8:04pm Nov 8 2011
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Ooc; The more they shift into their wolf form, the more their humanity lessens. So if Alex keeps constantly shifting every night, the shifts will get more painful and he'll eventually get stuck a wolf. Jace is part of the werewolf group who killed Alex's family. Alex's family were werewolf hunters prior to his shift, like we said before, and they killed a lot of the pack Jace is a part of. So now that Alex is a wolf now, they want to make sure he's not a danger to them and they don't want a full werewolf running around because Alex could blow their cover.
Clear anything up? o_o
hello my name is elder price
3:33pm Nov 13 2011
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[[Sorry for the lateness. Throughout the week, I most likely can't come online. :)
And, yesss, that cleared things up. Thanks. :) ]]
It didn't take me very long to realize that this little boy was one of them. Like Alex. I didn't understand much of what he meant - less? - but I understood enough to be able respond with,
"You mean you're going to take him? Where?"
Stupid questions were what I was known for asking, but I couldn't help but wonder. If Jace waited until Alex came back, would he leave with Jace?
Leaving me behind?
With that thought in mind, my stubborn instincts took hold as a frown came on my face.
"I mean... You can't take him away from me. You're not."
I couldn't help my shaking voice. I was anxious and angry at the same time.
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4:18pm Nov 13 2011 (last edited on 4:18pm Nov 13 2011)
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Jace blinked at the girl's aggressive behaviour. He cocked his head to the side, slightly confused with the way the girl was acting. He chose to back down and keep still on the table, rays of moonlight shining behind him. They made his skin itch even though he had taken the medicine to push away his shift.
"You can come with us then. My family said that Alex would want to come because they say he does not like to be a wolf. I like it, though and my family lets me change as long as someone can come with me. They teach me how to hunt and run through the forest. I don't know why Alex does not want to shift, but he is not careful with it. They said that," he chattered on and started swaying his legs again.
"If I bite you, you can be just like us and we could all be one big family," Jace said and jumped off the table as he clapped his hands happily.
Ooc; That's fine. :3 After your next post, I'll have Alex come back.
hello my name is elder price
4:28pm Nov 13 2011
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His response wasn't what I was expecting. And, surprisingly, it resulted in my stomach rolling; like when I had kissed Alex. I don't know if I was either frightened or excited.
Was all I could say. And, leave my family behind? I scoffed at the thought. They wouldn't care and neither would I. Except my little brother. Him I would miss dearly.
I looked up at Jace, a small smile replacing my frown. He looked alot like Josh. I chuckled, the resemblance of the name was also ironic.
The idea of leaving with Alex was growing on me fast. Becoming like Alex was what had me hesitating with an answer. Finally, I said,
"That sounds like a great idea."
[[Alright :) ]]
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6:25pm Nov 13 2011
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Alex woke in the snow, weary and exhausted, he'd only blacked out for a few minutes. He slowly picked his head up and looked up at the back of his house. A foolish grin reached his face when he realized that Paradise was waiting inside; her scent flooded his nose, even from here. Then his eyes widened as another smell reached him, one that he recognized as a werewolf.
He was up and into the house within seconds. Feet pounding against the wood, he flung the back door closed behind him and took a second to follow the scent. Upstairs. He ran that way and skidded a bit at the top landing, using the wall to push himself off as he turned to go through the open door at the end of the hall.
What he saw when he barreled in was not what he had expected. A young child, probably eight or nine, was sitting on a desk. His slightly longer than normal canines confirmed that he was a werewolf, like Alex. The young kid's eyes widened as Alex came into the room and he slid off the desk to approach the boy.
Instead, Alex sidled over to where Paradise was and took a defensive stance in front of her. "Back up," he growled to Jace. Being older, Alex had a bit of control over the boy and Jace dipped his head down and backed up. Alex turned to Paradise, confusion clear in his eyes.
"Who is he?"
hello my name is elder price
6:52pm Nov 13 2011
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I saw Alex before I actually heard him. My heart leaped as a smile threatened to stretch my lips, but I kept it hidden. I stayed close to his back as he came infront of me. Though I loved being so close, I knew it wasn't needed.
"He's not going to hurt me, Alex."
I said as I stepped to the side so he wouldn't be behind me. He was just a kid afterall, he had no nerve to hurt me.
"He says his name is Jace."
I chose to whisper the next part,
"He's like you, Alex. He says his family is looking for you?"
I shrugged, choosing for Jace to explain the rest.
[[/Fail. Sorry. ]]
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7:02pm Nov 13 2011
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"I know he's like me," Alex muttered as his eyes narrowed at the young boy. His family was looking for him? Alarm shot through Alex as he put two and two together, though he steeled himself and looked down at the kid. Because the young werewolf could sense Alex's anger better than Paradise, he yelped and scrambled on top of that desk he seemed to like so much. "Explain," Alex said sternly.
"My family wants to forgive you for what your mommy and daddy did to us. They said you can come live with us and we can help you so you don't turn into a wolf every day, like me. She can come, too," Jace said as he pointed to Paradise. "She said I could make her just like us and we can all live together." The child said softly.
Alex froze. Paradise had told Jace she would want to turn? "I'm fine on my own here. Tell your family that I want to be left alone," he said and Jace hesitated. "Now," Alex growled and Jason whimpered once before darting out the door. Once the front door slammed shut, Alex let his shoulders slump and he sat down on the desk Jason had taken up. He crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at Paradise's feet.
"You agreed to let him turn you?" he murmured. His eyes flashed gold and auburn. "As long as I'm alive, I am never going to let you suffer the same fate I do, so please don't encourage young werewolves to bite you," he said and rubbed his eyes with the palms of his hands. "If he comes back, I want you to chase him out and if that doesn't work, use the Wolfsbane." He winced at the thought of something happening to her.
hello my name is elder price
7:49pm Nov 13 2011
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I watched the conversation between the two, reluctantly silent. I was dying to tell Alex to calm down. To not frighten Jace. He was just a little boy. And, I couldn't help but look at him differently, when I saw my own brother in him.
When Jace left, I turned my head to watch him leave. I was just about to say something to Alex, but when I opened my mouth, no words came. Did Alex notice how Jace had said I volunteered to be bitten?
I technically didn't do that. All I said was that it was a 'great idea'. But the underlying meaning was unmistakeable.
I swallowed hard, feeling like a child being scolded.
"If that's the only-"
I stopped myself, my jaw clenching. The last thing I needed was to explain my reasoning, and him argue with me about it. I had no other reason to be like him, then to want to be with him. And if that was the only way to do it, I'd do it.
"I'll keep the Wolfsbane with me."
I said, that smile finally brightening my face.
"But, Jace wasn't doing anything wrong. I doubt he'd try to hurt me. You shouldn't have scared him off."
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7:57pm Nov 13 2011
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Alex rose from the desk, that same stone cold ex pression on his face. But he did walk up to Paradise and wrap his arms around her to bury his face in her neck. He inhaled her sweet smell before pulling back slightly to look her in the eyes. "Paradise, the pack Jace was talking about is the one my parents nearly destroyed. They're not here to make sure I'm okay; they want revenge. And I don't know if they'll use you to get to me," he murmured as he stroked the side of her cheek.
"I just--I don't know what they want." Something clicked in Alex's brain and he blinked. "How long was he here?" he asked.
hello my name is elder price
8:06pm Nov 13 2011
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My skin tingled down to my toes again as Alex abruptly wrapped his arms around me. I held my breath, afraid he'd disappeared if I had the nerve to exhale. When he let go, though, I did, coming back to reality.
"But, Jace wouldn't..."
I thought back on Jace, and how innocent he was. He wouldn't lie about something like this. Like hurting Alex.
"Uh... I don't know. Like five minutes, ten at most. Why?"
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9:05pm Nov 13 2011
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"The moon just set a couple of minutes ago and his scent said he was here longer," Alex murmured and pulled away from Paradise so he could look out the window. The first rays of dawn were now washing over the town and put Alex's still odd feeling in his skin at bay. He shook out his hair and frowned.
"Then he knows how to not shift at night," Alex said to himself, though one look at Paradise and the idea of going to this pack was thrown away. "It doesn't matter. I'm tired, but I'm too edgy to sleep. Go for a walk with me?" he asked as he stretched out his hand in an offer to her.
hello my name is elder price
5:00pm Nov 14 2011
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Though there was some things I understood about the situation, I was still completely confused. Why was Alex so tense?
I guessed the naive side of me still believed in Jace's words, even though I've known him for less then an hour.
I said with a smile before reaching my hand out to hold his. Gosh, he knew just how to make me melt. Just how to make my heart race.
"I... I was looking at your albums."
I started as I pointed to one on the ground, where I had thrown it after being frightened by Jace. I don't know why I was telling him this but, I didn't know if he'd be upset by it. I guess I just didn't want him finding out later, and being upset that I didn't say anything before.
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6:57pm Nov 15 2011
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[[Bump :) ]]
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7:27pm Nov 15 2011
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Alex frowned when Paradise mentioned his family albums. He bent over to pick a bulky one up and sifted through a few of the pages, stone-faced ex pression sliding onto his face again as he saw himself with his brothers when they were all years younger. He stroked a picture of his mother and father, both at what seemed to be a formal dinner; his father was smiling down at the laughing wife in his arms, Alex's mother.
He set the book down on the desk with that picture being displayed and turned back to Paradise, a weak yet warm smile plastered over the heartache. "Come on, let's enjoy the sunlight," he said as he slipped his hand through hers and tugged her out of that room.
hello my name is elder price
7:36pm Nov 15 2011
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My legs turned to Jell-o as my stomach dropped. I shouldn't have said anything. He didn't notice the family albums until I just had to point it out.
Was he mad?
I tried reading the ex pression on his face, but I was too busy bracing myself. If he was mad, would he let it out on me?
For some reason, I couldn't see Alex hurting me at all. No matter what I did. Either way, I kept myself silent, waiting for a reaction.
I finally said as I kept my hold tight on his hand. I guess he wasn't as mad as I thought he'd be.
"You wouldn't hurt Jace if he came back, right?"
The question popped out of my mouth before I could stop and think. Why was I so attatched to Jace already?
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7:45pm Nov 15 2011
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Alex looked sideways at Paradise as he thought about his answer. Would he hurt Jace if he came back? The thought made him wince and he shook his head, frowning as he did so. "I'd be no better than my parents or his pack. If he tried to hurt you, though..." he said and trailed off, shaking his head as he did so.
As they walked out the front door, a chilly dawn met Alex's skin, though he closed his eyes and breathed out a sigh at the calm the sunlight brought. "Are you cold?" he asked as he moved his hand to encircle his arm around her waist, hoping some of the heat he gave off would flow to her.
hello my name is elder price
8:06pm Nov 15 2011
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I felt a relieved sigh escape my throat at his response, that he wouldn't hurt Jace. I ignored the part about me, knowing that if it was kept in my mind, I'd argue with him about it until I had my way.
"Well, not really-"
Never mind. I don't care if I was having a heat stroke, I'd want him to warm me. With a chuckle, I said,
"Never mind."
I layed my head on his shoulder as I walked with him. And, like every time that he's touched me, I wondered how long it would last. It was like, the more you loved being around someone, the more you worry about them disappearing forever.
Technically, someday, Alex would have to leave, right? Or, I'd have to leave him. Soon, my dad would notice my being missing, and he'd have a search party all over the town. I may not get along with him all the time, but I know he'd do it. The realization that it wasn't going to be easy to just stay at Alex's house made my heart drop. I can't leave Alex. But, am I willing to let my family - the ones I actually cared about, I mean - go?
"Do you have any plans, Alex?"
That wasn't the way I had wanted to word it, but this way worked too.
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8:16pm Nov 15 2011
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Instead of heading into town like Alex had wanted to do before, he decided to make his way around the mansion and into the backyard, which was basically woodland. Though farther on there was a lake he thought Paradise might like. It would only take them a few minutes to get there. He enjoyed having her head resting against his shoulder and arrogantly pushed away all the thoughts of how much this could end up hurting her. It's not that he didn't care anymore; he was done fighting.
"Plans?" he asked and he assumed they were still on the werewolf subject. "I want to leave the pack alone. Even if they have something where I can stop my shifting. If I didn't have someone they could use against me, maybe I would have, but I don't want to leave you," he said in a low voice as he looked down at the ground.
"And aside from that, I never looked forward to a future. I have enough money to be set for life, I have a nice bit of property, and it's not like I can go to college. I'd never get any sleep, being a wolf at night and sleeping during the day." He stopped to look down at her. "It's just another reason why you shouldn't be with me," he said gently. "You have your own life ahead of you, one that I know you can make amazing. And you'll be able to forget me." His voice had dropped to a whisper and his voice had tightened at the last sentence.
It was all too much for him and his eyes became glassy. No matter how hard he blinked, a single tear rolled down his cheek as he continued to look at the beautiful girl before him. Just a school girl's crush, Alex. Just a school girl's crush. His jaw tightened and he swallowed the rest of his tears.
hello my name is elder price
8:36pm Nov 15 2011
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Gosh, why did I just ask that question? I knew the answer. Alex was a werewolf. He had no future.
But, I just had to know what I was going to do. I couldn't leave him. I just knew that wasn't an option.
My heart broke in pieces as I watched one tear trail down Alex's faultless face. This time without a hesitant hand, I reached up and wiped it away with my thumb. I laughed a little, though nothing was humorous about this situation.
Other then the fact that he thought I could ever forget him.
"That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard you say."
I whispered as he had done. With a slow shake of my head, I kept going, staring right into his eyes boldly,
"The last thing I could ever do is forget you, Alex."
Standing on my tip-toes, I attempted covering his lips with my own. I ended up kissing his chin - darn my shortness. Or his tallness. Probably both. I laughed again before resting my head back on his shoulder.
I would have - and should have - responded to the other stuff he had spoken about me. About how my life could be amazing - without him. But I think the words I had said showed that I didn't believe anything he had said about us in the first place.
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1:46pm Nov 19 2011 (last edited on 1:48pm Nov 19 2011)
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[[Uh oh. Bump :)
200th Post~ ]]
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