(( Now if you want!! Do you mind if I control your eggs until they hatch? :D It's a secret when they hatch, and what element they will be. I shall post an intro! ))
Lumasi sat on the branch of a sturdy old oak tree, Her egg placed in her lap. Where did you come from? What are you? The thoughts pounded through her head as she stared down at the medium sized egg, About the size of a full grown yorkshire terrier. The egg wobbled a bit, its golden swirls began to glow as a bit of sun cursed it rays through the treetops and hit the egg. What is this place? Entered Lumasi's head. "What was that?!" She spoke out, "Was that you?" She asked the egg, its fur blowing lightly as a soft breeze caressed its figure. "This is earth.. I was wondered why you came here?" She asked the egg, yet nothing came in reply.
(( The eggs can telepathically speak to you and random times. ^_^ ))