8:52pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Of course, and that would be fine. ))
Sorden watched the others again, this time allowing her own eyes to close. Although she hadn't gone through what the others had, it left her tired as well.
9:14pm Mar 1 2012
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Posts: 516
As they slept, morning came. Volarius was the first to wake. He sat up and saw that Sorden was asleep next to him. He smiled at her and gently rubbed her feathers with his hand. "Thanks... for everything." He then stood up and rushed off to find food. Volcanorai woke up and noticed Volarius was hunting. He yawned and stretched then chased after Volarius to hunt along his side. But was stopped. "We need fish! Could you hunt fish near Sorden please?" He asked his Dragon friend. Volcanorai nodded and rushed into the lake. Volcanorai landed into the water with a splattering splash. He quickly dove into it's depths and caught a large fish with his jaws. He surfaced and then dropped the fish where Volarius was laying down. Then he dove off again to hunt more fish. Volarius was in the woods and caught several wild hens. He then placed the hens about ten feet away from the fish. He then went back into the woods and began to chase after a moose. He came back with it's carcass and went back into the woods. After about 3 hours they were done hunting and soon waited for Sorden to wake.
9:33pm Mar 1 2012
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The she-gryphon awoke with a sneeze, shaking her beak sleepily. When she blinked her eyes open she saw both Volarius and Volcanorai sitting around her, and lifted her head slowly. She flared her feathers onto their ends, yawning deeply. The smell of fish was in the air, and although they had slept on the shores of a lake, it was a bit stronger than she was used to. She sneezed again, laughing at the sight of the rather large fish dragged upon the land.
9:57am Mar 2 2012
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Posts: 516
Volarius laughed as she sneezed. "Sorry! Your sneezes remind me of Darkgrim's. He sneezed so hard one time, he lept like twenty feet in the air backwards." He told her. Volcanorai snarled and nipped at Volarius's hand. "Okay boy, I'll cook! Don't be impatient." He told the Mutated Dragon. Yet Volarius was behaving curiously. It was as if he knew nothing of Volcanorai as he should. But was yet calm as if he knew Volcanorai wouldn't hurt him on purpose. "Um, Volcanorai, could you go hunt down a shark right quick. I thought I smelled one underwater from your scales." Volcanorai nodded and splatted into the lake. Volarius then began the preparations of cooking. Then he looked at Sorden. "Sorry, about Volcanorai, I can't entirely trust him much as I did at first. He's different. MUCH different. He's not supposed to be the way he looks at all..." He explained to Sorden. Then he looked at her with worried eyes. "I just don't know how much he's been turned it Darkgrim's True Species... By those Evil Trees. I know what he is, he's a Wraithern Dragon. A dragon that's often ridden by Evil Sages, Evil period. No good Dragon rider has ever been able to trust this kind.... Due to the Darkness of the Flames inside. It is rumored they are the Reborn Lunar Eclipse Daemuns..." He then saw Volcanorai hurry up the shore with a medium sized shark. Volarius then looked very hurt at his own words. "What am I saying? Darkgrim wouldn't hurt me and part of his Soul has indeed passed on to his son..." He murmured. Volcanorai seemed to understand what was wrong. The dragon walked over to Volarius and nudged him with his warm head. He then said to them, "Don't doubt me... Tamer, I would rather die than see you die..." he told them. Then he sat down next to Sorden and watched Volarius begin to cook. He first cut up the moose and handed the fat to Sorden. "I don't know if you'd like my cooking so tell me what of the moose you want and it won't be cooked along with anything else." He told Sorden. Then he carved up the wild chickens, then the fish, and finally the shark. "There we are. Pick what you want raw and I shall cook my end of the food and Volcanorai's."
6:32pm Mar 4 2012
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Posts: 516
9:57pm Mar 4 2012
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"I'm more used to the scraps than anything else." she said without thinking, then paused. For whatever reason it bothered her a bit that she had admitted that so openly, and she clicked her beak shut a little faster than she had to. She looked down at her paws, ruffling her feathers. For whatever reason she was suddenly far more conscious of her ribs poking out of her sides than usual, and was attempting to hide it as smoothly as she could.
She didn't want to be pitied, not for anything. Especially not for who, or what she was.
She blinked slowly, looking over at Volcanorai. He was so much like his father, but so different.
12:52pm Mar 5 2012
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Posts: 516
Volcanorai hissed with a snarl at this. He walked over to her and snarled, "No scraps... Eat and get full for once. We won't eat unless you eat a bit first! That is how we be!" Volarius stifled a laugh and said, "Volcanorai is right. It wouldn't be fair to leave you just the scraps. By the way, you look so poorly and hungry." Volarius told her. "But Sorden, we don't help out of pity... We help because I'm trying to prove the one thing I'm, called the most isn't really me or Volarune.... That we aren't monsters... Hungry is a thing to be pitied but there is a way to end it. But so far there hasn't been a way to end my suffering. The only way to break my curse is if something like a human finds the Jewel of The Golden-Eye Raven, and accepts a Contract with me. That will begin the Soul Taming process." Then he looked at her with grim eyes. "So don't think of me feeding you as pity. I just know how it feels to go hungry and tired of it. So eat whatever you want or it will all be cooked and then shared with you. Except for the fish. I've got a bit of a cat side to me so I love my sushi!" He added. Volcanorai nodded vigorously, to prove this point. But he knew the hidden truth. Volarius and Volarune can't pity, for they've never known it. Somehow all of Darkgrim's memories were already in Volcanorai through his Soul finally bringing it to life. Darkgrim was more than Volcanorai's Father but perhaps a reincarnate as well. This memory of Volarius spurred him to get ready to tell them. Volcanorai then approached them closer and sat down, his tail slowly moving fro side to side. "I'm not only Darkgrim's Son, but may actually be his reincarnate as well. His Soul woke me up giving me all of his memories of everything!" He then saw Volarius stand up and say, "Even the days when Darkgrim and I first met?" Volcanorai laughed and said "Yes, he found you crashed into a tree headfirst and got stuck in it's hollowed out hole!" Volcanorai then rolled over laughing.
4:37pm Mar 5 2012
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Sorden let her gaze fall, blinking a bit sadly. She couldn't hear Volcanorai's discovery, but was alone in her mind. Perhaps it was peaceful. Perhaps it was just lonely.
She couldn't be offended at Volarius's remark, after all it was true. But still, the cat-like gryphon was more self-conscious than she should have been. It was a curse, especially to the life she lived.
11:59am Mar 6 2012
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Posts: 516
Volarius sensed this change in her and put his hand on her head very gently. His hand was as cold as Ice. "Don't be so self conscious... Try to enjoy Life more. You aren't at all to suffer such fates that make people suffer, not like me. Or Volcanorai. Remember what the Shad-root trees did? They drained his life but he came back to life.... Now he's cursed like me... A Demon Based Dragon. Now he must suffer my fate of being considered a Monster too. Like me. But as long as we can live with that, so can you...." He told her calmly. He looked at her with nearly cold eyes as well. He didn't feel right about her being this way, lost in her thoughts, stressing herself for no apparent reason, trying to eat only scraps; and the proof was the combined senses of Volarius and Volarune. Somehow both were existing now. Volarius's hand being cold as ice was the proof of it and his cold eyes. "You just need to think more of yourself as being important. People have in the past actually worshiped your kind.... As a Symbol of power, grace, speed, and other things.... So feed yourself even if you have to get a tad fat. But fat can be turned into muscle making you even stronger. And strength is what we need right now...." He explained to her. Volcanorai was looking at the two of them and indeed knew Volarius' words were all true. For this he felt angered that he'd allowed himself to get drained while trying to save Volarius but one glance at him made him smile. "Yes.... I did the right thing...." He murmured to himself.
12:20pm Mar 6 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Sorden sighed.
"Volarius, I'm far more than grateful for what you've done for me. What you all have done for me," she said, looking over at Vocanorai, "but I have my own destiny to fulfill. I will be leaving, before long." she said, laughing grimly, "I am not so far from my homeland without reason."
4:11pm Mar 6 2012
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Posts: 516
Volarius sighed, and looked at her. "I wished our paths could stay together.... I'm hoping you know someone that is good of heart, and can find the Jewel of The Golden-Eye Raven...." He told her. Then he picked up some chicken meats, and handed them to her. "Please eat first!" He told her. "If you die now, I fear the heartbreak will kill me..." He added. Volcanorai walked over to them and sighed. "Sorden, please stay, at least until I'm grown enough!" He snarled hopefully at her. He so needed this. "I can't protect him alone at this age...." Volarius looked over at Volcanorai. He petted his head and neck, "We can't make her stay..." He told him.