4:21pm Feb 24 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Just so you know, due to the way that most gryphon's bodies work, fish is actually toxic to them. The oils coat the insides of their stomachs and causes them to be unable to digest food, thus eventually starving them. xD ))
9:37pm Feb 24 2012
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Posts: 516
(Well I edited it to chicken meats! Didn't know that about Gryphons!)
11:45pm Feb 24 2012
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Sorden stared at the meat, pausing as she sniffed it lightly. She watched as the Demon left, seemingly stuck halfway between his forms. She would never show it, but she almost... pitied him. To be controlled in one's fate by one's emotions; it would lead to a rather strict life. At least she assumed it was so.
For several minutes, she didn't move, muscles twitching with over-use. She glanced behind her trembling shoulder at the other two, body completely exasperated.
And the smell of the food was taunting her.
Another few minutes passed, almost like hours. By then Sorden found herself picking at the meat, stomach growling at her. And a few moments after that, she collapsed, unconscious before she could bl ink. She was too tired now. She would sort all of this out later.
6:10pm Feb 25 2012
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Posts: 516
Volarune snarled as he ate his food. He was enjoying the taste of his cooking. Him and Darkgrim. The giant dragon was greedily wolfing down the huge amounts of deer, raptors, and other things. Then they both turned to fruits. But Darkgrim snarled at the greens Volarune tried to get him to eat. Volarune began chuckling at his friends reactions of the greens. But then he told him, "Eat the greens. You'll get tougher and bigger my friend." Darkgrim stared at the greens and then frowned. But then he decided to eat them. Suddenly he made an "hmm" sound and began to gobble them up. He then moved on to the other foods along with his Tamer companion. Volarune then sniffed the air. He noticed Sorden hadn't moved from her spot. So he stood up and began to look for her. He found her laying down asleep over her food. The Demon scrawled low and gathered a huge amount of leaves. Then he made a long blanket out of them. Soon after that, he laid the leafy blanket on her. "Sweet dreams Lady Gryphon..." He told her. Then he led Darkgrim over to they're side by calling him using low calls. Finally Darkgrim and Volarune made a small fire to keep them all warm. Volarune slowly fell asleep on Darkgrim's back. While Volarune was sleeping on his back Darkgrim wrapped his whole body around the campsite, surrounding them both his huge amounts of warmth.
9:50pm Feb 25 2012
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(( Time skip to morning? ))
10:25pm Feb 25 2012
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10:50pm Feb 25 2012
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Sorden was partially awake long before she finally opened her eyes. She expected the frigid winds of the snow-capped peaks to greet her, but instead woke to something entirely different. The prior day's events were soon to come back to her after that.
She stretched cautiously, trying her muscles, but stopped not only because they were more than extremely sore, but because that was when she noticed the la yer of leaves draped over her body. As she sat up slowly, the mixture of leaves cascaded off her snow-white body. She was confused at first, but didn't take long to piece together what had happened. She looked back towards the Demon and his companion, noticing the thin trail of smoke rising in the morning sky.
Her gaze softened the slightest bit, then she let her body shake the blanket of leaves off her pelt. She paused, waiting for a sound to break the silence.
The ever-deepening sadness at her human's absence began to creep forward once more as the thought about the demon and the dragon. It was always there, although there were times she felt it almost had faded completely. Then, as now, however, it would always come back.

2:53pm Feb 26 2012
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Posts: 516
Volarune made a muffled, "Mrfff!" Sound as the leafy blanket hit him in the face. Darkgrim growled an "Mhhmm?" Sound at this and sleepily raised his head. He saw Sorden wide awake. He eyed her curiously then looked around for Volarune. He stood up and saw his Tamer had fallen of his back with a noisy "Thud". The sound made the giant dragon wince. He turned to face the still half asleep Volarune. "Aghk! Remind me to not sleep on you back...!" Volarune told Darkgrim. His voice sounded like the wind was knocked out of him. He shook the leaves of thew blanket off himself and looked at Sorden. "Aw! Lady Gryphon! You're awake... Sorry we are yet again in your personal space but I thought you'd be awful cold. So there..." He told her. He to stood up but took a few wobbly steps towards Darkgrim's tree trunk like legs. He seemed to hiding something from her. But Darkgrim sensed what it was. "Tamer, The Demon Instinct trying to get to you again....?" He asked Volarune gruffly. Volarune jumped and then looked up at him. Then he looked down and at Sorden. He sighed then finally said, "Yes.... The Monster within is trying to cause trouble. That's why I'll need you to protect the Lady Gryphon. I'd hate to hurt her..." He then spread his black feathered wings, as he was obviously still trapped as the Halfway form, and took to the air.
10:48am Feb 28 2012 (last edited on 10:49am Feb 28 2012)
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Kritze watched curiously as the demon took to the air, closing her large, stone eyes. The morning sun warmed her face. Today seemed almost unnaturally
peaceful, and eerily quiet. But she didn't mind. Birds chirped angrily at
her from their nests in the boughs above, and Sorden just frowned. A moment
later there was a flash of white feathers, and the she-gryphon had an almost
fully-grown, screeching dove chick trapped in her paws. After a few minutes of
gentle, soothing stroking, the bird finally calmed down enough to remain
silent. Sorden studied the avian with unamused eyes, and slowly reached
up to return it to it's nest. As soon as she opened her paws to release it, stroking the bird with her mind, it merely jumped up for a moment, then fluttered back down to sit on the top of her paw.
And soon it was watching her just as inquisitively as she did it. When she slowly shook her paw it left her once more, this time the creature remaining where it fled to.
She sat there, thinking for a while, then she turned back to the dragon. She approached him cautiously, trying to show him that she meant no aggressiveness or malicious intent. For now, the less aggravated part of her only wished to speak. It had been longer than she cared to remember since she had been so blessed.

11:00am Feb 28 2012
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Posts: 516
Darkgrim looked over to Sorden and tilted his head. He then yawn showing over two rows of sharp teeth in his mouth. Then he lowered his head to the ground and snorted. He then eyed Sorden again, saying; "I sense you'd like to speak? Go ahead..." He told her. Then he raised his head a little bit to look at her better. "So uh what you wanna talk about. If you're wanting to speak about Volarius or Volarune, sorry. Those two separate Entities in one body and shadow are actually a bit of a mystery to me too..." He growled. He was telling her the truth. He may've known a bit about his Tamer but not enough as he'd like. The large dragon slowly raised his head to look at the skies, hoping Volarune wouldn't hurt anything or anyone. In the distance over 5 miles away, Volarune's Darkest nature had shown it's Dark face. He was now the form of a Dragon Bird a Demonic one at that. He let loose a long scrawl of raw wild frenzy. He then looked around for prey to be found. Soon after his search started, Volarune found a wild moose like beast. He snarled and then bit down hard on it with his jaws. All the while he moved, Dark shadows erupted from his shadow. Then he burned the moose with a fiery breath from the shadows and began to eat his meal.
11:37am Feb 28 2012
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Sorden dipped her head out of respect for the larger creature, remaining on her feet for the time being. Then, as her eyes flickered up to meet his, she could only try to hide her pain. It was doubtful she succeeded, though.
"You're lucky." she said in a soft, trailing voice. "You and your demon are more fortunate then either of you could ever imagine." she closed her eyes, "For now, at least."
She knew that one way or another, no story had a happy ending. Especially not love stories. She knew that wasn't what this was, but it was true either way. She didn't want this beast's sympathy, but she felt she had to talk to someone about this one way or another. She swallowed, repositioning her wings.
"My human was killed." she said bluntly, "You could never understand the pain of such a thing. Not until the same happens to one of you, at least. I wanted to ask you," she whispered, "to beg you to cherish every moment you have with him. No matter who, or what he is."
3:07pm Feb 28 2012
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Posts: 516
Darkgrim jerked his head to look at her. He then stood up and sighed. "Tis already happened Lady Gryphon. My Human died years ago. But then...." The old dragon soon let loose a slight chuckle, "Volarius found me, near death, dying. He taught me to not give up. But then I saw his Darkness within his shadow. The Evilest and Cruelest of Demons, a new breed of them, known as a Volarune Demon. Volarune isn't likable much, but now I know why... His ancestor keeps trying to possess him. And he himself needs to be tamed.... Or be doomed to become a monster... for eternity...." Then he snarled shaking his head. "I hate this because I've been given the job of killing him, should this happen, by him....." added Darkgrim. He stomped his foot, obviously angry that his task would have to be killing him. He even shook his head with all those horns on his head. Darkgrim then closed his eyes and lowered his head. He looked at her with pained eyes. "The reason is once the possession becomes complete.... There will be no hope of him becoming free again for he shares the ancestors blood... A direct relative... Now time's running out for not a single human Soul or human like Soul has found the Darkest of Treasures, and has a kind heart and loving Spirit. No one has found the Jewels of the Golden-Eye Raven.... The very eyes of his Ancestor...." He explained to her. Then he looked back towards the distance. He seemed worried as it is about him. Now his worries have gotten worse. Volarune's shadows wisped around him. They had faces with red eyes and white grins. Volarune kept hearing his name called from them. He shook his head and screech an earsplitting cry, that could be heard by Darkgrim. The screech was a call for help from Darkgrim. He was terrified. Here he was alone devouring Souls of Evil humans, such as thieves, murderers, along with other people who committed terrible crimes. When Darkgrim heard this, he snarled and left Sorden all of a sudden. Though the screech could also be heard by Sorden. The cry sounded of die agony. And a sound of becoming possessed.
3:23pm Feb 28 2012
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Posts: 1,652
At the horrible, pitiful sound of begging, of pleading, Sorden felt her ears flatten against her head. She had never heard something so completely and utterly terrifying.
She had never heard something so sad.
As she felt the rush of wind from Darkgrim's sudden take to the air, she was buffeted by the currents of air from all around her. Any creature of her size, of her relative weakness would have stayed frozen where she stood.
But before the dragon's feet had even left the ground, she too was in the air. With an animal screech into the shadows, her white, snowy wings were lifting her into place behind Darkgrim, and she was prepared to follow, to help, in whatever way she could.
(( Sorry, not a lot else for me to do. xD ))
3:42pm Feb 28 2012
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Posts: 516
Darkgrim looked behind him and smiled. "Thank you.... now I might not carry this burden alone... I know you human may've died but perhaps..." Darkgrim's voice was quickly trailed off. He soon spotted Volarune. Volarune was indeed darker and more dangerous than ever. Darkgrim never saw him this way before. Actually emitting the Darkness of Shadows. "Lady Gryphon. You and me both might be in a fight for our lives.... He's possessed. This is the last time I can forged a special sort of flame that destroys the possession. But that's because of my age.... My size is due to how long I've lived. Some types of dragons here that are native here.... Well we grow endlessly. We don't stop growing... As long as we live. But when we die is when we cease to grow..." He told her. Then he thwacked Volarune to the ground with his tail. Volarune fell to the ground with a snarling hiss. He shook his head with rage and stood up. The Demon's Shadows billowed surrounding him even more. His eyes were white and deeply Soulless. He turned around and a sound of hardening metal and sharpening metal was heard as well. It was coming from Volarune's feathers. Darkgrim landed and was soon struck by Volarune's tail. The tail left a gash over Darkgrim's face. Darkgrim collapsed onto the ground and was knocked out. Volarune scrawled and turned to face Sorden. He flapped his wings and took to the air after her. He emitted a flaming blast at her. Whether it hit or missed would depend on how she'd react to this assault.
4:14pm Feb 28 2012
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Seeing the glowing burst of flames billowing out of the demon's mouth, Sorden flinched her wings in, twisting her slender body to attempt avoiding the majority of the fire. Although she tried her hardest, however, she didn't have the slightest chance of dodging them completely. The blast of heat surged between her feathers, severely burning her skin and singing her snowy pelt in the process. She bit back a cry of pain, waiting for the flames to dissipate the slightest amount.
Before she had the time to wait, however, her eyes met with the pupilless, white gaze of the demon, Volarune, and she threw caution aside. She had never seen anything so wild, so uncontrollable. Through the snapping flames, she turned and dove straight for the demon's head.
Her intention wasn't to harm him, nor even to fight him. She knew very little of this curse of his, and yet she felt using herself to distract him was the only way others would go unharmed.
"No matter what he says, I know the man you really are is still there!" she roared, sobbing at the pain of the direct exposure to the flames. Her claws snagged some of his metallic feathers to insure that his attention was reserved completely for her. She prayed that Darkgrim would manage to come to himself soon, as she felt only he would truly know how to help his demon.
Soon, though, the pain grew intolerable. Ducking her body, she swept forward, latching herself to the back of the demon's skull, wrapping one wing base over his eyes, all four claws gripping his neck and head to keep herself held there. She used the other wing, as well as her neck, to wrap around under his chin and jaw. Once more, these precautions were to keep herself in place.
So lost in the desperate attempt to shield his eyes and soothe him, as she was naturally forced to think blinding him would help to calm him (as would happen to any avian like herself). She didn't even notice the blood beginning to ooze down her soft chest until the smell of the liquid began to burn her own nose.
(( I'm assuming Volarune's feathers are hard and metal like. Correct me if I'm wrong. ^ ^; ))

6:12pm Feb 28 2012
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Posts: 516
(Well yes and no. They are still feathers but they can harden AND Sharpen. Yet are still soft and poofy unless he's threatened. In other words you're good!) Volarune screeched and began to thrash. He snarled and bucked around, spinning in sharp circles, trying to get her off. He stopped all of a sudden and snarled with a raven like caw. Suddenly the skies were filled with Ravens of shadow-like beings. They jerked Sorden off of him, without attacking her. They dropped her next to Darkgrim. Darkgrim was being pestered by the ravens. They pecked on his nosed, brushed around tender ticklish spots, everything they could. But he didn't stir. Then one large Raven puffed up and seemed angry. He jerked a nearby Raven's tail feather of and brushed it around the old Dragon's nose. Finally with a loud thunderous sneeze, Darkgrim was now awake. Darkgrim shook his head and saw the Ravens on Sorden holding her down. On Raven on Sorden's head gazed into her faze then winked at her. He then nodded to her and looked at Darkgrim. Darkgrim nodded back and turned into a boulder around the other nearby boulders. Volarune landed next to Sorden. He took a clawed foot and stepped on her tail. He looked like he was about to bite into her neck. When suddenly Darkgrim sprang into action. He charged at Volarune and pinned him down. Volarune tried to struggle but was soon blasted with a golden flame. The flame entered Volarune's body and he jerked backwards. An earth shattering screech of a Dark Demon being forced away was heard. The light of the sun for that brief moment was dimmed. But after Volarune went still, it shined again. Darkgrim weakly stepped off Volarune and breathed heavily. "Now we must hope he finds his Soul Tamer... If he is possessed again... I can't help him no more. My life line is growing short. I just hope he finds my Egg..." He said to Sorden. He then looked at her. His eyes shown the truth. His old age was finally getting to him. He laid down next to Volarune and wrapped himself around Volarune. He smiled and looked over to Sorden. "If only you were human or could shapeshift into one... You'd be able to tame his Beastie within, helping the Ancestor to rest in peace. Removing him of his hate at how he was brutally killed and his eyes removed..." He explained to her. Darkgrim then he lowered his head. Volarune began to stir. His eyes were no longer Soulless or white They were Silver but still had no pupils. "Darkgrim... What happened?" He asked. Darkgrim looked up at him and sighed, "You were possessed by him, your Ancestor again... I am not going to live much longer. It's due to my age. Not you... Don't blame yourself." With that Darkgrim lowered himself to the ground and closed his eyes. Then he lived no more. Volarune looked at Sorden and closed his eyes. He then saw Darkgrim burst into ash as he faded away. Darkgrim was now gone. Volarune looked at Sorden again and sighed. Pain was in his silvery eyes. And a long tear was shed as well.
6:39pm Feb 28 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Sorden felt her heart stop beating in her chest. For as little as she truly knew Darkgrim, it felt as if she had known him for a lifetime. Still, she could do nothing but watch as he slowly turned to black dust, his life fading from him in every way conceivable. She felt her shoulders slump as she stared at the ash slowly being caught by the wind, her throat tightening.
The she-gryphon's feathers had been turned soot-black, but that didn't mean a thing to her. All she could do was watch, and feel her being melt away with sadness. It felt like hours later that her gaze finally fell to Volarius, where at first she was convinced she saw her own grey eyes staring back at her. She could see the sadness, the pain in his gaze. For a brief moment, she felt the two were the same.
She let her head fall back to the mossy ground, trying to hide the side of her face that let her own tear fall to the forest floor. Although she was far too saddened to notice, her body was bleeding rather violently as she lay there. Her soft pelt was stained red from her sapping wounds, her breath low and raspy. She had several torn muscles and severely burned skin, not to mention the wounds that Volarune's feathers had left in her tender flesh. The smell burned her deadening nose, her glassy eyes fluttering as she realized just how injured she was.

7:02pm Feb 28 2012
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Posts: 516
Volarune soon was seen hovering over her. He pressed his clawed winged hand to Sorden's wounds and soon spread his tears over her. "Part of a Raven's legend is a Phoenix. So perhaps my tears could heal you..." He sighed as he pressed the tears he'd cried out into all the wounds. He then took her with his wings and embraced her close to him. "I'm so sorry.... Lady Gryphon... Please forgive me..!" He pleaded to her. His feathers which were so hard and sharp, were now soft and poofy. Now so soft it was like a cloud. Volarune was so saddened. He felt now he'd lost everything. The Volarune Demon was now broken. His eyes had lost all color now and seemed heartbroken. "I can't bare to see you die... Hang in there Lady Gryphon..." He begged to her.
7:19pm Feb 28 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Sorden went as limp as a ragdoll in his arms, her mind soon to grow foggy and confused, both with the trauma of the event and the loss of precious blood. She looked sadly up into his eyes, mind no longer functioning as it should. She was reverted back to a child-like state, one of desperation and ignorance. Deep inside her she knew what had happened. But the rest of her wasn't ready to accept anything that was, and had yet to occur.
"Where is Darkgrim?" she whimpered, looking around. She blinked, tears streaming down her feathered cheeks, "Please tell me he will be alright..." she sobbed, folded in the darkness of her thoughts. Her claws pricked Volarius's skin as she twisted to look around. Upon seeing nothing, she looked back at the demon, letting out a startled screech. She had happened to glance upon one of the black, raven feathers that protruded from his body, and, reminded of her recent trauma with those feathers, was overwhelmed with unprecedented fear and distrust.
She placed her paws on his chest, too weak to push away completely. Her entire body tore out in pain at the movement, leaving her able to do nothing but stare up into his eyes.

2:36pm Feb 29 2012
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Posts: 516
Volarune lowered his head around her neck and sighed in her ear, "I've lost my only friend... It was all my fault... So don't you dare die on me!" He told her in a whisper. All the while he was trembling. Very badly he was shaking. Then a slight glow soon came from Sorden's wounds. This light was a healing light. But would only take action if Sorden wanted to heal up and become almost 100% again in health. "Lady Gryphon?... Do you wish to be healed? That light on your wounds will heal them if you say it too... Those that are causing it are my tears...." He told her. He was hoping to get a "Yes, I'd like to be healed out of her." But doubted she'd say it. Yet when he noticed her stress at being held by him, he let her go and then backed away from her. Volarune was still crying and shaking. He then tripped over a root of a tall tree behind him and tumbled into a small river. He lay there, in the shallows; unmoving. Not wanting to move. Not one bit. He wanted to die and join Darkgrim. The reason why, is that was all he'd left to live for. He'd lost his beloved wife due to this same demon that he felt again struck and made him kill another friend. Another family, in Darkgrim. Volarune then close his eyes and only breathing from him was heard and a few mournful cries. Almost calling out for Darkgrim.