8:13pm Jul 14 2014
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7:13am Jul 17 2014
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Posts: 827
Oh gosh, I totally thought I replied! I am in Thailand right now visiting a friend but I will be back in the states next week and will post before the end of the month! I hope your summer has been great so far!!
9:07pm Jul 17 2014
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(Oh wow, thats amazing! and Awesome! Have fun and don't worry about it. :D)
10:07pm Aug 1 2014
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Posts: 827
Gosh, I missed this! I missed writing and this rp! It feels so good to write after all these months!
Olesya wiped any trace of smile or humor from her features and, instead, she wore a wistful look as she turned her face towards the road that Hyde paced restlessly on. His words sunk its teeth into her thoughts. Although the dryad had always mentally separated herself from the pitiful humans that she always deemed to be idiotic and helpless creatures, she had never truly acknowledged the difference until now. Until Hyde seemingly shouted to the world that she was different and belonged no where except in the darkness, and although he didn't say it, she could hear him stating the facts as to why she has no family. The girl flinched. There was always this thread that Olesya refused to acknowledge that connected herself to the humans, for she was half-human herself. That thread was the link between the small population her town was made up of, her family, and herself. She found comfort in the knowledge that everything she had ever known was connected, but with those few words, it was as if Hyde had already won and was grouping him and her together, while crushing the fragile thread she had always held onto desperately.
A smile broke her serious expressions and her eyes narrowed on the figure pacing before her. "Apparently it isn't just humans that despises this sharp and smart dryad," she muttered under her breath as Hyde was farthest away. Robin Hood, her family, the town, there was no one in the world who cared about her and it was thanks to dear Hyde that she realized that she truly had no ties to anyone and was her own isolated island. Olesya scoffed as she watched the back of Robin Hood's head as he walked away from her, and walked back, pacing as if he was trying to make a life or death decision, until he abruptly stopped and side glanced the girl, making his gaze a heavy thing to suddenly receive.
His voice cut through the long silence and his words flowed so flawlessly that Olesya finally understood why he had been silent for so long. It was the game. Not the game that the keen hybrid thought she proposed to Robin Hood, but the game that Hyde had spun and that Olesya got foolishly trapped in ever since she had spoken her first words to Robin Hood, and now, he was mocking her. His words questioned her though there was no inquiry in his voice. He was so far ahead of her that she was drowning in defeat and the girl couldn't help but wonder if his cleverness was a perk of being split in half.
Irritation rubbed at the dryad in all the wrong ways. He was speaking down to her -- who was he to speak down to her? This broken, shell of a boy who only spoke empty words had no right. He started to speak as if he was genuinely concerned for her safety, but those crimson eyes that trickled down and up her persona, that mischievous sort of grin that his lips curled into, and the way he growled unpleasantly with his gaze intensely bestowed upon her, were not gestures of concern. No, they all carried a sort of challenge as he tried to test her how true she was to her words. She would not back down.
A deep hatred stirred restlessly in the pit of Olesya's stomach, though it wasn't the raw hatred that Hyde felt towards her, it was an intense an intimate sort that sprung from her pathetic curiosity when it comes to Robin Hood and his split personality, and the annoying way that Hyde always seemed to be a step a head of her. It was something closely associated with envy and a reflection of her hatred for herself. Hyde, no, Robin Hood was everything she was not, did everything she could not, and had everything that she would never and Olesya hated it. She hated his bravery, his wit, his will, his sacrifices, but most of all, she hated that he had someone -- even if it was another version of himself -- to rely on.
The dryad hybrid never took her eyes off of Hyde as he spoke, and her jaw clenched and unclenched under her half faked, amused smile. Anger had formed a lump in her throat and a bitter taste stained her tongue. It took several moments until Olesya was able to speak, "I don't think you understand, dear Hyde," her voice held the bitterness that stained her tongue. "This is a game I do want to play." She took a step towards Robin Hood, "Was that answer what you expected? Of course not! You pegged me as a frightened little girl, not able to take care of herself or, better yet, to trust herself, did you not?" She let out a short laugh, "But I suppose I do have to thank you, you are the perfect example of what not to do. So, if it is any consolation, you were right, there was a steep price for this kind of knowledge. I guess you paid the price while I received the knowledge, huh?" Her ex pression changed and for a moment she wondered if she went to far, but she shook herself out of it and licked her lips before speaking firmly, "Let me just make one thing clear,"
She closed the distance between them so they were a breaths width a part. Dark eyes looked up at the other dryad and into the world where dark scarlet mingled with pure white so freely and carelessly. Olesya spoke, her voice was so low that the words did not escape the narrow distance between them, "We are not the same, nor will we ever be. Just because we are of the same breed does not mean that I am willing to let what is most precious to me go. Don't underestimate me, Hyde. I am not willing to risk my entire being, but I am willing to bet on it. I bet that I can go the process of purification without having my insanity, my purity, or my life stolen from me."
For a long while Olesya's black orbs just started into the pools of crimson, silence filled the tiny space between them. Finally, her eyes softened before glimmering with pity and a bit of fear, and her features went unguarded as the dryad hybrid stood on her tippy toes and whispered into Robin Hood's ear, "But, I do have to ask, how much longer are you able to hold on, Sherlock?"

2:16pm Aug 23 2014
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3:24pm Aug 24 2014
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Oni was getting more infuriated as the girl continued to speak to him. She was talking to him like he was some kind of handicapped. Just because he had a split personality didn't mean he couldn't function properly, in fact, he believed it made him function better because he could split his emotions as well. Sherlock took the more positive emotions and Hyde took the wild, hard to tame emotions. He growled and glared at her fiercely as she spoke. This wasn't some game! Why couldn't she get it through her think skull?! He was looking out for her. Even if he didn't want to loose something of value, she would. And he would be there to watch her grovel at his feet. There would be no helping her then. There would be nothing he could do to help her get back what was lost. Unless he gave up something of his own in order to help her not loose anything. no. Absurd.. Help this dryad not face the facts just because he felt sorry for her? Stupid. Never do something like that.
I would never... But maybe we should Oni.. no! She speaks ill of us and there is no reason for me to possibly help her not loose something! She needs to learn the hard way that a purification is not some game! It's a serious matter... With serious consequences.. i know.
He had missed part of her speech to him as he fought back and forth between Sherlock and Hyde. He came back to reality when she was getting very close to him. The clack of her boots brought him back just in time to see her deep black orbs staring into his own bloody red ones. He blinked a couple times as she spoke. It was odd to have someone this close but he would not step back like he normally would. More of his injuries were seen up close, which was why he stayed far from people. They were light on his skin, but you could see them when you were closer.
His bloody orbs widened as she spoke to Sherlock so closely. He could feel the other half stepping forwards, but not overtaking him. Their eyes blended, making them a green-ish red mix like a tree nearing autumn, where the green and red meshed together in perfect harmony. Their voices blended as well, Hydes rather snarky attitude and Sherlocks rather subdued voice.
"I will only say this once and once only... I've held out longer than you can imagine. I've been through more than you know and came out like I am now. There are reasons I have held out this long. Do you really want Hyde, as you call him, to run the body? To run things his way? To see what exactly he is capable of if there is no other being to control his temper? I think I can hold out longer than this.... To me... taking control of this demon is the hardest part..."
There was a gasp before Oni took a step back, holding his head and shaking it. When they blended, it put a strain on his sanity. He rubbed his eyes and looked back up at Olesya. The green faded from his eyes and were overtaken by the bloody red color they had been. He looked at her and stepped towards her, getting as close as he could. His bloody red eyes locked with hers and he let out a rather animalistic growl. He gave her one of his cheshire cat smiles, though this one was obviously darker than the more playful ones he gave her before.
"You.. do NOT understand what you are getting yourself into. You tried to reason to Sherlock but you got yourself Hyde. And this Hyde is not like some fairytale. no... I am your worst possible opponent. I will literally just watch you grovel once you realize what you have done. There is no possible way to reason with a demon. There is no possible reason for me to help you realize what you did. This game is already won and you are merely trying to play catch up.. And I will be waiting on the other side of the game.. I will watch as you claw your way back and lick your wounds. Just remember that whatever happens, is definitely going to be your fault. And yours alone. You want to purify this town? I have the knowledge. I will give it to you if you want... I want to see you succeed in this little game of yours. I will watch you sink as the very foundation of your little game crumbles before you."
He stepped away from her and breathed in deeply, calming himself. He closed his eyes and brought his hands to his hair, running them through the snowy locks. He breathed out and looked back up at Olesya, his eyes fading from their red color to the emerald green that belonged to Riku. He looked at Olesya sadly and gave her a watery smile.
"Good luck with your endeavor.. I do hope you don't end up like me.. But... that's not really possible.. You will loose something. I promise you."

11:22pm Sep 4 2014
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12:18am Sep 10 2014
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Posts: 827
Sorry I haven't replied yet, Ru! College is so much more hectic than I thought it would be! I have been super busy and haven't had the chance to reply. I will try my best to post by this weekend!!
10:42pm Sep 11 2014
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{lol, it's cool, it's cool. I know what you're going through because Im still there. xD Good Luck!}
6:38pm Sep 14 2014 (last edited on 6:40pm Sep 14 2014)
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Posts: 827
OoC; Haha, you are a sophomore, though, right? Well, good luck to you too! The workload in college and the activities happening outside of classes are insane! I am currently avoiding an essay I have to write for my English class so I am responding!! BiC; The warmth of his breath caressed her cheek as Hyde and Sherlock spoke in a chilling, harmonious voice. Olesya slowly lowered herself from the side of his face where she had whispered in his ear, but the space between them was still only inches apart. They were so close that the girl could notice small details about the boy she couldn't before. Up close, Robin Hood was more beautiful than she had realized and she envied the sort of ancient beauty his features held. His eyes, with the capacity of changing from ruby to emerald, now held the color of a timeless fall. It was as if the vibrancy of the green summer grass was meant to accompany the dying scarlet leaves of a huge maple tree. Though his voice wasn't as musky and earthy as his eyes led on. Instead, his voice held the emotions of winter. The icy chill of a winter breeze cut through the space between them and it was obvious that it was Hyde's voice, with his hatred for her seeping through. However, the dull grey of a winter sky was the prominent tone of his gloomy words. The blood of a Dryad was so blatantly running through the veins of the boy standing in front of her that envy made her heart heavy. As the two personalities spoke, Olesya couldn't help but wonder how much control Sherlock actually had over the body. It was mainly Hyde the hybrid ever spoke to and when Sherlock did decide to voice his opinions, it was almost always through Hyde or with Hyde. Who was in control in the first place? Did the personality that is Hyde come out of nowhere or was Robin Hood literally split in half? Was there anyway to get Sherlock back to normal or did he prefer to have Hyde share his body? How much control did each side have? So many ignorant questions buzzed behind Olesya's thick skull that the torn voice of Robin Hood was just background noise. It wasn't until Robin Hood gasped raggedly and stumbled backwards that the girl snapped back from her thoughts and slowly pieced together the words and meanings of the background noise to her thoughts. No, that wasn't what she meant when she whispered to Sherlock. It wasn’t as if she doubting his means, and it wasn’t as if she wanted Hyde to run rampant and unrestrained, she was simply concerned about the strength and will Sherlock had left. She had meant to applaud his perseverance. Nonetheless, she was genuinely concerned for the sanity of Robin Hood. Now, ruby red eyes stared into her soul as the emerald disappeared from existence. The unruly part of Robin Hood had fully emerged into the world and he took a step towards her as she had previously done to him. It was as if the intensity of their conversation seemed to grow when the space between them shrank. Her spine danced with a sort of fear only Hyde could make her feel but she didn't take a step back as the space closed between them once more. Being so close, Olesya had to look up into the face of Hyde. Her dark eyes traced the faint scars that lined his young face. They were pale and gave off a dull shine as he spoke with malice. She wondered if they were from discriminating humans like their ancestors had to deal with or the process of purification. If it had been Sherlock speaking to her now, the ivory scars would have been an addition to his ancient beauty, however, as Hyde spoke so harshly, all Olesya could see them as were battle scars. The hybrid watched Hyde patiently as he spoke down to her once more, though her skin was crawling with irritation and ire. How did such a demon get shoved into the body that stood in front of her? Such cruelty was embedded in his words that she wondered why she wanted to pick a fight with him in the first place. She had embarked down a road that she thought would give her answers and help her purify the town, but in the end, all Olesya could do, as Hyde said, was to play catch up. His words were so true and seemed so inevitable that they started to sound impossible to the girl. He mocked her so much that she wanted to do everything in her power to prove him wrong; and that is exactly what he wanted her to do. She realized now that no matter how hard she tried to turn the tables, she would just be falling herself deeper into the depths of Hyde's game. By the time Hyde was done ridiculing her, she was going to retort and attempt to stray away from the darkness Hyde had trapped her in, but as red faded to green and the devious smile turned into a weak one, something inside Olesya became unsettled. Sherlock had appeared in front of her so suddenly that her heart started to pound hard and fast in her chest. She wasn't scared of Sherlock but seeing him so... compete caught her off guard. When his voice cut through the air between them, her chest grew tight and a lump formed in her throat. Hyde's words were just noise that fueled her anger, however, upon hearing Sherlock's voice, embarrassment and guilt piled on top of her. There was something about his words that she trusted and now her fear of purification had settled in. It wasn't just her fear that had become aroused by seeing and hearing Sherlock. There was a part of her that wanted to help Sherlock get his body back. A part of her wanted to protect him from further damage, further exposure. Perhaps it was just pity, but the strange emotion wouldn't fade. Olesya opened her mouth but no words came out. She closed her parted lips and took a long moment to memorize the look on Sherlock's face; the way he smiled at her as if she was laying on her death bed; the sad look he gave her, knowing that she was going to lose something she treasured above all else; the way his emerald eyes no longer held the purity that her black ones sparkled with; and the beautiful scars that were etched into his skin, coded memories of his past. The hybrid closed her eyes and took a moment to think. She brought her hands to her face and pressed the palms to her eyes. She was frightened, and she was sure that he could see some sort of fear looming on her face, but she wouldn't back down. If Robin Hood was right and she really was going to lose something, would that mean Sherlock wouldn't have to give up his body to Hyde anymore than he had already? Would she lose something in place of Sherlock? But what about what she was telling Hyde? The words she spewed in the heat of the moment? She had told him that she wasn't going to lose anything, and her pride would hold her to her word. Olesya placed her hands back to her sides and opened her eyes, "Tell me what I need to do to purify the village." Her voice was soft and weaker than it was when she was talking to Hyde. "What do I need to do to make sure the Humans can live without the burden of the curse?" The dryad looked up to the sky, the sun was falling quicker than she had imagined (I am not really sure what time of day it is...). She didn't even notice that her empty stomach was clawing painfully. Olesya cleared her throat and looked back to Sherlock, "Let purification take my purity, let it take my sanity, I'll even give it my life, however, there is one thing that I won't let it take, and I will make sure that I won't lose this one thing." Olesya balled up her fists and took slow deep breaths, trying to calm herself. She wouldn't lose to Hyde and she would do her best to save the helpless creature in front of her. Though, she questioned her motives. Was her pride speaking for her again or were her words genuine?
OoC; Sorry this is so long, Ru!

9:19pm Sep 25 2014
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Posts: 827
7:55pm Oct 10 2014
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11:34am Oct 16 2014
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(Im so sorry! my laptop has been down for like 3 weeks, so I havent been doing anything. D: I just got it back so I can reply! :D Give me a couple days while I get all my school work and stuff done...)
9:51pm Oct 19 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 827
Oh, it is perfectly fine :) I am sorry that it has been down for so long, it must have been hectic without it! I look forward to your reply, Ru!
10:52pm Oct 24 2014
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Posts: 827
Hey Ru, I hope you don't mind, but I made a sort of website for this rp. It is nothing much and we can still roleplay here, I just made it because I was bored and thought that our roleplay deserved it's own site. The site will simply act as an archive of some sort, if that is okay. If you aren't okay with this I can totally take it down.
2:41pm Oct 28 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
(oooooOOOOOOoooooo sounds cool. :D I will get to this soon! I promise! I have been having midterms all this week and one last week O^O)
11:49am Oct 30 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 5,542
(how do post on weebly? XD Like, i wanna post there if that's possible and i'm like.. "how do".. "how do")
7:30pm Oct 31 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 827
Ah, don't worry about it! I understand how stressful and time consuming mid-terms are.
Oh, I have to add you as an editor to the site. If you give me your email I can add you as an editor and then you can edit. You can rmail it to me if you'd like. Also, I think you have to make a Weebly account.
Also, Happy Halloween!!
10:23pm Nov 20 2014
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Posts: 827
10:54pm Nov 27 2014
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Posts: 827
~HAPPY THANKSGIVING~ Hope you ate a lot of good food!