Gotta catch 'em all (Ratchet, Drenn, and Skitty)

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5:03pm May 7 2014 (last edited on 5:44pm Jun 14 2014)

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Posts: 698
Ok so I don't want to get into detail but I'll edit this post when I get the chance
This is a Pokemon RP going from First Gen through to Gen 3

(( So this is a rough draft just a warning for all of you because I am a pretty bad writer XD lol sorry))

Pokemon and humans,
we once lived in peace with each other and thrived together, but when the steel type Pokemon came along, the humans got the idea that they could make all Pokemon as strong and in-destructable as it, but the PRP [Pokemon Realm Protectors] disagreed with it and wouldn't allow it. Many years passed, and the balance between Pokemon and humans was destroyed, the PRP was over-run, all of the Pokemon were captured, and sent to labs all around the world to be turned into machines. There are some Pokemon who are half machine and still have there minds, they either believe that there is hope, and will fight for the other Pokemons freedom... and there are the Pokemon who believe this is good, that they are stronger and better like this. The few humans who believe in Pokemons right for freedom, and the few Pokemon left still have hope..... because there is......
far from any human facility, there is small village of Pokemon, young and strong. Will they lead us to the end of this madness and free all Pokemon from these machines? Will they rid us of our only hope?
Your future is up to you, which side are you on? What are you fighting for? Freedom? Or Destruction?

Ok so pretty much the point of this is we are Pokemon (Like I already said) we have many choices (Reminds me of Saw) and we either find our way to one of the small Pokemon villages or we were born in them, there theme is the village of the Sun and the village of the Moon, [Sun village=Taiyou, sun in Japanese] and [Moon village=Mangetsu, full moon in Japanese] they are the only places where Pokemon still live. They are protected and hidden by a magical force created by the rulers of the villages, an Arcanine named Martove is ruler of Taiyou, and a Gyrados named Dosco is ruler of Mangestu.
Drenn is playing Dosco, and Martove is up for grabs, so for now everyone may play as Martove until someone claims him

((This is all I got for now, if u have any quest don't be afraid to ask))

but you can have up to two Pokemon characters and one trainer character, if u really REALLY want more than that please rmail me and i'll get to that,
you can be a trainer or Pokemon or both, but you cannot have two legendarys. you can add things onto your Pokemon like say a scar or a scarf or whatever and your Pokemon can be shiny


All Res rules,
If your are going through an argument with someone please do not bring it up on here but meet me or that person in rmail,
Please only have up to three characters
all the rules that I went over in the beginning,
romance in encouraged,
if you have any important info or want to kill off one of your characters rmail me and we can work something out,
there is no killing eachother unless you guys agreed to kill,
and most of all have fun<3
Make sure to post your bio like this

Bio for trainer
Appearance:((Pics are nice))
((Side note you do not have to put History if you don't want to))

Pokemon Bio
Appearance:((Pics are nice))
Special Skills:((You can only have up to two special skills))

have fun and enjoy, i'll add more to this post so you guys aren't so lost later<3

People in the RP;
DogzDream (Who has left, but her bio will always be remembered)
and I xXStormyXx

Angel, blood, red shiny Skitty (SkittyGirl)
Storm, yellow eyed Absol (SkittyGirl)
Rowen, GONE (We loved having you for this short time)
Tsuki, beautiful, silver Glaceon (xXStormyXx)
Ariana, white with yellow eyes Vulpix (xXStormyXx)
Lunar Eclipse, jet black Ninetails (xXStormyXx)
Scourge, GONE (Have a good time in jail Scourge)
Kitch, dark, shadowy Eevee (Drenn)
Scias, new type of Absol (Drenn)
Loki, new type of Liepard (Ratchet)

Posting order;


After I post, the cycle will restart back on Drenn.


5:10pm May 7 2014 (last edited on 5:43pm Jun 6 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 698
Heres my Bio
Name: Tsuki
Type: Glaceon
Gender: Female
Age: Adolescent (16)
Personality: Lonely, Fearless and protective, she almost never runs from a fight and only shows affection for those she trust
Appearance: she has a longer tail that most other Glaceons, is slightly smaller and thinner and is a beautiful blue/silver where the blue would be, she has dark blue eyes, white where the light blue would be and black where the dark blue would be.
Special Skills: She is a extra fast and limber
History: RP it out (( /Is lazy lolz))
Other: none

heres my other bio
Name: Ariana
Type: Vulpix
Gender: Female
Age: Adolescent (16)
Personality: loyal and cunning, she loves climbing and sometimes likes to flirt just to annoy
Appearance: she has pure white fur with silver tails and black swirling paws with yellow eyes
Special Skills: she is good at lying and singing
History: RP it out ((srry again lol))
Other: none

New Bio yay!
Name: Lunar Eclipse
Type: Ninetails
Gender: Female
Age: young adult (20) (And just so I'm all clear, adolescent stands for 13-17, I'v had to go trough this with a couple other users so yeah, not meaning to offend any of you guys just trying to make things clear, young adult means 18-22 and adult means 23 and up so wooooo)
Personality: She trys to conceal her emotions and she likes to tease, she also likes to pick pocket, she can be shy, but depends on who it is
Appearance: she has two tight silver loops (Or earrings) on her left ear, black fur, icy blue eyes, a crescent moon on her left shoulder, dark blue tiger stripes, viola and indigo hair and white underbelly and paws
Special skills: if a Pokemon has a shadow, she can use that shadow to turn into that Pokemon, and she talk to people with her mind
History: (I'll work on this one later)
Other: She is a thief, is amazing at sneaking around and is dark/fire type (yay)


8:52pm May 7 2014 (last edited on 8:23pm May 29 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 239
Name: Angel
Type: Shiny Skitty
Gender: Female
Age: Teen (14)
Personality: Shy until you get to know her, then she is out going and spontaneous. Afraid of meeting new pokemon/people unless coxed. Will fight for her family or who she considers family and keep them safe.
Appearance: Her coat is a blood red and shimmery in the light. Her tail is more evened out than most skitty's tails. The tips of her tail aren't yellow but white. Her eyes are generally red but when threatened are pink.
Special Skills: Is good at lying and is good at being sneaky
History: Was hatched from an egg in the middle of a dessert. Her family left her to fend for her self. As she grew up her coat turned from the normal glossy red to blood red either with her blood, her prey's blood, or her enemies blood. She never liked being on her own but refused to let others into her life. She fights almost daily for her life and refuses to be seen as weak or helpless. Has pushed others away so she doesn't hurt them. Also gave herself that name but has been nicknamed Blood Angel by everyone she has encountered. She hates that nickname but will answer to it through her teeth. (I may rp it further)
Other: none

Name: Storm
Type: Absol
Gender: Male
Age: Adolescent (17)
Personality: Very loyal and out going. Willing to meet new pokemon and make new friends. Will act like a tough guy but be a sweetheart when you get to know him. Gentle man like.
Appearance: Is like a normal absol but his colors are flipped so he has white where normally black is found and black where white is normally found. He has yellow eyes.
Special Skills: Can make friends easily, can hide himself well in dark areas, quick learner.
History: Comes from a stable family. Was always loved even though he was different. His mother was a shiny and his father was a normal. They were surprised when Storm hatched but loved him anyways. He never liked getting into fights but never had a problem learning. He left his parents at the age of thirteen. He wanted to see the world for himself. His older sister didn't approve of this but didn't argue with him, as long as it made him happy. (May rp further)
Other: none

hmm...that one thing....what was it that i- Oh hey look a skitty O.O

1:19pm May 8 2014

Normal User

Posts: 698
(( Yay great bio Skitty let's wait for the others to make there's then we can start<3 ))


4:12pm May 8 2014 (last edited on 4:31pm May 8 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,103
Pokemon Bio
Age: Adult
Personality:vain, kind hearted, caring, relaxed, sweet, friendly
Appearance: well... this is where it gets funny XD when i was younger i fell into a batch of white paint and it just stuck to my fur till my fur was just white.
 i take no credit for this picture i just found it on google and totally fell inlove with it
this is me =D 
Special Skills: singing and healing
History: when she was an eevee she used to travel a lot and go places but when she got older she decided she wanted to stay in one place and become a healer so she learned alot about herbal remadies and how to heal and help people in need.
Other: shes AMAZING


4:16pm May 8 2014

Normal User

Posts: 698
(( Great Bio Holly, but might I suggest the Espeon goes next to Type:
Special Skills is not exactly for moves, it more for personal special skills but other than that I love it ^-^ ))


12:38pm May 9 2014 (last edited on 1:39pm Jul 11 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 2,290
Pokemon:  Eevee

Name:  Kitch

Nickname:  ???

Type:  Normal/Dark  (If I can have fun with it XD)


Age: around 5-9/Infant-Child

  Mischievous, yet shy around new people/pokemon

Looks like a normal eevee except for the fact that his fur, where normally brown, is black.  The normal white areas of fur had a silver glow to them.  His eyes are gold.
Special Skills:  Using shadows to melt into and teleport elsewhere.  No shadows, no free ride.

  He was abandoned by his own kind due to being something other then them or a shiny.  Other pokemon have chased him away, attacking him.  People try to catch him, but for only the wrong reasons, to hurt others.  He has gone from place to place, trying to find where he belongs.  All he dreams about is to be not be lonely ever know what a family is.

  ummmm....don't know yet ^-^

Fun Fact:  due to his type, fighting type moves do twice as much damage compared to a normal special attack.

(will add more as my mind allows me)


Name:  Scias

Type:  Dark/Metal

Gender:  Male

Age:  24/Teen-Adult

Personality:  Can appear cold and aloof.

Appearance:   Its fur is silver instead of white.  Where normally black, it is blood red.  The wings wont appear until later when he 'evolves' after absorbing a certain amount of resources, and when he finally finds something worth protecting.

History:  Was created and raised in the human labs.  His job was to hunt down strong pokemon for humans and capture them.  He was to kill the weak ones.  After a certain incident he met the leader of one of the pokemon villages.  He agreed to do him a favor after the leader help him out of a situation.  (Might go into detail later.)  He left and soon met Luna.  He doesn't know what to make of her.  She confuses him to no end.


12:44pm May 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 698
(( this is a cool bio there are small pieces that could be moved around, I wont judge iz all good lets wait for Ratchy then we'll get started<3 ))


1:05pm May 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,290
*head tilts*  small pieces moved around?  please let me know and ill fix it ^-^


1:15pm May 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 698
(( Ok well what you put in fun fact would go in Other:
13 would be considered Adolescent, but that doesn't really matter we all know what you mean, and Type: would be considered what pokemon instead of actual type but it doesn't really matter :P thats about it other than that I love it<3 ))


2:00pm May 10 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,290
(then im leaving it just cuz XDD)


11:51pm May 11 2014

Normal User

Posts: 698
((Ok I'm perfectly fine with that, lol, srry I haven't been around I got really busy all of the sudden so I'll try to keep up<3 ))


11:55am May 12 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2,290
(np ^-^)


6:36pm May 19 2014

Normal User

Posts: 698
(( OOOOKKK Guys its time to start the RP!!!! :D
yay!!! so post when you want to and stuff XD yeah lol ))


3:04pm May 20 2014 (last edited on 3:08pm May 20 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 2,290
(woot, first post for the rp)

Kitch, a young eevee hid in some bushes looking at the hustle and bustle of the pokemon village.  His stomach giving a little growl of hunger.  His fur was black where normally brown on any other eevee.  Where it was supposed to be white, it was a shiny silver.  His golden eyes were constantly scanning, almost scared.  He was small for his age, being underfed and always on the run.  The smell of food wafting to his nose on the quiet breeze made his stomach growl a little louder.


4:06pm May 20 2014 (last edited on 5:01pm May 20 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 698
(( Just a little warning for everyone, both Tsuki and Ariana's things are going to be in the same post so that it doesn't take up to much space<3 ))


Tsuki, a glowing blue/silver Glaceon was running for her life from some of the machine Pokemon, her dark blue eyes flashing with fear. She was one of very few to escape the human labs, with her light and small body, it was easy to out-run those big heavy brutes. Tsuki found one of the villages that the prisoners were talking about.

 "I finally made it!"

 She said speeding up but not paying attention, she slammed into someone else.

 "Hey what are you...?"

 She said getting back up and rubbing her head, then when her vision came back she saw a dark Eevee, he looked thin and hungry

((I will do Ariana in the next post because of somethin' yeah good enough for now XD sorry ))


4:09pm May 20 2014 (last edited on 4:30pm May 20 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 239
Angel, she was a quiet and sadistic skitty. She loved the sight and smell of blood; however she wasn't about to let some humans take her blood and mix it with other things. They took me out of my holding cell and as soon as they did I darted for the door. Someone left it unlocked so it was easy to push open. Once I got out the first thing I knew I needed was food. So I sniffed the air. The scent of a pidgey and stalked after it.

hmm...that one thing....what was it that i- Oh hey look a skitty O.O

4:33pm May 20 2014 (last edited on 5:35pm May 20 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 2,290
Kitch staggers as he was slammed into.  He leaps back, fur standing on end, scared and on edge.  He backs away slowly, low to the ground, his teeth bared a little.

(Storm:   could you do spaces in between characters like im doing with this parenthesis stuff?  that way it will be easier to read instead of it being together?


4:38pm May 20 2014 (last edited on 4:57pm May 20 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 698
(( I know Drenn, thats what I'm doing, I haven't gotten to Ariana's part yet so the whole last post was just Tsuki, also I should have been more clear on this, but Tsuki ran into u XD I'll start being more specific from now on ^^; sorry ))


Ariana, a small black Vulpix was hunting some Pidgys for the village and started to stalk one in the distance, then after she finally came up close to it, she jumped. "Got ya!" She yelled after she hit the ground but realized she jumped on another Pokemon and backed away "What are you doing here?" she started to get into a fighting position incase this Skitty wanted a fight


5:00pm May 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 239
I got into a fighting stance and growled,"Hunting that." I never was good with pokemon but when it came to food that i hadn't had in days i was willing to fight for it.

hmm...that one thing....what was it that i- Oh hey look a skitty O.O
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