Highschool girl and female Serial killer...Britt and Jade ONLY! >:U

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5:46pm Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,557

"No.  And my girlfriend wouldn't apreciate it either,"  He said, making the short walk to his home.  It was abotu a five minute walk, and Lloyd pretended he wasn't being stalked.

He knocked on the door, that was opened immediatly by a cute girl wearign a black goth-based dress and had long pink hair that was put in a pony-tail.

"Lloyd!  Your mother's been so worried!  And whose he?!"  "Chill out, Ghost....He's stalking me, I guess...."  He sighed, walkign past her, who hugged him, but was pushed off.  "I have to lie down,":  He said walking to the stairs.  She then closed the door when the other was in the house.

Isn't this fun?
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