(Hey guys just so all of you know, I would like an exact age put in for all of your bios I set up a ageing system and then....Please don't kill me but I changed Luna's bio good thing I only used her once so far, and I made a new bio hehehe sowy everyone I just had to)
Tsuki started looking up and saw a twitch of a tail, carefully, she jumped up the tree then pounced on Kitch
"I told you not to run off its dangerous out here"
she growled trying to push him out of the tree
"Storm me get him down"
she said still trying to push Kitch, she hated asking someone she had just met for help but she couldn't just leave Kitch out here to die with machines
Ariana heard something outside 'it must be that stupid metal thing from outside' she grumbled to herself then looked up at Martove
"I think he's here, I can smell the metal, he is from the labs and I think he may be here to get or kill something"
she said determination filling her voice, she would want to be the one to kill him if someone had to, he was annoying and stubborn to those above and needed to learn some respect
"I here you can hack, I need you to get into somewhere"
the others talked in silence with Scourge until they released him to do the job. Scourge got tired of running but he finally found it, a small village outside of the human labs
"ah this must be the great village of Taiyou"
he sniffed the air then started walking faster and faster towards it, but not paying attention, he ran into a blood red Skitty who was past the borders, he got ready to fight and or run past her but then he saw regret and hurt flashing strongly in her eyes and lifted his head high
"What are you doing here?"
he growled not showing his interest or sincere