8:10pm Sep 11 2011
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Ooc; Glad I could help. :3
"Does tonight count?" He felt Paradise shudder because of the contact with her knees and blinked to look at her with tawny eyes. He nodded solemnly, still wondering if it was a bad idea to continue their interaction like this. He sighed and rested his head in his hands, elbow propped onto his knees. "You can stay tonight, yes. And Paradise," he picked his head up. "Don't ever come to this house when night is just falling. I can't risk the chance that I might not get out of here in time and...," he broke off and winced. He pushed himself off of the chair, noting how late it was getting, and hesitantly held out a hand to her. "I'll set you up in a guest room, if you'd like."
hello my name is elder price
6:59pm Sep 14 2011
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[[Sorry. Saturdays will usually only be the time for me to reply to roleplays like this. ^^ If you see me on any other time don't think I'm ignoring. It's just that I'm probably too tired to do roleplays that require larger posts and what-not. O_O ]]
He, of course, warned me again about himself. That wasn't surprising. But, at least he agreed to let me stay. The last thing I wanted was to come home to see my mother. She'd probably ask me where I have been. Like she actually cared. "I understand." I said with a smile before grabbing his hand and getting up. "Sure."
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8:56pm Sep 14 2011
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Ooc; Don't worry about it. I completely understand that rl has to come before virtual life. xD The rp forums are dying, though. |D
Alex kept his hold on her hand light. He smiled softly at her response and smiled softly when she spoke her okay. He opened the back door and stepped through it with nimble grace. His eyes were a soft amber, bordering just on the edge of a tawny as he led her over to the stairs.
"It's just up here in the main hallway," he said and took her over to an oak door engraved with latin symbols. All of the doors in the house were like this; the symbols meant all sorts of different things that centered around peace and virtue. His mother had wanted it.
He pushed open the door into one of the guest bedrooms. The queen sized bed in the farthest corner of the room was layered with a neutral white comforter with soft blue lines providing the stitching. Blue curtains were drawn over the window and Alex looked back at Paradise, unsure if she would be okay with the arrangement.
"Is this okay?" he asked softly.
hello my name is elder price
9:21pm Sep 14 2011
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[[Ikr! So. Dead. I hate it. D: ]]
I didn't feel vulnerable or weak as I let Alex guide me to the guest room. The feeling was more of special or lucky to be in the position. Alex probably wouldn't agree that I was lucky. For some reason, I still felt like the most luckiest girl in the world. That image of him smiling at me came back to mind and I couldn't help but squeeze his hand as we walked. Hopefully he didn't notice the tight grip. "It's perfect." I said, not being able to stop the disappointed feeling because of knowing that I'd have let go of his hand soon. Hopefully he wasn't going numb by my death grip. "Thanks Alex." I added before reluctantly letting go of his hand and walking inside. "For everything."
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9:39pm Sep 14 2011
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"There's no need to thank me, Paradise," he said softly and reluctanly relaxed his grip on her hand as she pulled her fingers free. Before he could think of anything to say that he might regret, Alex dipped his head in a sort of goodbye and turned. He thought as he walked into his room and sighed at the thought of what the next thirty days would bring. He collapsed onto his bed telling himself that if he kept Paradise safe. he'd treat himself to all the Reese's money could buy. "Good night," he whispered softly to himself, knowing that the girl in the next room couldn't hear him.
hello my name is elder price
8:27pm Sep 15 2011
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[[What's in the next thirty days? Sorry :( ]]
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8:51pm Sep 15 2011
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ooc; LOL the moon and his shift. xD
hello my name is elder price
5:04pm Sep 16 2011
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[[... Oh D: ]]
Paradise smiled as Alex disappeared from the room. Monster or not, he was a pro at being sweet. I closed the bedroom door before walking to the bed and covering myself in the blankets. I knew my dad would probably freak when he finds out how long I haven't been home but... I couldn't help but stay. The bad things was, I didn't know why. I understood Alex was dangerous. So why was I being so naive and staying? I closed my eyes and tried to keep the thoughts of how stupid I was from my head as I finally drifted to sleep.
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4:08pm Sep 17 2011
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9:55pm Sep 17 2011
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Alex woke up in the middle of the night, clutching his chest and eyes wide. He sat up and shook his head, bedridden hair wild and looking like a wolf's ungroomed pelt in the darkness. His amber eyes glowed in the dark and he growled at the nightmares that still pressed themselves against his half-asleep body. Nightmares had this effect on him; sometimes he changed.
Then he remembered what had happened last night and he moaned a no as his gut twisted. He brought Paradise's mind to his thoughts to push away the nightmares and he grasped both sides of his head, eyes closed as tight as possible in an attempt to hold his skull together. He was splitting out of his skin and he groaned and ground his teeth together.
"No," he seethed out through his teeth. He couldn't control his heart beat, couldn't calm himself down. "Paradise," he yelled, wanting her to get out of the house before he snapped. "Get ou-" he cut off and curled up on his bed as he fought the shift and struggled to get his pulse down, but the wolf was stronger.
hello my name is elder price
10:13pm Sep 17 2011
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You'd think I would be having anxiety attacks in that bed that night. You'd think I'd imagine other girls in my position, eaten alive. But, no. Any horrid thought like such was no where near my thoughts. My dreams were blissful, my sleep nothing close to restlessness. Until I heard someone scream my name. At first I thought it was in my dreams. Those blissful dreams of mine slowly fading. But, when my eyes jerked open, I realized it was no dream. "Alex?" I whispered curiously before throwing the blankets off of me and running from my room hurriedly. I had no idea where his bedroom was but... I'd be able to find it soon enough. That was until I came out of the guest room and looked both ways. No signal of where Alex could be. I turned the direction I walked in last night with Alex, which led me to the kitchen. With a defeated sigh, I sat on one of the chairs, wondering if I just imagined my name being called.
[[Like I said in the chat, I didn't know how she could know where his room was so... D: ]]
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10:21pm Sep 17 2011
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Alex groaned again and rolled off of the bed. His reflexes reacted and he landed in a crouched position on the ground, head bowed low as he half growled, half groaned. He pushed himself up and staggered toward the door. His amber eyes burned as he pushed open the door and made his way to the hallway.
He doubled over and coughed. The change had enveloped him; he knew he was going to shift no matter what he did. The wolf inside of him already had its claws in his skin, wanted to tear it apart. He had to get out of the house, had to get away from Paradise. He managed to stumble down the stairs and catch his breath at the bottom step.
He doubled over and coughed again, intaking a sharp breath when he was done. Her scent washed over him and he looked up in horror to see her sitting at the kitchen table. A red haze filled his vision and he lurched forward instinctively, a growl deep in his throat.
Alex realized what he was doing and pulled back sharply. He turned to go, but his knees buckled beneath him. "Paradise," he seethed. "Get out now. I'm ch-changing," he said, jaw locked tight as he withheld an animalistic growl.
hello my name is elder price
10:32pm Sep 17 2011
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I could feel goosebumps go down my arm as I heard Alex. I didn't understand what was going on but something was definitely wrong by the way he was walking, talking. Growling? My breath caught in my throat as pieces fell together. Of course he was growling. He was the monster; I, the stupid girl that doesn't understand the danger. Well I sure did now. Frightened, my feet finally obeyed my mind and dashed towards the door. I had left my silk jacket part of my pajamas and my flip flops in the bedroom, now running towards the door with nothing but my knee length pants and silk tank top with bare feet. What a fun run this will be. I couldn't help it. As I came to the door, I opened it and looked back at Alex quickly. I was still in shock from these turn of events; I had no idea what to say. Ironically, I smiled at him before disappearing through the door, shutting it behind me. Well, when else for a good run then in the middle of the night in the freezing cold as snow fell? Joy. With an irritated sigh, I started for a run down the porch and unfortunately, to my home.
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10:57pm Sep 17 2011
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Alex winced when Paradise passed by him and he met her gaze as she walked out the door. Everything was forgotten--the fact that he was turning into a complete monster--when she smiled at him. Then she was gone and he was left to stare at the tiled floor. Her scent still swirled in the air around him and what came with that blood lust was also a calming feel. Too bad it was too late.
His stomach twisted one final time before he burst from his skin, bones snapping and cracking, fur sprouting from the hard skin of a wolf. Seclusion overrode his thoughts and the natural instinct to free himself and get into the woods took over.
He sniffed at the ground, snorted when he picked up the scent. Something nagged at his thoughts as he bared his teeth in a snarl. His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he shot forward from the kitchen. Alex closed his eyes slightly, chest puffed out, as he braced himself against the door.
His large body splintered the wood easily and he shot out into the night, paws thudding against the snow-laden ground. He kept his nose low to the ground with the hunt on his mind; he wanted this prey very badly.
Finally, he skirted around a corner and there she was. The fur of his neck rose behind him and his amber eyes burned as he settled into a silent crouch behind her. He swished his tail once, hackles raised and bared his teeth in a gutteral snarl. Alex waited.
hello my name is elder price
11:03pm Sep 17 2011
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[[Sorry. I'd ask on chat but I didn't feel like waiting for you to never respond or something because the chat doesn't pop up for you, you know? Where's Alex? :I You said, 'there she was' and I'm thinking you mean Paradise but I didn't want to make a post saying such if I was wrong. D: I'm getting off for the night though. I'll reply in the morning~ ]]
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11:04pm Sep 17 2011
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Ooc; Mmm, yeah it's Paradise he's after. And alrighty. If you reply before 11 tomorrow morning, I'll be able to reply. xD
hello my name is elder price
6:32pm Sep 18 2011
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My leg muscles were on fire by the time I turned a corner from the street that Alex lived in. It was so cold that I could see my breath as I ran, though at that moment, I ignored it. I was cold. Numb, actually. And, feeling quite miserable at the thought of coming back home. [[I guess I'm just the type to need to know every detail. D: Kind of like how I didn't understand that the 'Her' was Paradise. I couldn't tell how close he was so.. Sorry if I'm completely wrong with the rest of the post.]] I breathed out and in heavily as my legs slowed until I finally couldn't run anymore. How I ran so far yesterday to the cafe, I'll never know. This little run is about to kill me. With a couple slow breaths, I couldn't help but glance behind me just a second. Movement. No. Alex wouldn't come hunt me down. He didn't want to hurt me! Right? No matter if I was wrong or right about it being Alex, I turned around and bolted the direction of my house; praying that I was wrong.
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7:00pm Sep 18 2011
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Something changed in Alex's mind when Paradise picked up her pace and bolted away from him. He immediately followed after her, but the human part of his mind fought for control as he ran. He pumped his legs faster, but turned sharply onto another street. He dashed up the road as fast as I could, the instinct to hunt still there, but Alex was forcing it down with every step.
His paws thudded in the freshly laden snow and he skidded onto the street again, knowing Paradise would run into him. He was a few blocks ahead of her and he stopped in the middle of the street. With a small whine as he struggled to remain in his human mind, he laid down heavily on the concrete and rested his muzzle in the snow.
hello my name is elder price
7:09pm Sep 18 2011
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I couldn't fight the urge of glancing behind me after seconds of running. I kept turning my head, until I finally saw no movement behind me. I just had to check one more time. As I turned my head, I, logically, couldn't watch in front of me. And, with my luck, just as I turned my head, my foot slipped on solid ice that was probably made during the night. With a hard crack I slammed to the ground, face first. That was going to bruise later. I ignored the throbbing in my head as I forced my body to get up. I was shaking, now from the pain not from the weather. As I finally came to my feet again and started for a tired jog, I could feel liquid spilling down my chin. I put two fingers to my chin and took them away to look at them as I came to a stop in front of a street light. Crimson glowed on my fingers from the light. And, as everyone has experienced, once you see the blood, ironically the wound starts to sting in pain. With a whimper, I started running once again.
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7:15pm Sep 18 2011
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Blood. The scent slammed into Alex and he barked out a cry, but forced his muscles to remain still. The instinct tugged at his fur and made his jaw ache for flesh. He shook his head and forced himself to his feet. With dread, Alex knew he couldn't stop the wolf from approaching Paradise.
He continued to trudge through the snow, limbs stiff and slow as he walked. He saw her easily through the darkness and could see the blood that shone crimson against her skin. His wolf eyes traced only black and white, but could pick out blood in the bl ink of an eye; the red was vibrant against her skin and he whined.
She was running again and he was only a few yards away. Silently, he stepped in her path, so close to her now. His amber eyes burned with tawny flecks, but he didn't make another move toward her. He just froze and watched her.
hello my name is elder price