6:48pm Nov 21 2011
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He tried to ob ject as Paradise adamantly continued to tell him that she wouldn't leave him. And he reached a hand up to run his thumb over her cheek, looking out onto the path they had been walking on before. His gaze lowered back to her, and no matter how much he doubted her feelings for him, as sad as it was, he wanted to believe it was true. He also wanted to change something so Paradise wouldn't have to live with a monster who couldn't be around her at night; what sort of life would that give her?
So the decision was made that he would find out what these pack members want with him. But he kept his thoughts to himself and instead of cutting through the silence that had settled around them, he bent down and scooped Paradise's legs up into his arms, so the girl was pressed against his chest.
"You're too good." for me, he wanted to add, but he knew if he said that, she'd only deny it and chide him for thinking as such. So he walked the last few steps on their path and brushed aside a huge branch which left them to see that the forest opened up into a sweeping array of lake, the mountaintops silhouettes against the horizon. But Alex only looked down at Paradise in his arms, wanting to see the different emotions that would play out on her face; he knew they'd be more magical than what the scenery could give him.
hello my name is elder price
8:42pm Nov 23 2011
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I waited anxiously through the silence, for some kind of reaction from him. My eyes stayed on my feet, worry at what his reply would be.
None came.
Until, right when I concluded to myself that he was holding his tongue instead of responding to what I said, Alex abruptly leaned over and cradled me in his arms.
I couldn't help the gasp that escaped from my lips as I was lifted. And the grin on my face as I was pressed tightly against his chest couldn't be helped either. For a moment, no words needed to be said. Which was good, because right now, no words could form from my mouth.
His words were like sweet honey to my ears as I leaned my head on his shoulder, relaxed.
I was just about to ask what Alex meant when the view took me away from my thoughts. Why hadn't I seen this place before, as long as I've lived here?
Was all I could muster as my eyes stayed glued to the scene.
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7:17pm Nov 25 2011
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[[Bump :) ]]
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7:49pm Nov 25 2011
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Ooc; So thought I replied to this. Thanks. xD
"Yeah, wow," Alex mumbled, soft eyes still trained on Paradise. He shifted her slightly in his arms, though she really didn't weight that much to him. "I came here a lot when I was young," Alex said and finally looked up to embrace the scenery around them. He didn't expect the pain in his heart when he looked around; he hadn't been to this spot in a while. Sighing, he looked back down at Paradise and hid the pain behind a smile.
"It's never really changed. Hold on," he said and walked down near the lake shore. When they were within about five feet of the water, gently lapping against the snowy beach, he cleared off some snow with a kick of his shoes, and sat down. He kept Paradise in his lap and pulled her closer to him, resting his chin on the top of her head as he breathed out another sigh.
"We used to skate around on the ice, my brothers and I. Sometimes we'd play hockey, and sometimes just mess around. They liked to throw me in snow drifts a lot," he said with a chuckle. "I haven't come back here...in a while. Amazing, isn't it?" he mumbled.
hello my name is elder price
8:04pm Nov 25 2011
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As Alex walked closer, some wind blew against me. I was surprised to see that I didn't shiver, my teeth didn't start chattering like they usually did when I got cold. I smiled to myself when I realized it was because Alex was so warm. Like my own personal heater wrapped around me.
As I listened to Alex talk of his brothers, I felt touched. He was able to talk about his deceased family, to me. Like he trusted me. Maybe I was breaking down more walls.
I said to him as I gently patted his hand with my own. It must be hard on him, to come back to a place that reminded him of people that weren't around anymore. I shifted to look up at him,
"How old were they? Your brothers?"
[[I'm horrible when it comes to remembering what they've already talked about and what they haven't. So, sorry if that's been already asked, I just didn't want to leave you with... nothing to say. bahahahahaha.]]
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9:03pm Nov 25 2011
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"When they died?" he said to himself. He scratched at the back of his head, then kept the palm of his hand on the nape of his neck. "James and Adrian. James was sixteen and Adrian was fourteen. At the time, I was twelve. I guess you could say James was the leader of our pack, of course, him being the oldest. Mom and dad taught both of them how to hunt when they turned ten, but they never taught me. I didn't like killing the wolves, and certainly didn't understand why we had to move around all the time to hunt new ones."
He then realized that he was going on about a depressing subject and frowned. "But James loved hockey. There wasn't a day in the winter when we didn't come out to this lake and smack the puck around. I myself didn't really enjoy it, but it made my brothers happy. Dad fell over there one day, lost his boot to a hole in the ice," Alex said, and a sad smile touched his lips. "It's not that bad remembering with you here," he said as he looked down at her.
"Do you have siblings?" he asked as he stroked her hair.
hello my name is elder price
11:30am Nov 26 2011 (last edited on 1:22pm Nov 26 2011)
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Right after I had asked that question, I regretted it. Which was happening quite a lot. All my questions lately have turned into an awkward or upsetting subject. Luckily, Alex changed it before my heart could break for him more then it already has. Though I was still questioning what I was going to do, leave my family or stay, it wasn't that hard to talk about my brother. Though he got annoying, him and my dad were definitely my favorites. "Just one. My younger brother, Josh." I said with a smile. I always smiled just by thinking about him. "He likes sports too, but I don't think he ever tried hockey." I shrugged a little, thinking back on when I rushed out the door when I saw my mom in the driveway. Was Josh still with that witch? "I'll probably miss him the most..." I started, before looking back up at him, my eyes questioning, "If I stay here."
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8:10pm Dec 1 2011
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5:57pm Dec 6 2011
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"Why haven't I thought of your family until now?" Alex asked softly and leaned down so he could gently kiss Paradise, then run his lips up to her forehead where they lingered for a moment. "You can visit me whenever you want, but of course you're still going to live at home," he mumbled against her skin. His arms tightened around her and he picked his head back up to look back out onto the lake.
"And school. Shouldn't you be going to school?" he asked as his brows furrowed. "Or is it Christmas break already?"
hello my name is elder price
8:18pm Dec 8 2011
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I knew that things would work out with me still living with my dad and Josh, but I just didn't like the idea. I hid my disappointment from realizing that I'd have to leave soon - explain to my dad where I have been, without dying of guilt from lying to him - with a small smile. And, the reminder of school brought me down even more. "Yeah... I've been on Christmas break for a while now." I shrugged, not excited about going back. Compared to Alex, all my classmates were just low life's that I never really got - or wanted to get - close too. "And, trust me, I'll visit you a lot."
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10:37am Dec 10 2011
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[[Bump <3 ]]
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4:58pm Dec 11 2011
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5:31pm Dec 12 2011
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Ooc; Sorry, thought I replied to this. lol
"I'll miss you during the day," Alex mumbled with a frown. He contented himself with running his fingers through her hair, the constant quivering of the locks releasing her sweet scent into the air. When she promised to visit him, he smiled and kissed her on the cheek. "Just don't turn me into a big priority," he said and chuckled as he continued to pepper her face with kisses. A sharp bite of wind stung Alex's cheeks and he cradled Paradise closer, letting her cheek rest against his neck so he could keep her warm and away from the clutches of the cold.
"Do you want me to take you home?" he asked.
hello my name is elder price
8:45pm Dec 23 2011 (last edited on 8:45pm Dec 23 2011)
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[[Sorry about the delay. I've been busy. DD: ]]
I couldn't think of any better place to be then right where I was; in the arms of the mysterious Alex. My eyes closed as I felt the pecks of of his warm lips cover my face. My once pink cheeks, from the cold, were replaced by my natural color as I began to warm up, being so close to him. His question reminded me of my dad. How mad - or scared - he'd be when he saw me. I closed my eyes, trying to play out the scenario in my head. Him running to me and asking me where I've been. My mom coming to me, acting like she cared too. I silently huffed at the thought. To answer his question, no, I don't want to go home. But my father meant the world to me. And I had to assure him that I was all right. Without responding at first, I reluctantly got up from his arms and held my hand out to him. "I should go." I said with a shrug. It was self explanatory that I didn't want too.
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12:00pm Dec 26 2011
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12:16pm Dec 27 2011
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9:52am Dec 29 2011
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7:02pm Dec 30 2011
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5:26pm Dec 31 2011
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7:46pm Jan 1 2012
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