11:58pm Oct 19 2012
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Posts: 36,303
"So should we leave now?" Rex asked. (Lol isn't Jasper still in the airport?)
5:26am Oct 22 2012
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Posts: 10,289
(Just thought of that lol)
"No Jasper might still be at the airport" Jack said coldly.
1:30pm Oct 23 2012
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Posts: 36,303
"So we just wait then?" Rex said.
4:29am Oct 28 2012
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Posts: 10,289
"Do you have a better plan" Jack said lazily puting down the gun.
1:10am Oct 30 2012
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"We could kill Jasper if we run into him." Rex said.
1:25am Apr 13 2013
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"You surprise me Rex" Jack said dryly.
4:04am Apr 13 2013
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"Preferably very slowly." Rex said, "And cause him as much pain as we can."
4:48pm Apr 13 2013
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"You would only want to give him a slow death if you had something against him" Jack said quietly eyeing Rex.
11:40pm Apr 13 2013
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12:21am Apr 14 2013
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"I do have something against him." Rex said.
1:05am Apr 14 2013
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"I am curious at what he could have done" Jack said.
1:16am Apr 14 2013
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Posts: 36,303
"He had the nerve to allow my sister to pick flowers for him!" Rex said, "Then the silly bastard leaves!"
1:19am Apr 14 2013
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Posts: 10,289
"'she picked flowers for him, so?" Jack said dryly.
2:18am Apr 14 2013
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Jasper stood outside the air port unsure of what to do next "I could always go back" he muttered to himself.
2:40am Apr 14 2013
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"No guy walks out on my sister without punishment!" Rex said.
2:49am Apr 14 2013
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"You and your sister...care about each other...?" Jack said as though the concept was ailen to him, "I suppose we could always find him and get him" Jack said lazily.
2:50am Apr 14 2013
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"I care about her more than I care about my other siblings." Rex said, "She's the pleasant one."
2:53am Apr 14 2013
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Posts: 10,289
"Pleasant siblings..." Jack mused he crossed his arms and leaned against a wall "how do you suggest we kill him" he said gruffly.
2:54am Apr 14 2013
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Posts: 36,303
"I thought I'd let you plan that." Rex said, "See how interesting you could make his death."
2:58am Apr 14 2013
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Posts: 10,289
"You've come to the right place" Jack said bitterly "living with Tom for most of my life..." Jack growled more to himself than Rex. "If you prefer we could always use a torture device on the bastard or we could do the old fashioned way and tourture him with a knife" Jack said coldly.