7:19pm Sep 18 2011
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I was so close to my home. I thought I was able to just run a couple more blocks and I'd be safe in my bedroom. But it was too late for those dreams. "Alex." I whispered as my feet came to a stop. Seeing him like this made my heart lurch in a different way. Fear crept in my bones and I stood perfectly still as his eyes watched my own. I didn't know his weaknesses. Even if I did, was I able to do them? I was so frightened, I didn't know what I could do. But, if the Alex I remembered was in there, maybe I could get him out. "You know you don't want to do this. You... You know it." I said through clenched teeth as I wiped the rest of the blood from my mouth.
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9:09pm Sep 18 2011
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"You know you don't want to do this. You...You know it." His ears flattened against his head and he shook out snowflakes from his fur. He could see the vibrant blood against her black and white frame and he whined when she wiped it from her mouth. No. He crouched down onto the ground in a stance to pounce. No, no, no, Alex begged himself.
He forced himself to stand and timidly set down a few pawsteps to approach Paradise. Tawny flooded through his amber eyes and he sat down in front of Paradise; he was so large in this form that he was eye level with her when he sat down. Alex whined softly and perked his ears, wincing slightly as the scent of her blood sent aggressive emotions and thoughts through him.
hello my name is elder price
5:00pm Sep 19 2011
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I held my breath for long beats before finally noticing the burning in my lungs with no air. I ignored it as Alex came forward. My first instinct was to run, scream until the whole city heard, but I knew that would be like asking for Alex to kill me. This was very unnecessary but I can't control my expressions. My lips stretched to a grin as I stared back at Alex's eyes; no matter how frightened I was. Hesitantly, I did the same as he; taking closer steps toward the wolf. Carefully, my hand reached out to touch his fur behind his ears. When that was accomplished without my hand shaking as violently as before, I whispered, "I knew you couldn't hurt me."
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5:15pm Sep 19 2011
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Closer. Alex watched, unmoving as she cautiously approached. When her fingers brushed against the fur behind his ear, he closed his eyes to fight off the wave of nausea that flowed through his system. His vision altered and the edge of his gaze clouded with a red haze. His body shuddered and he tore away from Paradise with a snarl.
That blood had been so close, he'd felt her heartbeat from where she'd stood. He could still feel it. He had to get out of there. But the anger and fear from the nightmare was gone, the hunt was dead, and his adrenaline was dampered. He took one paw step away from her and worry knotted in his stomach. This was the first time in a long while where Alex had some control over the wolf inside of him; and he wasn't shifting back.
He shivered and looked back at her, trying to tell her not to come closer. He turned in circles as he thought, paws twitching sometimes when her blood reached his ears. He couldn't leave her and have her terrified of him for the rest of her life...or, maybe he could. /She'll be safer,/ he thought and froze.
It near killed him to do so, but he settled down onto his haunches and turned slowly back to Paradise. His hackles were raised, tail flicking against the snow as he eyed her with tawny eyes. He growled again and flattened his ears against his skull.
hello my name is elder price
6:48pm Sep 19 2011
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I flinched as Alex shook my hand off of him; frightened at what would happen next. Oh, how I wished he could tell me what was on his mind. It was like I could almost hear the wheels turning in his wolf head as Alex paced. Worriedly, I found myself taking a small step back as well. Was he choosing whether to kill me or not? No. That couldn't be it. Alex was much more controlled then he believed. Right? When he sat back down, it was kind of like a sign that he chose his next action. Too bad I couldn't figure out what it was. "What are you going to do?" I asked in a whisper though I doubt he didn't hear. I doubt he could answer my question as well. But, I was too scared to worry about logic then.
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7:42pm Sep 19 2011
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Alex's fur ruffled in the slight breeze and he winced when he heard her words. He couldn't do it. Shamefully, he stood from his crouch and pushed his muzzle against Paradise's chest. He breathed in her scent and his lips curled up slightly as he smelled the blood. When he pulled back, he looked at her with saddened eyes and shook his head. /Don't come back,/ he thought and tried in his best to portray the message.
He tore himself back again and shot off into the woods. Moonlight wasn't keeping his shift, there was none; it was all Alex now. He darted off into the forest to backtrack around the town and end up at his mansion. When he made it to the front steps of the gigantic house, he shifted there on the steps and ran inside, fists pounding against every wall he came in contact with.
When he reached his room, he slammed the door and threw himself onto his bed. He didn't care that he was naked after his shift, didn't care about anything. Alex let loose a string of curses and slipped into unconsciousness to the sound of his own voice, sounding like someone else's in his ears.
Ooc; Fail post. I'm so sorry. Dx
hello my name is elder price
8:25pm Sep 19 2011
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[[How was that a fail? xDD ]]
I held my breath once again as his nose pressed against my chest. Images of him ripping me to pieces came to my mind. The only trace of me left is a spot of blood that puddled on the street. No proof who had done it. And in the back of my mind, was still that image of Alex smiling at me. When he pulled away, I was still shaking with fear. But as his eyes bore into my own, I understood that he didn't plan on killing me. Why did I ever doubt him? When he bolted from sight, I stared in the direction that he disappeared from for a long while. Completely at a loss of words and actions. The only thought I could come up with was, Did that really just happen? When I finally realized I should stop standing there in shock instead of walking, I finally forced my feet to move. It was then that I remembered my dad. Maybe he hasn't come home yet? He sometimes worked through the night. I could only hope.
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8:27pm Sep 19 2011
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[[I just realized that I gave you nothing to post. Do you want me to timeskip? DDDDDDDDD: ]]
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8:38pm Sep 19 2011
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Ooc; I'll timeskip and you can just write a post saying how she went to bed previously. c:
hello my name is elder price
8:38pm Sep 19 2011
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[[Alright :) ]]
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8:57pm Sep 19 2011
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Alex woke but didn't move a muscle. He kept staring at the ceiling with his half hazel, half tawny colored eyes. He closed them once before opening them again, slowly. With a sigh, he pushed himself from his bed and slipped on some boxers and pants. He didn't bother with a shirt.
A solemn line was the shape of his lips as he pushed aside the curtains of his room to let in some sunlight. He stood there for a moment and let the warm light wash over his skin. With another sigh that was more a groan, he turned away and exited his bedroom.
Alex cringed when he saw the cracks around his doorframe from last night's outburst. With a shake of his head, he managed to get downstairs before he collapsed onto his couch, totally and absolutely unwilling to move.
hello my name is elder price
9:06pm Sep 19 2011
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I awoke with a start as my eyes jerked open. Just a dream, Just a dream, Just a dream... I thought to myself reassuringly as I quickly pulled the covers over me to keep myself warm. I came to my home last night to find my mother's car gone, and the same with my dad. He must have worked later. So no one expected a thing just yet. When I had come inside, I checked on my brother to see if he was still asleep. After what happened with Alex, I just needed to know he was safe. But, instead, my mother wrote a sloppy note about how he was spending the night at her house. So no one was here to kiss my forehead and ask me where I have been all night. No one to scold me for not calling. And, for some reason I was disappointed. I leaned across my bed and looked out my window to see no cars in the driveway. I was still home alone while my night mares nearly consumed me alive. Groggily, I got up from my bed and went downstairs. Ever since I met Alex I felt paranoia. Like someone was watching me; ready to attack at any moment. I shuddered at the thought of it being true before roaming around the kitchen. Debating whether I should eat or not. I really wasn't that hungry. And, with my fear still in me, I guessed I'd vomit any breakfast I'd try eating.
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9:27pm Sep 19 2011
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Reese's peanut butter cups are what enticed Alex to get off of the couch. He reached into the fridge to get one and after a moment's hesitation, unwrapped the wrapper swiftly and hungrily popped the treat into his mouth. Though the chocolate and peanut butter usually lifted his mood, the taste was sour in his mouth. He swallowed sluggishly and found hiimself scrambling to the front door.
Claustrophobia overcame him and he felt the sudden desire to get outside. He needed some air. And some time away from the house. The sharp bite of the wind refused to reach him as he shuffled down the sidewalk and into the direction of the only coffee place in town nearest to him, the one he shifted near.
hello my name is elder price
6:48pm Sep 20 2011
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No one was still at the house; which, even though I knew nothing bad was going on with my family members, was worrying me. Why hasn't anyone called? Has anyone even thought for a moment that I could be dead right now? I shivered at the thought, since it reminded me of last night. I had lost my appetite two spoonful's into my cereal, and poured it down the drain like I had done yesterday when I saw my mom pull in the driveway. I rolled my eyes bitterly at the thought of my mother. Out of nowhere, the same thought that I thought yesterday at this time came to my head. What was Alex doing right now? Was he thinking about last night at all? No. Scratch that. Was he thinking of me at all? I shook the thoughts away as I walked back up the stairs to change. I haven't changed from these pajamas for now two days. (I think.) I made a disgusted ex pression before choosing to take a shower since it was possible that I smelled like... A dog. I chuckled at the thought before grabbing clothes to change into and heading for the bathroom. ~~~~~ I locked my front door to the house before slipping the key in my jeans back pocket. My hair was still wet and in a messy bun as I walked down the same pavement that I scurried down just last night. Last night was so hazy that I couldn't even remember where me and Alex stood for those long minutes. I honestly didn't know where I was headed. I just knew that if I stayed locked up in my house - wondering about Alex - I'd go ballistic. Before I knew it, I saw a street that I remembered running by just two days back. When I was running after Alex; before I found out he was a monster. Ironically, I smiled at the memory as I trudged on. The only entertainment close to this road was the coffee shop. My as well stop in.
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6:56pm Sep 20 2011
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Alex's fisted palms looked like bulges in his pockets and he gritted his teeth as he trudged through the street. When he reached the coffee shop, he slipped inside and sat nearest to the door. Alex sighed as he let his hand rest in his hands, hair falling past his fingers.
The cafe was deserted save for a rosy-cheeked waitress standing at the register. Alex could feel her gaze on him and could smell the scent of her worry. He picked his head up to give her a straned smile, which she returned, before resting his head in his hands again. He was tempted to walk back home, but he wasn't sure if that's what he really wanted.
hello my name is elder price
7:11pm Sep 20 2011
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"Finally..." I mumbled to myself as I pushed the coffee shop door open and walked inside. It took much longer getting here when walking, and the weather was still freezing outside. Thankfully, it felt as though the whole building was a heater all in itself. With a relieved sigh as I warmed up, I looked around to see only one other customer here. I didn't recognize him - his face was covered. After only giving a glance to him, I walked to the counter to order myself a coffee. After doing so, I found a table by the window - the one I sat in two nights earlier when I was here. After I saw Alex as his 'other side'. - and took a sip of my coffee. My gaze landed on the customer at the other table - his back was toward me. But that didn't matter. It didn't matter if I was staring at him from a mile away or sideways or the way I was now, behind him. I knew who he was. Why was I so oblivious? "Alex?" I said, though it only came out as a whisper seeing as how shocked I was. After last night, it felt as though that was the last time I'd ever see him. Like when he left me at the pavement as a wolf, part of me just thought he was gone. I got up from my seat and grabbed my coffee before crossing my arms and walked toward him. I knew that if this guy wasn't Alex, I'd be looking like a creep, just standing beside him and staring but... I just had to make sure. The joy inside me at knowing that it was possibly him was so hard to contain, but I succeeded as I stood there silently, waiting for an answer.
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7:17pm Sep 20 2011
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"Alex?" At the sound of his name being called by a voice too familiar, Alex stiffened. He opened his eyes against his palms before resting his fists onto the table. Part of him was extremely grateful that fate had worked out this way and brought Paradise to him, and the other knew he was undeserving of her presence. Last night, he could have killed her.
He turned in his seat to look up at her, and frowned. She was happy to see him. Alex stood and pushed his seat back, ex pression pained as he looked at her. Hesitantly, he placed a hand on her shoulder and gazed into her eyes. "I almost killed you last night," he said quietly and looked down. "You can't come by anymore. It's not safe."
hello my name is elder price
7:26pm Sep 20 2011
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The joy that I had felt before had plummeted at his first ex pression of seeing me. I frowned, waiting to hear an explanation. And, the one I got didn't make me feel any better. "W-what? I... I can't... Well, what am I going to do when..." My mom comes by my house. I wasn't truly talking to him. I was speaking to myself. But, there were so many other reasons why I wanted to come by his house. Come to him, specificly. "No." I said firmly through clenched teeth, my stubborn side getting the best of me as I shrugged his hand off of my shoulder angrily. "I told you it would be my fault if anything happened." I said, my tone turning into more of a plead by the end.
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7:33pm Sep 20 2011
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"And it'll be your blood on my hands," he argued angrily, eyes flashing a sharp gold color. Pulling his hand away from her after she shrugged it off, he reached to cradle her cheeks between the palms of his hands so he could look at her, and get his point across. The woman at the cashier had gone to the back.
"Paradise, do you have any idea what it would do to me if I left even the smallest bruise on your skin?" he said, eyes starting to sting a bit. "I'd hate myself more than I already do."
hello my name is elder price
7:42pm Sep 20 2011
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I could feel my lip quiver slightly at his first response; knowing how true it was though not wanting to admit it. And I was just about to argue with him, even though his tone and eyes frightened me, but he gave me a new surprise. My cheeks tingled at his touch, but I was too angry at him to like it. I stared back at his eyes, feeling defeated though the argument wasn't even finished yet. "I guess I trust you way to much." I admitted with sad eyes that didn't move away from his own. "Because you didn't hurt me last night. And I don't believe you ever can."
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