6:13pm Aug 9 2011 (last edited on 6:13pm Aug 9 2011)
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If you ain't CH, get outta here. ;c Name | Alexander Montgomery Nickname(s) | Alex Age | Nineteen Gender | Male Looks | Alex has sideswept hair that is a dark brown and hangs slightly in his eyes. His eyes are a startling brown that looks more to be amber. As for his physique, Alex's build is lanky with long limbs and legs, but his muscles are evident in his frame. -So fail, but I'm brain dead. :c- As for his wolf form, Alex's fur is the same dark brown as his hair. Around his ruff, the fur has a copperish gleam. His eyes take on a full amber appearance, but still look slightly human. As for his size, he is roughly that of an adult black bear. Personality | Alex can be outgoing when he wants, but he likes to keep to himself. -roleplaying the rest out because he's new o-o- History | The rest of his family died in a werewolf attack. He survived, but was bitten. Species | Werewolf. :u Other | Excuse the random fonts. xD It's a generic bio I failed to complete so I just quickly filled it in.
hello my name is elder price
6:19pm Aug 9 2011 (last edited on 6:45pm Aug 9 2011)
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NAME: Paradise Wright NickName: None D: Age: 18 Gender: Female Looks: Paradise is very petite and short. Her hair is a fiery red that can be seen for miles and goes down to about her belly button, and her eyes are a big almond brown. Her lips are full, and her nose is tiny, as the rest of her delicate body is. Her nails aren't the most attractive, seeing as she has a habit of biting her nails. Pesonality: Homg D:... Is this optional? Species: Huuuuman xD Other: None D:
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6:28pm Aug 9 2011
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Don't worry about the history at all. x3
hello my name is elder price
6:42pm Aug 9 2011
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[[Sorry I'm taking so long. I reply to one roleplay, then start looking for my appearence, and then another roleplay comes along. GAH. I'm stressed. D: And, homg. Was that post your way of saying I forgot my history? I didn't mean to not put it D: I didn't even notice I forgot D: I'll put it if your secretly hating me for not puting anything D: lol. ]]
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7:10pm Aug 9 2011
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Ooc; How about we just start the rp? xD I don't care much for bios anyway. lol
hello my name is elder price
7:47am Aug 10 2011
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[[ I'm sorry. I poofed before I could tell many people... Eh. Beauty and the Beast was on Disney Channel,and I have a roleplay about it, so I just had to watch it D: Sure. We can start. I've always hated when people were annoying and strict about bios D< Buuuut, I won't be on until maybe one o clock res time? I would make a random intro but, I'd rather do it when I get back. So if you wanna start before then go ahead^^ xD *Writes so much in her OOC* Sorreh ;c ]]
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11:35am Aug 10 2011
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Ooc; .... o_o I'll just write an intro and you reply whenever. lol Bic; The moonlight rippled across the wolf's fur and his lanky form shuddered. He blinked open his amber eyes and let out a gentle snort before taking off into the forest. Everything about him was screaming to run back to the town, to rip through flesh with his claws, to tear lives apart with his teeth. But he fought that instinct; he had been fighting it the day he had been turned. He would never be the monster that his creator was. He could see his breath swirl before him like a smoke cloud, gentle gray wisps escaping into the sky. All senses were alert as his paws thudded on the forest floor, the only thing breaking the silence of the wood around him was his own heartbeat. All animals were silent as the great beast ran, afraid of the unnaturaness of what he was. Finally, Alexander stopped when he reached his destination. He was panting, tongue lolling out of his mouth and muscles aching from the long run. But his eyes were light as he took the last few pawsteps to the top of the rock face. His wolf eyes wandered over the gray scaled city before him. The white lights of the city twinkled off in the distance and the darker hue of the forest came to life under his gaze. He sat down on the smooth rock face, tail swishing idly as he found himself content. His amber eyes swept over the scenic view until the moon began to fall again. He glanced up, muzzle raised in the air and nose twitching as he recognized the powerful white light that lay falling in the sky. He pushed himself to his paws and shook his coat out, copper ruff detaching a few flecks of snow. He travelled back the way he had come, paws treading softly over a new la yer of white snow. His breath still curled in the air and his amber eyes burned as he made his way through the forest. When he reached the fringes of the wood, his ears swivelled forward to catch the noises being made in the early hours of the town. Bloodlust raged through him, but he shook his head and whimpered slightly. All human thoughts were gone from him except that same sentence he had managed to bring into his wolf form. Do not kill. The moon finally set and the first rays of sunshine washed over him. Alex's pelt rippled and he crouched low to the ground, paws becoming fingers, fur stretching to skin. His clothes shifted with him, something he would never understand. He gasped as the transformation completed itself, tiredness making him sink low to the ground. He took in a few ragged breaths before staggering upright and leaning against a tree. It was the same every time. The wolf inside of him was never tired after the run, but it all hit Alex like a wrecking ball when he shifted back. When he regained most of his composure, Alex pushed his gray hood above his hair, hiding his haggard appearance, and stepped around the building of a coffee shop. Typically, he would head home after night and sleep for most of the day, but as he rounded the coffee shop, his nose twitched. The delicious smell of the coffee and freshly baked cinnamon buns made his mouth water. He stepped into the shop and ordered what he wanted with a rather haggard breath. The store clerk was a young woman, probably his age. She winked at him as she got his coffee. "Rough night?" she asked as she handed him his cinnamon roll. "I guess you could say that," he said as he gave her the money. When she handed him his change, he dropped it into the tip jar. "Thanks," he managed to her before he collapsed into one of the chairs by the window. He took a sip of his coffee to keep himself from falling asleep.
hello my name is elder price
4:31pm Aug 10 2011
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[[I'll edit this post for my intro. I'm just letting you know - now that I see your on - that I'm not ignoring this. I just saw that there was so much in your post that I'd do it after I did a bit of roleplaying with my other ones first. So... I'm working on it now. On a document. xD ]]
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4:41pm Aug 10 2011
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Ooc; lol don't worry about it. My sister is making me watch a movie, too....so it may be a little bit before I can post, actually.
hello my name is elder price
5:07pm Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 5:08pm Aug 10 2011)
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As the sun’s rays peaked from behind the clouds and into my bed room window, a heavy weight was lifted off my shoulders. The sunsets in this town were so stunning that any burden you went to sleep with was usually gone by the time you woke up. Especially in the winter, when the snow covered the ground and roofs of houses. The scene was more beautiful then you can imagine. I slid up from my bed as I finally took my tired eyes away from the window. A pleasent aroma filled my nose as I groggily got myself out of bed. As usual. My dad trying to make everything better by making my favorite breakfast. I couldn’t blame him though, for what happened the night before. As I grabbed my robe and slippers, I told myself I would not be thinking about the events of last night. I hated when my mother visited us, which was a surprise. You’d think a girl like me would want to see her mother any time she could, since my parents were divorced. But, it was the complete opposite. Whenever she visited, it would usually result in a ‘disagreement’ between my two parents. Even my rash twenty year old brother thought it was ridiculous how much they fought over the littlest of things. I wondered how they survived the seventeen years raising me. It’s been a year since the divorce, but it still felt like just yesterday I watched my mother pack her things from my father’s room, and left with no good bye for me or my brother. I wasn’t surprised that she didn’t say a thing to my brother, for he was a mess. Has always been a mess, and in everyone’s opinion, always will be a mess. But her own daughter? Not even giving her a glance out the door? No apology for leaving me to be raised by two men? Have I said that my twenty one year old brother still lives with me? It was him that woke me up from my escape this morning. Ever since the day I watched my mother go, was the day I loved sleep more than living itself. Escaping was my comfort zone and I planned to stay there. Finally, having that smell of pancakes dizzying my brain, I opened my bedroom door and dashed by my brother’s room and down the stair case. Usually, I’d at least knock on Josh’s door to tell him to quiet down his guitar, just in case my dad was still sleeping, but this time I just couldn’t wait any longer to fill my stomach. So, I left Josh to it. “Let me guess, you woke up from smelling the food?” I heard my father’s voice in the kitchen, and I guessed he heard me run down the stairs. And, as usual, his voice was calm. Like I never witnessed yet another argument between my dad and my reckless mother just last night. It made me think, if I’m hurting this much, how much is my father hurting? With that thought in mind, I chose not to bring up what happened last night, though it kept flashing through my mind to blind me from any other thoughts. “As usual.” I said, my voice scratchy from first waking up. I tightened my robe as I walked around the kitchen to get a cup. Trying to stay out of the ‘chef’s’ way, I went into the refrigerator and made myself a glass of milk. “What are your plans today?” I heard my father ask, though my mind was still filled with the events from last night that I didn’t answer very quickly. Finally, as I put the milk back in the fridge, I did a light shrug to show him I acknowledged him. “I don’t know…” I also said quietly, though it was the truth. I had no true plans. He didn’t respond as he set pancakes on three plates. One for me, One for him, and one for my messed up brother.
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5:19pm Aug 10 2011
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Alex finished his coffee quickly, but his system was eating up the caffeine quickly. Instead of helping him, the caffeine was giving him an extremely horrible headache. The wolf inside of him fought against the buzz and he forced down a yawn as he walked through the door of the coffee shop. His nose twitched as he registered the crisp scent of the fresh snow. He shoved his hands into his pockets and, instead of heading home, continued to the town's only park. His eyes drooped as he continued on, but he didn't want to go home, loathed going back to his abandoned house. Alex had been born into money and when the rest of his family had died, the house, or manor, was left to him, the only survivor. He sat down on a nearby park bench and pulled his gray hoodie tighter around him, shivering as he did. He stretched out along the bench and watched as a few snowflakes fell from the trees around him. His gaze flickered and he closed his eyes. Before he knew it, Alex had fallen fast asleep.
hello my name is elder price
4:30pm Aug 11 2011 (last edited on 4:30pm Aug 11 2011)
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[[Sorreh. Your like the last roleplay in my favorites page, since it was the last one I saved. D: ]] “Hey, Paradise. I’m ‘gunna be out today, so do you think you could-“ I had to interrupt before I was asked once again about doing Josh’s chores. With a hand raised to signal him to quiet, I got up from my chair. I had only one pancake. Had lost my appetite quickly, after my father and myself finally talked about last night. It ended as fast as it started. But still, it changed my mood. “No.” Was all I said as I trudged up the stairs into my room. Just as I was about to shut my bedroom door, my father’s hand made it resist from shutting fully. “You know, staying in your room all day for weeks at a time isn’t going to help much. And, it’s unhealthy.” With a roll of my eyes, I was tempted to cripple my fathers’ fingers by slamming the door with his fingers still there. But, I fought the urge quite well. “I’d rather just stay inside…” I mumbled, keeping the door still almost closed so he wouldn’t have to see my glaring ex pression. “And, I’d rather you go outside and get some vitamin C. How long has it been since you’ve been outside?” I sighed, irritated, before opening the door so that we had some eye contact. This conversation has been going on for days now, and it was getting old. And, I had my father’s blood in me. I was competitive and planning to win. Just like him. “I want to stay in my room.” I said more firmly. I’ve never been so rude to my father before. But, hey, I was too busy trying not to drown in the self-pity I’ve sunken in to. ~~~~~ Unenthusiastically, I sat on a blue park bench. The aggravating conversation between my father and I resulted in me being forced to go outside. Specifically, to the park across the street. With a gray cloud above me, I slid farther in my seat with only one thing on my mind. When could I go back to my room?
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4:57pm Aug 15 2011
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Bump D:
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5:16pm Aug 15 2011
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He woke with a start, eyes burning amber as he pulled himself out of the nightmare. He shook his head and wiped one hand over his clammy forehead. He worked on slowing his heartbeat, knowing that it wasn't just the moon that could trigger the shift. The moon itself didn't trigger the shift, but it was so strong, Alex hadn't been able to fight it since the day he had been turned. He flinched as memories rushed back at him before shaking his head again. He needed distraction. He glanced around the park and his eyes settled on a rather depressed looking girl sitting on a park bench. With a shrug to himself, he pushed the thought away of approaching her. One of his rules was to neve get close to anyone again, but something about her frown and the sad spark to her gaze made him wander over to her. He blinked when he stopped at a stand-still in front of her. "Uh, hi there," Alex said and he winced when he realized how hoarse his voice was.
hello my name is elder price
5:42pm Aug 15 2011
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Just as my bitter thoughts toward my father started, someone had interrupted them. Maybe it was some kind of sign that I shouldn't have been thinking so harshly of my father. It was my mother's fault for all of it. I started feeling silly for my little tempertantrum. What was wrong with going to the park for a bit? The weather was nice. And, strangers came by talking to you. "Hello." I said, sitting higher in my seat while blinking back at him. "I'm sorry. Was there something you needed?" When did I start sounding so polite? "I'm not getting up so you could have this spot if that is what you want." I said more bitterly as I crossed my arms. Then, it was like he disappeared, and I was venting to myself. "Because if I got up, I'd be tempted to go home. Where I should be. But, noooo, dad's like to force you to go places like stupid parks where you just sit around and do nothing. So now I'm stuck here all alone when I could be in my room doing... Well nothing and be all alone." She rolled her eyes. In a way, being at the park, and being in her room were the same. I felt my cheeks turn crimson at realizing that this guy could have heard my miserable rambling. "I'm sorry. It's just... Been a long week. I'm usually not so rude."
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5:49pm Aug 15 2011
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Alex blinked as the girl began to rant under her breath and he relaxed slightly when he realized it wasn't aimed toward him. He spread his arms out to the side and gave her a consoling smile. "It's fine. Everyone has those days," he said softly, thoughts flung back to the terror that haunted him every day, the nightmares that refused to leave him at night. He shook the bitter thoughts away with the shake of his head and spread his arms out to pull the park into her view. "Everyone sees the gray in life and wishes for color, but in all honestly, gray can be beautiful too," he mused to himself. "I come here sometimes to watch the wildlife or to be at peace. The squirrels here are quite the thieves," he said with a chuckle. "If you're bored, I have a game," he said as he glanced back down at her, shifting his weight onto one foot as he stood before her. "Oh and I'm Alex," he said with a laugh.
hello my name is elder price
5:59pm Aug 15 2011
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The guy before me seemed quite friendly. And understanding. I couldn't see the harm in talking to him more. At what he said - that was what reminded me of something poetic - I felt taken aback. Maybe because it was exactly what I needed to hear. "I'm Paradise." I said, also with a laugh. Mostly because I was amused at his subject of a 'game'. "What's this game?" I asked as I leaned forward to have my elbows on my knees. It wasn't the most lady-like stance - and I always got lectures from my father for it - but it wasn't like I really cared what this 'Alex' thought of me. And besides, my dad is just a lot more strict now that there is no women of the house to take care of the simple things.
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6:10pm Aug 15 2011
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He grinned softly when she spoke her name and grew curious of his game. Glad that she didn't seem as sad as before, he turned to look back at the park. The game was something he did when he thought he was going to lose himself to his memories or to his curse, something he used to keep himself grounded. He hoped Paradise wouldn't laugh at him. "It's something I do in my...free time," he said, choosing his words carefully. "Take in the scene before us," he said as he gestured to the park. "Now I want you to describe a color without saying a color word. You can use deions of things in the park, but you can't use the things themselves," he said. "As an example. I'm thinking of something soft and billowy," he said as he glanced up at the clouds. "It can also be frigid and harsh," he continued, looking down at the snow now. He glanced back at Paradise and spread open his palms again. "I was thinking of the color white. Now you try it," he said.
hello my name is elder price
6:30pm Aug 15 2011
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[[You have no idea how long it took me to think of something. I had to go on dictionary.com and everything. haha. Just pretend its a good one D:]] I smiled up at Alex, after hearing the games' instructions. I guessed he made it up since I never heard of the game before. "Uh... alright." I said, biting my nails while thinking for a moment. It was a habit of mine - biting my nails. They were horrendous looking from how much I bite on them, but I couldn't help it. I remembered a blue flower on my shirt. Maybe I could trick him a little bit... "I'm thinking of something that is odoriferous and... " She looked around, and noted the blue bench she was sitting on that had caught her eye for a moment. "And... can be rigid[this is not because it looks like 'Frigid' D: It's just a coincidence D:], and solid?" She said it more of a question, hoping she was doing it right.
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6:52pm Aug 15 2011
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Alex thought for a moment as he watched her eyes flutter to the various objects she was describing. Something that smells nice, rigid, and solid. He scratched the back of his neck as he thought, brown eyes glittering with amber flecks. His gaze rested on the brown stilts that held the bench and the frozen dirt beneath their feet. But that doesn't smell good, he thought to himself as he looked down. His gaze flickered back up to her shirt, eyes resting for a moment on the blue flower that was printed on the fabric. The cornes of his eyes crinkled slightly as he smiled. "Blue?" he asked. He shivered once and looked into the sky, eyes growing a bit wide when he saw how low the sun had sank. Instinctively, he stumbled back from the girl and felt his eyes turning a near amber from the fear that worked his way through his veins. "I-I need to go," Alex said. At most, he probably had thirty minutes, but it would only be nearly enough time for him to get far enough away from the city for him to shift. Ooc; LOL xD
hello my name is elder price