10:19pm Sep 10 2013 (last edited on 12:32am Sep 12 2013)
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"Hello HelloAnybody out there? Cause I don't hear a sound Alone, Alone I don't really know where the world is but i miss it now
I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name Like a fool at the top of my lungs Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright But it's never enough
Cause my echo, echo Is the only voice coming back Shadow, shadow Is the only friend that I have" - Part of Echo by Jason Walker
A Spin off from an old RP called Curse of the Dryad Queen but that sadly died. So here we are with a new one that is similar to the old RP that I enjoyed oh so much. :D
-it would be after the 21st century but a different 21 century. The cities are not as big and cars are very new. They world is healthier than before and it is thriving with nature rather than urbanization. The weapons and technology did advance though but they found a way to advance without killing the planet so that the Dryads could live better (before the curse). The countries live in relative peace, maybe a few battles here and there but nothing major. weapons of mass destruction do not exist because it would destroy dryad homes. People prefer the close contact weapons so guns and such are hard to come by but the King/Govt. (whichever you want) makes sure that guns are regulated quite nicely so that they aren't sold illegally and defectively.
-The cursed area is scattered about. The whole area used to be about the size of Texas and then it spread over the years. however, people and some dryads had started to get those areas cleared of the curse to now the cursed area is broken up into smaller areas and they can range from whole cities to just neighborhoods and towns. So it can be as small as a town or as big as a state just depends on where you go in the country they are in.
-so this time the curse was caused by the humans having fought a war in the dryad's sacred land. They ruined it and the dryads saw this as a declaration of betrayal from the humans and the Dryad Royal family placed their "family curse" on the humans, new and old. So they stop aging at 50 again but once the curse is lifted, their ages rapidly go back to what it was so people tend to keep track of their ages. Some people actually move into the cursed areas so that they live forever. Now, as for the "apple tree", the curse actually infected different things in the area. It could be a tree or a house. You just have to cleanse that one thing and the cursed area will start going away. The humans do have a limit though. They were given a century as in the last one because that was what the curse dictated. So they have 100 years. But this curse will not make them go up in flames, instead they will merely get into heated battle and have to watch each other massacre each other.AS punishment for them destroying the Dryad Sacred Land.
- they do dream of different ancestors since they are technically part of them in some way either as a far off grandchild or maybe even the only grandchild they have. it just depends on what relation you want the character to have with the older ones.
- the point of them to dream of their ancestors is to either ask them questions since you can talk to anybody you want in your dreams or to see what they did in the situation of back then even if it is rather different from the previous situation. They could also just dream of then when they are stressed and want someone to calm them down.
- I do prefer to RP dudes because for some reason my girl characters are always very boyish and I decided to stick to guys since they seem to be easier for me to play anyways. :3 so you can play either gender. I really don't mind. I mean, I've done rps where all the characters were dudes. so yeah. :3
-Since Ryu and Rue are their ancestors they can look like them completely like have the same thing that set them apart as Ryu/Rue or they can look completely different. I'm going to have my character have the same green eyes are Ryu and two white streaks that go through his hair.
Name: Age: Gender: Personality: Appearance: Other:

4:45pm Sep 11 2013
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Posts: 827
Looks good! So bio making time? I am swamped with homework today so I if I finish early I will start on my bio. ^^
5:23pm Sep 13 2013 (last edited on 5:25pm Sep 13 2013)
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Name: Riku Oni Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: Riku has a personality that matches that of the people he talks to. People says he has a flexible personality since he will react to how you talk to him and fire that same personality back at you. If you are nice, he is nice. If you're going to yell and be insulting, he will mimic you and unleash the same onto you. However, when people don't talk to him he is rather quiet and tends to just say what he has to when he talks. He can be a fun person but only if he's in the mood. If he isn't doing anything he is actually rather lazy. He just likes to sit in the trees and lay in the grass when he can. However, Riku has a split personality disorder. His other personality is a '"i won't take any crap from anybody" and he is rather harsh and untamed. His split persona is rather hot headed and has a very short temper. Appearance: Riku stands at a smaller 5'6" and is rather short but that ran in the family especially since one of his ancestors was only an inch and a half taller than he was. He has a fair build and you can tell he has some muscle on him. His skin is rather light colored but he doesn't look a sickly pale. His eyes are a bright neon green with a dark forest green that looks like a burst that starts from his pupil and stops midway in the iris. His hair is what separated him from the human population. His hair color is white with a slightly light blue tint to it. His hair is a rare color in his family and hasn't been seen in over a hundred or so years. He is said to look like his great great great grandfather. He tends to wear black jeans and boots that go up to his shin. He wears any color of shirt but always wears his signature white and blue hoodie and silver ring. Other: Riku's split personality prefers the name Oni, which is his last name. what riku looks like: http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/7800000/boys-anime-guys-7855059-417-500.jpg what an eye burst is: http://www.instablogsimages.com/images/2010/07/15/color-burst-contact-lens_lclfc_22975.jpg

5:51pm Sep 14 2013 (last edited on 5:54pm Sep 14 2013)
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Name: Olesya Corinthos Age: 18 Gender: Female Personality: Unlike her ancestor, Olesya isn't shy and reserved. This young hybrid speaks her mind ruthlessly and ins't afraid of the actions caused by her sharp tongue. Her blunt and rude personality has, and will surely continue to cause her a lot of trouble, but nothing she can't handle. Despite her vulnerable aspects -her petite stature, being a dryad and a girl- Olesya can hold her own, though, it only seems appropriate seeing as she is used to being alone, has been alone for quite some time and has taken care of herself ever since. The reason for her abandonment and solitude is unclear to the young girl, and the subject of her family is a touchy one. Olesya doesn't remember what happened to her family and their faces in her sparse and short memories are a blur. Truthfully, this dryad has a strong wall built up around her that is nearly impenetrable, however, when the subject or memory of her family comes up, the wall comes down. Like a child she would break, tears and snot not knowing embarrassment. Be it in public or in solitude, Olesya would become a mess and roll herself in a ball and usually cry herself to sleep, only becoming stable as the slumber dissolves from her eyes. Though, it may seem like this hybrid would be easy to bully and given the name of a crybaby, there are very few who know of her weakness, for Olesya's people skills aren't the best. Considering that this dryad hybrid has been alone for such a long time and doesn't care to socialize with people, it is only logical that her people skills be horrible. Olesya carries herself with a superior aura which she feels is fairly accurate. She has an immense amount of confidence to the point where she looks down on others and doesn't bother to take into account other people's emotions. One may even suggest that she doesn't have a filter, thus she doesn't understand what things are appropriate to say and which aren't. However, it isn't just her people skills that cause dryads and people in general to hate her, but her temper that makes a scary combination with her sharp tongue. Olesya is easily rattled and her short temper is like a fuse waiting to be lit. Appearance: This dryad hybrid stands at a short five foot. She is short and doll like with long, raven black hair, china skin, small but full, peach colored lips, and long dark eyelashes that fr ame her big hollow eyes. Now, what makes this dryad a dryad and distinguishes her from her human half is, not just her soul sucking black eyes, but the gold, orange and red flecks that float in the abyss. It has been said that she holds a lot of characteristics as an ancient relative, though the centuries old dryad's eyes didn't hold such prominent flecks as Olesya's. The pale skin and raven black hair was said to be stunningly similar to this long forgotten ancestor, however, Olesya's hair holds dark ringlet curls that fall down to her waist and amounts to such a volume that seems to be too heavy for her little body. As for her attire, Olesya seems to be keen on wearing scarlet dresses that are full of ribbons and bows that very in length but are always classic lolitas. She also wears black, calf length boots that are wound with white ribbons, a black overcoat and an old rusty silver locket that is circular and has nothing but her name graved inside. Other: Dress looks something like --> http://neko-vi.deviantart.com/art/Classic-Eglantine-176856164

6:57pm Sep 14 2013
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{they are both very similar to Ryu and Rue. xD I love it. Anyways, did you wanna start now?}
8:19pm Sep 14 2013
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Hehe, I know! I'm excited to see how they interact!
And yeah, we can start! Do you want to start us off?
1:36pm Sep 15 2013
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Darkness. Everything was dark and the only light that was around came from the moon that was barely a sickle in the sky. The stars were barely visible since many of them had long died out and their light was finally fading from the night sky. The inky darkness would only expand as more and more stars started to bl ink away. Then again, that wasn't going to be for a while. They probably wouldn't even be the same stars as before and their light might be brand new. More stars might be born as the night went on. It was interesting to think about it. What had the dryads from before seen in their sky? was it as dark as this one? Over a hundred or so years had passed since something like this had happened. The humans of this world had been accepting of the dryads ever since the four dryads of old days saved their existence. Their story was passed down forever it seemed like and they were pretty much like heroes to the little ones. Everybody wanted to continue their story and keep the relations between the humans and dryads good. However, that changed when the humans decided to fight another war. This wouldn't have bothered anybody had the fight not been on the Dryad Holy Ground. Their Holy Ground was where the first curse had been and where the four Dryads had first purified. This set off another angry curse on the humans. The royal family had put their own curse on the humans and this one spread faster than the first. No amount of apology could even begin to calm the powerful Dryads and this curse seemed to be worse. The time completely stopped and humans in that area quickly moved out or were stuck in one day forever. Crops died. Many were not born. This curse put a standstill on time itself.
The story repeated itself in his head too many times for him to count. The dryads were also suffering from this ordeal and this wasn't going to make relations any better with the humans. The sky was darker than before and the moon was barely a sliver. It didn't help that many of the dryads and humans were going to starve from the loss of crops and food shortages. The people and dryads needed people to help them and that's exactly what he planned to do. People were afraid of their world now and more so of the curse. Each curse spot was spreading and it was closing in on everything around it. It wasn't pretty. Neon green eyes looked down on the village from his perch on the highest building roof. He wanted to help the people in this village especially since these people helped to raise him. Humans and Dryads alike lived here and they all tried to coexist to make the curse bearable for them. These people needed his help. Robin Hood. That was all he could think about himself. He had gone into the high lands and stolen food and money for the people here so that they could live at least a little better. A small smile graced his lips and he moved his eyes from the ground to the sky. It was lightening up a bit. The sun would be up any moment now. He shifted from where he was sitting and stood up, his white and blue sweater flapped before he zipped it up and pulled the hood down. Snowy white locks fell down to where his shoulders and neck met. His locks seemed to glow in the moonlight and people have often associated it with the hair color of one of the saviors. He didn't really like that but whatever. His boots clacked as he walked down the roof and onto the edge before he surveyed where he could jump from.
He breathed in the cool autumn air and jumped from where he was. He fell and watched as the ground became closer and closer. He twisted and his feet hit a smaller wall that was built a while ago. He kicked off of that and grabbed onto a long dead electrical wire before he dropped from that and landed on a nearby tree before he hopped to the floor. He was always really flexible but then again, that was coming from the fact that he had to go into the main city and steal things. he had to get away some how. He began to walk towards a small house at the edge of the village just as the sun was rising. His hair getting a reddish glow to it, almost like fire.

4:27pm Sep 15 2013 (last edited on 8:18pm Sep 15 2013)
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Posts: 827
EDIT: My question was stupid, but I'd like to make sure I am understanding the rules of this curse and Riku's actions. So people can move in an out of the cursed region and Riku is going outside of the cursed region to a city that isn't cursed to grab food for the people of the village?
8:07pm Sep 15 2013 (last edited on 8:15pm Sep 15 2013)
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Posts: 827
The brisk autumn air nipped at the pale nose and pale cheeks making them turn a shade of pink. Dark eyes that held flecks of fall in them stared at the sky that was slowly starting to turn orange. Dawn spread her rosy fingers over the world and over the cursed region the dryad sat in. Like every morning, Olesya welcomed a new day and watched the sun peer over the horizon. No matter what hope a new day was said to bring, in her village there were none, for the day was the same as the day prior and would be the same in the days to come; that was the curse. The curse that captivated this girl's home, the place she was never able to tear herself from. Fleeing wasn't an option to this hybrid, her village held too many forgotten memories about her past that she was determined to search for someday, but for today, she would live in the timeless moment as she did day after day.
They sky turned a vibrant orange at the horizon as the dark purples of the night started to disappear. Olesya had always treasured sunrises and would get up early to watch the sun chase away the moon. The morning air always felt the freshest to the young hybrid and she supposed that it was because she was half dryad that she paid close attention to the smallest aspects of nature. A small autumn breeze blew and the raven black hair that fell in heavy ringlets twisted around the huddled body. Her legs were pulled close to her chest and she hugged them fiercely each time a chilled wind would blow. Although she had an overcoat, she didn't wear it, instead she laid it over the dead grass and sat on it. Olesya sat in the spot she sat in every morning, from an hour before sunrise until the sun made its way up into the solid blue sky. No one took notice of the scarlet blob that huddled near one of the corners of the cursed border, and if they did, they didn't say anything. From the stark black hair to the stunningly red attire she always wore, her silhouette would be known anywhere around the village and they'd usually heed the warning; steer clear of the sharp tongue dryad. That was the way the hybrid preferred to live her life; alone.
Olesya propped her chin in the nook her knees made and thought about the bandit that had made his way through the talk of town. Her soulless eyes were glued absentmindedly to the horizon as her thoughts took a different path than most morning where she reminisced on the last of her childhood memories. The last thing she wanted to think about so early in the morning was the curse, but pieces of the conversations would play over and over in her mind. The hero of a new era. Robin Hood. The silent saint. Our savior. Child of the four heroes. Olesya scoffed as fragments of various sentences played over and over in her mind. As if. She thought bitterly remembering the ancient curse that was dispelled centuries ago. Most people were afraid of the new curse, more so than the one that first made its mark in history. The child of a dryad and human couldn't help but get agitated with the thought of people becoming terrified of something that they caused and that they had an advantage over. Sure the curse was terrible and after the century was up the outcome would be unpleasant, but the people of the cursed regions, the people of the world, knew the stories of how the other four dryads escaped and knew they had to purify the root of the curse. They knew more than the dryads did back then and they still have the nerve to mention fear and lack of hope, but worst of all comparing a thief to one of the four heroes.
Olesya growled under her breath and stood up. The sunrise and her sacred spot she had claimed had been spoiled for the day. The girl gathered her coat and brushed off the dead grass that stuck to it before slipping it on and walking away. Her black books crunched the dead grass under her weight as she made her way to a path that she normally walked on, however, today, she couldn't put herself up to walking the path with the negative thought in her head, so she chose to walk along the cursed border as her head turned with the thoughts of the bandit. Olesya honored the four heroes of the past with a burning passion. She believed that those four were the only ones who could pass her in superiority. They were pure in every way and this thief was not. All he did was steal from those who have supplies and give it to those who didn't, he was no where near what people made him out to be. In Olesya's critical eyes, it showed great dishonor to the heroes who saved their village and this Robin Hood was doing nothing to save their lives or stop the curse, all he was doing was getting them comfortable before death. The dryad shook her head, but her mind was already transitioning to a new thought; stopping the curse.

11:41pm Sep 18 2013
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{basically only dryad hybrids can move out if you have the blood of Ryu, Rue, Geonova,or the other one in your bloodline. And Riku knows this and goes to an uninfected area to get supplies for people in infected areas.}
Riku didn't know when he discovered that he could go beyond the barrier but he knew he was now obsessed with helping people because of that. He could leave as come as he pleased but he didn't understand exactly why. That was the only part of the whole thing that puzzled him to no end. He didn't know what he was supposed to do with the new discovery that he could leave the barrier without consequences, at least from what he could see. He finally realized what he could do with this when he saw people needed food and medicine so that they didn't die. He winced when he realized that he was really just prolonging the inevitable. He sighed and shoved his hands into his jacket pockets and twisted the rings around his finger. He didn't know what he was goign to do when he had to purify this area. He knew most of the younger children here were going to rapidly grow to be almost adults when he did that and the adults would be rather old. Anybody older than that would merely perish and turn to dust. At least, that's what Riku thought happened to them. He sighed and looked up the sky, which was now a light pink instead of deep red. His hair took on a slightly pink tinge and he pulled the hood up on his sweater. He didn't like this. He really wanted to let these people live here forever, but he knew that every area had to be purified, some how, or else the new curse would never die out. He bit his lip and turned his neon greens to the border in front of him. His little house was right inside the border and he approached it with one goal: get supplies.
He would play Robin Hood and help these people. He sighed and turned the knob to his door. People didn't really steal from others since they were all in the same boat, so Riku never saw a reason to even lock his door. He looked around at his little home and smiled. There were pictures of the people of the village. There were several weapons on the walls as well. They were all gifts from the people for their Robin Hood so that he could defend himself when he needed to. He walked over to swords that were hanging on the wall and grabbed a pure black sword. He unsheathed it and revealed a pure black onyx sword. The blade and hilt were black and the only color on it was a small white inion on the blade. Robin Hood was all it read and he found it weird how people considered him that. He didn't really like it but he was sure it was better than having people calling him a savior. He knew he was special for some reason, but he really didn't want to know what. He looked to the small mirror that hung on a small part of his wall and took note of everything that made him a dryad. His neon green eyes were special, sure but that was only because of how bright they were. People have said it reminded them of a cat's eye. He sighed and looked more at himself. His pale skin didn't really make him different, but then again, he never got tanner. He shrugged that off and moved farther up. He took note of how his hair was snowy white. Like a wolf. he reasoned in his head. He could count that. His hair color was unheard of in the dryad line except for one dryad over a hundred years ago. Reyu... Ruy... He couldn't remember the nane exactly, but mane people compared his hair to that boys. He sighed and looked at the mirror before he turned away from it and headed for the door again. it would take him awhile to get to the next town and he needed to start now. He left the house and moved through the barrier.
He felt a tingle as he moved through as if teh barrier wanted to make him perish but knew that it shouldn't. He smiled and walked on. His house getting smaller and smaller as he walked farther. The sun was turning the sky blue and it was a lovelly color. He smiled and continued to walk through the forest. He needed to get to the next little village adn use their barrier so he could reset whatever effects might happen if he wasn't inside of the barriers. He shuddered to think about that. What if he would die? He sighed and continued on. His boots crunching the dead leaves and some fresh ones. The grass was growing back slowly and his boots kicked up more dirt than dead grass. He smiled and continued on, his head filling with ideas to get the supplies the people needed.

12:26am Sep 22 2013
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Posts: 827
The sun rose higher and higher in the sky. The vibrant orange had disappeared and the sky had already taken on shades of pink before finally settling to the beautiful blue it was already. The world didn't slow down for Olesya and her thoughts, heck, the world didn't even slow down for the curse, yet life went on. It was unsettling to think that so much could change outside the border and nothing change inside. The young hybrid didn't know how, but for some reason she knew that she could travel outside of the cursed border. From a young age the dryad would wonder no more than a yard outside the border, but she would be outside it. As she got older, however, the distance between the border and the dryad grew further, though it would never escape her sight. No matter how much she wanted to abandon her home and abandon the curse and the living people inside, she never could. She'd always find herself wandering back, knowing that she could escape, have a free life and not having a ticking bomb on her back, but her foolishness always brought her back to her little bed at night.
The girl stopped in her tracks noticing that she had wandered out of the cursed border and didn't notice the rush of freshness that usually greeted her on the way out. Under her black boots was lushes green grass, and yards ahead of her was a forest that felt alive. A smile melted Olesya's face and her dark eyes softened and closed as she listened to the whispering trees. When the dryad escaped the reaches of the curse, she usually came here. Of course, it was different at night, for that is the only time the dryad left her village, but the feel of the trees were the same. Sometime, when the wind blows, Olesya feels as if the trees are talking to her, as if they actually had a voice, as if they were more than alive. It was strange and denial usually swept over her, but every time she would listen to what they said.
When the wind stopped and the rustling of the trees died down, Olesya smiled sweetly once more before she strode back to the village. It was unusual for the dryad to be so lost in thought that she was unaware of crossing the border. Then again, the whole morning seemed to be off for the young girl. From her thoughts of Robin Hood to escaping the village, everything that occurred that morning was unusual. Time of day was now lost and Olesya didn't know what to do for the rest of the day. As she made her way back into the cursed village, she remembered a thought that occurred after her cynical thoughts of this Robin Hood; purifying the village. The thought was a brief one, however, it was one that Olesya was strangely considering.
The hybrid reached her house and went straight for her cupboards. Her house wasn't very big, in fact it was relatively small. All her house held was a kitchen and a bed and a chair, which occupied the main room, and a smaller room that veered off to the left that held a bathtub, a toilet, and a sink. In her cupboard, however, Olesya took out a piece of bread and some cheese that she had obtained a few day ago. As she sat on her bed eating and pondering what she was going to do next, the dryad finally came to a solution, she would visit the cursed ob ject. She hadn't done so in a long time, probably not since she was a child, however, she figured that the only way to purify the curse was to go to the root of it all.
Ah, okay! Thanks for clearing that up. Also, sorry for the lame post >.< I just don't know what to do with Olesya...I am also really tired I will clean the post up tomorrow. I don't feel like rereading it /laziness

12:24pm Oct 22 2013
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Riku continued on his way over to the next village. He had to pass through a forest, that much he knew since he could somewhat sense where the cursed borders were. It was weird, but it also helped him since he could just say it was "straight ahead" or "to the left" and he would normally find it. He shrugged and continued to walk, the dead yellow grass turned a vibrant emerald color and it didn't crush anymore. It merely bent under his shoe and then popped up once more. He loved being able to tell that the world was alive again. It was a nice feeling since most of the grass inside of the borders was yellow and dead. He continued on and thought about what he would be able to do. He needed to purify the little areas around the country where the curse was, but he didn't know exactly how. He had heard stories about how the Four Saviors had done it, but that magic didn't thrive here anymore. He would have to journey farther and much much farther from borders. He gulped, not sure if he wanted to risk his life. He shook his head. He had to if he was going to live up to the name Robin Hood.
He sighed and noticed that he was closer to the next border. He smiled and jogged up to the edge of it before he noticed another person outside. He hid behind a tree and when she was out of sight, he came out from his hiding spot. He walked to the border and touched it, feeling the tingling sensation of the border before he pushed his way through. He felt as if his whole body was struck by lightning. He shook it off once inside and rubbed his hand together. He looked around and noticed a small shop. He walked towards it, his hood down so that he didn't look menacing to people.

2:06pm Nov 11 2013
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Posts: 827
Bleh, I have been meaning to post! I have been to lazy to post though! Forgive me, I shall post either tomorrow or later tonight. I do have a question though. Did you have an ob ject in mind for the cursed ob ject or can I just make one up?
7:23pm Nov 11 2013
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Posts: 5,542
{you can make it up. Just make sure it's either something they can't move or something that people wouldn't want moved like an artifact from their town or something like that.}
9:08pm Nov 16 2013
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Posts: 827
People of the pitiful little village roamed the streets; men tipped their hats or nodded their heads respectively towards ladies, children laughed and played in the streets, shop owners talked merrily to one another as they opened up shop or tended to the outside of their business while lovers walked by hand in hand smiling at each other - then their was Olesya. Noticed by most but ignored by all, this sharp-tongued hybrid strode amongst the ignorant humans who seemed not to care about the curse or their lives, though she knew that wasn't the case. She knew that they cared and put all their faith on this rumored Robin Hood to save them. Her thoughts were bitter making her features sour and her egoistic aura more sharp and cool. "Stop letting him get into your head!" Olesya muttered to herself, her eyes blind to the soon-to-be dead but her ears straining to listen to their vivid conversations.
Did you hear? You didn't?! Apparently Robin Hood is in our village! Of course! He is the one who will save us, I just know it! Where? Well, I am not too sure, I overheard some of the shop owners near the border say that they saw a snowy-haired fellow enter the village. Do you think he came to purify the cursed ob ject? Well, no, I haven't heard any rumors of him purifying any other cursed town. But that doesn't mean he hasn't! I mean he looks so much like one of the Four Saviors don't you think? See, he was fated to end this curse! There is no one more suited to end this curse than Robin Hood. What a miracle child!
Scorn bubble up inside of Olesya. Conversations that were eavesdropped on weren't always the most reliable, sure, but the rumors that had found its way to a good amount of the cursed villages proved to be true. The dryad shook her head in disgust and picked up her pace. If her ears didn't deceive her and truth spewed out of the mouths she had taken care to listen to, then she would meet this Robin Hood at her village's cursed ob ject. Olesya already harbored a strong emotion towards the lad and she was sure that it was spite. No, she thought fiercely, he is no worse than a grim reaper! He is feeding you nothing but false hope. I will be the savior. Watch me! There was something about a different dryad purifying her village that made her stomach churn and the hairs on the back of her neck stand in defense. Olesya was never one to be competitive nor was she one to do something for people despite the anti-social aspect of her personality. The dryad didn't know how true her thoughts were but at the moment they fared pretty strong. Olesya didn't know what she would do or what actions she would take to purify the ob ject but she knew that when she saw this Robin Hood she'd-
Olesya suddenly stopped in her tracks and all of her thoughts went dark but one: It is so beautiful. It was a cast iron lamp post. Despite the elegant features and swirly attributes, the base of the lamp post was square and bulky, though the further it stretched to the sky the more slender the dark pole became. At the top of the metal pole sprouted four lamp heads, all branching out towards the main points of a compass rose. The metal that broke off from the main length of the pole and held up the lamp heads were thinner and dipped elegantly before holding the lights up. The lamp post was beautiful, even for a cursed ob ject. The markings that were etched into the base of the lamp post held a complicated yet stunning design that could have kept Olesya mesmerized for hours. The designs didn't just stop at the base of the lamp post, the narrow and slender part of it, too, had unique markings engraved and swirling up to meet the fleur de lis sculpture that resided at the very top of the pole where a fifth light head should have resided.
The specks of autumn swam in the dark pools of Olesya's eyes. Seeing the cast iron lamp post was like remembering a vague and far off dream but then seeing something that triggers the memory of the dream to come back as vividly as ever. The cursed ob ject was, but at the same time, wasn't as she remembered. It was an absurd notion seeing as time was frozen inside of the border, however, something inside of Olesya shifted upon seeing the cursed ob ject and a frightening question arose: How was she supposed to purify it? It was easier thought of than done. The dryad stood before the looming lamp post, her scarlet dress danced around her thighs as the cool autumn breeze blew. Her thick black over coat wrapped around her body, protecting her from the wind while her curly dark locks spun to the tune of the wind. The breeze nipped at her porcelain skin as every ounce of her body strained to hear the knowledge of purification, assuming that the answer was whispered in the wind.

11:00pm Nov 16 2013
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The town was rather quiet but also loud at the same time. The people would speak and talk, many whispered happily to each other. Couples passed by and didn't seem to acknowledge that he was even there, until they caught a glimpse of the stark white hair that peeked out from the edge of his hood. The hair stood out among most humans. His hair wasn't supposed to be natural for human and not dryads either, even if they had weird hair colors. His hair was rare, even more so since he was a hybrid. He noticed a couple kids staring at him and the onyx blade that was strapped to his waist. It was odd to be the center of attention most of the time. He had only purified one city that he had been to and it was a rather painful process, but that one purification sent most of the country he was on into a frenzy. People recognized him and he didn't like it that much. He heard excited whispers that were passed down the street and out of view. He was sure he was going to have to pull the hood off at some point. He didn't have to since a rather strong breeze blew off the thin hood. His white hair catching the sunlight. He shook his head and sighed. No use pulling it up now.
He walked down the street until he felt something. His gut wretched and he felt like he was going to be sick. The cursed ob ject was definitely here. He looked around and noticed a rather elegant lamp post. He stared at it, his neon green eyes searching for anything else, but when he stared at the pole there was something off about it for sure. He shook his head and walked towards it. His boots clicking on the concrete. He stepped up to the elegant post and noticed it was designed with care. He noticed small carvings and intricate designs on the metal. All the way from the blocky base up to the four branches that held lights. He blinked and was awe struck by the beauty. He nodded and looked around, noticing a girl in a rather lacy red dress. She was staring at the post as well. He didn't really know what to do with this situation. It was rather dangerous for a human to be around the cursed objects. He gathered his courage and cleared his throat. His neon eyes looking to her.
"You shouldn't be near this... Please go." His voice was calm but warning.

2:47am Nov 17 2013
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Posts: 827
It was a calm and soothing voice that snapped her out of her trance. It took the dryad a moment to register the words and the warning tone that complimented the knowing voice. With dark eyes growing darker but still staying glued to the magnificent beauty in front of her, Olesya said in a chilling voice, "What position are you in to tell me what to do?" Her eyes followed one of the swirly engraved lines on the lamp post and she took a step closer to the pole to get the message across that she wasn't going to leave. If there was one thing that the hybrid despised, it was those who thought they were more superior than her. Of course, Olesya had no room to talk, she was in no position to think of herself so high and mighty but the idea of getting told what to do never fared well with her. In the dryad's eyes, only the Four Savior could ever persuade her otherwise and seeing as they have been buried for centuries, Olesya was the only one who had the will to control her mind and body.
"And anyways," She continued coolly, "What do you know about this lamp post? It shouldn't matter tha-" It was strange for the girl to be talking to someone usually people steered clear of the scarlet dress and when she was spoken to, the words held either fear, uncertainty and hesitation or scorn, disappointment and pity. The words that had been spoken to her were assertive but held a collective kindness to them that Olesya wondered - instantly neon green eyes pierced through the hollow depths of black ones that found the snowy white locks that labeled him Robin Hood. The dryad should have immediately melted into spite and whipped out her sharp tongue and spoke with acid in her voice to this Robin Hood, but instead her heart fluttered in her chest as she stared at the incriminating locks. They were as mesmerizing as the designs on the the elegant lamp post and it almost hurt more to tear her eyes away from its beauty rather than keep looking at it, but sure enough her eyes dropped to the neon ones that shone just as bright as his hair. She wanted to tell him how beautiful his hair was.
Olesya's eyes narrowed and her arms crossed over her chest as she took in the boy, "So you are the Savior, Robin Hood? The hero of the new era? The Silent Saint? The Child of the Four Heroes?" She scoffed and jutted her chin to the side and stared at the lamp post for a moment before continuing, "And I guess you are here to purify this village?" A short burst of laughter followed the rhetorical questions and soon, Olesya's fall speckled eyes were on Robin Hood again. Cautiously, noting the hilt of a sword peaking over Robin Hood's shoulders, she strode up to him and only stopped and arms length away. "I thought Robin Hood only stole from the rich and gave to the poor, and you, my friend, are no Robin Hood." Her voice held a bittersweet note in it even as she continued, "I don't know much about the claim of your purifying powers but I do know that even though you might have everyone else fooled, you don't have me fooled." A small smile played on her lips as she spoke, "You are no Robin Hood. Robin Hood was giving hope to those who were poor, but the hope you are feeding these people is empty. All you are doing is setting them up for the inevitable. You are granting them an option that was never yours to present." Olesya turned her back towards him, she was done with the conversation that never truly happened. She was done getting detracted by his unusual hair. She was done with this Robin Hood. "I will be the one to purify this village." She muttered under her tired breath.

1:27pm Nov 17 2013
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The girl spoke with such scorn that it almost made him flinch, almost. He had heard this from many people. Many who didn't believe in the fact that their town could be purified. He had heard their ranting and outright hatred for him as he passed leisurely from one cursed border to the next. He heard so much from the people of the world that he was no good and that they couldn't be saved. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. Her last few comments struck him hard like he was slapped across the face with a mace. He finally snapped and growled at her. His eyes becoming more wild and seemed to glow eerily. "You don't understand what you're saying. I help the people when they need it because they don't want to die prematurely. They know the consequences of a purification. You don't know the trouble and pain I go through to give the people what they want and need. I've watched what happens when your purify something. You don't know the pain!" He growled and reached for the sword hanging off his back. He pulled it free and walked up to he girl, he point sliding on the concrete, creating a scraping noise.
"This blade has seen hell. Do you even know what goes into a purification? Do you? I bet your pretty little face doesn't." He ground out before he turned back to the lamppost. He was in no mood to deal with another hater. He didn't want to make enemies in a village that he was supposed to save, especially if he was going to purify it. That person would die and there would be no way for him to apologize. He ran his hand through his hair again before he quickly sheathed his sword. He had actually thought about slicing her open. He cringed at the thought. He had never wanted to kill anybody but her words were far too harsh for him. He sighed and walked up to the post. This was one of those things you couldn't just remove. The people wouldn't want that anyways. He sighed heavily and looked around, there was bound to be something he could use. He gently touched the design, his hand felt like it was burning. It probably was. He looked down and saw that his glove was actually rather warm. It wasn't burning, but it was hot. He removed his hand.
"You want to purify the village. Be my guest. Find out for yourself what goes into it and what the result is. Go find the things you need and watch as blood spills as you do so. I don't think you'd like what you find, but im not one to say what you can and can't do." His voice was solemn and he really seemed like he was done talking to her. His voice held hurt and some sympathy for the girl. She would try. He knew she would, but when she was done, would she even be the same? He knew she probably wouldn't. There was too much that went into a purification. He had some rather noteworthy injuries from trying. He sighed. "Try it. Just don't come crying to me when you see what you did."

5:19pm Nov 17 2013
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Posts: 827
Oh my gosh, Riku! I am in love with him, ha ha!
Robin Hood. Steals from the rich, gives to the poor. Robin Hood. A dryad hybrid that passes through cursed borders into free land. Robin Hood. The dryad who has been said to be the child of the four heroes, who is said to be the new hero and has claimed to know the pain of purification. Robin Hood. The boy who stood in front of her with dazzling hair and a frightening aura. Something short of the Grim Reaper himself. Not the Robin Hood she had imagined.
The voice that had a calm and soothing melody had been replaced by a gravelly tone that let off more than it said. Underneath his growling voice was misery and history. The words he spat at her made her anger spike, but despite that, it was true. She didn't know the pain of purification; she didn't know the consequences of waking up the frozen village; she didn't even know where to start the purification process. It was these small truths that vexed Olesya. He spoke like he knew her, like he could see right through her act and put her in her place.
The sharp sound of something scraping on concrete made he hybrid's muscles tense. Olesya quickly spun back around to face the boy, her hair moving restlessly around her body as she turned. His eyes had gone wild and his sword was drawn and trailed beside him - that was the sound she had heard. He was advancing on her and all she could do was sneer at his words. There was a small part of Olesya that saw darkness in Robin Hood and feared it, but the other part of her appreciated the fight and act he was putting up.
As he talked about his blade, her eyes dropped to meet it. It was a beauty just like him and just like the lamp post: elegant yet dark. Olesya wondered what Robin Hood used his lovely sword for. Killing seemed beneath the Robin Hood figure everyone looked up to, but it was definitely a possibility. She shuddered at the thought and went onto the next possibility: intimidation. This seemed more plausible but noting how quickly the boy snapped, jumping to conclusions seemed unwise. However, seeing as Robin Hood referred to his blade when he talked about purification, she safely assumed it had something to do with the process, which made her hungry for his knowledge.
The dark eyes that were glued to the sword was startled when it quickly became sheathed once more. Her dryad eyes snapped up to Robin Hood who seemed to have taken more interest in the lamp post then her. Their dispute wasn't over and she could tell that he wasn't finished with what he had to say. Olesya took advantage of the moment and soaked in the actions that Robin Hood was taking. Was touching the cursed ob ject the key to finding the solution to purify it? She wasn't sure but she was determined to try once he left.
Her eyes followed his line of sight to the hand that he had just placed on the lamp post, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The only thing that was out of the ordinary was his hair. She followed his arm up to his neck and her eyes landed on the vibrant white locks that became illuminated by the morning sun. However, the fall speckled eyes jumped back down to his face when he started to speak again. Her mind flickered to his sword when he said blood spill but is quickly took a different direction: He was letting her purify the village? Although his tone was mirthless, she could swear she heard doubt, pity, and sarcasm in his voice as he spoke. Her dark eyes narrowed in on him and her her face turned sour; Robin Hood was finally done talking - her turn.
"Then why don't you enlighten me, Sherlock!" Her voice was shrilly but as she continued she took control of it and showed him how icy her voice could be, "Pain and suffering?" She let out a short Ha! and continued, "Like I don't know about pain and suffering? Like I don't know about death and blood shed? I am not as sheltered as you make me out to be! Sure I am not an Robin Hood and I don't know what it takes to purify a village but watch me, I will." Olesya let out a hot breath and walked up to Robin Hood and the lamp post. Her chest got tight the closer she approached the cursed ob ject. The power it held was remarkable yet terrifying.
"I am not as fragile as you think." She spat at him, her eyes staring deeply into his. "Experience is the only difference between what you can do and what I can do," Olesya glanced at the pole remembering the way he touched it. Her eyebrows raised and a small smiled played on her face, she would prove to him that she was serious about this, that she wouldn't back down. With a quick glance at his unharmed hand, she reached out and carefully place a hand on one of the delicately carved design. Under her hand she felt the path of the design unfold. The lamp post felt deadly alive and it took Olesya a moment to register the pain that was melting her skin. She quickly pulled back her hand and made a tight fist out of it. She sucked in her bottom lip and bit down as she winced at the pain. Olesya wondered if Robin Hood felt it too, but she didn't dare ask. With her hand still clenched into a fist, she turned to the boy, "You are the last person I would come crying to."

8:40pm Nov 29 2013
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Posts: 827
Happy belated thanksgivings or whatever you might celebrate, Ru!