8:00pm Aug 30 2011
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[[You're fine! My sister is singing at the top of her lungs, so I'm pretty distracted myself... D< ]] The words he said before he disappeared inside his quiet home never sunk in fully. I was just happy he was giving in so soon. I wasn't in the mood to be standing out here all day playing the 'Yes-huh' and 'Nu-huh' game with Alex. I walked in behind him and immediately felt the rush of warm air meet my cold body. I uncrossed my arms and closed the door behind me. "Thanks." I said quietly, though I expected no answer. His house was so... Quiet. I, for one, liked the quiet but right now it sent chills down my spine. Alex delt with this quiet all day long. Sure, I liked privacy and all, but all day long? All his life? "If you just stay in here all day, what do you do the whole time?" I asked, though it was then that I realized I had told him he didn't have to even acknowledge me. I braced myself for some smart remark about such as I walked further into the home.
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8:38pm Aug 30 2011
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Ooc; Ouch. x_x How old is she? Bic; "If you just stay in here all day, what do you do the whole time?" Alex didn't turn back to her, instead turned to pull the chicken out of the bag where it had been defrosting. He placed the cutlets onto a plastic cutting board and pulled out a few ingredients from his pantry including; bread crumbs, flour, and eggs from the fridge. He bit off a chunk of his Reeses and finally worked up the courage to look back at Paradise. He smoothed down his still bedridden hair, smiling just a bit as he noticed her attire for the first time. "Read, practice different hobbies like, uhm, archery and fencing. I work out, too." He didn't say the last bit in a showy, flashy voice. "I just do a bunch of different stuff to keep me occupied, but mainly I sleep a lot." He busied himself with pouring a bit of the flour into a bowl, the bread crumbs into another, and finally, cracking an egg in the other. He paused before closing the lid on the eggs, sighed, and cracked another one into the bowl. Now it would make enough chicken for the two of them. "You can stay for dinner," he said, seeing as it was nearly dusk now. "Oh, and I'm not going to change tonight. Well, not by the moon anyway." He didn't look up, but focused on keeping his hands steady as he dipped the chicken into the egg, then the flour, and finally the bread crumb. He set the chicken into an oven pan and, when finished, heated up the oven. He worked in a flurry and set some pasta cooking on the stove, pausing to stop only after pulling out a couple of jars of tomato sauce. "Hope you like chicken parmesan."
hello my name is elder price
11:50am Aug 31 2011
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[[ Sorry, D: I didn't even see that you posted last night. ]] I watched quietly as Alex worked; wondering why he wasn't answering me. Did I struck a cord that shouldn't be struck? Maybe he really thought I meant it by not talking to him. I was just trying to find an excuse to come in... Just as I was about to change the subject,and ask what he was making, he answered. I mentally noted that he read. I'd ask him what later. "I do." I said with a smile. At least he wasn't rejecting. Maybe he wasn't such an idiot after all. [[/Fail. ]]
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5:19pm Aug 31 2011
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"That's good," he said as he slid another peanut butter cup out of the packet he'd grabbed earlier. He took a bite of it and leaned back against his counter, eyeing Paradise quizzically. He smiled again at the sight of her pajamas, and shook his head, until his thoughts turned to how cold her body had been earlier. He'd wanted to warm her up, and not just by bringing her into his house. His cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. "Paradise, why would you come back? You saw what I am. Do you need to see what I'm capable of to...learn to get away?" he looked away, jaw tightening as he focused his gaze on a picture of his family on the fridge.
hello my name is elder price
5:49pm Aug 31 2011
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[[Oh yeah. She's 16. ]] When he smiled at me, I felt much better. He was fine with me here. I was just paranoid. But, my cheeks turned crimson when I realized he saw that I was wearing pajamas. That wasn't the perfect idea. His question wasn't a big shocker. It was bound to come up sooner or later here. But, he still wasn't rejecting me. That was good. The answer would be harder to explain. "I... Uh... " I started feeling awkward with my stuttering; refusing to explain the true reason. "I didn't want to be at my house." I said while crossing my arms uncomfortably. Now I knew how he felt; saying something a bit personal. "And, I think I know what you're capable of." I added, hoping that would change the subject.
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5:59pm Aug 31 2011 (last edited on 5:59pm Aug 31 2011)
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Ooc; I can make a banner for you if you want. They're not the best, but. *pokes her own banner* Bic; "And, I think I know what you're capable of." Alex's jaw tightened even more so at the statement and he looked away as his eyes flooded with amber coloring. He turned the stove off and strained the pasta in the sink before checking the chicken in the oven. It still had a good ten minutes on it. He turned back to Paradise, that same stony ex pression on his face as he shook his head. "Come with me," he said quietly and walked out of the kitchen and into the hall. Where he slept was on the bottom floor, though his bedroom was upstairs. He climbed up the stairs, knowing if she didn't follow him directly, she'd still be able to hear where he went from the noise that bounced around in the house. He crossed the upper floor and opened the first door on the right, coughing as a bit of dust made its way into his sensitive nose. He flickered on the lights and looked into the room, the ex pression on his face unchanging because he already knew what was in the room, of course. The walls were marred, deep gouges in place where a creamy cemented wall should be. They were all over the room and if you looked, you'd find four individual claw marks with each set. Glass was broken and strewn on the ground, the bed was torn and the bedframe itself cracked in half. His desk was a pile of broken, splintered wood, and some of the panels on the fan were splintered, hanging dully at the unmoving fan. He looked at it all silently as he remembered the few times he hadn't managed to make it out of the house in time to meet the moon.
hello my name is elder price
6:32pm Aug 31 2011
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[[Really?! Well, Lola told me yesterday she may be able to make one. If she isn't able to, I'll get back to you. :) ]] Right after I had said that, I regretted it. This time I really struck a cord, at least that was what his ex pression portrayed. He really knew how to intimidate someone. I was so frightened at first, that I felt the need to apologize. Even beg for my life. Then he disappeared. And for a moment, I was tempted to run out the front door. Was he leading me up the stairs, just to attack? Maybe I shouldn't have come. Soon, I became curious with where he was going, and as boldly as I could, started for a jog to catch up with him. I followed him up the stairs, feeling anxious once again. The same feeling I had when I waited for him to answer the door. So many images were meandering about in my head, by this point. Alex turning into the monster I saw last night, attacking me. Ripping my flesh. Taking my life away. But, ironically, another image of him came to my head. Him as a human. Smiling at me. The way he did when he looked over my pajamas. I have no idea why that image was in my head now though. Out of all the other times I could have thought of that. Once he reached a certain room and opened the door, I was afraid to go inside. But, I couldn't handle the suspense of why I was being brought here, so I walking closer, squeezing by him and walking into the room. I surveyed the room, fear making my heart pound. I kept my back to Alex, and crossed my arms as I stared at the glass on the ground. I couldn't bring myself to look at Alex as I looked up at the gouges in the walls. A shiver went down my spine. "You did this..." I said, though not as a question. As a statement.
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6:40pm Aug 31 2011
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He closed his eyes as she looked at him, he not wanting to look at her nor the flood of painful memories that came with this room. But his keen human senses could smell the wolf in this room, the one he'd turned into andd gone mad because of the small confinement with no way to get out. Paws scrabblings, claws slashing, teeth gnashing, it all hurt and Alex hadn't even moved when he'd turned back to a human. He shrugged the painful memories away, yet he didn't open his eyes. "This is only one of the rooms, Paradise. One. Some parts of the forest are even worse because by the time of the full moon, I have to tear into something. I kill, Paradise. Human life or not, I can't stop killing." He opened his eyes then and looked down before exiting the room. "So don't think for a moment that I can't hurt you." Ooc; Alrighty. You can have more than one banner, though. I'll do it for you for free because they're not too hard to make. xD
hello my name is elder price
6:57pm Aug 31 2011
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[[Ohh. I never knew you could do more then one. O_O I guess you can make me one when you're like, not busy. Don't worry about it now D: Andd, I good thing you're making it free. I don't have much TU, since I only roleplay on Res. ]] I swallowed anything that I felt I might throw up. I knew he was a monster. Sometimes I still looked at him as a monster. But to see the result infront of my eyes was horrifying. "I never thought you couldn't hurt me, Alex." I said, finally able to turn around and walk out with him. "I knew of the danger when I walked on your doorstep." I added, biting my lip. Why was I being so stupid? Why didn't I just leave? Maybe my mom was gone already. Maybe she just stopped by to say hello and then leave. But, inside, I knew that I only used my mother as an excuse to come here. Inside, I really just wanted to not make Alex as lonely. Or me as lonely. At least that was one thing we had in common. That was about it, though.
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8:04pm Aug 31 2011
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Ooc; lol...I'm not busy. Rmail me what you want on it? xD And colors, font text and such. Also, if this bit of powerplay isn't alright, I'll change it. Bic; She kept talking of knowing what he was capable of, knowing what he could possible do. He whirled around to face her and slammed both of his hands against the wall beside her head, ultimately pinning her against the wall. His eyes burned a frightening amber, pupils turning slightly more wolflike also, and Alex's voice was near a growl as he spoke. "Don't ever say that you know what danger you're in. You can't ever possibly know. God, Paradise, I don't want you to understand." He was pleading now, the corners of his eyes filling with just the faintest bit of salty tears. "I just want everyone safe and I hate what I am, I hate what I've done. I can't hurt you, but I want to," he tried to bite back the tears and nearly succeeded; only one fell slowly, like a stream, down his cheek.
hello my name is elder price
8:22pm Aug 31 2011
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[[That's the thing. I have no idea what I want on it. D: And, I don't see powerplaying but alright. O_O ]]
Sometimes I feel like my life was meant to literally be hell on earth. Sometimes I felt like I was the most unlucky person in the world; where no good things happened to me. Sometimes I was just plain bitter about everything and everyone. And, yet, there are those times in my life when I realize I'm not the only one who has a hard life. I'm not the only one who has divorced parents. Some don't even have parents. Like Alex. Right now was one of those times that I realize the things I should know all the time. "I... I... s-sorry..." My breath was caught in my throat the second I was pressed against the wall. He was so close that I couldn't find a way to avoid his eyes other then close my own. But I couldn't do that either. I watched one stray tear trickle down his cheek, and I can't even believe what I did next. Slowly, my hand reached out, cupping his cheek to wip the tear away. For a moment, I let my quivering hand there as I stared back at his eyes; that still terrified me. "I'll leave if you want me too." I said quietly, my voice shaking as much as my hand.
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8:31pm Aug 31 2011
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Ooc; Any famous sayings you like? We could do just one of your username, a nickname you go by. Anything, really. Just tell me when you get an idea. :3 Bic; He kept his gaze on her eyes, even as she reached her hand up to wipe away the tear. And something happened when he touched her, his heart beat calmed and his eyes returned to their normal color. He didn't notice, only closed his eyes and hung his head down between them, fingers curling slightly against the cement wall. "I don't want you to go," he said quietly. "And it's selfish of me. If you stay here, you'll get hurt, because I'm not strong. I can't fight this," he said and looked at her again. His cheek still felt warm from when she'd pressed her fingers against his face.
hello my name is elder price
8:58pm Aug 31 2011
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[Yeah. I guess for now I can just do my most popular nickname and see how it works out. xD It's CHeese. I'll rmail you stuff once I think of... The details. c: ]] I swallowed as he layed his head down. For some reason I all of a sudden imagined him biting my neck. Opps. Wrong monster. I couldn't hold back the smile that was tugging on my lips no matter how hard I tried. It was then that I remembered my hand and finally took my hand off his cheek. He was looking at me again; my heart pounded faster. "You've fought it so far." I said assuringly as I stared back at Alex. [[/Fail.]]]
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9:21pm Aug 31 2011
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He laughed bitterly at her statement and shook his head, peeling his hands away from the wall as he did so. "This isn't fighting. This is me running away because I can't trust myself when I'm this...this thing." He placed his hand on her shoulder, much like he'd done earlier when she was at the door, and sighed. "But thank you. You don't need to be this kind to me, yet here you are," he said, pausing for a moment before hesitantly taking his hand off of her shoulder and turning to walk back down the steps. The timer beeped on the oven and he ran his fingers along the wall of the kitchen before he grabbed an oven mitt and pulled the pan from the oven. He hastily went to the fridge, rummaged around for some of the parmesan cheese he was sure he had, before sticking that on the still-hot chicken to melt.
hello my name is elder price
10:14pm Sep 1 2011 (last edited on 10:14pm Sep 1 2011)
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The skin on the spot where his hand covered my shoulder tingled. He tended to keep touching that exact spot; I was starting to like it. I fought the urge to press him on what he had said as I followed him down the stairs and too the kitchen. It was a good thing my dad was working later hours today; so that I would be able to take him up on the offer of having dinner with him. I wouldn't ask him; but I was dieing to know how he was feeling right now. Was he annoyed that I was invading his privacy, or was he happy that someone was actually inside his lair? I had to stop thinking like this. Why did I care so much about Alex? "You need any help?" I asked, feeling uncomfortable and a bit awkward just standing there; watching him.
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8:12pm Sep 2 2011
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11:24am Sep 3 2011
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8:29pm Sep 3 2011
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[[Sorry D: I don't mean to just keep bumping every five minutes. I hate when people do that. D: This is still on the first page, but I wanted to know if you were still fine with doing my banner? I didn't want to rmail you and then you say it's too late or something. O_O ]]
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6:26pm Sep 4 2011
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Ooc; Sorry and haven't really been on this weekend. Only replied to a few rps because I had like 20 minutes a few days ago. o_o And go ahead and shoot me an rmail; it's never too late. xD Bic; "Just grab your plate and scoop up some pasta," Alex said as he went over to scoop some pasta out for himself from the strainer in the sink. After that, he took a bit of sauce from the bowl he had poured the jarred sauce into and finally, used a spatula to get the chicken out of his plate. On his way into the dining room, he opened the fridge and grabbed some parmesan cheese. He kicked the door shut with his foot, a nasty habit he's always had, and walked into the next room which was the dining room. He sat down and touched his fork for a moment, smiling softly to himself as he fingered the silver silverware. He waited for Paradise, cheeks filling with a rose color when he thought of her possibly spending the night here. He blinked and shook his head.
hello my name is elder price
9:15pm Sep 4 2011
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[[Oh, it's fine. I was just wondering. :) ]] I nodded my head and went behind him after grabbing a plate, following the same thing he did before me. Honestly, I didn't expect him to make me dinner. I just wanted a place to stay other then my own home. The thought started to make me wonder what was going on at my house at this moment. Was my little brother and Deb (Sometimes, I just hate calling her mom.) playing a board game, acting as if I wasn't gone? Or was she being over protective - which is out of charactar, so I doubt that - and searching for me? I walked into the dining room, and sat down across from Alex. (I'm guess he isn't on the head of the table? D: ) As I put the plate down, my eyes averted to my pants. I smirked; realizing that I must be looking pretty crazy to him right now. "Sorry I look like this." I said, as I ran my hand through my hair and sat down. Hopefully it wasn't too messy. "I was kind of in a hurry this morning."
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