fur/ feathers/ scales. Though some have more of a tint than others.|
Appearance: |Acheron has dark green eyes like the colour of weathered jade with veins of gold around his pupils. His hair colour -- as seen below -- is a dark crimson and very long in the back. He has to braid it slightly for it to be manageable. He is rather tall, standing at six foot even, if he is not wearing shoes. With sneakers on, his height increases by about an inch. Acheron is very lean; not overly muscular. But lean. He is also wiry and quick of movement despite his tall frame. Acheron is 155 lbs, but none of it is fat. Although you can't see this in the picture below, Acheron wears pretty comfortable Wrangler jeans that allow a lot of movement. The jeans are a faded blue with worn knees. He also wears black Nike sneakers. Acheron also has certain features that have been changed or added to his appearance. He has feathers in his hair and soft, downy ones on his cheek bones. Scales cover his lower forearms and hands as the nails on his fingers curve out into claws. And his canines are slightly longer and sharper than the average person's. [ tle="" target="">X] |
Personality: |How to describe Acheron's personality... Well, if it could be summed up in a few words, it would be aggressive when the time calls, very protective of anything he cherishes, and extremely silent unless he has something he needs to share with somebody. But that just scratches the surface of Acheron. He is more complex than most people. Probably more complex than anybody he knows that is because he is constantly keeping secrets. Secrets about his past which he refuses to mention, about his family, and about himself. Though, once somebody does break that hard outer shell he has, they will find a very different person beneath. Acheron has a kind heart and an urge to please anybody he is loyal to. But that does not make him a pushover. He is head strong and won't do something he is not comfortable doing.|
Other: |None|
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:08pm Jun 6 2012
Normal User
Posts: 5,310
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:51pm Jun 6 2012
Normal User
Posts: 2,895
((Yeah, do you want to or do you want me to?))
8:57pm Jun 6 2012
Normal User
Posts: 5,310
Can you? I plan to at least take a shower in the near future...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:02pm Jun 6 2012
Normal User
Posts: 2,895
((All right, *starts to write*))
9:38pm Jun 6 2012 (last edited on 9:30pm Jun 7 2012)
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Posts: 2,895
It has been a week since the Hatachii famile took him in as one of their own. They had been extremely kind to him and never questioned him about his past, so he hated deceiving them.
However, he still would not put down his guard. This place was strange to him and he was frightened, and to top everything he was told he would be attending school tomorrow.
Ayase had never been to school before, he always had private instructors and he doubted the school he would be attending would be anything he had ever experienced before.
Listening to the family explain it to him just added to his paranoia. He sat awake in bed, wide-eyed all night. He was unable to get a wink of sleep.
((sorry, I am terrible at beginning. However, I promise it will get better. XD ))
10:13am Jun 7 2012
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[[ Its fine. I probably won't be any better. ]]
Acheron lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He had been with this family for little over a month since he had arrived on Earth. He closed his jade-green eyes and sighed as he rolled over to face the wall before extending one hand out to inspect the scales and claws. It still amazed him that only he could see them. The other humans couldn't.
It also made him wonder if others like him would be able to see the animalistic changes his shapeshifting had done to his body.
With a shrug, he doubted it. But... Tomorrow was a school day. A Monday. The weekend was over. As a scowl curved his lips, he burrowed under the covers on the bed and fell into a fitful sleep.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:22pm Jun 7 2012 (last edited on 9:30pm Jun 7 2012)
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The first day of school. Nerves shook him when he woke up, but he forced them back, suppressing his emotions.
He could never be his true self around others, always this outer shell that seemed completely empty. Blank eyes, observing the world without expressing, without feeling. That wasn't the real him. However, he didn't really know who he was really like.
He felt fake. His mind shuddered while his body seemed unaffected. He snatched the bag off his bed and headed out the door. School was just around the corner.
2:33pm Jun 7 2012
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Acheron had managed to rise before his alarm went off, so he had to pause in the middle of brushing his teeth to turn the thing off. With a sigh, he finished up and trotted down the stairs of the two-story house this family lived in.
"Good morning, Ash."
He looked up from collecting his backpack and cocked his head. "Good morning, ma'am," he said, causing the woman to sigh and place her hands on her hips.
"I told you before, call me Athon. No more "ma'am" business. If I catch you saying it again, no more desert for you!" she said, pointing.
Acheron managed a small smile as he dipped his head in acknowledgement. "I'm off to school," he said, then, changing the subject.
"Have a good day then, Ash."
He did a sort-of backwards wave in her direction as he headed out the door. Even though the school was just a few blocks away, he liked to get there early.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:29pm Jun 7 2012 (last edited on 9:30pm Jun 7 2012)
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Ayase stood before the great double doors, mystified. This was really it. He sighed and pulled the door to the right open with one hand.
It wouldn't open. He tried with both hands, again without success. Normally people would start to get angry at this point, so he must have looked extremely strange when he continued to tug at the door with both hands, a blank ex pression on his face.
People gathered around, gawking at him. No one made any move to help him though. He stared emotionless at the huge door that forbade him to enter.
It would be time for first period soon, he had to hurry. Inside he was panicking, but he couldn't get his body to respond to it. If he didn't open the door quick, he would be late for his first day. He didn't want to attract any more attention that he would already.
9:35pm Jun 7 2012
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"You push the door open."
Acheron stood behind the new student as he spoke, his hands in this pants pockets and his long crimson hair in a braid down his back. And even though his tone was relatively flat, his jade eyes danced with some amusement. Then, he brushed pass the kid and pushed the door open, leaving one hand on it so the newbie could get in.
"Like so."
Then, he let go of the door and walked through the second set of doors before turning down the right hand hall towards his locker. Once he had everything he needed for the first couple classes, he made his was towards first period.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:56pm Jun 7 2012
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Ayase walked through the doors as instructed, and was about to say his thanks, but before he knew it the boy was already gone. What a nice guy, Ayase thought to himself, Could he be what they call a friend?
Since he was privately tutored ever since he was young, Ayase
never went to school and made friends. Maybe that could be blamed for
his strange "outer la yer" character. He was always made to stay inside
and learn academics and music, not to mention socializing with arrogant
adults. He mastered many musical instruments, excelled in academics, and even managed emotionless conversations, however he failed to socialize with his own age group.
He never had a friend before, so he wasn't really sure what having one would be like, but he imagined friends would be people like that guy. That was why when Ayase stepped into class and spotted him he experienced a strange feeling, happiness. Almost like he wasn't alone. He quietly took a seat in the back.
10:13pm Jun 7 2012
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[[ Oooo~
Idea. I think it would be kind of funny if Ayase saw the the animalistic features Acheron's shifting had left him with.
That is, if you would like to... ]]
Acheron saw the male that had been struggling to open the front door enter his first period class. So they shared a class. He cocked his head to one side, jade eyes narrowing in thought before shrugging one shoulder and returning to his reading. He was just killing time until the bell rang. Plus, he wanted this change to eavesdrop on the other conversations.
Most of them were about the new kid.
He scowled and shook his head. Such idiots. Non-shifters usually were... And that also meant the same for the shapeshifters he knew back in his home world. Idiocy was contagious as all get out, but it couldn't be avoided.
Just then, the bell rang and the teacher walked in from the halls to great everybody and to announce that they now had a new student; Ayase.
Acheron cocked his head somewhat.
So that was the strange boy from before, and the one sitting in the back of the room. Acheron peaked over his shoulder to get a small glimpse of the boy.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:36pm Jun 8 2012 (last edited on 5:36pm Jun 8 2012)
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Ayase could feel the students eyes on him, but he remained unaffected. Is inner self was freaking out but on the outside he didn't even look up. Then the whispering continued, they wouldn't stop and it made Ayase scared. He wanted to cry, he never experienced anything so humiliating. Still, his face remained expressionless, making him seem apathetic. He forced himself to look up, he flashed them a half-smile. They didn't seem to notice that it was fake and they squealed.
To guys sitting across from him started to whisper. "Doesn't he look like a girl." "Yeah, I know. I almost hit on him when I first saw him!" "I might still." "Dude! So not cool." "But he's so pretty, like a flower." "What are you saying? He is still a guy!" "I'm going for it, wish me luck!" "No way I'd do that, although I must admit I am tempted to do the same."
The boy made his way over to Ayase, the classroom was quiet. Even the teacher was silenced by his boldness. "So, Ayase...You're new here so you probably don't know anyone. My name's Kaoru. If you'd like you can sit with me at lunch," he glanced down at the boy's bag,"I notice you didn't bring anything to eat, in that case...I could share mine with you."
Ayase was shocked and wanted to politely refuse because he couldn't ask anyone to do something like that, instead it came out,"No, thank you." His response seemed agitated, Kaoru shrank away and cried to his friend. People gawked at Ayase even more.
Wasn't that the basketball star, Kaoru Yakami? Yeah, I can't believe Ayase turned him down! Ayase is so cool!
Ayase was freaking out inside, No! I didn't mean to say it like that! I'm not like that!
He sighed to himself, nothing changes. He glanced up and noticed the guy from this morning again, he seemed different than the others. Like he wasn't completely human. He seemed to have some animalistic features that peeked Ayase's interest.
He wanted to say something to him, but he remained silent. He couldn't find the words to ask so he returned to his studies.
2:35pm Jun 9 2012
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Acheron tilted his head as he listened to the conversations. Honestly, didn't the guys have something other to talk about than this new kid who looked slightly like a girl. But, even as they said it, Acheron realized that Ayase didn't look like a girl. He was just a pretty boy. With a bored sigh, he watched as the teacher desperately attempt to stop the conversations. Though, they did fail.
With a sigh, Acheron stood up and walked to the front of the class, picking up a piece of chalk. Twirling it in his fingers, he gave a slight smirk to the teacher's confused ex pression before dragging the white chalk across the blackboard, making a loud, shrieking-sound.
The conversations ended abruptly as all the students grimaced and covered their ears. He then put the down the chalk and returned to his seat.
"Thank-you Acheron for that," the teacher said a bit sarcastically as she rubbed her ears. He just inclined his head in acknowledgement. "Now class, you can talk with Ayase after class. Not when I am trying to give a lesson. Is that understood."
The class nodded as one, except for Acheron. He looked out the window with an extremely bored look on his features.
"Good. Now, let's continue," she said, erasing the chalk-line made by Acheron before continuing on what she was doing before everybody started making their side conversations.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:11pm Jun 9 2012
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Ayase's eyes sparkled while looking at Acheron. He was such a nice and cool guy, unlike the rest of the students. He couldn't thank him enough for stopping everyone for him, although he doubted Acheron was doing it for him.
He probably just wants to return to his studies and learn something, Ayase thought to himself, He wasn't just doing it for my sake, stop getting your hopes up.
Ayase buried himself in his textbook at the realization. No one cared about the real him, people are only out for themselves. Well, that is the way it should be. No one will get hurt that way, all you have to do is keep a distance between yourself and others.
It seems easy enough, however Ayase sometimes feels like he wants to get close to someone. He pushes the feeling aside, there is no need for them.
8:57pm Jun 10 2012
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Posts: 5,310
[[ I can't think of anything else. Want me to timeskip to after class? ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:32pm Jun 10 2012
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Posts: 2,895
((Yeah, that would be fine. :) ))