Well, I'm thinking sometime in the present linear time, and we can have 11th, Amy, Rory, and then Jane and whatever OC you want if you want one, along with the Shades, which is an enemy based off the one from Love & Monsters, which is basically a intangible creature that can either amplify emotions in a person, or posess a person with an already extreme emotion. Then for Jane:
Name: Jane Smith (sometimes the Seeker)
Gender: Female
Current Appearence: Messy brown hair, average height, pale-ish skin, grey-green eyes, Wears: Red beret (probably stolen from UNIT), white button-up shirt, tweed vest, black trousers, dark brown boots
Brief History: Time Lord Academic, traveled on and off with the Doctor before the Time Wa, fought on the front lines during the Time War, now travels full-time with the Doctor, daughter of the Dreamer and the Doctor, goddaughter of the Master
RP'd by: Janesmith