12:23am Jan 22 2014 (last edited on 12:24am Jan 22 2014)
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Oni smiled again and chuckled. This little dryad was something else, wasn't she. He sighed and slipped down the roof until he was sitting down once more, but this time his side was to the people and the little dryad. He put the little notebook back into his inside pocket. He made sure it was secure before he looked at the girl and his face became serious once more. He closed his eyes and looked to the sky. He recalled all the pain he went through. How he came to be since Riku had his little... accident. He smiled a bit wickedly before he let that fade away.
"You know what I see... I see... blood... Lots of it. Dryad and human alike. Humans beating a poor innocent dryad with snowy white locks and stunning emerald eyes. He wore black all the time so that the people would never see him in the shadows as he stole bread and apples to survive on the streets. He never did anything to them and they still berated him.. I see... another... she's rather... shy and quiet... She never spoke much and always let the humans push her around. She was afraid... Afraid of what te world would do if they found out she was dryad.. And for what? A curse.. a curse she and he knew barely anything about. They knew very little and had huge issues with the village they lived in. Two more. They were... special.. Odd colored eyes and hair as green as the grass in the spring. They were friends.. Quick friends too. They didn't fear it much.. but they were still scared.. Still scared of people."
He opened his eyes and looked down to the girl once more. He gave her a smile and pat his jacket where the notebook was. He had that whole story written down. They old saviors. The four who were so afraid to lose that they went out and found a counter to the curse. They didn't give up and they didn't care what other humans said. They helped.. They helped the people hwo belittled them. He sighed and looked at the girl dead in the eyes.
"I'm not trying to belittle you or berate you for what you're attempting to do. But you've never set foot out of this barrier. You've never even seen some of the things you need to purify this whole thing. You've never felt the sense of loss and regret as you have to watch people grow old and die in the span of five minutes. You don't know what it takes to keep the people young if they don't wanna die but they want to live their life as if the curse had never happened. I will tell you that I might sound like them, but I've seen what's beyond this barrier. I've seen the bloodshed and tears it takes to keep the people young and watch those who didn't want to be.. die. Dryads... we don't age when the curse i broken. We stay whatever age we are at the moment. we don't have to worry about death once the curse..." he closed his hands in front of him before he opened them as if letting a butterfly go, "breaks.. We stay young."
He ran his hand through his hair and looked back to the girl. She was something else.. She was going to either be the thorn in his side or the missing piece to his puzzle when this was purified. He shook his head and stood back up on the building.
"And Watson... I'm not the Sherlock you were talking to about an hour ago. I'm the Hyde to his Dr. Jekyll."
{And everything is fine. I just can't roleplay that one as well as this one. Give me time and my posts will get better. ^^}

8:42pm Jan 22 2014
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Dark eyes watched the movements of the boy intently. He seemed to be at a loss on whether to be jovial or solemn though she seemed to be keen on her hatred. The short dryad adjusted her crossed her arms and stood in an impatient posture, waiting for Robin Hood to break the silence and counter her words. Many possible retorts were buzzing in her mind as she awaited the words that she suspected would come from his lips that only seemed capable of a twisted smile and a serious line.
Finally, Robin Hood spoke, though the words weren't what she expected. Olesya's face scrunched into disapproval as he named characteristics that belonged to him - or at least they did when his eyes held the ludic green color that was almost as beautiful as his hair - and paired them with words of pity. The dryad wanted to interrupt and tell him that he wasn't going to get any sympathy out of her, though as she opened her mouth he spoke of another, a girl who was shy and quiet. Her mouth clamped shut and her eyebrows knitted together as she listened to his story; she recognized it shamefully late as the tale of the four saviors.
Interest sparked within the young hybrid and her hatred simmered. She held a sort of respect for those who remembered the four saviors even before they were saviors. A smile played on her lips as her eyebrows unknotted and a smug ex pression settled on her face. Her ebony eyes followed the lines of his mouth as they moved into a smile, then they dropped onto his hands as they patted the pocket where he had stored the unattainable booklet. So the story of the four saviors littered the pages of the leather book? However, she knew that their legend wasn't all that inked those pages. There had to be more, right?
Olesya was torn from her tenacious thoughts and her eyes snapped back up to Robin Hood as he sighed. His intense red eyes bored into hers and her heart stopped. He seemed to be serious again and as he spoke she gained more and more insight on how to purify the village, though with each word he spoke doubt crept into her mind. Did she really want to purify the village? Did she want to go through the things Robin Hood went through and experience everything that would haunt her the rest of her life? What had the humans ever done to deserve the kindness of purification - heck why did she want to purify the village in the first place. The morning felt so long ago though she was sure it had to do with -
Split personality. Robin Hood… had a split personality? Those wicked grins and that unruly tongue wasn't something that the Green-Eyed Robin Hood had emitted by the lamp post. So, they were characteristics of Mr. Hyde, huh? The "evil" side of Robin Hood now stood before her and with his nature revealed he stole her voice. She was speechless, and hopelessly watching as he ran his fingers through his beautiful snowy locks. Although it all made sense, Olesya couldn't help but stand dumbfound for a few moments as she tried to recollect her thoughts and all of the pieces that this Mr. Hyde had exposed.
"Your right," Olesya's voice was small as she tried to absorb every emotion that swam through her veins, "I haven't. I haven't seen the things I need to do purify this village, I haven't felt the sorrow and despair of those who hold regret close to their hearts as they die, as you have claimed. I haven't the experience of purifying a village or saving a race, but that is how we all start out, right?" Olesya paused to clear her throat, her voice grew stronger as she spoke, "Knowledge doesn't come free; it doesn't automatically flow through your veins during birth. We get taught. Taught by those who have grown wise with age and experience. We learn what has been taught to us and we implement our studies into the real world - and what doesn't get taught we learn through trial and error."
"I may not know of the hardships that you have seen and been through, but you are wrong when you say that I haven't stepped outside this barrier. I have. I have felt the world breath, I have listened to the voices of the trees and seen life outside of this curse. I have seen beauty, Red-Eyed Robin Hood. Things are meant to be free like the wind, even if they are spiteful little creatures known as humans." She had found her resolve, "No one deserves to be pitifully caged and all I can do is help liberate them, so heed my words, Mr. Hyde: I will purify this village and I don't care what I have to go through to make insure that those who wish to live out the rest of their lives will see the beauty the world has to offer." She thought about the other half of Robin Hood as she spoke those last words. Wasn't he caged inside of the Red-Eyed Robin Hood? Wasn't Sherlock being held captive by Mr. Hyde and vice-versa? Olesya wanted to question the Red-Eyed Robin Hood but such curiosity could wait.
Hehe, okay! Its a stressful month so I didn't know if something was going on, but hey, I totally understand! Inspiration doesn't come easy.

10:30pm Jan 22 2014
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Oni smiled at the girl. He had to admire her resolve to even speak to him. Most people took a look at the piercing red eyes and turned away. They refused to look into the eyes that have seen blood shed and tears. They never wanted to look into them for fear of seeing what he had. His smile wasn't malicious nor did it hold any part of this "Mr Hyde" persona that he personified in Riku. It was a genuine smile that Riku would have given if he had been in control. He smiled a bit and then sat back down before he dropped from the roof, landign on his feet, his knees bending to absorb the shock. He walked over to the girl and stood in front of her.
"I hope to see you actually do it then, Watson. I hope you do purify this village. I want to see what happens to the girl standing in front of me. I want to watch the change that happens. It might not be as drastic as the one your Dear Love Sherlock went through, but I would like to see. In fact.. If you need help, don't hesitate to call on Hyde. I'm always near anyways. You just don't know it."
He smiled at her in a candy sweet kind of way before he walked off, his sword gently hitting his back as he walked. He smiled to himself. She was probably not going to ask for help, but he would see what happened. He would still get to see this change. He smiled and almost skipped away happily.
"There's a tale of four. The mighty four who lifted a curse. They lifted a curse they said no man would ever find cure for. They say it was done with powder.. yet others say it was by blood. The truth is held near to the four and died with them. If they saw today and looked at what we've done to their sacred land, they would roll and groan and moan about it. There is said to be four new ones. Four new Saviors that are direct descendants to these four. Who they are, no one knows. Maybe Robin Hood.. Maybe a neglected dryad child. Maybe. Just maybe.~"

11:52pm Jan 23 2014
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Olesya watched as a smile found its way onto Robin Hoods lips. It wasn't his usual sneer or the stealthy turn of his lips while he wore an air around him that diminished others, nay, it was a sincere beam that dwindled the bubbling hatred inside of her. Blood red eyes gazed at her though the smile didn't belong to that set of eyes. Those eyes weren't meant for kindness to complement them, and as much as the dryad hated to admit, it was a fine accessory though it wasn't one that lasted. In moments it was gone and with a swift leap, the Red-Eyed Robin Hood was advancing toward her until he finally towered over the stunted stature.
Dark eyes narrowed on the form in front of her as wicked words slipped from the lips that had held a pure smile just moments ago. The hatred that had slowly started to fade enhanced at the words of Mr. Hyde. His personality was truly twisted and Olesya flinched at his romantic reference to Robin Hood - the green eyed one, that is. A tight smile plastered itself on the dryads face, "As if I'd make a contract with the devil." She spat at his retreating form that looked identical to the one that had left her at the lamp post. Although it was the same body that she had seen the back of twice, it was different people who left her standing with their challenging words floating in the air. Different people that she hated on different levels.
As Robin Hood walked away the road begun to explode with noise. His voice drowned in the disarray around her that the young dryad hybrid couldn't catch the words that he spoke to the air. Were they meant for her or for himself? Olesya wasn't too sure of his mental state after their encounter, so she wouldn't be surprised if his words were due to schizophrenia. Her unruly thoughts made the dryad a little guilty for thinking such crude thing, however, even he stated that his other half went through a drastic change after purification.
Olesya shook her head to rid herself of her thoughts as she remembered the booklet. She had to obtain that book and the silhouette of Robin Hood was getting father and father and the crowd of people seemed to wax like the moon. Olesya started after the boy, shoving her way through the crowd, though she couldn't help but wondered if there truly was only one way to lift the curse. Couldn't there be another way? Another way that didn't involve bloodshed and death? One that caused less pain and suffering, especially for the one who lifted the curse? It was a selfish thought but Robin Hood's split personality kept playing on her mind and she wondered who she would meet on their next encounter: Hyde or Sherlock, though the next time they met wouldn't be as she stole the leather book.

11:38am Jan 24 2014
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The day passed with much less happening. The girl in the red dress had yet to ask him for help, which was perfectly fine with his except he was getting bored and Riku was growing restless. The boy was trying to get out all day since he had taken over the boy. He smiled a bit before he sat down with his drink. Coco. He loved the stuff while Riku didn't like it too much. The man sat on the roof of the little cafe he bought the drink at and drank it a little before deciding that it was burning his tongue and throat. He shrugged and held the cup. He was going to have to find out who wanted to stay the age they were once the curse lifted and who didn't. Some of the people here were over a hundred or so, much older than a normal human. He sat crossed legged and looked into his chocolaty mixture. How would he do this?
"Riku... How did you managed to get all those people in the last village to talk to you? I hadn't taken shape in your mind until after the curse was lifted. You had a lot of people giving you things before your purified. I saw the pile of toys and other trinkets... You never did tell me why."
You never asked me. I never thought you'd want to know so desperately anyways. A laugh that resonated into Oni's head. I didn't think you would even ask me for help. You seemed to confident earlier, even wanting to drive the onyx blade on your back thought the girl in the dress.. Though, she still seems to hate us. You and me, no matter who had the body.
Oni shook his head and sighed. He should just let Riku take control again. He looked down at the cup in his hands and took another sip. It still burned a little but it was enough for him to drink it. And he did. he chugged the rest of teh liquid down before he dropped it into the trashcan, which almost didn't make it because it was an empty light weight cup. He shrugged and smiled.
"You can have the body back, Sherlock. Just... don't get too excited. You might just wake up Hyde."
He smiled and closed his eyes. He opened them again and they went from being blood red to emerald green once again. Riku began to panic because his mouth stung and he hated chocolate anyways. He panted.
"That hurts! Hell, Oni you suck!"

9:20pm Jan 24 2014 (last edited on 9:42pm Jan 24 2014)
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Posts: 827
Haha, I love your character so much, Ru!
Every. Singe. Time. It was surprising how easily Robin Hood could lose her. The town itself wasn't very large, but that boy sure knew how to stay hidden. Olesya snickered at her thought, maybe being able to disappear in the shadows so well was a trait only those with the blood of a dryad had. It sickened the dryad to lump herself together with the impostor but their similarities were too great to simply suppress.
After Olesya emerged from the bustling crowd she had followed the silhouette of Robin Hood nearly all the way down the street until his form disappeared from her sight. Of course he simply didn't just vanish, she supposed he entered a store or ventured down an alley way, though when she had planted herself in the spot where she assumed Robin Hood had vanished the only alley ways that surrounded her were ones that held dumpsters and trash cans to the nearby stores. The alley ways were empty and the buildings that surrounded the path she was headed down was a tailor, a clothing store, a black smith, a bakery, a cafe, and a general store.
With much reluctance and multiple checks down the alley ways, Olesya entered each of the stores, "Robin Hood, have you seen him?" She would demand upon entrance, loathe coating her words thicker each time she would have to ask a pathetic human. To be so sociable with humans as to ask them a simple question made Olesya's skin crawl with detest, but if she wanted to find her Robin Hood then being compatible with humans was necessary. Though, each time she asked she would get a hesitant no and a scowl or grimace from the occupants of the store along with the one who answered her demanded question. However, the answer changed at the cafe. A yes replaced the no, though what followed the yes was another unsatisfying answer - Robin Hood had left.
Her back was turned towards the quaint cafe and Olesya locked her fingers behind her head. What was she to do now? She needed the booklet to move on to the next step in purifying the town. Heck, she needed Robin Hood, but the stubbornness and pride that she had built herself on was too great for her to do something as pitiful as to ask for help from a man who claimed a false ti tle; she was't going to ask a man who needed a demon to protect himself, let alone admit her defeat. She wouldn't let him think that she needed him. Olesya didn't need him, she needed the booklet that held the information.
The dryad let out a hot breath and tried to convince herself that needing Robin Hood and needing the leather book weren't the same. The girl brought her hands to her face and pressed her palms to the eye sockets that held her ebony colored eyes and tried to resolve the conflict within her. He wasn't around anyway so why was she even contemplating the torn emotions inside of her? Even if Olesya knew where he was, how was she supposed to obtain the leather book? Robin Hood was probably smarted than he let on, considering his illusive record of purifying towns and brainwashing cursed areas to think that he was a savior, so stealing the book in his sleep would be more difficult than she cared for. Her thoughts flickered to the girls she had eavesdropped on earlier - Savanna and the elder girl - and their conversation. If Robin Hood woke up while she was in the middle of stealing the booklet her situation would give him the wrong idea - or the crazy idea that she needed him - and if it was Hyde who woke up instead of Sherlock, Olesya had a feeling that he would toy with their situation like it were some game.
A game... Olesya dropped her hands to her sides and the autumn flecks sparkled against her inky eyes. What if she were to come up with a game and win the book? The Red-Eyed Robin Hood seemed to fancy games more so than his seemingly serious side. If she were to win the leather book instead of ask for it, then technically she wouldn't be scrounging for help from Robin Hood. A complacent smile lit the young dryad's face. The only thing left for her to do would be to actually find Robin Hood and propose her little scheme, though where would she find Robin Hood? She had found Sherlock at the lamp post and Hyde on a rooftop.
Olesya stole a glance at the rooftop in front of her. Hyde was the last one who had control of the body but she wondered if the true Robin Hood had reclaimed what was rightfully his. With dark eyes trained on the rooftop parallel to the cafe, Olesya debated if she should search the lamp post or try to look for the troublesome lad from a higher point of view.
I am not sure what you had for Riku so I left this open ended.

12:36am Jan 25 2014
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{it's all good. ^^ I can work with this.}
Riku sighed and looked down, noticing the scarlet dress that adorned the female dryad he had met earlier. She seemed rather adamant on finding him, or it seemed that way since she was in the same cafe he had been in, though she could have just been getting something from there. He looked at her and shrugged. Oni had been messing with her. He decided to just jump from the roof. It would save him time, even though he had a lot of time to spare today. he still needed a couple more observations and he still needed to talk to all the villagers to find out who wanted to live their lives out and who wanted to let the curse take it's course. He gripped the edge of the roof and pushed himself off. He flew forwards, over the girl and landed on the street. He tucked himself and rolled so he didn't break his legs. He popped back up easily as if h had been jumping roofs forever.
He dusted himself off and pat his jacket to make sure his book was there. He nodded and smiled a bit before he looked at the girl. He blinked a bit and then finally decided that he was just going to go away. One of his eyes turned red and his smiled twisted a little before he turned around and began to walk away. He needed to ask the villagers who wanted to stay and who wanted to let themselves age. He smiled a bit.

1:04pm Jan 25 2014 (last edited on 3:54pm Feb 22 2014)
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Posts: 827
It seemed like the town couldn't stop talking about the amazing Robin Hood and giving him such pure and divine titles and names; names that appeared to fit the dryad who seemed to be of savior decent and be graced by the gods - if there were such things - or so the townsfolk thought. So, when Robin Hood fell from the heavens and onto the path in front of Olesya, she couldn't help but cringe at the tedious inevitability of the moment. The dark form had shaded her persona for a split second before easily standing before her and taunting her with his smile, emerald green eyes, and the small gesture of checking to make sure his leather book was still in his inside pocket.
Robin Hood smiled at her, the true Robin Hood, though with a mere bl ink one of his green eyes turned red. Her thoughts lightly touched on the question of if Sherlock was turning back into Hyde or if this was a way that both personalities could share the body. Though the thoughts that had her standing dumbfound were that of a familiar annoyance and curiously wondering where Robin Hood had come from and if he had seen her desperately looking for him. Olesya's eyebrows were knotted with ignorance as the boy started to walk away from her. Again.
"Robin Hood," She yelled after the retreating figure once she shook herself out of her bewilderment, and tried to catch up to him. "What was that? Were you trying to kill me or scare me to death? Geez," She said with a sigh once she caught up the boy. Ebony eyes stared down at the black boots that cladded her feet and was wound with white ribbon. She didn't want to look into the eyes of Robin Hood to see which personality had taken over the body. She didn't know Sherlock too well, but she seemed to have a good grasp on Hyde's personality. Sherlock seemed like he couldn't care less about her and would merely brush her off while Hyde wanted to see her fall to the darkness he was created out of and be the one to lead her to it. Olesya wondered if either one would accept her proposal. Regardless she decided to ease into the conversation, and if she had to vex the boy to get the results she desired so then so be it, "So, Robin Hood, are you on a pursuit to terrorizing the rest of the town and throwing them into a state of chaos or crushing the hopes and dreams of others while claiming to help them?" Her voice, though it rang with sincerity and innocence was obviously not.

7:26pm Feb 9 2014
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5:04pm Feb 21 2014
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3:31pm Feb 22 2014
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{alkshdagfa I thought i replied.. D: My bad}
The eye that had been red returned to green and both emerald eyes locked onto the girl in front of him. He tilted his head as if confused, but he was merely thinking about what he was doing in terms of what she was asking. He bit the inside of his cheek before shrugging.
"Well, I don't really want to scare anybody. I mean, it's not really my intention anyways. But I do not plan on leading people on. I just require an audience with most of them so that I can know what they want to do. Should I let the curse merely run it's couse when it's broken or should I gather my necessary ingredients to let people live their lives once again and grow old naaturally."
You're no fun Sherlock~ You should let them squirm and suffer under you thumb like the humans did to your poor ancestor.. Don't you remember the tale of him? Mh? Don't tell me you've forgotten~
Riku let out a growl, more for Oni to shut up. He looked at the girl.
"I have no intention of leading them on. I just need to get everybody who wants to live out their natural lives again or if they just want the 100 years they'e lived in stasis to rapidly change their bodies..."

10:05pm Mar 8 2014 (last edited on 10:05pm Mar 8 2014)
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Posts: 827
Hopeless; that was what Robin Hood was, hopeless. Olesya let out a hot breath birthed from annoyance and finally averted her gaze from the cobblestone path letting it rest on the figure beside her. He was truly dense if he couldn't sense the heavy coat of sarcasm and mockery that she drenched her words in. Even without looking into his eyes the young hybrid already knew that it was Sherlock she was speaking with, not Hyde. Olesya was sure that if it was the devious side of Robin Hood he would have given her a more playful and unquestionably sinister answer instead of simply stating his actions and his intent.
Olesya heard the growl rumble softly from Sherlock and a certain curiosity sparked within the hybrid as she wondered from who the growl originated. However, as Robin Hood carried on she knew that the strange sound must have been from Sherlock, which whirled her curiosity to the question of why he should make such primatial noises in the first place. Olesya removed her gaze from Robin Hood and instead, stared up at the sky. She intwined her fingers together behind her back and let out another sigh. How was she supposed to bring up the game? She needed to put him in a position where he would feel like he would need to prove himself or defend himself. Perhaps she needed to make it so that Hyde would come out and accept without Sherlocks permission?
"No one ever intends for things to happen, Sherlock. It is never one's intention to bring about chaos and darkness, it just happens. The road to Hell was paved with good intentions, didn't you know? How did you think this curse came about, eh?" Her voice held a playful tone and the smile on her face was as smug as could be. "Do you really think that you should fix something that is broken while you, yourself, are broken? How can you claim that you want to help people while one side of you hates humans and finds joy in watching people suffer? How can you be certain that, that isn't your true nature? How do you know that Hyde won't take over one day and slaughter all those you claim to want to help? How do you know that you won't like the feel of human blood run through your fingers if Hyde does, indeed, take over? If that were the case then aren't you a danger to all of the people here and those to come? It seems that your primatial instincts are already surfacing." She said referring to his growl earlier. "Why do you carry around that sword anyway? Aren't you here to save the lives that were wronged by the curse and give them this so-called second chance?" Olesya let out a satisfied breath and glanced at Robin Hood, waiting for his response -- waiting for him to get angered.

11:51pm Mar 8 2014
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Her words had the opposite effect than the one she so desired. He listened and as she spoke of how he might actually be a brutal killer and lover of blood spilling, he grew sadder and sadder. His shining emerald eyes dulled until they resembled the dying grass. They were dark and clouded as if a shadow had been cast in front of his beautiful irises. He lowered his head and looked to the floor. He brought his hands up so he could see the palm. He stared at his fingers and palms, thinking of what she was saying. Could this possibly be something.. wait.. it was already too late.. An image flashed in his mind and was projected into his reality. His hands. They were clean just a second ago. They were shaking and blood soaked. The ground beneath was no longer nice paved sidewalks, but cobblestone. That town. That day. His hands were shaking and dripped blood onto the already blood soaked stones below. The blood seeping into each crevice that it could. His pristine white sweater was caked in mud and blood, drying and forming crust all over. He shook his head and stepped back.
He looked up with the same dead and dull eyes. He gave the girl a very weak smile, almost a grimace. He let his hands fall to his sides. He stared at her for a while, examining her, mostly her top half. Where her neck was... so easy to.. end.. Where her stomach connected to her hips. He could.. get rid of it.. He began to have the same thoughts that Oni would. His dull green eyes brightened to an almost ruby red color. The small smile growing into a smirk and then a Cheshire cat smile spread across his face. However, the voice was a mix between what Oni would sound like and what a sad Riku would.
"You really think I'm broken? Oh no.. I'm not broken.. I'm perfectly fine. Just... split. Another side of me has taken shape and prefers to go by a different name. There is nothing broken about me.."
The voice cut off Riku's and was completely Oni's by the end. Hyde had just reared his head. He was pissed. He didn't like the way she was treating his other half. He had nothing to do with most of the things that were done to him or anything he'd done to other people. He shouldn't really be blamed. He glared at her. Ruby red eyes narrowing and he bared his teeth in a growl. He stepped closer to the girl and growled.
"I carry the sword for protection. There are certain people who don't want me releasing the curse. Certain people who just want to watch all the people trapped to die. Certain people who will hunt down the descendants of the Legendary Four. I refuse to sit there and let them do as they pleased. Then again.. I can get..." he grinned wickedly, ".. a little carried away when they come~" he purred the last bit.

5:12pm Mar 9 2014
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Posts: 827
The silent steps that fell beside her stopped and the aura around Robin Hood turned solemn. Olesya, too, halted in her tracks as she turned to observe the boy. She watched with an ill and cautious kind of curiosity that only resonated with the red flecks in her eyes whilst the other colors didn't dare to glimmer. The boy brought his hand up to observe under his hanging head and suddenly they started to shake. The dryad hybrid tilted her head to the side as a foreign feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. She couldn't name the emotion that was making her feel uneasy and a bit scared but she continued to watch Robin Hood, wondering what he was doing and if it was rage that made his hands shake or something else.
Suddenly, Robin Hood shook his head and took a step back, and for a moment Olesya thought he was going to turn and retreat. Instead, Sherlock looked up and held her gaze. Olesya abruptly took a jagged step back as his lifeless and cold, distant and lost, eyes stared into the dark abyss of her own. They were no longer the shining green that had been as bright as his hair, instead they were the color of Mother Nature on her death bed. His colorless eyes that bore into hers and the weak smile he gave her sent shivers down her spine, but they were nothing compared to the way he hungrily observed her with a murderous intent. Olesya opened her mouth to say something but no words would come out, all she could do was stare into the eyes of Robin Hood wondering what had caused this dramatic spark within the boy. In an instant, the green eyes brightened and the young hybrid thought that Robin Hood was back to normal -- whatever was normal for the lad -- instead they brightened only to transition into a menacing, ruby red and all traces of Sherlock were erased from the features of Hyde.
The unsettling feeling now raged in the pit of her stomach as she realized that the Robin Hood that now stood in front of her wanted to kill her. Even if she didn't anger Sherlock, she sure as hell set Hyde's temper ablaze. The fear and worry that had subconsciously worked its way into Olesya's brow and mouth now smoothed itself out with a witty smirk. Ah, so it was the broken part that had got to him, Olesya observed as Hyde spoke, though she could have sworn she heard a bit of Sherlock in the voice; full of lifelessness that had previously occupied Robin Hood's face. Guilt injected itself into the young dryad's mind at the pitiful sound of Sherlock, though as Hyde rang through her ears, the guilt became minute and forced to the back of her mind.
A sharp pain tugged on Olesya's nerves and under Hyde's burning gaze she realized that her fingernails had bitten into the palm of her hands. Her knuckles were white and shaking while her heart raced in her chest, but the smirk she wore never left her lips, instead it grew wider with humor as she realized that she was frightened and hurting herself in spite of that. So, my body is betraying itself, eh? Olesya jumped back a step as Hyde advanced on her and her dark eyes jolted back to the piercing red ones. Now was not the time to be afraid, it was the time to propose her game, though Olesya didn't know if she could speak without her voice wavering.
His snarl, his spiteful eyes, his voice, Olesya heard it all loud and clear. He wasn't afraid of her, he wasn't inexperienced when it came to killing, he wanted to see her blood on his blade and he wanted her to suffer as much as Robin Hood had. There was no doubt in her mind that he wouldn't kill her. Briefly, her thoughts touched on the idea of the impact her death would make on the town. Would anybody mourn? Would anybody try to stop Robin Hood and avenge her? Her dark eyes barely gave off the sad smile the stained her thoughts. No; no one would mourn and everyone would praise the monster that stood in front of her. They would name her murder to be a sacrifice and build Robin Hood a shrine so they could always pray to the godly man who rid the town of blemishes.
Olesya let out a short laugh at her pathetic thoughts, but immediately shook herself out of them as she realized that Hyde hadn't killed her just yet. The girl took a step towards Hyde with weakness in her knees, "You are broken. You are split when you are supposed to be whole, the definition of broken. But if trying to convince yourself that you aren't broken helps you sleep at night, then so be it." She said, her voiced soft and low but not wavering. She thought back to Sherlocks sad voice as he had said, "You really think I am broken?" and she wanted to tell him that there was nothing wrong with being broken, that everyone has a chip in them somewhere but it was Hyde she was dealing with, not Sherlock. It was uncanny enough that she would want to cheer Sherlock up in the first place, but what Olesya failed to notice was that she saw a bit of herself in the lifelessness of the solemn side of Robin Hood.
The dryad continued, trying to get her frazzled mind in one place, "Anyway, from the sound of it, it seems that you carry your sword around to stop none other than yourself. To stop those who want to cause others suffering. However," Her voice was still even and her smirk still played on her face, though her body couldn't seem to relax, for her heart thumped loud in her chest and her hands couldn't stop shaking as small droplets of blood trailed down her fingers and dripped from her knuckles, "if you were referring to me, then I am sorry to have to disappoint you, dear Hyde. You see, it isn't that I want to watch the curse run its course, it is just that I don't believe that someone sprung from simple town rumors could be capable of stoping the curse." Olesya let out a small laugh, cautious of her actions, "You even believe that you are a decedent of one of the Four Saviors, how precious! Could you even purify the town or claim you know how to purify the town without that dinky little notebook you constantly look into? I bet that even if you didn't need that stupid notebook, there are those who would be able to purify the town faster and come out unscathed... Oh, and by 'those' I mean myself." There it was. The proposal she had been meaning to make, though possibly under different circumstances, now floated in the air between the two dryads. Confidence was slowly starting to build back up inside of the girl and now her ebony eyes glimmered with the colors of fall.

8:19pm Mar 9 2014
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Posts: 5,542
Oni saw this. He could see the challenge in her eyes and yet he could see the small trickle of blood that her nails created. She had pierced her palm. She was trying so hard to not be scared of him, and yet, this was proof she was. He smirked and reached into his coat pocket, pulling out the little black book. He opened it up to one of the pages he had been writing in all day. He looked over his notes and smiled a bit. He held the book in one hand and reached to the top inside corner of the same page. He gripped it hard before he ripped the page out. He snapped the book shut and put it back in his coat pocket before he held the page up to her face and began to rip it in half. He ripped it slowly, his ruby red eyes never leaving her black orbs. He smiled at her and placed the two pieces back to back. He ripped them again, and again, and again until they were nothing more than tiny pieces of confetti. He let out a giggle and threw the pieces up in the air. He threw them like he was having a party before he started to laugh. He laughed and threw pieces up until he suddenly just stopped. Silent. He looked at her and smiled wickedly.
"There. I've torn the only page that I wrote on about this town. All the little secrets I've been writing down are now gone. Torn and shredded. Carried away by the wind."
Almost on cue, a large gust of wind came by, scattering the pieces of his page and taking some into the air, most likely never to be seen again. He smiled and watched as the pieces were taken away. He could play this game too. He could play against her and be two steps ahead. Possibly. Maybe. She seemed to easily upset his other half, yet, she was intimidated by this half of Riku. He smiled at her and laughed again. He held his stomach and doubled over before he stood up again, absolutely serious.
"Your move.. Watson."

11:25pm Mar 28 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 827
Sorry for such the late reply! It is so easy to get swept up in school work that each week goes by so fast and each weekend is nearly nonexistent.
Careful yet strong hands -- hands that could easily snake around the girl's neck -- retrieved the notebook that had enchant Olesya to an absurd extent. What was his move? What was he about to do to counter her proposal? Hyde opened the booklet, his crimson eyes skimmed over his fresh notes with deliberate care before one of his hands ripped the leafy page from the spine of the notebook. The harsh cry the paper made as it got separated from the rest rang loud in the silence. Olesya's eyes widened at Hyde's actions and she sucked in her bottom lip and knotted her eyebrows as realization trickled into her mind. She never should have started this game. She never should have challenged such a corrupt and psychotic opponent. He would have more fun with her than she could ever have with him.
The shrills of the sole piece of paper cried out again and again until it was merely scraps that floated in front of her face and no longer had any use to her. The tables had turned and the game was no longer in her favor, if it had ever been there in the first place. He was toying with her as much as she was with him and there was no backing down. The gleam in his red eyes challenged her and his smirk irked her. Olesya felt as if he could see her hand that was dealt and destroyed any chance she had at winning. Her cards were exposed and his voice, his laugh, his demonic eyes, and his stupid white hair had blew her off of her pedestal as the gush of wind raced through the buildings. Although fear stirred within the dryad, she wasn't going to allow someone as criminal as Robin Hood breath the finer air she pretended to walk on. Olesya was obviously superior towards humans, but never had she encountered one who could brush her off so easily. Even though the hybrid was concerned about her life, she wasn't going to back down from the game she had started.
With a long sigh, Olesya released her bottom lip and unclenched her bleeding hands before tearing her ebony eyes away from the inferno ones that she had leveled with. She brought her hands up to her face to examine them just as Sherlock had done before Hyde took over. There were four crimson crescents lining the each palm of her hands. They were messy with the pooling blood, "My move, eh?" She muttered under her breath. Olesya let out a small and curious hm as she gazed into her palms, "Robin Hood," she announced, encompassing both sides of him in her speech, "tell me," she licked one of her thumbs and started to slowly wipe away the blood from her palm. "What was the point in ripping the page if you already knew what sort of secrets were written on it? That benefits only you rather than the point of this game." She licked her thumb again, the iron taste staining her tongue and carefully wiped the blood away once more, "We are playing a game aren't we?" At this, Olesya looked up, her inky eyes stared at his with a smile and her lips attempted to quirk up into something as wicked as his mouth had made, but to no avail, only a sly smile crossed her lips. Olesya licked her other thumb and worked away the blood in the same manner as she did the other hand, "Pertaining to the town and purification, no? But, you see, a game isn't without rules and knowledge, is it?" The crimson crescent were no longer in puddles but the open wounds still leaked red liquid. Olesya dropped her hands to her sides and lifted the bottom of her dress to curtsy, mocking Hyde's gestures, "I believe it is now your move, Sir Hyde."

7:30pm Apr 14 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
Oni stared at this girl. For the love of everything, he could not figure out what she was going to do next. She wasn't afraid of him as she was before; he wasn't as frightening he assumed. He listened to her carefully, his face going neutral as she talked from the smile he had plastered on before. He waited and as she talked, he looked at his nails and the sky before noticing that the townsfolk has begun to gather little by little. There were a few girls and boys here and there on the street, looking at them. There were adults and a couple older adults looking on at the two who seemed to be bickering in the middle of the road, then again, they kind of were. He looked to them and could tell that this was going to get messy if he continued to be as he was now. He
(Will edit in a bit)
5:23pm Apr 23 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 827
8:26pm Jun 4 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 827
Bump! I hope life isn't being too much of a pain in the butt, Ru! I can't wait till summer, maybe we could get this rp going more ^^ I am just done with school! I graduate in 2 days! I can't believe time has gone by so fast!
2:10am Jun 5 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
{Ignore my other post... I don't like it. This is a new one.}
Oni growled as she curtsied. Her motives were still a mystery and her actions always confused him. Both sides of him to say the least. He didn't know what she was going to do next or what she was going to say to him or to his other half. She had a way of just getting under his skin and worming her way into his head to some extent. Even that little bit was enough to get him to dislike her. However... The other side of him had other ideas. He believed she could possibly help but would rather not risk her ending up like he was. Broken. Ha. Well... Maybe he was broken to some extent. There was nothing normal about him from the color of his hair to the color of his eyes. Almost neon green at some points and a dark bloody red when he is in the right mood. How joyous it is to have such a broken mind to have it split and take on another person all together. There was nothing to do in order to fix this. Maybe this time he would come out unscathed. No.. that wasn't really possible. There's always something taken for something gained. Something of value...
Like you're personality.. or your sanity... Oni bitterly thought. Hyde, as she had so dubbed him, looked up at her and growled once again. She was making him angry and what a joy it would be to see her crumble under the pressure of actually having to deal with a purification. He looked at her and gave her a cat like smile. He stepped back from her and crossed his arms over his chest and cocking his hip to one side. He eyed her up and down before he finally decided on what he would tell her.
"You know.. You're a sharp person.. or should I say you're a smart dryad. I mean.. we were never really liked as far as it went with the humans back when our ancestors were alive. They went through so much and gained so little until the humans realized just what they had done."
He began to pace in the road, not far enough to be hit by whatever car anybody had at the time. There wasn't much gas coming in or our, so people had very little and reverted back to their old ways of horses. He walked a couple paces to the right then repeated the same to the left, only a little farther because he had to get back in front of the girl and pass her. He continues and paces a few more times, the whole time making small humming noises. He stopped in front of her and gave her a sideways glance before he smiled.
"A game you say? Well... It seems as if you've been a player from the moment you decided to talk to me my dear Watson. You see... A game, as you said, has rules and those rules are made the one who crated this game you speak of. I assume the only players are me.. and you.. In a long hard battle of seeing who will purify the town. But... let's take it to the future.. You see.. I've been on the other end of purifying. I've seen one happen and I've done one myself. You see what happened to me? mh? Knowledge comes with mistakes and real life example. I am the example. What's to say this won't happen to you? Do you want to see how many different personalities you contain in that pretty little head of yours? Do you want to see what exactly it takes to purify a town? To have something more valuable than you can imagine taken from you? What are you willing to loose?"
He faced her and pointed his finger at his head.
"Maybe your mind? Your precious sanity?"
He raised his hands out for her to see his palms.
"Maybe the purity your hands holds? Want to see them stained in innocent blood?"
He motioned to his body as a whole.
"Maybe your entire being? What makes you.. well.. you?
He finally placed his hand over his heart and gripped his shirt.
"Or perhaps... Your very life?"
He put his hands down.
"So you see my dear Watson... This isn't a game you want to play. This isn't a game when it comes down to it. You're dealing with merely the tip of the iceberg.. But.. it's everything under the water that really hits you hard.. And you will sink.. you will go down in flames or bitter cold. Now tell me... Are you even willing to risk your entire being? TO me.. the answer.. Is elementary my dear Watson."
