11:52pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 36,303
"Isn't it just?" Rex smiled.
11:56pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 10,289
Jack smirked slightly "she hasn't got a clue?"
11:57pm Apr 30 2012
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Posts: 36,303
"I don't think so." Rex grinned "Why do you think we're going to Paris?".
11:59pm Apr 30 2012
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Jack made a disgusted sound "I hate Paris...but this should be amusing."
12:02am May 1 2012
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Posts: 36,303
"Indeed." Rex smiled. "What are you two talking about....?" Lilly asked.
12:03am May 1 2012
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"Never you mind" Jack said dryly.
12:08am May 1 2012
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"Okay." Lilly said looking at the floor of the car.
12:09am May 1 2012
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Jasper looked at her, Jack swerved slightly around a couner.
12:11am May 1 2012
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"So umm Paris is the city of lights right?" Lilly said.
12:14am May 1 2012
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Posts: 10,289
"No, unfortunatly thats not what it's know for the resin I didn't want to go" Jack said coldly.
12:20am May 1 2012
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Lilly looked at the back of his chair.
12:22am May 1 2012
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Jack comtiued driving, Jasper stared at Lilly.
12:24am May 1 2012
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Rex looked back at Jasper "Staring is rude you know." he said.
12:45am May 1 2012
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Posts: 10,289
Jasper looked away from Lilly and out the car window, Jack stopped in front of the air port.
(Should we time skip to when they're on the plane?)
12:48am May 1 2012
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Lilly was sitting at the back of the plane in a seat next to the window. Their plotting something she thought staring out at the clouds as the passed by And it's going down in Paris.
12:54am May 1 2012
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Jasper sat next to her, Jack was sitting looking out a window.
1:35am May 1 2012
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Lilly looked at Jasper "You okay?" she asked. Rex was sitting in the seat next to Jack "I hope this turns out well." he said.
1:45am May 1 2012
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Posts: 10,289
"Why?" Jack asked looking at him oddly "feelings like that never last long any way" he said dryly looking at Lilly and Jasper. Jasper nodded "yeah how about you?"
1:48am May 1 2012
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Posts: 36,303
"Well have you thought about what would happen to her if it did end badly?" Rex asked.
"Fine." Lilly smiled.
1:50am May 1 2012
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Posts: 10,289
"No" Jack said "have you?" Jasper grinned.