Ereos (restarted with Wolf12, Rika, and Woodwings)

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3:42pm Apr 14 2014

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Posts: 11,785
Gabriel nodded and moved to kneel by then, taking a moment to cough to the side before he nodded up to Arashi, ready to receive instructions on what he'd need to do. He didn't want to get separated from them, as he knew he most likely wouldn't be able to survive on his own since his stamina and physical strength were heavily lacking. "What all do you need me to do?"


3:43pm Apr 14 2014 (last edited on 3:44pm Apr 14 2014)

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Posts: 783

Jake winced as Arashi sprayed the potion over his wound, and brought up a hand to wipe most of the blood out of his eyes. feeling the cloth wrap around his forehead, he moaned in pain, but managed to keep his eyes open. "What if they come?" he whispered, his voice hoarse from the heavy breathing from running. He dug around in his bag, pulling out a few cheri berries.

"Can humans eat these?"

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

4:45pm Apr 14 2014

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Posts: 646
"Once I've wiped off the extraneous blood, give the would a light spray, then prevent anything from landing in it while I'm getting the bandage ready." Arashi instructed, wiping with the first, small, fragment of shirt, relieved that Gabriel wasn't panicking. "The potion should have an antiseptic effect, and aid healing. Pokemon and humans aren't so different that a broad remedy such as this would be ineffective for a human. After all, there are many and various species with wildly different physiologies, and potions work on all of them." Arashi was tearing a bandage for Jake as he spoke, and calming his own heart rate by means of his speech. If he could wax eloquent, he could feel at least marginally in control of the situation, which soothed him a little. He nodded, pleased, as Gabriel handled his task, and moved swiftly onto binding Jake's injury. He only hoped that the scent of blood would be masked by all the other occurrences forests were prone to. As Jake's eyes had had blood seeping around them, his vision had been obscured for a little while, but that had been cleared up now. "Then you will be defended." Arashi responded softly, when Jake spoke to him. "I think we can all agree that we don't leave a man behind. You did the same for me, after all. I cannot hear them either, so you needn't worry that your head injury has affected your hearing, it didn't look as serious as that. Cheri berries, by the way, while very spicy, are edible for humans, and can confer the same anti-paralysis effects as for Pokemon." In truth, Arashi was still on edge, but the Beedrill were currently a lesser priority in his mind than Jake's wellbeing.

Gneiss, but not taken for granite~

4:54pm Apr 14 2014

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Posts: 11,785
Gabriel turned to look around, shifting so he could sit down and pull his knees to his chest, staring back in the direction they'd come from.  Now that their lives were in immediate danger and he had time to think, the looked around briefly before he ended up burying his face between his knees. "I've never heard of this happening before," he murmured. He would have remembered this. He definitely would have remembered this. "Hey Arashi, what all did you see from your vantage point in the tree?" he asked, trying very hard to keep himself from breaking down and crying by trying to think of how to help them stay alive.


5:04pm Apr 14 2014

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Posts: 783

Jake nodded silently and stuck the berries in his bag again. "I think I can walk. The light is fading fast, so we should find shelter," Jake said, struggling to push himself to a standing position. Taking a few tentative steps, he nodded. "Yes, I can walk fine. Let's go, there has to be a place to rest soon."

He walked in the direction that they had been heading, finally stopping as the group reached a ravine with a river flowing though it. The water was rough and Jake doubted they could cross it easily, so he made his way down the ravine, beckoning the others to follow. A short ways ahead he came to a large cave and entered, slumping down on the back wall with exhaustion. "We should stay here. I don't know if I can make it any farther tonight," he said, gritting his teeth to prevent himself from screaming in agony and pain. Releasing Spark from the pokeball that was clenched in his hand, Jake curled up around the pokemon and passed out, whether from exhaustion or loss of blood he could not tell.

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

5:06pm Apr 14 2014 (last edited on 5:10pm Apr 14 2014)

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Posts: 646
"You did well." Arashi murmured, tentatively placing his hand on Gabriel's shoulder, hoping to provide some form of emotional support. They had all been through the wringer already, and he wasn't even sure how he himself was holding up. It hadn't quite hit him yet, though it probably would once they were in a more stable situation. "Neither have I." He responded, pondering the matter in an attempt to wrench his mind away from the prospect of doom in all its weird, wonderful and possibly sparkly forms. "We're in a bowl, framed by mountains, and there are multiple sections - six being the theme. It can't be naturally occurring - it's far too weird. This forest is sandwiched between a desert and an icefield. There's also a mountainous region, a gigantic water feature, and a volcanic area. In this section, we've got the grandpappy of all trees - if you look up, you'll probably see a few of its branches somewhere. It makes no sense, unless this place was designed."

It was a relief when Jake proclaimed himself fit for travel, and Arashi made sure that he was available to be leaned upon if necessary. He wasn't usually okay with people touching him at random, but he wasn't so twitchy as to be reluctant to provide support if needed. Arashi worried about that head injury, hoping that the impact had not given Jake more than a wound and a headache, but he wasn't qualified to tell - he was good at first aid, but no doctor. It was also a relief to find a cave, and so near to water - though the water might attract creatures to it. That risk, and the risk that the cave was already occupied, were risks they'd just have to take - they were all in need of a rest.

Gneiss, but not taken for granite~

5:11pm Apr 14 2014

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Posts: 783

((oh my gosh this is like the hunger games!))

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

5:18pm Apr 14 2014

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Posts: 11,785
Gabriel got up to follow after Arashi and Jake, rubbing his arm slightly. "This is insane," he whispered quietly. "Why are they putting us through this? Or...more importantly, /who/ is putting us through this? Because, if...this place is designed, then someone has to be hind it. They...planned o do stuff like this, and considering there are angry Beedrill, there could be the very real possibility that we could end up dying somehow." He reached down to gently grasp Cynder's pokeball, chewing his lip lightly. 

There was also the possibility that he could end up losing her. That wasn't something he'd...ever want to go through.


5:36pm Apr 14 2014

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Posts: 783

(Ok, I totally love the way this roleplay is turning out)

(I'm asleep, though, so someone else should go to sleep and wake up to start the new day)

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

1:26am Apr 15 2014

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Posts: 646
((It does look a bit like the Hunger Games, doesn't it? The question is, was the place designed by humans? There are certainly Pokemon who could have done the deed...))

"I don't know. I've already told you what my hypotheses are, but I think that whoever is responsible - for the creation of the area at least - must be pretty powerful. Right now, though, our priority is making it through the night. I'll take first watch, unless you'd rather. How would you feel about including the Pokemon in our watch roster, by the way? We could all get more sleep with more beings on the job." While he was speaking, Arashi was weighing up the advisability of starting a fire. Such a thing would be comforting, but it could easily draw attention to them. Pokemon bodies on average tended to produce more heat than human bodies, according to a journal he had once read, so perhaps huddling everyone together would be a good countermeasure to the cold? Certainly, if it started to look bad for them without a fire, he was sure that whoever was on watch at the time would start a fire, but he didn't want to risk the light and smoke attracting undue attention if he could help it. Then again, at least the smoke would fend off Beedrill and Combee - smoke made them sleepy, after all. To keep Gabriel in the loop, Arashi murmured these points to him, seeking his opinion. It was one thing to make decisions for himself, but quite another to decide for someone else.

Gneiss, but not taken for granite~

1:30am Apr 15 2014 (last edited on 9:54am Apr 15 2014)

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Posts: 783

Spark shifted in Jakes arms, finally breaking free and walking over to Arashi and Gabriel. "Kid!," he cried, punching a bunch of piled branches and setting them ablaze before crawling back to Jake and falling asleep again.


Again, like on the other roleplay, I will be gone for a week and so you should roleplay my character for me)

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

8:48am Apr 15 2014 (last edited on 8:50am Apr 15 2014)

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Posts: 11,785
Gabriel nodded slightly at Arashi's points, about to reply when the Elekid, Spark, suddenly starting a fire caused him to jump. He cleared his throat slightly before he looked back up at Arashi, smiling sheepishly. "I...guess he made our decision for us," he said softly, rubbing his arm slightly as he moved to release Cynder again, who by this time seemed a lot better as she shook herself off and ruffled her feathers with an almost indignant chirp. "Cynder, shh. I'm sorry for keeping you in your pokeball but we, ah...kind of needed to get out of something quickly and I didn't want to risk you getting hurt," he said gently, carefully stroking the tiny bird's feathers.

"As for keeping watch, I think that's a good idea," he responded as he looked up at Arashi again. "The more rested we are overall the more we can get done the following day after all, right?" He offered a smile before he rubbed his arm slightly. "I can keep watch first, though. I haven't exactly...done much so far." And he didn't want to be useless.


11:14am Apr 15 2014

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Posts: 646
Arashi, too, was startled by the Elekid's snap decision, but he was prepared to cope with it. They would be warm now, at least. Besides, trying to put it out in a hurry would cause even more smoke. Instead, Arashi applied himself to constructing a barrier of earth and stones around the fire - poking things into place with a stick. No sense in letting the fire spread. "Spark certainly is decisive." He remarked, not sure whether or not to be amused. As Gabriel reassured Cynder, Arashi called out and murmured to Hada, who was still somewhat ruffled from the events of earlier. It took a few moments to soothe him, but placing him next to Cynder helped. The Natu was quite happy to snuggle in next to his new friend and allow Arashi to stroke him gently.

"If you want first watch, you can have it." Arashi responded, "But don't think that you haven't been useful. Your assistance with Jake's wound enabled his treatment to be swift, and his cut to be disinfected and covered that much sooner. In an unknown and forested environment, preventing infection in an open gash like that is very important, particularly seeing as it is on a vital area - his head. Too slow, and something could have gotten into his bloodstream. As it was, I think that we responded in adequate time. I would have been slower without your assistance."

Gneiss, but not taken for granite~

11:28am Apr 15 2014

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Posts: 11,785
Gabriel smiled down at the litter bird pokemon before looking up at Arashi and blinking once before he nodded, smiling almost sheepishly at the other's words. "Thanks," he said softly before he pulled his knees to his chest. "But, yeah. I can take first watch," he responded as he turned to look out of the expanse of the mouth of the cave, tilting his head slightly. "I'm...sure everything will turn out for the best in the end, and that we'll all get out of this okay."

Maybe even make friends with a couple more pokemon, which would certainly be in their best interest considering how dangerous this place seemed. "Once Jake is back on his feet we should see if we can find anything around that could be useful to us in the long run," he said softly, narrowing his eyes to look further into the distance. "And if we can we'd probably need to add more pokemon to our teams so we can avoid incidents like this in the future..."


11:39am Apr 15 2014

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Posts: 783
Jake woke to the light of the moon shining through a crack in the moss. His head throbbed, and he cautiously reached up and touched it. The bandage was caked in blood, but he felt much better and stronger than before. Hauling himself upright, he saw Gabriel's silhouette and spoke quietly so as not to wake Arashi. " thank you," he said, "for helping tend to my wounds. Mind if I keep you company?"

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

11:47am Apr 15 2014 (last edited on 11:48am Apr 15 2014)

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Posts: 646
Arashi was gratified to see the  smile on Gabriel's face, as it told him that his words were actually sinking in and having a positive effect rather than being counter-productive. That was good - he'd never been too sure about whether reassuring another teenager would be the same as soothing a Pokemon, but the same principles seemed to apply. He decided not to contest Gabriel's request, as it might give the worried teen some much-needed confidence, something that he might come to rely on in a place like this. All too clearly, Arashi recalled the words in the letter about weakness, and he knew in his gut that he didn't want them to apply to either of the boys he was rapidly coming to view as his first human friends since his family withdrew from Lavender - and even then, he hadn't had many. Perhaps it was because they were in so much danger, and had already had to rescue one another, but he could feel that he was already becoming attached and protective. Ah, well, in a place like this, that should be useful, right? "It reassures me that you're optimistic about this." He confided after a moment of contemplation. "My thoughts haven't stopped spinning for long enough for me to decide whether I am or not, but I agree with you about the Pokemon idea. The more allies we get, the better - particularly if they know the terrain. How should we go about getting them, though? Bribery? We may have medicine, but not much else they might need. Perhaps the smaller ones might view it as strategically wise to ally with us?" This was fairly stream of consciousness, Arashi thinking aloud. He felt sure that they'd be able to reason with Pokemon who weren't full of anger or indignation, though.

"You are most welcome." Arashi responded to Jake, "Feel free. Friends? I must warn you that I've not had many of the human variety, but I'd like to."

Gneiss, but not taken for granite~

11:53am Apr 15 2014

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Posts: 11,785
Gabriel nodded slightly, moving to gently gnaw on his thumbnail as he thought about their situation. "That would likely be our best bet, unless we somehow manage to convince one of the larger ones that we're no threat and that they don't have to worry about us," he responded, then jolted when he heard Jake's voice. He blinked once as he looked back before he nodded. "Feel free to join us," he responded, rubbing his arm lightly. "We're just discussing strategies on how best to make sure we all make it out of here," he murmured, tilting his head a little bit as he moved to stand up and wander to the entrance of the cave, carefully peeking out as he took the chance to actually look around the immediate area. "But it's hard to put anything into effect until we know what all Pokemon are out there."


12:02pm Apr 15 2014

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Posts: 783
Jake pulled himself closer. "Yes, I agree that we should catch pokemon tomorrow. But for now, you two need sleep. I've slept more then half the night, so I should take watch. Do us all a favor and get some sleep so you will be rested in the morning, ok?"

Meh bootiful OC Badger <3

12:53pm Apr 15 2014

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Posts: 646
Convincing larger Pokemon that they weren't a threat? Well, it could be done, Arashi supposed, though they would have to be careful what species they chose to approach in this manner, as some were more temperamental than others. A frown furrowed Arashi's brow when Jake spoke up, reminding him of the time Jake had spent out cold. He told himself to relax - there had been no signs of concussion - but he couldn't resist saying something. "Very well, but be sure to wake one of us if you need to for any reason, particularly if you feel faint or dizzy."

Gneiss, but not taken for granite~

1:02pm Apr 15 2014

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Posts: 616
A silent night passed. In the sky, near three AM, those on watch see the giant tree light up green and shoot a beam of light into the sky. The phenomenon is gone as soon as it occurs. How strange...

Even more strange, Arashi, you awaken to a pokeball in your hands. You have no idea how it got there. There is a note taped to it. For intuition and insight in healing processes.

Inside the pokeball, is a strange pokemon. Not strange for what it is, for exeggcute aren't exactly the rarest. But, it is strange for the moves it knows. Having your pokedex still, you check its moves. It knows synthesis, leech seed, moonlight, ingrain, barrage, uproar, hypnosis, and aromatherapy. The pokedex makes a strange noise when registering that last one, then beeps: "AROMATHERAPY: NOT NATURALLY LEARNED BY EXEGGCUTE."

Meaning... what. This pokemon was genetically engineered? It's a different breed of exeggcute? It's extremely intelligent? You can't decide.

The next most logical place to head would be the large tree. There is a reason it is there, and maybe there are clues. The beedrill seem to have completely disappeared, after pushing you closer to the tree itself. Along the rushing water, there seems to be a stone bridge many meters to the left. The rushing water seems to surround the inner area completely.

From behind you, opposite the large tree, you hear booming footsteps, and a roar that chills your hearts. It is far enough away for there to be no danger, but close enough to put a spring in your step. Something clearly wants you in that tree.

((Think godzilla roar xD))

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