11:47pm May 25 2012
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Posts: 36,303
Midnight and Rex were sitting cross legged on the front yard talking about something.
Lilly flipped the last pancake onto a plate "Done." she smiled.
12:27am May 26 2012
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Posts: 10,289
12:35am May 26 2012
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Posts: 36,303
"Do you want to go get Rex?" Lilly asked putting the plate of pancakes on the table ,"Or bring him a plate with some pancakes on it?".
12:40am May 26 2012
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Posts: 10,289
Jasper shrugged "I'll take them out to him and see what he wants to do" Jasper took a plate of pan cakes and walked out side to Rex.
12:44am May 26 2012
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Posts: 36,303
Midnight looked at Jasper "Is this the guy?". Rex shook his head and smiled at Jasper "No that's Jasper Midnight." he said ,"And he brought me my breakfast.".
12:49am May 26 2012
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Posts: 10,289
"You can come inside if you want Jack's upstairs doing...whatever or you could eat it out here your pick" Jasper shrugged.
12:51am May 26 2012
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Posts: 36,303
"We we're actually just talking about Jack." Rex said taking the pancakes from Jasper. Midnight nodded.
12:53am May 26 2012
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Posts: 10,289
"What about him?" Jasper asked sitting down.
12:54am May 26 2012
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Posts: 36,303
"Have you noticed how much of a drama queen he is?" Rex said.
12:55am May 26 2012
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Posts: 10,289
"He mellow dramtic" Jasper agreed.
12:56am May 26 2012
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Posts: 36,303
"He's threatened you right?" Rex asked.
12:57am May 26 2012
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Posts: 10,289
"Once or twice... or a dozen times" Jasper shrugged.
12:58am May 26 2012
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Posts: 36,303
"Have you noticed something?" Rex said.
12:59am May 26 2012
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Posts: 10,289
"Notice something?" Jasper asked.
1:00am May 26 2012
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Posts: 36,303
"The only one he hasn't threaten is Lilly." Rex said ,"And Midnight but Midnight doesn't count cause they haven't met.".
1:01am May 26 2012
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Posts: 10,289
"Yes it is rather suspicious..." Jasper mused.
1:03am May 26 2012
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Posts: 36,303
"I think you should watch out." Midnight said ,"From what I heard last night that Jack guy has a gun.". "...What was he shooting at last night?" Rex asked looking at Jasper.
1:05am May 26 2012
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Posts: 10,289
"Eh...My door?" Jasper said staring at his shoes.
1:06am May 26 2012
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Posts: 36,303
"Sounds like he wants you gone." Rex said.
(Petra:Jack you better watch out Rex is conspiring against you because you made him sleep outside XD)
1:08am May 26 2012
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Posts: 10,289
(Chesh: Jack why do you have to make enimes sited of friends!XD)
"Maybe...Don't know what good it'll do..." Jasper said.