7:50pm Feb 29 2012
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As Sorden watched Volarune's motionless body, something inside her began to crumble. As she watched him, she almost couldn't speak to answer him. She felt shadows gripping her pelt, tugging her away into the darkness. They lured her away with promises of sleep, promises of reunion of her second half.
But something wouldn't let her go.
She felt a sudden chill run down her spine, like she always did when He was there. Then, without a word, she felt the magic of the demon's tears beginning to wind her skin back together. A set of glowing, blue eyes blinked down at her, a tender look on His face.
"You have an entire life to live, Sorden. Don't give up now; you know you aren't ready."
"Please," she sobbed, stretching out a paw towards the wisps of blue-grey smoke, allowing them to gently caress her pad, "Please, I miss you so much!" she begged.
He ran a soothing hand down her side, her eyes dizzy with the pain of repairing wounds.
"I miss you too." he said in a sad voice, "but there is something you must do before you can follow me."
Tears flowed freely down her cheeks, and as the last bits of her skin wove back into place. Then, with a sad, tender smile, her bond's spirit vanished into the nothing that was there all along.

8:38pm Feb 29 2012
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Posts: 516
Volarune saw Sorden come alive again. He smiled at her weakly. He slowly stood up from the water and got over to her. He was sopping wet and looked terrible. Then he looked sad again. "I'll miss Darkgrim.... But Lady Gryphon? Did he mention anything about an Egg?" He asked her. Then he lowered his gaze and looked over to the forest. He seemed a bit stressed still but much more calmer than earlier.
8:43pm Feb 29 2012
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Closing her eyes to hide her sorrow, she spoke softly, and shakily.
"Only that you needed to find it." she murmured, pausing for a moment. "Volarune... I'm so sorry."
Although she grieved for Darkgrim herself, for reasons she didn't understand, she knew exactly how the demon must feel if the two had been even nearly as close as she believed.
1:57pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 516
Volarune's eyes lit up a bit. He then closed them and smiled. "Then Darkgrim isn't entirely lost to you and I after all.... Now that he's gotten one hidden somewhere...." He then wrapped his wings around her again and hugged her. "That's a relief..." But then tears came streaming down his cheeks again. "But it won't replace his spot in my very wounded heart... Yet he'd most likely want me to love the baby dragon...!" He then let go of Sorden and gazed into her eyes. He saw she had wanted to die. He looked very sad and backed away, to give her, her space. The Volarune Demon sighed and stopped crying. "Darkgrim wouldn't want me to be crying... He kept growling at me 'The Truly Strong may cry, but not when a Old Soul trapped goes free....' Meaning he was telling me his time was coming... He told me he'd die of old age... I shouldn't have blamed myself..." He added to his earlier words. He then saw a cloud in the sky that looked like a dragon. To him it looked like it was winking down at them. Suddenly a light burst down from the clouds and revealed a path in the woods. The woods were dark and dangerous looking. Volarune's feather pricked up all over him when he realized where he'd had to go to find the egg. But he knew that shouldn't frighten him. He knew he needed to get that egg. Even if it killed him. "Lady Gryphon, I never got to know your name... But I'll have to go to that forest. Where Darkgrim was born... Shad-root Valley. Shad-roots being dangerous living trees, that will take they're roots into unsuspecting travelers and drain the lives out of them. Slowly... and you know what happens after that? The Travelers become Wraiths that forever haunt the woods... Searching for Souls..." He scrawled at her. His voice was very grim. And scary. "My Demon's were also born of those woods. Proving what I may really be, yet continue to deny.... A monster... For only Monster dwell there... No kind Spirits... No kind Hearts... Not anymore.... A great Evil has been stirring trouble lately and now the sun never shines in there.... In Shad-root Valley..." After he said the last word he shifted out of the Full Demon Form and into the Halfway Form. His eyes looked wild almost as if the darkness was calling to him. With a sick grin he turned to Sorden and said, "Stay put.... A little Gryphon like you would be killed easily in there, unless your feathers were entirely black as night, then you'd fit in like me... But I doubt that's a good thing..." He told Sorden. Then he took the steps into the forest. The darkness hiding him the moment he stepped inwards to the Valley of Shadows... Also know as Shad-Root Valley.
3:24pm Mar 1 2012
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(( I don't have any ideas for what to do now. Sorden is still a bit weak, so she can't really co anywhere. xD ))
3:26pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 516
(I know. You could have her look at him as he walks away?)
3:31pm Mar 1 2012
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Sorden watched the swirl of black feathers as Volarune turned to leave her, watching softly after him with a tear-stained face.
(( Derp post. Sorry. xD ))
3:41pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 516
Volarune was searching in the dark woods and saw the Shad-root trees trying to get near him. But once they read what he was, they moved the roots away. He then saw a Wraith a bit too eager about his presence. When Volarune shot the Wraith a Deadly look, it floated away. Evidently nobody wanted to mess with Volarune Demons. Volarune smiled at this to himself. But then he saw a slight gleaming glow. It was Darkgrim's egg! Volarune rushed over to the egg and purred low at it. He plucked it up and carried it on his back. Soon, he was back with Sorden. On his back was a large baby dragon. It was almost as big as Volarune. And Volarune was no short man. He was 5'11" But this baby was 5'6". "Sheesh you hatched in the nick of Time Volcanorai!" He exclaimed to the baby. The baby dragon purred and chirped, then nipped playfully at his feathers in his feathers. "Yowch! Those are part of my hair!" Volcanorai chirred happily at this and wrapped his arms around Volarune's neck. Volarune smiled and looked happy at Sorden. "Lady Gryphon! This is Darkgrim's Baby! Darkgrim wanted me to name him after my family's last name, Volcanorai." He told her. Volarune gently laid down Volcanorai. He walked over rather wobbly to Sorden. He wagged his tail at her and lept around her.
6:05pm Mar 1 2012
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The hatchling, already about a third as large as her, was a sudden source of curiosity and fascination for the she-gryphon. She watched it inquisitively as it bounced around her like some kind of happy puppy.
"He's just hatched?" she asked, somewhat startled by his size.
6:16pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 516
Volarune nodded. "As babies Darkgrim's kind grow huge, fast. In fact he'll perhaps triple his size and be as big as you in three days... Reason being is due to his uh, natural living conditions.." Volarune hissed to her, while pointing behind him at the Shad-root forest. "Only the powerful can dare live in them... Due to the Life-Draining trees, Wraiths, and other Undead creatures.." Volarune then quickly darted away further from the forest and closer to Sorden. "Now could you tell me your name?" He asked her. "Mine you know and Darkgrim you knew, but We never got to know your name... Or do you like me calling you Lady Gryphon?" He then sighed and fell to his knees. "Gaah... Better try to shift into Volarius again... Been like this too long, and Volarius may die and me along with him... Body's wearing out in other words... So if you tell me more name now I'll remember it... So hurry..." He exclaimed. Then he sat down trying to wait for her name. Volcanorai walked over to Volarune and laid in his lap. Then he looked into Volarune's eyes. The dragon knew there was trouble. Inside his tamer.
6:19pm Mar 1 2012
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"My name is Sorden." she replied, watching the Darkgrim.
(( Sorry my replies are so incredibly short. Very busy atm. ))
6:38pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 516
Volarune smiled at the name. "It's a pretty name... Well I better allow my Human Vessel to take over." Then Volarune's feathers billowed away and Volarius fell onto his back. His body was jerking about and twitching uncontrollably. He finally stopped twitching and calmed down. He let loose a long sigh and turned his head to the side and soon fell into a deep sleep. Darkgrim's son, Volcanorai looked at Volarius and covered him with his already nearly 12 foot wings. He nuzzled Volarius gently and fell asleep along with him. Volarius and Volcanorai were now both snoring.
6:42pm Mar 1 2012 (last edited on 6:43pm Mar 1 2012)
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Not an unappealing idea, she thought, although she herself didn't fall asleep. She scanned the darkening world with watchful eyes, lifting her head as she peered towards the Shad-root forest. She had heard tales of it's existence as a young gryphon, but had never before believed them to be true. She had heard such horrible things, in fact, that she willingly stood guard over the others all night long.
All the while, glowing, red eyes were watching her from the shadows.
7:07pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 516
Volarius and the Dragon would've been safe 100% from the forest. The reason why is both were partly native of the woods. Darkness is a friend to a fellow Shadow. But as Volarune was now sealed into Volarius's shadow, the trees nearby became active. They stretched out the roots and inched they're way over to Volarius. This was when it was revealed that Volcanorai, was a very light sleeper. He woke up with a start and rushed at the roots. He slashed them with his sharp claws and even cut them in pieces with his spines at the end of the tail. But the roots got too close. One root got hold of Volcanorai, then the other began to dig it's way into Volarius. Volarius screamed in agony. He felt his life slowly being sapped up. Volcanorai was soon drained of all his life. The root let go and tried to move it's way towards Volarius. But soon afterwards, Volcanorai's body turned into a jet black. His eyes turned red as blood. His breath was seen coming out like a poisonous mist. The poisonous mist looked like and deep indigo color. Volcanorai snarled angrily and blast the roots with his flame breath that was also a Deep Indigo. Somehow the draining of his life turned him into the true Darkness of his Dragon kind. Volcanorai was now his namesake. His body looked like an orange, red, and jet black Volcano. Now the Roots that were burning let go of Volarius. His life was seen hovering above him. Volarius looked so cold and so pale. Volcanorai snarled and blew the life back into Volarius. This caused him to gasp inwards and wake with a start. He then sat up and coughed. He saw the changes of Volcanorai. He slowly stood up and looked at him. Volcanorai looked back up at his tamer. He nodded and rushed beneath his tamer and picked him up. Volarius was holding onto his dragon and yelled weakly to Sorden, "We've got to go... It seems I barley dodged a bullet... Along with Volcanorai..." He then allowed Volcanorai to lead him to safety while riding his back.
7:38pm Mar 1 2012
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Even as she watched, Sorden was not inactive during this event. Only seconds after she heard the first cry of pain she was on her feet, madly slashing and tearing at the roots with her talons. She heard Volarius's voice, and after a moment was more than happy to go. Resting overnight had given her body everything it needed to repair herself, and this morning she had stirred almost as her normal self.
Now, as she started to run, she unfurled her wings and burst upwards into the air. She banked towards the other two, curling her claws around either side of them and hooking them under the hatchling's stomach.
Gryphons might not have been strong otherwise, but carrying large objects while aloft was one of their specialties. She managed to lift the pair off the ground even while they were still moving, pulling them off the ground a few feet and away from the treacherous roots.
7:50pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 516
Volcanorai was startled by this and bit the foot of Sorden and hung onto it tightly with his jaws. He even began to heat his body up to high temperatures. Volarius sighed and told Volcanorai to let go and cool down. Volcanorai obeyed then licked Sorden's foot healing it of any damage done. Then he looked at Volarius and finally relaxed. Volarius was now so weak he soon fell over and began to fall off Volcanorai. The loyal mutated dragon grabbed Volarius before he fell to the ground. Volcanorai then spoke into Sorden's mind, "Stop.. We are safe out of range now...." He told her. Then he wriggled out of Sorden's grip and unfurled his own wings and glided gently down to the ground. He still held Volarius tightly in his jaws and dragged him to a nearby lake. Volcanorai then watched the skies for Sorden. He then sat down and watched over Volarius, very closely. The dragon then laid down next to Volarius. His spines soon became flared up with flames. Evidently this type of Darkgrim's species was a Fire based Dragon. But fearless against water. Because not long after he made sure his tamer was okay, he jumped into the lake and swam around it. Then he even drank some of the water.
8:12pm Mar 1 2012
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Sorden circled a few times before dropping to the ground behind Volarius, walking up to sniff his shoulder.
"You alright?" she asked.
8:39pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 516
Volarius looked at her and weakly coughed out a, "Yes, thanks to you and Volcanorai..." He was deathly pale, due to his Lifeforce being drained by the Shad-root trees and having it forced back into him. He soon sat up and saw Volcanorai swimming in the lake. Steam erupted from the water as he swam around. Volcanorai's head soon popped out of the water and he was seen bounding closer to them. He then made his way back to Volarius and laid down in front of him. He tilted his head calmly at Sorden. He then tilted it at Volarius and stared at him. He then stood up on his hind legs and looked twice his normal height and looked around like a cautious meerkat. Satisfied there wasn't any danger for miles he crawled and stretched closer to Volarius and then laid down. He then looked at Sorden and said, "No danger for miles.. We all can sleep now..." Then he curled up onto Volarius and fell asleep. Volarius weakly yawned and soon did the same.
8:40pm Mar 1 2012
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(( Lots of sleeping. xD ))
8:48pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 516
(Yep! But want me to do a time skip after your post? But wouldn't you sleep alot if you was drained?)