Flight Practice (Transformers RP sidestory; Ratchet and RikaTheFallen)

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9:40pm Dec 19 2014


Posts: 2,161

Set in the close future, Sentry has recently discovered that he is no ordinary Cybertronian. Unknowingly, he's been walking around in a Triple-Changer's body this whole time! He now knows he can transform into both a halftrack and a large fighter jet as well. 

At this point in the future, Sentry and Defcon have become rather good friends. The latter, more than willing to help the former get used to his wings. (even though he didn't know he had them) So they've started occasionally going out for flight practice. Sentry's a little clumsy, but he's getting the hang of it. What happens when the two jets are out flying on this strange, hostile world? Time will only tell.


9:55pm Dec 19 2014

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Defcon let out a little rumbling sigh as he stretched out his arms, staring upwards. Currently he was simply lying on the ground, in the sun, with the two bots he'd gottent he closest too since he'd come online on the ship. He enjoyed being around them, the medic especially...though he supposed that was a bit of a remnant of his thinking of medics being like saving graces in the battlefield.
He was feeling uneasy, however, and he began to squirm. This dislodged Recon, his minicon stealth unit. She made an indignant little noise and huffed at him before she decided to go over to where Catalyst was to sit with him instead. He seemed like he'd move a lot less that Defcon was at the present point in time.
"Hey, Sentry, want to get some more flying practice in?" he asked, turning his head so his optics could focus onto the bot in question.


9:59pm Dec 19 2014 (last edited on 10:02pm Dec 19 2014)


Posts: 2,161

Code Blue was quite comfortably snuggled against Sentry's side, not quite in recharge, but not fully awake either. The now apparent triple-changer smiled when the medic yawned, giving one of the golden wing finials on his helm a scritch, which got him a contented sigh and a helm pressed into his hand.

Things seemed to have calmed down, for the most part, since they'd arrived on this unknown, hostile world. They now had the ability to walk around freely outside the ship without danger, thanks to the natives Sabertooth and Lighthammer, who had made very clear to any hostile lifeforms in the area that attacks would not be easy or tolerated. It was nice to be able to sit outside and not have to worry about the gaping hole in the side of the medbay while they recharged at night. For now, they could just enjoy the temporary peace and quiet.

The captain looked over at the colourful jet, who had just addressed him. He rather liked Defcon, as did most of the crew; the flier was kind and respectful, and easy to get along with. Sentry especially liked how he was with Code Blue. The orange mech always felt protective of his anxious friend, but if Defcon was around there was less of a need to worry about any of that. Cody also seemed to be much less anxious around Defcon than most of the rest of the crew, but not yet as less as when around Sentry. That would come, in time. 

"Whadaya think? Will ya be a'ight if we leave?" He asked the Praxian, stroking a finial. 

Code Blue nodded, somewhat sleepily in response. Sentry didn't want him sleeping outside if he and Defcon were away, though. Could put him in danger. Perhaps he could take Catalyst and Recon inside. "Ya look purdy tired, buddy. Should go insaide 'n get some rest." Another sleepy nod, and the sports car stood, yawning and flaring his doorwings in a stretch. "Just try not to come back all scuffed up like last time," he said jokingly. "I'm running out of orange paint." Sentry chuckled in response, standing to walk over to Defcon. "A'ight, les go. Maybe we'll faind sum energon while we're out."


10:03pm Dec 19 2014

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Posts: 11,785
"We'd have to be pretty lucky I'd say," Defcon decided to add in regards to the energon statement. "Though lucky does appear to have been something we are, given that we can recharge at peace now," he said before he glanced up. "Make sure not to fly in any way that might have the sun interfering, and since you're a bigger jet than I am I would have to say that until you've adjusted fully that sharp turns should be avoided unless it's absolutely needed," he said, indeed actually trying to provide helpful advice since Sentry seemed to still be adjusting to flight. "You'll get the hang of it rather quickly, I'm sure. You're a very intelligent bot, after all," he said, providing an honest compliment with a bit of a smile.


10:08pm Dec 19 2014 (last edited on 10:12pm Dec 19 2014)


Posts: 2,161

Catalyst let out a low purr when his ear was scratched, before yawning and lumping up onto Code Blue’s forearm with Recon on his back. He then made his way up to the medic’s shoulder and sat there while said medic waved the two fliers off. He literally was running out of that paint, and he wasn’t entirely sure how he was going to get more. Code Blue figured thinking about random things like that when he was tired was no use, so he turned and went inside to recharge for a bit.

Sentry lingered silently where he was for a moment, making sure the CMO ended up in the ship safely. It was highly unlikely there would be any issues, as the others were either in or close by the ship, but something told him he should watch first, just to make sure.

Once Code Blue was safely inside, seemingly on his way to their shared hab suite, (because the majority of the ship was destroyed in the crash some bots had to double up, plus Cody didn’t like recharging alone) he turned back to Defcon and began walking beside him. “We’ll haf ta be lucky. We’re gonna run out o’ supplies soon’r or lat’r.” 

As the captain, Sentry was tasked with making sure everyone was safe and well-fuled. It ate at him, at times, to know he was the one in charge during the crash. He’d not been up, as had no one else, but the crew was his responsibility. That was why he’d snapped at Spinbreak when the gun-for-hire first awoke. He seemed to be rather insubordinate, which would have honestly been fine with the triple-changer, if not for the way he’d taunted him and hurt Code Blue. Fortunately Spinbreak seemed to have settled down slightly, regarding (if not grudgingly) Sentry as the one in charge instead of the kid who screwed up. Being completely unaware that he was a triple-changer, and a poor flier at that stressed him a little too. He wanted everyone to be safe. They were never supposed to have crashed…

Having Defcon help with the flying bit made it easier, though. The colorful jet was so easy to get along with. “A’ight, Ah got it. Watch th’ sun so it’s not int’rfearin’ ‘nd be careful turnin’.” The compliment made him smile back.


10:19pm Dec 19 2014

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Defcon nodded slightly when Sentry repeated the advice he'd given. "Would you rather lead or shall I?" he asked, deciding to ask this right away. Defcon was a more experienced flier, but given that he was a small stealth jet he didn't want to accidentally leave Sentry behind. That and Sentry was the leader, so it was up to him what manner of formation they took to look around. Being a thin flier, of course, his place was usually firing from afar should a battle happen to arise. But, on that same note, if he was in front perhaps he could demonstrate to Sentry what to do?

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