11:10am Aug 16 2011
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I sighed defeatedly when he guessed the right color. I had thought that it would have been hard to guess, but he was probably a master at this game. Just as I was about to say that he was correct, he seemed to have changed his composure. "Are you alright?" I asked as he jumped up. I jumped up with him and came closer. My eyes just as wide as his, yet mine weren't portraying fear. He didn't seem alright, so that question wasn't neccessary. "What's wrong?" I asked, as I stared up in the same direction that he was staring at. I looked back at him, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
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12:18pm Aug 16 2011
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"Are you alright?" Alex would have laughed at the question, had he not had his eyes settling on the setting sun. A few flakes of snow had begun to fall and the clouds were beginning to cover his only source of time, the only way he could tell when the moment would come for him to shift. He cursed in his mind and then turned his attention back on Paradise. "I-I just have to go," he said. "Don't follow me." With that, he turned on his heels and sprinted away from her, away from the park. He had to get past that coffee shop and into the woods. There was no way he could shift in town, shift when all of these innocent people were around. Alex's stomach twisted and he winced as the wolf inside of him began to tear its way through his human skin. He growled and fought the instinct to shift, blood boiling in his veins, a howl near escaping his mouth as he ran. A monster.
hello my name is elder price
12:42pm Aug 16 2011
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[[Wait... Did Alex say 'Are you alright?', or were you just showing that, that was what he heard? Homg. Haha. D: ]
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12:48pm Aug 16 2011
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Ooc; Just showing that's what he heard. lol xD
hello my name is elder price
6:34pm Aug 20 2011
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Ooc; Bump
hello my name is elder price
6:38pm Aug 20 2011
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[[Homg. o_o Res ate my post to this. D: Anyways, sorry about the stupid question. One time I thought - with common sense - that the post was just saying that the charactar heard it, but apparently I was wrong. So now I ask and stuff. So... Yeah o-o What would happen if Paradise followed? :P ]]
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6:49pm Aug 20 2011
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Ooc; I honestly wouldn't know because Alex pretty much controls my fingers when I type. o_o; He'd either shift in front of her, jump her, and run. Or....try not to shift and like snap at her. xD
hello my name is elder price
6:58pm Aug 20 2011
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[[Hehe. K. Just asking, because I didn't want to make the charactars hate eachother. It would lose the... Romance D: /fail ]] Well that was wierd... I thought to myself as I watched Alex disappear. Why was he in such a hurry? Maybe I said something to offend him? I chuckled at the thought, since I new I always bumped heads with people. I was just one of those girls that had an issue with someone down every road I went on. So why not make more trouble? With a roll of my eyes at the thought, I got up from the bench. Was he serious, asking me not to follow? Curious, I started for a run behind him. I tried keeping my distance, which was quite easy. Seeing as his legs were longer then mine, and I wasn't really the athletic type. Where was he headed? I was breathing heavy, but I didn't stop. It wasn't like I had anything else to do, other then sit around at my house and hearing my nagging father. With another roll of my eyes, I tried going faster. The cafe coming to view. Why was he in such a hurry to get to the cafe?
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7:13pm Aug 20 2011
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The sun sank even lower and Alex whimpered slightly before shaking his head. On one toss of his head to the side, he saw Paradise running after him from earlier. He stopped in his tracks, a staggering hault that almost had him falling over, but he whirled around to face her just as he reached the coffee shop. "I said not to follow me," he growled, brows furrowed and eyes glittering with anger; his rage bubbled over dangerously and he realized it was the approaching moon's doing. He shuddered on the spot, but forced himself to stand and push away the change, telling himself he'd give in after only a few moments. He shook out his head again, eyes pinched shut as his gut twisted and he doubled over. "Don't follow...me," he managed before backing out of the light of the coffee shop and into the shadows of the nearby woods. Once there, he broke into a staggering run, probably looking like a drunk all doubled over and wheezing. He pulled off his shirt, a sudden wave of heat making him land hard in a drift of snow, hands splayed out before him. He tried to push away the change, knowing he was too close to the town, too close to the girl that might not listen to him. It was no use; Alex's gut twisted again and a choked cry escaped him as his bones shuddered and shifted around him. The moon's rays shone down on Alex's pelt as he shook his fur out, amber eyes gleaming dangerously as he scented the air. Away, his last human thoughts said before he slipped into his total wolf side. He stood over his clothes, jeans tattered and shoes ruined. He snorted and turned, eyes already swiveled forward, nose working to scent his prey that lay within a few bounds. He scented a girl and his jowls curled up into a snarl, eyes burning as he scanned the ground for her.
hello my name is elder price
10:02pm Aug 20 2011
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Many have called me stubborn many times in my life. I usually blow them off, and choose not to believe their rants about it. But, when I realized my being wouldn't let me go the other way and listen to Alex, I admitted to myself I could be a bit stubborn. Just a bit. But, in my defense, that wasn't the only reason why I didn't obey Alex. He looked sick! I didn't understand what was going on, but I thought he was in pain. Of course, if he was in pain, he would call to me for help, not reject me. But I'll cross that bridge when it came time for crossing. "Alex!" I exclaimed as I kept running, though it didn't come out very loud. I doubted he even heard me. I just got to the coffee house when he was in the forest. How far did he go? Why was he going back there in the first place? Is this all a stupid prank from my dad, to get me excersizing? I rolled my eyes and kept running, and he came into view the second I came to the edge of the forest. But, he was running and soon I couldn't see him again. With one hesitant foot step I started through the trees. When Alex came to view again, I couldn't believe what I saw. Was I hallucinating? "Alex..." I muttered, but only because I was hoping he'd come from the opposite end. All better. Not as this... Beast. With a horrific ex pression on my face, I backed away. I found myself blinking rapidly, hoping the thing before me would disappear. [[Fail. I was in a hurry. D: ]]
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10:09pm Aug 20 2011
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She came into view like Alex knew she would and her scent filled his nose, the last trace of the leaves from the park still whirling around her. He backed down onto his haunches and growled when she began to back away, but his ears pricked as he listened to her words from before. Alex's amber eyes dulled and he scrambled backward, paws flailing as he fell into the snow. He pulled himself to his feet and whimpered when he looked at her, shaking his head as another dangerous growl escaped his throat. In one moment of clearness, he managed to tear himself away from the edge of the forest. He shot off into the woods, his human self attempting to conjure the image of his look-out point to get the wolf to follow, but all he could see was Pardise's face, picture himself tearing into her flesh and letting her scarlet blood blossom on the snow. No.
hello my name is elder price
10:44pm Aug 20 2011
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This had to all be a dream. Human beings can't be... Animals. That was something that happened in fairy tales. Fiction stories. The air felt thick, as I stared back at this thing for God knows how long. Finally, it scurried off. ...No. Scratch that. Alex scurried off. It had to be Alex. I saw the shift, clear as day. Part of me was about to run for him again, but that was lunacy. He wasn't worth it, seeing as he could mull me easily. My head fuzzy I turned around and walked out of the forest and up to the coffee shop. It was still hard to believe all of this really happened. Maybe a drink would fix my acheing head. With many glances behind me - to see if the human Alex would appear, and assure her that he wasn't some monster - I finally ended up seating myself at a table inside the coffee house. Window toward the forest.
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11:07pm Aug 20 2011
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Ooc; my iPod died and ate my post. e_e Alex tore his way through the forest, his typical silent paws thundering over the undergrowth now. His breath was harsh in his ears and he whimpered as he continued upward, flinching every time he saw Paradise and saw his claws going toward her. He fought to keep himself running up instead of down, a constant struggle of whining and growling as human and beast struggled for power. His pads were bloodied as he scrambled up onto the rock face, amber eyes burning brightly in the darkness. The moon was faint and Alex knew tomorrow it would be New, the only night he could truly get out as a human. He stared upward, then down and he trained his gaze on the dimly lit coffee shop, nose twitching. Before he knew it, he had gotten to his paws, gulped in a tight breath, and howled to the moon. ----- Alex blundered through the rest of the wood, human eyes half closed as he fought to not drop down in exhaustion. He had shifted as close to the coffee shop as he had dared, and because the moon had been waning, he needn't stay out for the whole night. He was too tired to worry if Paradise had told anyone. He hesitated outside the coffee shop and his eyes widened when he saw her inside. He shook his head in disbelief and turned to walk away, praying she hadn't seen him.
hello my name is elder price
11:15pm Aug 20 2011
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[[Awh I'm sorry. D: I usually hit my computer when that happens to me. It works well, you should try it~ ^^ Jk. I had to get a whole new computer today actually, because last week I hit my computer out of anger too hard... xD Anyways, if you haven't seen my post I made then I''ll just tell you now. I have vacation tomarrow, all the way through next sunday. 8 days of pure misery, I tell you. Anyways again, since I keep getting off track, this roleplay was one that I didn't quit because of school coming up also. So, just for this next week, don't think I'm ignoring this roleplay or what not. :) Alright. Well, bye :) ]]
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1:57pm Aug 26 2011
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[[^^ Hey. I'm back. I didn't want to forget about this so I'm just posting so it's on the first page. I know I have to reply. Knowing you won't be on until after this hurricane, I'll just wait until then. I'm also in the path of Hurricane Irene [I saw your thread] so good luck to us both. xD ]]
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1:59pm Aug 26 2011
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Ooc; My parents decided not to evac. 8D And our internet isn't off...yet. Irene's not here yet. So if you want to reply, go ahead. And yeah, good luck. o_o
hello my name is elder price
2:13pm Aug 26 2011
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[[The place that I was vacationing in, the whole city had to be evacuated. Like, everyone there had to be out. Yay for me. :) ]] I had asked the waitor for a coffee, which sounded stupid, seeing as the time of day. But, I didn't care. I rubbed my temples as the waitor came by and set the cup of coffee on the table. With a sigh, I took a sip while looking out the window. It wasn't every day you met a monster. Alex seemed pretty good at keeping a disguise, because I would have never guessed he was close to being a 'monster'. He seemed sweet before. Friendly. But, he could have just been hiding what he really was. With a shudder I took another sip of the scorching coffee. I ignored how I couldn't even taste the hazel nut, and how my tastebuds were burning right off my tongue. I had too much on my mind. I stared out the window again, and a gasp escaped my throat. "Alex?" I whispered to myself as I stood from my chair with a jerk, having it crash into someone elses table. I ignored their remarks and stared out the window. He was gone. Was I just imagining things? I shook my head and ran a hand through my hair. I really was going crazy. Hallucinating. But, I knew it wasn't my imagination. Just like seeing a human being shift into a mut wasn't my imagination. It was real, no matter how mythical it seemed. I don't know why I did this, but I chose not to question my intentions. I feared Alex, yet I grabbed my coffee and ran from the coffee shop and back to that forest. Back to where I saw Alex. My coffee dropped from my hands from me running so fast but I didn't even give it a second thought as I kept running. Alex wasn't going to get away that easily. I had questions that will be answered.
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2:43pm Aug 26 2011
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Dread filled Alex when he heard Paradise begin to run after him. He turned his job into a run, then a sprint. He shuddered and glanced back to see Paradise skirting around the coffee shop, following him to where he had turned in front of her. He had to get home so he continued to run through the streets. His house wasn't too far away, and he reached the mansion quickly, fingers stretching out to grasp the doorknob. He stopped and doubled over as his gut twisted; he'd raised his pulse too high from the run. He staggered backwards and fell into one of the rocking chairs that rested on the front porch of the manor. Closing his eyes, he focused on slowing his pulse, and his twisting stomach stopped, the wolf within him withdrawing for the time being. He sucked in a choked breath and coughed back into his fist. When the fit was over and he felt he had enough air in his lungs, he looked out tiredly onto the street. He just didn't have the energy to get up yet, but he stayed alert, knowing Paradise would find him.
hello my name is elder price
4:00pm Aug 26 2011
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[Res keeps eating posts on this roleplay. Sorreh :U ]] When I got to the spot where I saw Alex, I stopped to take a couple breaths. He wasn't anywhere in sight. Maybe I was hallucinating. Maybe I was imagining things. Maybe I was meant to go in a mental hospital- I gasped as I saw on the street, Alex running. Of course, I hesitated on running before actually forcing my feet to go. He was already way ahead of me. After a couple minutes of running, and not seeing him again, I slowed to a exhausted walk - it was more of dragging my feet then walking though. He obviously didn't want me to know what he was. I should have called the police while I had proof. I should have known he was hiding something. He was probably long gone by now. I crossed my arms over my chest, and looked down at the pavement as I kept walking. All those thoughts of thinking I was crazy vanished as I looked up. What I saw stopped me cold. On my left. Right there. He was on the porch. Why did I even chase him? All the questions that were running through my head at the coffee shop, were forgotten. For a moment, I forgot why I even followed him. I walked forward, knowing I wasn't much of a threat to him. I couldn't threaten him to tell me who he was. I couldn't command him to leave this town, and everyone here alone. He probably wasn't even afraid of me. Once I got to the first step of the porch, I stopped, not letting myself go forward on that first step. I stared at Alex for a long time. Everything silent. Before finally finding the nerve to say something. "I know what I saw." I shook my head, defensively. "I'm not crazy."
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4:07pm Aug 26 2011
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Alex watched her approach from around the corner of his street. When he saw the look in her eyes; fear, anger, and definitely a bit of confusion, his heart sank, but what could he expect? He bit his lower lip and gestured toward the chair across from him, well out of reach from where he sat so maybe she'd feel a bit comfortable. "I know you're not crazy and I can't explain why it happens, but I know how. I live here all on my own in this mansion, born into money by a loving father and an even more caring mother. My younger brother was my best friend and I was living life to its fullest. But my father's money came from werewolf hunting, and a pack of wolves we didn't know about came to our house one night and attacked." He cringed and closed his eyes as memories haunted him. "They were all slaughtered in front of me. And my being the eldest, the pack wanted to scar my father even more. So they turned me, wanting to be the bloodthirsty monster my father despised and worked to rid the world of." He opened his eyes again to look at Paradise. "But I'm not them. That's why I change near the forest, why I don't make any connections with people. I wouldn't live with myself if I hurt someone." He frowned.
hello my name is elder price