"No as long as you don't bother them, we will be alright"
Tsuki said still walking until they got to a food stand
"Hello there dear, how may I help you?" and older Persian said from the shadows
"we need some food, how about those Sarku melons for.... a few wild berries?"
Tsuki said not realizing she had such little to trade for
"Sorry hun, I can give you one Sarku melon for that, and thats being generous, so take it or leave it" the old women said
"Fine, give me the melon"
Tsuki said sliding the berries over to the Persian as she slid the melon over to her. After that Tsuki walked over to a nice shaded spot, hidden from the other Pokemon to lie down and eat
"Here, you need this more than I do"
she said giving the melon to Kitch
after they got to the cave, Ariana ran over, bowed, then sat infront of Martov
"Angel, this is Martov, our leader"
she said flicking her tail towards him
"It is nice to see new faces, tell me where are you from Angel?" the old Arcanine asked